冀教三年级下unitLesson Lets make soup

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冀教三年级下unitLesson Lets make soup

Lesson 15 Let’s Make Soup!‎ 一、教学目标 ‎1.知识与能力 ‎(1)学习新句型:May I borrow ___? We need ____. Let’s borrow ____.‎ ‎(2)学习故事:The magic stone.‎ ‎(3)理解并能运用本课新句型,理解故事内容。‎ ‎2.过程与方法 ‎(1)教师首先让学生在有趣的小游戏中,复习学过的知识,同时调动学生的学习热情。‎ ‎(2)教学过程中,教师发动学生的学习主动性,让学生成为课堂教学的中心,让学生多思考,多开口说,多作对话练习,多讨论。‎ ‎3.情感态度与价值观 让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,并能够体验到劳动的乐趣。‎ 二、教学重点与难点 学习新句型:May I borrow ___? We need ____. Let’s borrow ____.‎ 三、教学媒体 电脑,投影仪,录音机,磁带,图片等。‎ 四、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Class opening and review 问候:‎ 唱:It’s time for lunch.‎ 做游戏:复习食物词汇。‎ ‎2.New concepts ‎(1)May I borrow___?‎ We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.‎ 角色扮演:‎ 借助已知句型:Do you have any ____? May I have ____, please? 学习新句型May I borrow ____? We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.‎ 教科书:L15, N1‎ 一对一练习:‎ ‎  演练新句型。‎ ‎(2)We need some ___.‎ 角色扮演:‎ ‎  T: I’m hungry. I want to eat some soup. Boys and girls, let’s make soup! Ok!‎ ‎  Ss: Ok.‎ ‎  T: But we have nothing. What do we need?‎ We need some…(出示water) We need some… (出示vegetables)‎ ‎  T: Say after me—we need some water, we need some vegetables…‎ 操练:‎ ‎   操练这个句型。‎ ‎(3)Story: The Magic Stone.‎ 告诉学生这个故事的大概内容,让他们自己先看一遍,然后说一说。‎ 精读故事,解释故事内容。‎ 讨论故事。  ‎ 五、Class closing 做活动手册。‎ 六、板书 Lesson 15:Let’s Make Soup!‎ May I have ____, please?     We need ___. Let’s borrow ____.‎ May I borrow___?‎ 练习:‎ 选择合适的句子补全对话。‎ Liming: ___________________________.‎ Jenny: Sure.‎ Liming: ______________________ Thanks.‎ Jenny: _________________________.‎ A.I need a pencil.         B.May I borrow your pencil?‎ C.You are welcome.       D.Now I can draw some trees.‎ 教学反思:‎ ‎________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________‎

