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PEP-人教版小学四年级英语上册 全册各单元测试题大全+英语期末练习试卷精选 四年级英语复习题 Unit1 ‎ ‎ ‎ 笔试部分 一.单项选择。(20分)‎ ‎( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you .‎ ‎ John: _____________________.‎ ‎(A) Nice to meet you . (B) Good morning .‎ ‎( )2.Sarah: What’s your name ?‎ ‎ Wu Yifan:______________.‎ ‎ (A) I’m Wu Yifan . (B) I’m OK ..‎ ‎( )3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board .‎ ‎ Amy: _____________________.‎ ‎ (A)OK. (B) Hello.‎ ‎( )4.教室里面有什么?‎ ‎ (A) What’s in the classroom ? (B) What’s on the board ?‎ ‎( )5.我们有一间新教室。‎ ‎ (A) I have a pen . (B) We have a new classroom .‎ ‎( )6.A: Where’s my seat ?‎ ‎ B:________________.(在门旁边)‎ ‎ (A) It’s near the door . (B) It’s near the desk .‎ ‎( )7..A. Good morning ! ‎ B:______________!‎ ‎ (A) Good afternoon . (B) Good morning .‎ ‎( )8.A:Hello!‎ ‎ B:______!‎ ‎ (A) Nice to meet you . (B) Hello.‎ ‎( ) 9.A: How old are you ?‎ ‎ B: _______.‎ ‎ (A) I’m 10 . (B) I’m fine . ‎ ‎( ) 10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧!‎ ‎ (A)Let’s clean the window . (B) Let me clean the board .‎ 二.选择与图片对应的句子。(18分) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎(A). Turn on the light . (B). Sweep the floor . (C). Open the door. ‎ ‎(D). Clean the board. (E). Put up the picture. (F). Clean the window.‎ 三.连线。(22分)‎ ‎(1)‎ window ‎ door ‎ classroom ‎ picture board ‎ ‎ (2)‎ light ‎ computer ‎ ‎ wall ‎ floor ‎ fan ‎ teacher’s desk ‎ 四. 按顺序书写26字母的大小写。(10分)‎ ‎ ‎ unit 2‎ ‎,choose and fill. 看图,读对话,选单词填空。14%‎ school May Here How Purple colour Hello A: ,Chen jie. I have a new bag.‎ C:Really? What is it?‎ A: Guess?‎ C: ?‎ A: No, it’s green.‎ C: I have a look?‎ A: Sure. you are.‎ C: Oh, nice!‎ A: Thank you.‎ ‎7.根据英文写出中文。25%‎ window wall computer ‎ floor board light ‎ fan thirty thirteen ‎ notebook classroom forty ‎ heavy seat too many ‎ many classmate near ‎ picture clean schoolbag ‎ teacher’s desk thirty-one ‎ math book story-book ‎ ‎ Unit 3‎ 一、选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中。(6分)‎ ‎1( ) A goose B strong C tall D quiet ‎2( ) A noodles B hamburger C rice D pencil case ‎3( ) A monkey B lion C lock D kangaroo ‎4( ) A desk B chair C bed Dpencil ‎5( ) A beef B jeep C taxi D car ‎6( ) A cake B open C egg D noodles 二、根据英文写出中文。(5分)‎ wall fan notebook long hair ‎ fifty classmate thin ‎ teacher’s desk thirty-one math book ‎ 三、选择最佳答句。(5分)‎ ‎( ) 1.How are you?‎ A.I’m eleven. B.Fine ,thank you. C.Thank you.  D.Really?‎ ‎( )2.What colour is it? ‎ A. It’s a vest. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s blue. D.It’s nice. ( )3.Is this your pencil? ‎ A.Good idea. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. No, it is. D. No, it isn’t. ‎ ‎( )4.How many books do you have?‎ A.All right. B.Thirty. C.on your head. D.Purple.‎ ‎( )5.Good night!‎ A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good night. D.I’m full.‎ 四、填上所缺字母使单词完整。(3分)‎ ‎ b__ k    p__ncil    t__ cher   b__g stud__ t   r__ le__‎ 五、从B栏中找出A栏句子的中文意思,将其序号填在前面的括号里。(3分)‎ A栏   B栏 ‎( ) Happy Teachers’ Day! ① 教师节快乐!‎ ‎( ) Look,I have a new schoolbag . ② 谁是你最好的朋友?‎ ‎(  ) I’ m from China. ③ 让我们来绘画吧!‎ ‎(   ) Who’s your best friend? ④ 我有40本故事书.‎ ‎(   ) Let’s paint! ⑤ 我来自中国.‎ ‎(   ) I have forty story-books. ⑥ 看,我有一个新书包。‎ 六.把下列每组单词排列成正确的句子,只写序号。(3分)‎ ‎ 1. ①books , ②many , ③I , ④have.‎ ‎2. ①have a look, ②Let’s , ③and , ④go.‎ ‎3. ①his, ② is , ③ name , ④Zhang Peng.‎ Unit 4‎ 一、 选择题。‎ ‎1、Is this your bedroom ?‎ A. Yes,they are. B.No,they aren’t C.Yes,it is. D.Yes,it isn’t.‎ ‎2、Where are your pens ?‎ A.It’s on the desk B.Yes,it is. C.They are on the desk D.Yes ,.they are.‎ ‎3、Are the boys in the classroom?‎ A Yes,they aren’t. B.Yes,it is. C.No,it is. D.Yes,they are.‎ ‎4、Where is your mather ?