沪教牛津版四年级上英语Revision 1课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Revision 1课件

Revision 1 沪教牛津·四年级上册 Let’s revise(Ⅰ) My Alice His name’s Joe . Her Kitty name’s=name is 介绍自己或者他人的名字: My/ His / Her name is + 姓名。 例句:他的名字是汤姆。 His name is Tom. Her name is Kitty. Her name is Alice. His name is Peter. you What can he do ? she I swim He can draw . She write 询问某人会做什么? “What + can + 主语 + do?(……会做什么?)”, 答语: “主语 + can +动词原形 + 其他. (…会做…)” 例句:—What can he do?他会做什么? —He can draw.他会画画。 What can you do?I can draw. Draw, write and say Draw a picture. This is my___________. ______ name is _______. What can he/she do? _______can_________. Draw a picture. This is my _______. ______ name is _______. What can she do? _______can_________. friend Her Alice She run Draw a picture. This is my ___________. ______ name is _______. What can he do? _______can_________. classmate His Peter He swim Let’s revise(Ⅱ) you draw Can he swim ? she write Yes No , I he she can can’t . 询问某人会做什么的句型: “Can+主语+动词原形+其它?(你会……吗?)”。 其肯定回答为“Yes,主语 + can.” 否定回答为“No,主语+can’t.” Can you dance? No, I can’t. Can you skate? Yes, I can. Are you sad full ? Yes I am No I’m not , . I’m happy hungry . 询问对方的状况的句型: “Are you + …?(你……吗?)” 肯定回答是“Yes, I am.” 否定回答是“No, I’m not.” 例句:—Are you full?你饱了吗? —No, I’m not.不,我没有饱。 Think and say Can you swim? …Yes, I can. Can your brother draw? …No, he can’t. Are you hungry? No, I’m not…I’m full. … Yes, I am.Are you thirsty?

