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小学英语新外研版(一起)一年级上册 单元备课卡 学情分析 本单元应该是孩子们较为喜欢的一个单元—关于颜色。孩子们可以欣赏缤纷五彩的世界,并且可以动手来涂色,从此他们可以用英语来谈论某件事物的颜色。‎ 本模块第一次出现律动,并且第一次让孩子们感知o的发音。‎ 虽然所有的单词和句型孩子们之前都没有接触过,但精彩的内容足以引起他们的兴趣。‎ 教学目标 Module4‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 词 汇 动词 look 名词 Dog cat ‎ 形容词 Red blue yellow green black white orange 代词 it 数词 冠词 短语 A green cata red doga yellow and black dogan orange cat.‎ 语音 全体学生能感知著名英语儿童歌曲的韵律和节奏 功能句 What colour? It’s......‎ 话题 ‎ colour 技能 要求 听 全体学生能听懂:What colour? It’s......‎ 说 全体学生能听说:What colour? It’s......‎ 读 全体学生能整体感知课文 ‎ 写 全体学生能视觉感知课文 情感 态度 能体会到英语学习的乐趣,积极参加英语活动,提高想象力和创造力。‎ 文化 意识 能初步注意到英语和汉语在一般句子表达上的不一致。‎ 学习 策略 通过游戏的方式让学生快乐、轻松得学习 建议 拓展 歌曲 绘本阅读 rainbow 课时划分 课时 完成目标 学生活动 知识的拓展及链接 ‎1‎ M4U1课文感知 理解课文、跟读模仿 能够顺利说出各种颜色 ‎2‎ M4U1任务活动 能在情景中表演对话 可以说出生活中的各种颜色,能够听音涂色 ‎3‎ M4U1综合训练 完成课堂活动用书 能顺利说出自己画中的颜色 ‎4‎ M4U2 课文感知 理解课文、跟读模仿 能介绍小动物的颜色 ‎5‎ M4U2任务活动 听音涂色,并能说出听到的句子 感知韵律和“o”的发音 ‎6‎ M4U2综合训练 小组完成一幅图片的解说 课堂活动用书及知道几种颜色的混合成什么颜色 ‎7‎ 复习M4‎ 熟读课文、做练习册 唱英语歌曲 课时备课卡1‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课时 ‎1‎ 课型 new 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: red, green, yellow, blue, pink, purple, orange, white, black ‎ Pattern: What color?‎ ‎ It’s…‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 Can say and speak and recognize the new words and sentences.‎ 学科 素养 Able to use the sentences in freely.‎ 情感 目标 ‎1. Let the children to recognize the colors and say them.‎ 重、难点 ‎1) Green black blue white red yellow colour ball ‎2) What colour? It’s white. ‎ ‎ It’s black.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 听一首关于颜色的歌曲,询问孩子听到了几个颜色 Show a picture of the animals and review the words.‎ ‎2. Say it together, then find some students to repeat.‎ ‎3. Today I take a new friend ---a chameleon, Kami.‎ 低年级自主学习能力差,需有意识培养。‎ 确定目标 学习各种颜色 Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1. Repeat the greetings song from Module 1. The children sing and perform the actions.‎ ‎2. Point to objects such as items of clothing and say the color. Repeat the same color various times to reinforce the meaning.‎ 课前交流很有必要。‎ 合作交流 1、 听回答问题 2、 听跟读 3、 个别单词练习 Point to the chameleon, read the text. Explain in Chinese that a chameleon is a very clever animal because it can change colors whenever it wants.‎ ‎2. Play the type, pausing to point to each color.‎ ‎3. Repeat. This time pause for the children to repeat.‎ ‎4. Hold up student’s book and point to each chameleon, first in order and then at random. The children say the color.‎ ‎5. Repeat with individual students.‎ 集体分享 4、 听读 ‎7.In pairs, Child A points to a chameleon. Child B says the color.‎ ‎8. In pairs, Child A says the ‎ color, Child B hold up the same color pens.‎ ‎9. Read the colors together.‎ 达标检测 个别展示 ‎1. Draw different colored circles with one number inside them.‎ 拓展延伸 找同桌身上的颜色 ‎2. Now say a number and get the students to say the corresponding color. You can do this with individual students or with whole class. For example, say, “Number ‎2”‎ and the students say “ Green” etc. You can do it the other way round as well. Say a color and the students say the number.‎ 板书 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ ‎.‎ 课时备课卡2‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课时 ‎2‎ 课型 new 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: red, green, yellow, blue, pink, purple, orange, white, black ‎ Pattern: What color?‎ ‎ It’s…‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 Can say and speak and recognize the new words and sentences.‎ 学科 素养 Able to use the sentences in freely.‎ 情感 目标 ‎1. Let the children to recognize the colors and say them.‎ 重、难点 ‎1) Green black blue white red yellow colour ball ‎2) What colour? It’s white. ‎ ‎ It’s black.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 回顾课文 ‎1. Review the colors. Hold up the cards in front up the class. Say the colors in turn. And then ask them to say the colors at random.‎ ‎2. Ask students to say the colors words of their clothing line by line or group by group.