四年级上册英语课件- What happened to your head?外研社(一起)(共58张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件- What happened to your head?外研社(一起)(共58张PPT)

W h a t ha p p e n e d t o y o u r h e a d ? NSE Book7 Module9 Unit1 Guess the words and phrases. Preview guidance water run Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. watermelon Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. thirsty Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. bump Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. hungry Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. carry Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. play basketball Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. run for a bus Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. fall over Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. ride a bike Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. cut finger Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. fall off Preview guidance Guess the words and phrases. The bear ______ the tree yesterday . fall off f e ll off 过 去 式 Preview guidance Try again ! He ______ his bike fell off yesterday . fall off Preview guidance Try again ! He _____________ fall off fell off the bed yesterday . Preview guidance Try again ! What’s the difference between “ fall off ” and “ fall over ” ? Preview guidance Try again ! She _______ but she went on running. f e ll over fall over Preview guidance Try again ! She _______ but she went on running. Preview guidance Try again ! fall over f e ll over -They ______ their heads. bumped bump -What happened? Preview guidance Try again ! -They ______ their heads. bumped bump -What happened ? Preview guidance Try again ! -What _______ to the boy? - He hurt his arm. happened happen Preview guidance Try again ! -What _______ to the boy? - hurt his arm. happened happen Preview guidance Try again ! He hurt --( 过去时 ) 过去时与原形一致 He hurt s --( 一般现在时 ) He What happened to the bear? Lead in. Let’s watch ! He fell off the tree. What happened to the bear? Lead in. Look and say! Lead in. Look and say! steal What happened to Daming’s head? He bumped his head. Text-learning Read silently! Text-learning Let’s watch a video. Don’t be careless! Be careful! Text-learning 1.Why did Daming and Sam buy a watermelon? Because they were hungry and thirsty. Text-learning Try to answer. hungry Text-learning thirsty Text-learning hungry and thirsty fruits Text-learning 2. What happened to the watermelon? It was broken. Text-learning Try to answer. Text-learning humor 幽默 Humor is the art( 艺术 ) of speaking. A good sense of humor( 良好的幽默感 ) can make people around you happy. Rain cats and dogs. Enjoy humor time. Text-learning Text-learning What? Enjoy humor time. Text-learning Rain cats? Rain dogs? Enjoy humor time. Text-learning Enjoy humor time. rain heavily Enjoy humor time. A piece of cake. Text-learning Enjoy humor time. A piece of cake? Text-learning Enjoy humor time. Text-learning Enjoy humor time. It’s very easy! Text-learning Enjoy humor time. Is it funny? Text-learning Enjoy humor time. Text-learning repeat . Text-learning Read aloud. 表演课文评价标准 能根据课文进行基本交流。 有一定的表情和动作。 Good 恰当运用课文,在情境中进行真实交流,语言较流畅。表情、动作符合人物情感。 Great 灵活运用课文,在情境中进行真实交流,语言流畅,表情、动作、神态到位,对课文内容有创新。 Fantastic Did you buy some water? No, we bought a watermelon. Text-learning Look and say. Did you fall off your bike? No, Sam fell off his bike. Text-learning Look and say. __ you __ some water? No, we ___ a watermelon. ___ you ___ your bike? No, Sam ___ his bike. Text-learning Look and say. A: What happened to you ? B: I went to …. I played …. Then I …. A: I’m sorry to hear that. A: Did you …? Be careful next time. B: …. Practice Ask and answer in pairs. Tell the accident to others. Production Talk in groups. What have we learnt today? Summary 必做 : 1. Write the words and sentences. 2. Retell the accident of Daming and Sam. 选做 : Describe an experience of getting hurt (yours or others). Homework Homework. Thank you! I’m sorry to hear that. What a pity! Bad luck. Practice

