人教新起点英语二上《Unit 4 Revision》(lesson21-22)教案

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人教新起点英语二上《Unit 4 Revision》(lesson21-22)教案

Lesson 21‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.情感目标:‎ a.通过开展丰富多彩的课堂活动,激发学生英语的学习兴趣,培养他们英语听说的基本能力。‎ b.通过本课的学习,使学生树立起强烈的热爱环境,保护环境的意识。‎ c.能够初步了解一些动物所生活的环境并懂得爱护动物。‎ ‎2.知识目标:‎ a.本课的语言点:Where is rabbite ? ‎ It is in the grass..‎ b.能在本课涉及的情景条件下使用本课所学的句型。‎ ‎3.能力目标:‎ 学生通过画图画,进一步复习巩固本课所学的句型。‎ 教学重点:‎ a.培养学生英语听说的基本能力。‎ ‎ b.根据录音把动物的贴画贴到主图中。‎ ‎ c.能用方位词,描述某物在那里。‎ 教学难点:‎ 能用所学过的单词流利的介绍某物在那里。‎ 教具准备:录音机,教学录音带,教学卡片,教学挂图。‎ 学具准备:图片及单词卡片。‎ 教学过程:‎ 序号 ‎ ‎ 教师活动 ‎ 学生活动 ‎ 反思 ‎1.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎3.‎ ‎4.‎ Review the words of the animal’s .‎ Let the students look at the pictures and listen to the English songs . The first . teacher shows the pictures of the two dialogues on the blackboard. ‎ The teacher teaches the new words and make the dialogues Let the students listen to the ‎ Play the guessing game. And introduce the animal’s picture.‎ The students listen .‎ The students do the actions .‎ ‎5.‎ ‎6.‎ recorder . Let 2 students come to the front . Perform the parks .And do the actions .‎ The teacher open the recorder ,and then read the English songs . And the students sing the songs .‎ Actions . Ask and answer .‎ The dialogues among the students .‎ Where is rabbite ? ‎ It is in the grass..‎ Group work .‎ ‎4 students a group .‎ Play a guessing game.‎ Draw the pictures of the family .‎ Make the new dialogue .‎ Listening .‎ Today’s homework .‎ Read the text .‎ Copy the words .‎ The students make dialogues .‎ Make dialogues .‎ Draw the pictures .‎ Lesson 22‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.情感目标:‎ a.通过开展丰富多彩的课堂活动,激发学生英语的学习兴趣,培养他们英语听说的基本能力。‎ b.能用简单的语言介绍自己的家庭,能描述人物的外貌特征 ‎2.知识目标:‎ a.本课的语言点:.‎ ‎ This is my family .‎ ‎ I have …‎ b.能在本课涉及的情景条件下使用本课所学的句型。‎ c.辨认本课大小写字母。学生通过听字母音,在键盘上打出字母,并组成单词。‎ ‎3.能力目标:‎ a.学生通过贴图片,进一步复习巩固本课所学的句型。‎ b.能用简单的语言介绍自己的家庭,能描述人物的外貌特征 教学重点:‎ a.培养学生英语听说的基本能力。‎ b.能用简单的语言介绍自己的朋友及同学,能描述人物的外貌特征 c.辨认本课大小写字母。学生通过听字母音,在键盘上打出字母,并组成单词。‎ 教学难点:‎ a.学生认识英语字母的小写形式,建立大小写字母之间的联系。‎ b.逐步过度到看见大写字母能够辨认,并写出小写字母。‎ 教具准备:录音机,教学录音带,教学卡片,教学挂图。‎ 学具准备:单词及字母卡片卡片。‎ 教学过程:‎ 序号 ‎ ‎ 教师活动 ‎ 学生活动 ‎ 反思 ‎1.‎ ‎2.‎ Review the words of the family’s .‎ Let the students look at the pictures and listen to the English songs . The first . teacher shows the pictures of the two dialogues on the ‎ Play the guessing game. And introduce the family’s picture.‎ The students listen .‎ ‎3.‎ ‎4.‎ ‎5.‎ ‎6.‎ blackboard. ‎ Let the students listen to the recorder . Let 2 students come to the front . Perform the familys .And do the actions .‎ The teacher open the recorder ,and then read the English songs . And the students sing the songs .‎ Actions . Ask and answer .‎ The dialogues among the students .‎ This is my family .‎ I have …‎ Group work .‎ ‎4 students a group .‎ Play a guessing game.‎ Make the new dialogue .‎ Listening .‎ Today’s homework .‎ Read the text .‎ Copy the words .‎ The students do the actions .‎ The students make dialogues .‎ Make dialogues .‎ Draw the pictures .‎