‎ A Yes,he is. B.She is in the home. C.He is in the kitchen. D.Yes,she is.‎ ‎5. Are the keys in the door ? Yes, _______________ . A they aren't B it isn't C they are 6. Where is your sister ? She in the study. A is B am C are 7. What you see in my room ? A do B can C are ‎ 二、 写出下列单词与句子的中文意思。‎ study phone fridge shelf Open the door please.‎ I have a new eraser.‎ This is my home.‎ What’s ten plus ten ? ‎ 三、 根据中文写出英文单词.‎ 家__________ 学校__________ 教室_________‎ 门__________ 课桌__________ 椅子_________‎ ‎ ‎ Unit 5 ‎ ‎ ‎ 笔试部分 八: 找出不同类的单词.‎ ‎( ) 1: A: plate B: spoon C: vegetable ‎( ) 2: A: fridge B: sofa C: table ‎( ) 3: A: chopstick B: noodles C: fork ‎( ) 4: A: soup B: study C: bedroom ‎ ‎( ) 5: A: egg B: beef C: duck 九: 看图写单词 ‎ __________ __________ __________ _________ ‎ ‎ __________ __________ _____———__________‎ 十: 选择正确的答案写在前面的括号里.‎ ‎( )1: 你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:‎ A: I like some juice. B: I’d like some juice.‎ ‎( )2:你向别人提供帮助,你会说:‎ ‎ A: Can I help you ? B: can you help me?‎ ‎( )3: What ____you like for dinner?‎ ‎ A: would B: are ‎ ‎( )4: ____ I have some rice?‎ ‎ A: do B: can ‎ ‎( )5: we___ a good time.‎ ‎ A: has B: had Unit 6 ‎ ‎ ‎ 笔 试 部 分 八、选择正确的答案,把序号写在( )里。(10分)‎ ‎( )1、-- your sister? ---She is a student.‎ ‎ A、Who’s B、What’s C、What ‎( )2、-- that girl? ---She is my friend.‎ ‎ A、Who’s B、What’s C、Who ‎( )3、-- his name? ---His name is ZhangPeng.‎ ‎ A、Who’s B、What’s C、Who ‎( )4、He is a baseball player. He looks .‎ ‎ A、strong B、thin C、young ‎( )5、They are members in my family. There are my dad,my mom and .‎ ‎ A、2 ; me B、3; me C、3; I A、My parents and me.‎ B、She’s a farmer.‎ C、Fifteen.‎ D、He’s my uncle.‎ E、Yes, he is.‎ 九、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。(10分)‎ ‎( )1、How many pears are there ‎ ‎ under the tree?‎ ‎( )2、Who are they?‎ ‎( )3、Who’s this man?‎ ‎( )4、What's your grandma?‎ ‎( )5、Is this your brother?‎ 十、 阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)‎ Look at my family photo. This is my father. He’s a teacher. He’s tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. She’s a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother.He’s a baseball player. He’s strong. I love my family.‎ ‎( )1、My parents are teachers.‎ ‎( )2、My father likes sports.‎ ‎( )3、My mother likes music.‎ ‎( )4、My brother is tall and strong.‎ ‎( )5、There are four people in my family.‎ pep小学英语四年级(上)期末练习题 ‎(建议考试时间60分钟)‎ 学校 班级 姓名 学号 ‎ 听力部分(60%)‎ 一、 听音,打圈。(8%)‎ ‎1. fruit food 2 fish face 3. thirty thirteen 4. green grape ‎5 small short 6. book look 7. long lamp 8. bus bike 二、 听音,选择正确答案。(8%)‎ ‎1( ) What food do you like?‎ A: I like hot dogs. B: I like hamburgers. C: I like chicken.‎ ‎2( ) What’s in your pencil-case?‎ ‎ A: Two pencils. B: A Chinese book. C: Four sharpeners.‎ ‎3( )John likes and .‎ ‎ A: music, sports B: painting , sports C: sports , music ‎4( ) Can I use your pen?‎ ‎ A: Thank you. B: No problem. C: Here you are.‎ ‎5( )Who is your math teacher?‎ ‎ A: Mr. Brown B: Miss White C: Mr. Black ‎6( ) Where is the computer?‎ A: It’s in the teacher’s desk. B: It’s near the window. C: It’s behind the door.‎ ‎7( )What color is your ball?‎ ‎ A: yellow B: blue C: purple ‎8( )How are you today?‎ ‎ A: fine B: very well C: not well 一、 听音,填数字。(7%)‎ 二、 听音,涂色并连线。(5%)‎ 笔试部分(40%)‎ 一、看图写单词。(16%)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 二、将对应的单词相连。(4%)‎ ‎1 woman black short big ‎ ‎2 small man white tall ‎ 三、读句子,排序。(7%)‎ ‎( ) Good idea ‎( ) Hi, Amy, We have a new classroom.‎ ‎( ) It’s nice now.‎ ‎( ) Really? Let’s go and have a look!‎ ‎( ) Hello, Mike.‎ ‎( ) OK ,Wow, It’s so big.‎ ‎( ) Let’s clean our classroom. ‎ 四、将相应问答连线。(5%)‎ Where is my seat? A schoolbag.‎ What’s his name? 30.