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Module 4 & Module 5 复习课 听指令,做动作 。 group 1 : point to the window group 2 :point to the door group 3 : please stand up group 4 : point to the desk group 5 : point to the blackboard group 6: point to the chair 问:What's this? ( 这是什么 ) 答:It's a . 物品复习 颜色复习 问: What colour ? (什么颜色) It's . It's _ ___ ___. green It's a __________cat. a red cat It ’s a yellow cap. It's a blue cap. It's a yellow dog. It's a red dog. 练习环节 How many ? five six seven eight 数字复习 数字复习 踩地雷 游戏规则:看到单词大声读出来, 看到地雷一起大声说 “ BONG ” one eight seven ten five four eleven two seven six five four 快速读数 How many? one eight two three eight five six seven 读出数字 three one two four ten How many? 火眼金睛 ? nine ? How many? 火眼金睛 eleven ? How many? 火眼金睛 twelve How many? ? 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 我来问,你来答 练习环节 同桌两人一个问,一个答 Sing a song: Ten little fingers. 选出下列每组中不同类的一项,序号填在括号中。 1.( )A. green B. pen C. red 2.( )A. cat B. dog C. window 3.( )A. pen B. yellow C. pencil 4.( )A. cap B. girl C. boy 5.( )A. desk B. chair C. school 6.( )A. eleven B. hello C. seven

