冀教一起二下lesson Words where I live

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冀教一起二下lesson Words where I live

冀教版(一起)二年级英语下册教案 Lesson 31 Words where I live 教学目标:‎ 知识目标:‎ 句型:Can you say it?‎ 技能目标:1.复习所学单词. 2.发现生活中的英语单词。‎ 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 培养学生善于观察的好习惯。‎ 学习策略与方法:小组合作交流、歌曲游戏表演、全身反应法。‎ 教学重难点:‎ Can you say it?‎ 发现生活中的英语 教具、学具准备:‎ 多媒体课件、录音机。‎ 教学过程:‎ 时间 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 调整 预设 ‎4mins Class Opening 1. Greeting and review.‎ T: Hello. Good morning.‎ Nice to see you.‎ How are you today?‎ Are you happy? Today, we’ll learn Lesson 31 words where I live ‎1.Send greeting Follow the teacher.‎ 简单而亲切的问候,可以使学生快速进入学英语的状态。‎ ‎5mins review Show the PPT ‎ What can you see?‎ Answer what can you see? With “I see…”‎ 并理解其意义 观察一些标志,发现生活中的单词。‎ ‎2mins New concepts presentation ‎1. 教授can you say it?‎ Follow the teacher. ‎ Read together, ‎ 便于接下来的对话练习 boys or girls. Or individually ‎ ‎8mins Practice ‎ Dialogue给出一幅图,孩子自己观察上边有什么我们学过的单词 ‎ ‎ ‎ Show the PPT ‎ 小组讨论,‎ 小组展示。I see…words. Can you say it?‎ 通过对话使学生及时巩固所学新词,并进行拓展学习。‎ ‎4mins Listen and imitate.‎ Answer questions.‎ Read text together.‎ Ok, Li Ming and Danny are on the road. Let’s look, what do they see on the road. Open your English book, Listen and say.‎ ‎ Play the tape. And give the questions.‎ What does Li Ming Danny see?‎ Follow and imitate.‎ Answer questions.‎ Let’s read again. Read text in groups.‎ 通过听读模仿练习,让学生受到纯正英语的熏陶,理解课文意思。‎ ‎10mins Activity books Do the exercises on the activity book.‎ ‎1min closing chant chant 利用chant结束本节课,使学生对下节课的英语学习充满期待 Homework ‎ Read L29.‎ Preview :30‎