‎ ‎ Can I have some juice, please? His name is ZhangPeng. ‎ ‎ What’s in your desk? It’s near the window. ‎ What’s 13 plus 17? Sure. Here you are. ‎ PEP四年级英语上册期末测试题 Listening Part(40%)‎ Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture.(10%)‎ ‎1. 2. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎3. 4.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎、‎ ‎ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎5. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ( ) ( ) ‎ Ⅱ.Listen and draw “√” or “×”.(10%)‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ . ‎ ‎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ Ⅲ.Listen and choose the right answer(10%)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. plate B. play C. paint ‎( ) 2. A. chicken B. kitchen C. three ‎( ) 3. A. four B. tall C. fork ‎( ) 4. A. nice B. knife C, nine ‎( ) 5. A. school B. spoon C. soup ‎( ) 6. A. mouse B. music C. milk ‎( ) 7. A. black B. bread C. breakfast ‎( ) 8. A. home B. room C. phone ‎( ) 9. A. 18 B. 58 C. 88‎ ‎( ) 10. A. 45 B. 37 C. 63‎ Ⅳ.Listen the dialogue and number(10%)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. It’s on the book. B. It’s in the desk. C. It’s near the window.‎ ‎( ) 2. A. They’re my parents and me. B. There are four. C. My parents and me.‎ ‎( ) 3. A. My father is a doctor. B. She’s a doctor. C. My mother likes music.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, you’re right.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. He’s a driver. B. He’s my brother. C. He looks strong.‎ 笔试部分(60%)‎ 一、 选择填空。(20%)‎ ‎( )1、Go to the __ and take a shower.‎ room B. bedroom C. bathroom ‎( )2、Let’s go and have a look.‎ ‎ __________ A.Thank you. B. No. C. All right.‎ ‎( )3、________Some pencils and pens.‎ A. What’s in your schoolbag? B. How are you? C. Where are you?‎ ‎( )4、_____books do you have?A.How B. How many C. How much ‎( )5、___is your new shoes?A. Who B. What C. What colour ‎( )6、What’s in it? ________________________‎ A、Thank you. B、Good idea. C、8 pencils and 10 sharpeners.‎ ‎( )7、——May I have a look? —— ________‎ A. Sure. Here you are. B、Yes. C、How nice!‎ ‎ ( )8、How many ________do you have? ‎ A、math books B、math book C、a math book ‎( ) 9、—— What colour is your Chinese book? ——________.‎ ‎ A、It’s white and pink. B、It’s beautiful. C、It’s four ‎ ‎ ( ) 10、 A:How many English books do you have ? B: ________‎ ‎ A、I have ten. B、They are thirty yuan. C、 It’s orange.‎ 二、看图写单词。(10%)‎ ‎1. We are . ‎ ‎2. Chen Jie is a . She’s quiet. ‎ ‎3. This is my English . Her name is Miss White.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. The is in the desk. ‎ ‎5. Look, I have a long . ‎ 二、将对应的单词相连。(4%)‎ ‎1 woman black short big ‎ ‎2 small man white tall ‎ 三、读句子,排序。(6%)‎ ‎( ) Good idea ‎( ) Hi, Amy, We have a new classroom.‎ ‎ ( ) Really? Let’s go and have a look!‎ ‎( ) Hello, Mike.‎ ‎( ) OK ,Wow, It’s so big.‎ ‎( ) Let’s clean our classroom. ‎ 四、读句子,给图标序号。 (10%)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ( ) ( ) (  )‎ ‎ ‎ ‎         (  )          (  )‎ 1. ‎――Mike. Please put up the picture. ――OK!‎ 2. Look. He is my friend. He is so strong. He has short black hair and big eyes 3. This is my bedroom. You can see a bed , a computer a desk and a chair.‎ 4. My family has 4 members. My father,my mother ,me and my little puppy.‎ 1. My uncle is a driver.‎ 五.阅读理解,判断下列句子是否正确(10%)‎ ‎  My name is Amy. I’m a thin girl. There are three members in my family. My parents and me. I have a good friend. She is Miss Li, my Chinese teacher. She likes music. She is from China.‎ ‎( )1. Amy is strong.‎ ‎( )2. There are 4 members in Amy’s family.‎ ‎( )3. Miss Li is Amy’s friend.‎ ‎( )4. Miss Li likes painting.‎ ‎( )5. Miss Li is from China. ‎

