一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 2 牛津上海版

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一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 2 牛津上海版

Period 2 Module 4 The world around us 一年级英语上册牛津上海版 熊大熊二遇到困难了,让我们一起帮助它们吧,只要你能成功完成下面四个任务,你就能帮助它们 脱离危险。 • 先看例子,然后进行模仿: A: What’s this/that? B: It’s a … It’s fat/thin. It’s a fat/thin … Pairwork • 仿照上面的例子与你的同桌进行对话训练,互相问答: (tall. short. fat. thin small. big... yellow. blue... funny . cute…) What’s this / that ? It’s a / an _____. It’s _____ • Guessing game(仿照下列对话,用最快 的速度猜出动物的名称): • A: What’s this? B:Is this a …? • A:No. B: Is this a …? • A: Yes, it’s a … Activity 3(活动三) Activity 4(听力练习) 一、选出所听到的图片: 1.Mum. Look,It’s a ____. A. B. 2.What’s this? It’s a ____. A. B. 3.Is this a pig? No, it’s a ____. 、 A. B. Homework: Listen and read unit 11 five times. Talk about the animals with your friends after class. Learn more animal words by yourself.

