冀教版英语四上Lesson 24优质课件

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冀教版英语四上Lesson 24优质课件

Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 24 Lead in What toy do you like best? What does she like best? A teddy bear Story time What’s the name of the girl’s bear? What happened to the girl? How does the girl feel? Happy or sad? Does the girl find her bear at last? Read and answer What’s the name of the girl’s bear? What happened to the girl? Teddy She cannot find Teddy today. How does the girl feel? Happy or sad? Does the girl find her bear at last? She feels sad. Yes, she does. Etta has a teddy bear. His name is Teddy. Teddy is her good friend. 埃塔有一只泰迪熊。他的名字叫泰迪。泰迪是她的好朋友。 Etta cannot find Teddy today. Where is he? She looks for him everywhere. 埃塔今天找不到泰迪了。他在哪里呢?她到处寻找他。 让我们买一只新的泰迪熊吧。 Etta cries. Her mother takes her to the toy shop. Let’s buy a new teddy bear. 埃塔哭了。 她的妈妈带她去玩具店。 让我们去服装店买一条新裙子吧。 Etta does not like the new teddy bears there. 埃塔不喜欢那里的新泰迪熊。 Let’s go to the clothes shop to buy a new skirt. Etta likes the new skirt, but she still wants her teddy bear. Let’s go to the restaurant to have hamburgers and ice cream. 埃塔喜欢这条新裙子,但是她仍然想要她的泰迪熊。 让我们去餐馆吃汉堡包和冰淇淋吧。 Etta likes hamburgers and ice cream. But she can’t forget her teddy bear. 埃塔喜欢汉堡包和冰淇淋,但是她忘不了她的泰迪熊。 It is time to go to bed. Then she sees...TEDDY!!! 你是怎么进到那里去的呢? How did you get there?! 到了上床睡觉的时间了。然后她看见了 …… 泰迪!!! Etta is happy to find Teddy. 妈妈,我的泰迪熊在这里! 埃塔很高兴找到了泰迪。 Mum, here is my teddy bear! Read and order Etta cannot find her teddy bear. Her mother takes her to the toy shop. She finds Teddy in the bed. They go to the clothes shop. She cries. They go to the restaurant. 5 1 2 3 4 6 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

