一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 1 牛津上海版

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一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 1 牛津上海版

Group work: (四人小组说说,你还知道哪些动物?) … Think it over: (想一想,你可以在哪里看到这些动物?) … the Bear Brothers Bear OneBear Two Game 1 (芝麻开门) 动物园里有三扇大门, 每扇大门后面都有一种小动物。 猜一猜,这些是什么动物? It’s white and black(黑白色). It likes bamboos(竹子). Is that a monkey? No, it's a panda. Gate 1 Gate 2 Is that a monkey? Yes. Gate 3 Is thisthat a ...? Yes/No, it's... pan dabear ti ge r monkey Game 2 (眼疾嘴快) 你还认得刚才那几种动物吗?快站起 来大声地说出它们的名称吧! Game 3 (伶牙俐嘴) A:What is it? Is thisthat a ...? B:Yes/No, it's... Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 1 A: Is thisthat a ...? B:Yes/No, it's... Pair work: 两人一组,猜一猜是 什么动物. Topic 2 A:What is it? Is thisthat a ...? B:Yes/No, it's... Pair work: 两人一组,说一说这些 是什么物品. 1、 ( ) 2、 3、 4、 5、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) √ × × √ × Game 4 (耳听八方) 看图判断对不对,对的打 √ , 错的打× 。 Animals are our friends, we must protect them. 动物是人类的好朋友,我们要保护他们。 Homework a.Listen and repeat "Let's talk"、 “Let's learn" for three times. b.Surf the Internet: About animals. c.Read another story: Finding mother. (找妈妈) Mom, mom! No, no, no. It has eyes.big Mom, mom! No, no, no. It has a body.green Mom, mom!No, no, no. It has legs.long Look! eyes, legs and a body. Mom! Mom! Big green long Come on, children! T: Mom, mom! D: No, no, no. It has big eyes. 1. 2. 3. 4. T: Mom, mom! F: No, no, no, it has a green body. T: Mom, mom! T: No, no, no, it has long legs. M: Come on, children! T: Look! big eyes, long legs and a green body. Mom! Mom! < Finding mother! >nLet’s learn. T: Mom, mom! D: No, no, no. It has big / small eyes. 1. 2. 3. 4. T: Mom, mom! F: No, no, no, it has a red / green body. T: Mom, mom! T: No, no, no, it has long / short legs. M: Come on, children! T: Look! eyes, legs and a body. Mom! Mom! < Finding mother! > n Read the text and circle. Big long green T: Mom, mom! D: No, no, no. It has big eyes. 1. 2. 3. 4. T: Mom, mom! F: No, no, no, it has a green body. T: Mom, mom! T: No, no, no, it has long legs. M: Come on, children! T: Look! big eyes, long legs and a green body. Mom! Mom!