‎ 确定目标 能熟练的说出物品的颜色 Find seven girls to stand up and let the other students to say their clothes color. Who is fastest who is vinner.‎ 合作交流 ‎1、游戏 看谁反应快 ‎2、个别展示 ‎3、升级版 point to ……‎ ‎1. Show two pictures to the students and let them to see carefully.‎ ‎2. Teach a word “car”, ask the children to say many times.‎ ‎3. Ask the children to answer “What color is the first car?” and “What color is the second car?”‎ 集体分享 ‎4、互指身上的颜色 ‎4. The class answer “ It’s white.” And “ It’s black.”‎ ‎5. Play the cassette , pausing to point to each picture.‎ ‎6. Repeat. This time pause for the children to repeat.‎ ‎7. Repeat with individual students.‎ 达标检测 课堂活动用书P5T3‎ 涂色,说 ‎1. Show a picture to the students and let them to see carefully.‎ ‎2. Point to the girl’s bag and ask “What color?”. Then point to anther thing. The children to answer.‎ ‎3. In pairs, Child A points to a thing and ask “What color?”‎ Child B say the color.‎ ‎4. Then change and practice again.‎ 拓展延伸 各种颜色混合 Play a game.‎ ‎ Make sure each student has a piece of paper. Get them to color their paper a color that they know in English i.e. red, blue, yellow, etc. explain that you will call out colors. When they hear their color, they must hold up their piece of paper. As soon as they hear the next color, they must put their paper down.‎ 板书 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ 课时备课卡3‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课时 ‎3‎ 课型 new 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: red, green, yellow, blue, pink, purple, orange, white, black ‎ Pattern: What color?‎ ‎ It’s…‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 Can say and speak and recognize the new words and sentences.‎ 学科 素养 Able to use the sentences in freely.‎ 情感 目标 ‎1. Let the children to recognize the colors and say them.‎ 重、难点 ‎1) Green black blue white red yellow colour ball ‎2) What colour? It’s white. ‎ ‎ It’s black.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 自读课文 Tell the students to say the colors according to the word on the blackboard.‎ 确定目标 能熟读课文,并说出各种物品的颜色 Point at an object and say “What color?” Tell them the answer. Now move around the class and take objects ask the question “What color?” See if the students can answer you.‎ 合作交流 ‎1、给孩子们看图片并说 ‎2、拓展图片的单词 ‎3、询问关于图片上关于物品的颜色 ‎1. Show two pictures to the students and let them to see carefully.‎ ‎2. Teach a word “car”, ask the children to say many times.‎ ‎3. Ask the children to answer “What color is the first car?” and “What color is the second car?”‎ 集体分享 ‎1、听音跟读 ‎2、听音涂色 ‎1. Listen and play.‎ ‎1). Have the students look at the pictures and read the text in the two speech bubbles.‎ ‎2). Make sure each students has a piece of paper. Get them to color their paper a color that they know in English i.e. red , blue, yellow, green or black.‎ ‎3). Explain that you will callout colors, When they hear their color, they must hold up their piece of paper. As soon as they hear the next color, they must put their paper down.‎ 达标检测 一人说,一人找物品并指出 ‎2. Play.‎ In pairs, Child A says “ green” , child B point to the same object. Then change and practice again.‎ 拓展延伸 涂色并说 ‎3. Color and say.‎ ‎1). Tell the students to see the fruit and ask them color ‎ them .‎ ‎2). Let the children to say the color according to the pictures.‎ ‎3). In pairs , Child A point to the fruit and Child B says the colors, then change and practice again.‎ 板书 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ 课时备课卡4‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课时 ‎1‎ 课型 new 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: red yellow pink green purple orange blue rainbow ball ‎ Pattern: How many blue balls?‎ ‎ …‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 ‎1. Able to master all kinds of the colors and speak them freely. ‎ 学科 素养 ‎2. Can sing the English song.‎ 情感 目标 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 重、难点 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 写词,并读 Write some words about colors on the blackboard and ask the children to read them and point the same colors.