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Unit 1‎ 1. Nice to see you.‎ 很高兴见到你。‎ Nice to see you, too 我也很高兴见到你。‎ 2. This is my new friend, Amy.‎ ‎ 这是我的我朋友,艾米。‎ 3. Where are you from?‎ 你来自哪里呢 ‎ I'm from America.‎ 我来自美国。‎ 4. Good morning, boys and girls.‎ 早上好,男孩女孩们。 ‎ We have a new friend today.‎ 我们今天有一个新朋友。‎ Good morning早上好 Good afternoon.下午好 5. Good evening.‎ 晚上好 7. Goodbye. See you.‎ 拜拜 再见。‎ 8. Watch out! Look out!‎ 小心!‎ 9. Come in, please.‎ 请进!‎ 10. I'm sorry.‎ 我很抱歉。‎ It's OK.很好 11. Wait a minute. Wait a moment.‎ 稍等一会儿。‎ 12. Have some tea, Mom.妈妈,来杯茶。‎ Thanks.谢谢。‎ 13. Happy Women's Day! Miss White!‎ 怀特小姐,妇女节快乐。‎ Thank you!谢谢!‎ 14. Boy or Girl?‎ 男孩还是女孩、‎ 15. Hi! My name is…‎ 嗨,我的名字是。。。。‎ Unit 2‎ ‎1.Well done!做得很好!‎ ‎2.Come on!加油!‎ ‎3.Who's that manboy?‎ 那个男人男孩是谁?‎ ‎ He's …他是。。。。‎ 4. Who's this womangirl?‎ 这个女人女孩是谁?‎ ‎ She's…她是。。。‎ 5. Let's watch TV.‎ 我们一起去看电视吧。‎ ‎ Great!很好!‎ ‎6.Really?真的吗?‎ ‎7.Wow, how funny!喔,真有趣!‎ 8. Is she your sister?‎ 她是你姐姐吗?‎ ‎ Yes. No, my mom.‎ 是。 不,她是我妈妈。‎ 9. What a big fish!‎ 好大一条鱼啊!‎ ‎10.She's beautiful.她真漂亮。‎ Unit 3‎ 1. How many kites can you see?‎ 你可以看到几个风筝啊?‎ ‎ I can see 12.‎ 我可以看到12个。‎ 2. Let's fly a kite!‎ 我们一起去放风筝吧。‎ ‎ OK!‎ 好!‎ 3. How many crayons do you have?‎ 你有多少支蜡笔啊?‎ I have 16.‎ 我有16支。‎ 4. Line up!‎ 排队!‎ 5. Count from 1 to 15.‎ 从1数到15.‎ 6. Look at my new crayons!‎ 看我的新蜡笔!‎ ‎ Oh, how nice!‎ 真漂亮!‎ 7. Open it and see.‎ 打开看看。‎ 8. That's right.‎ 这很好。‎ 9. Wow, so many apples!‎ 喔,好多苹果啊!‎ 10. Let's have a race.‎ 我们一起去吃饭吧 Good idea!‎ 好主意!‎ 11. Who are you?‎ 你是谁?‎ I'm the Easter Bunny.‎ 我是复活节兔子。‎ 12. Guess!‎ 你猜!‎ Unit 4‎ 1. Do you like pears?‎ 你喜欢梨子吗? ‎ Yes, I do. No, I don't.是的,我喜欢。 不,我不喜欢。‎ 2. Have some juice.来点饮料 Thanks.谢谢!‎ 3. What about…?什么怎么样、‎ Oh, I like him very much!‎ 我非常喜欢他。‎ 4. Hmm…It tastes good!嗯,它很好吃!‎ 5. Can I have an apple, please?‎ 请你给我一个苹果好吗? Certainly! 当然可以!‎ 6. Have some more?‎ 还要吗 ‎ Yes, please. No, thank you.好,谢谢。 不用了,谢谢。‎ 7. I want some…我想要一些。。。‎ 8. No way!没门!‎ 9. I'm full. I'm hungry.‎ 我饱了。 我饿了 10. Oh, I see.‎ 哦,我明白了。‎ Unit 5‎ 1. Where is my plane?‎ 我的飞机模型在哪里?‎ It's on the desk.在桌子上。‎ ‎2 Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?‎ 打扰一下,我能用以你的铅笔吗?‎ ‎ No problem.没问题。‎ 3. Are you ready?你准备好了吗?‎ Yes! No!准备好了! 没准备好!‎ 4. Where are you?你在哪?‎ Haha! I'm behind you.‎ 哈哈,我在你后面。‎ ‎5. Are you in the toy box?I can't ‎ 6. find you.‎ 我找不到你。‎ 7. Happy Children's Day!‎ 儿童节快乐!‎ ‎ Thank you!谢谢!‎ 8. This is for you!这个给你!‎ Unit 6‎ 1. Look at the elephant.‎ 看这头大象。 ‎ They're so cute。它们真可爱。‎ How lovely!真可爱! ‎ It's so big!他真大!‎ 2. The giraffe is tall.‎ 长颈鹿很高。 ‎ The deer is short.鹿很矮。‎ 3. The monkey has a long tail.‎ 猴子有一条长尾巴。‎ 4. I have big eyes and small ears.‎ 我有一双大眼睛和一对小耳朵。‎ 5. You're tall. I'm short.‎ 你很高,我很爱。‎ ‎ You're right.你说的对。‎ 6. I have a rabbit.‎ 我有一只兔子。‎ It has long ears.‎ 它有一对长耳朵。‎ 7. How many animals do you know?‎ 你知道多少种动物啊?‎ ‎ I know all the animals.‎ 我知道所有的动物。‎ 8. Oops!哎呦!‎

