陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 2 Part A优质课件

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陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 2 Part A优质课件

Unit 2 What do they have on the farm? 陕旅版四年级上册 New words 农 场 There is a big farm . 猪 The pig is sleeping. 马 There are many horse s on the farm. 奶 牛 I see a cow over there. 绵 羊 Mary has some sheep . 鸭 子 The duck s are swimming. 母 鸡 These are hen s. New words Look and find Where are the animals? Think and circle What's on the farm? Let’s learn farm pig horse cow duck sheep hen Let’s talk What are your grandpa and grandma? Really? Yes. It’s nice. They are farmers. They have a small farm. What do they have on the farm? They have pigs, ducks, ... many animals. Language points 1. What are your grandpa and grandma? 你的爷爷奶奶是做什么的? 这是询问职业的特殊疑问句,其句型结构为:“ What + be 动词 + 人称? ”,因为问的是爷爷与奶奶两个人,因此 be 动词使用 are 。 他们是做什么的? What are they ? 2.They have a small farm. 他们有一个小农场。 这是表示某人拥有某物的句型,其句型结构为: 主语 +have+ 其他 . 。 have 在这里是“拥有”的意思。 我有一些书。 I have some books. Exercise 一、看图,写出动物的名称。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) horse dog sheep hen cat duck