‎ 确定目标 ‎ 理解课文并能跟读 ‎ Review colors by holding up objects or pointing to items of clothing. Expect the children to only say the color word.‎ 合作交流 ‎1、听看并找出单词 ‎2、看单词并听,感知单词 ‎1. Ask the class to look at the pictures in their Student’s Book.‎ ‎2. Play the cassette. The children look at the pictures as they listen.‎ 集体分享 ‎3、跟读 ‎4、配音 ‎3. Play the cassette again. This time pause after each utterance for the children to find and point to the corresponding picture.‎ ‎4. Play the cassette again. This time pause after each utterance for the children and let them to repeat it.‎ ‎5. Repeat the activity.‎ 达标检测 感知韵律 ‎1. Draw the children’s attention to the pictures in the Student’s Book.‎ ‎2. Ask them to find and to count the yellow balls. Demonstrate the activity by holding up your Student’s Book . Count out loud 1, 2. Answer 2.‎ ‎3. Now ask the class to count the blue balls , black balls, red balls, green balls and ‎ write balls. Encourage them to count out loud.‎ 拓展延伸 听音涂色 In pairs ,Child A ask the questions, Child B answer the questions. Then they change it.‎ 板书 Module 4Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ Most students can master the colors but they can’t say the sentences fluently. They need say the sentences more and more and practice in pairs.‎ 课时备课卡5‎ 课题 Module 3 Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课时 ‎2‎ 课型 new 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: red yellow pink green purple orange blue rainbow ball ‎ Pattern: How many blue balls?‎ ‎ …‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 ‎1. Able to master all kinds of the colors and speak them freely. ‎ 学科 素养 ‎2. Can sing the English song.‎ 情感 目标 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 重、难点 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 回顾课文自读 Write some words about colors on the blackboard and ask the children to read them and point the same colors.‎ 确定目标 能熟读课文 Teaching Aims:‎ Review colors by holding up objects or pointing to items of clothing. Expect the children to only say the color word.‎ 合作交流 课文表演 描述彩虹的颜色 ‎1. Draw the children’s attention to the picture of the rainbow in their Student’s Book. Teach the word rainbow.‎ ‎2. Point to each color in the rainbow and elicit the color words from the class 集体分享 抽词组合 小组涂色并描述 Explain in Chinese that they are going to learn a traditional English song. Tell them that children in England and the Unite‎ ‎States like to sing this song. Play the type, the children listen to the song.‎ ‎4. Teach the song line by line.‎ ‎5. Play the type a number of times and encourage the children to sing along.‎ ‎6. Call out a color from the song, for example, red. The children with red pieces of paper stand up and hold their pieces of paper in the air. Repeat with the other colors.‎ 达标检测 ‎1. Call out a color from the song, for example, red. The children with red pieces of paper stand up and hold their pieces of paper in the air.‎ ‎2. Play the cassette again. As the children sing, they now hold up the colors they hear.‎ ‎ Repeat a number of times.‎ 拓展延伸 ‎ 学习课外关于颜色的歌曲 Color pieces of paper and stick them round the room. Tell the students that you are going to say colors and they have to point to the correct picture. Say, “Red” and the students point to the red color.‎ 板书 Module 3 Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ 课时备课卡6‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课时 ‎3‎ 课型 review 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: green black blue red yellow white orange pink purple ball rainbow ‎ Pattern: How many … balls?‎ ‎ What color?‎ ‎ It’s… …‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 ‎1. Able to master all kinds of the colors and speak them freely. ‎ 学科 素养 ‎2. Can sing the English song.‎ 情感 目标 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 重、难点 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 Review the text Review the text.