牛津译林苏教版小学英语二下《Unit 2 At the zoo》PPT课件

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语二下《Unit 2 At the zoo》PPT课件

Unit 2 At the zoo 聪明的一休 (看图说句子。) This is an_____ It’s____ apple . red . This is a banana. It’s yellow. This is a bag. It’s orange. This is a pencil case. It’s green. This is a ruler. It’s blue. This is a desk. It’s brown. Let's chant! Elephant,elephant.This ia an elephant. Grey,grey.It’s grey. Big and fat,big and fat.It’s big and fat. A panda,a panda.That’s a panda. Black and white,black and white. It’s black and white. Short and small,short and small. It’s short and small. Look and say!^-^ 看一看,说一说! This is a_______. It’s______. It’s_____. It can_____. monkey brown small jump That’s a ______. It’s______. It can_______. dog white run That’s a bird. It’s black and yellow. It can sing. This is a giraffe. It’s tall and thin. It’s brown and white. It can jump. This ia a panda. It’s black and white. It’s big and fat. It can dance. Thank you!