‎ ‎1、Play the cassette, the children listen and point to the pictures.‎ ‎2、Ask the children to read the colors. Then read it group by group.‎ ‎3、Ask individual students to repeat the colors. Alternatively, divide the class into groups 确定目标 Get the students to look at the words and say them.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ Review the words.‎ ‎1. Get the students to look at the words and say them.‎ ‎2. Ask them to read the words group by group and then have a competition.‎ ‎3. Play the game. Show some pictures and get the class to guess the colors.‎ ‎4. In pairs practice these colors.‎ 合作交流 Listen and color the number and word.‎ ‎1. Listen and color the number and word.‎ ‎1). Ask the children to read the numbers and words.‎ ‎2). Ask the children to listen to the cassette carefully and find the number and the color.‎ ‎3). Then color the number in the color they hear 集体分享 Now ask and answer.‎ ‎2. Now ask and answer.‎ Draw the children’s attention to the pictures in their Activity books. In pairs, Partner A point a number and asks “Two” . Partner B look at the colors and answer “It’s green”. Continue this activity.‎ 达标检测 Listen and color.‎ ‎3. Listen and color.‎ Play the cassette . The children listen carefully and colour the balls according to what they hear.‎ 拓展延伸 Now ask and answer.‎ ‎4. Now ask and answer.‎ Draw the children’s attention to the balls. Ask them to count each kind balls and to count carefully. In pairs, Partner A point a kind of balls and asks “How many blue balls?” . Partner B sees the balls and answer “Three blue balls”. Continue this activity.‎ 板书 Module 4Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎ 课时备课卡7‎ 课题 Module 4 Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课时 ‎4‎ 课型 review 教学准备 Recorder Cards Courseware Computer 教学内容 Vocabulary: green black blue red yellow white orange pink purple ball rainbow ‎ Pattern: How many … balls?‎ ‎ What color?‎ ‎ It’s… …‎ 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 ‎1. Able to master all kinds of the colors and speak them freely. ‎ 学科 素养 ‎2. Can sing the English song.‎ 情感 目标 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 重、难点 Let the children recite the text fluently.‎ 教学过程 教学流程 内容构建 学生活动 二次修改 自主学习 Review the text.‎ Review the text.‎ ‎1、Play the cassette, the children listen and point to the pictures.‎ ‎2、Ask the children to read the colors. Then read it group by group.‎ ‎3、Ask individual students to repeat the colors. Alternatively, divide the class into groups 确定目标 Ask them to read the words group by group and then have a competition.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ Review the words.‎ ‎1. Get the students to look at the words and say them.‎ ‎2. Ask them to read the words group by group and then have a competition.‎ ‎3. Play the game. Show some pictures and get the class to guess the colors.‎ ‎4. In pairs practice these colors.‎ 合作交流 Listen and color the number and word.‎ ‎1. Listen and color the number and word.‎ ‎1). Ask the children to read the numbers and words.‎ ‎2). Ask the children to listen to the cassette carefully and find the number and the color.‎ ‎3). Then color the number in the color they hear 集体分享 Draw the children’s attention to the pictures in their Activity books.‎ ‎2. Now ask and answer.‎ Draw the children’s attention to the pictures in their Activity books. In pairs, Partner A point a number and asks “Two” . Partner B look at the colors and answer “It’s green”. Continue this activity.‎ 达标检测 Listen and color.‎ ‎3. Listen and color.‎ Play the cassette . The children listen carefully and colour the balls according to what they hear.‎ 拓展延伸 Draw the children’s attention to the balls.‎ ‎4. Now ask and answer.‎ Draw the children’s attention to the balls. Ask them to count each kind balls and to count carefully. In pairs, Partner A point a kind of balls and asks “How many blue balls?” . Partner B sees the balls and answer “Three blue balls”. Continue this activity.‎ 板书 Module 4Unit 2 It’s a red dog.‎ 课后反思(对本节课各环节的反思)‎

