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frog rabbit bee bird One, two, three, I am a bee.‎ Four, five, I am a bird.‎ Six, seven, eight, I am a rabbit.‎ Nine, ten, I am a frog.‎ What do you see?‎ I see a panda.‎ I see a bear.‎ I see a tiger.‎ I see a monkey.‎ Hi, Kitty. What do you see?‎ I see a frog.‎ What colour is it?‎ It’s green.‎ What do you see?‎ I see a bird.‎ What colour is it?‎ It’s yellow.‎ Oink…Oink…‎ What do you hear?‎ I hear a pig.‎ Quack…Quack…‎ What do you hear?‎ I hear a duck.‎ sheep hen dog cat Oink…Oink…‎ What do you hear, Alice?‎ I hear a pig.‎ Oh, it’s you, Danny.‎ Ha! Ha!‎ Rice soup egg noodles Taste… Smell…‎ Taste the noodles, Tom.‎ Yummy. Yummy.‎ Smell the soup, Alice.‎ It’s nice.‎ Can I help you?‎ Soup, please.‎ Here you are.‎ Thank you.‎ Taste it, please.‎ Hmm… Yummy. Yummy.‎ Danny, stand up.‎ Alice‎, touch your nose.‎ Kitty, smell the flowers.‎ Smell the egg.‎ Smell the rice.‎ Egg and rice,‎ Nice, nice, nice.‎ Taste the soup.‎ Taste the noodles.‎ Soup and noodles,‎ Yummy, yummy, yummy.‎ ‎ ‎ ball doll bicycle kite I like…‎ I like balls.‎ I like dolls.‎ I like kites.‎ I like the…‎ I like the ball.‎ I like the doll.‎ I like the doll.‎ I like the ball.‎ I like the ball and the doll.‎ I like the doll and the ball.‎ Can I help you?‎ I like the kite.‎ Here you are.‎ Thank you.‎ I like my bicycle.‎ It’s super.‎ I like my kite.‎ It’s nice.‎ jelly ice cream sweet biscuit Do you like…?‎ Yes. / No.‎ Do you like sweets?‎ No.‎ Do you like jelly?‎ Yes, I like jelly.‎ Do you like biscuits?‎ Yes.‎ One for you and one for me.‎ One for you and one for me.‎ One for you and one for me.‎ Oh, Danny.‎ Sorry. I like biscuits very much.‎ I like ice cream.‎ Cold and sweet.‎ Cold and sweet.‎ I like ice cream.‎ Cold and sweet.‎ Drink some milk, Sam.‎ Woof…Woof…‎ Drink some water, Mum.‎ Thank you. You are a good girl.‎ cola juice milk water What do you like?‎ I like…‎ What do you like?‎ I like water.‎ I like cola.‎ Happy Birthday, Eddie!‎ Thank you!‎ Let’s sing a birthday song.‎ What do you like?‎ I like cola.‎ I like juice.‎ I like …‎ ‎…‎ ‎ ‎ Spring is warm.‎ Summer is hot.‎ Autumn is cool.‎ Winter is cold.‎ Spring, summer, autumn and winter.‎ Warm, hot, cool and cold.‎ warm hot spring summer Summer is…‎ Hot!‎ Red!‎ Spring / Summer is…‎ Spring is green.‎ Spring is warm.‎ Summer is red.‎ Summer is hot.‎ In spring, I see flowers. I smell flowers. I sing s song.‎ In summer, it’s hot. I drink some juice.‎ sunny cloudy rainy windy How is the weather?‎ It’s…‎ How is the weather?‎ It’s cloudy.‎ How is the weather?‎ It’s…‎ How is the weather?‎ It’s windy.‎ No.‎ It’s cloudy.‎ Yes, it’s cloudy.‎ Good morning.‎ Good morning.‎ How is the weather?‎ It’s sunny. It’s hot.‎ Let’s go to the beach.‎ OK.‎ T-shirt dress shorts blouse Mum, look! I need a new T-shirt.‎ Mum, I need a new dress.‎ What do you need?‎ I need…‎ Shorts, a T-shirt, a dress and a blouse.‎ What do you need? What do you need?‎ I need a blouse.‎ I need a dress.‎ I need a blouse and a dress.‎ I need a new blouse.‎ I don’t like green, Mum. I like red.‎ I like this blouse.‎ It’s nice.‎ Thank you, Mum.‎ What can you do?‎ I can sing.‎ I can dance.‎ I can draw.‎ What can she do?‎ She can sing.‎ Yes, she can sing.‎ ride skip play fly Play, play, play football.‎ Skip, skip, skip rope.‎ Fly, fly, fly a kite.‎ Ride, ride, ride a bicycle.‎ gift card firecracker firework Happy New Year!‎ Happy New Year!‎ A gift for you, Kitty.‎ Thank you.‎ Draw.‎ Write.‎ Fold.‎ Happy New Year!‎ Thank you.‎ I like the sweets.‎ I like the red dress.‎ I like the firecrackers.‎ Sweets for you, Mum and Dad. Happy New Year!‎ Happy New Year!‎ boy wolf farmer I’m the narrator.‎ I’m the farmer.‎ I’m the boy.‎ I’m the farmer.‎ I’m the wolf.‎ A boy and a wolf.‎ A wolf!‎ Help! Help! …‎ Here come the farmers.‎ Where’s the wolf?‎ Ha! Ha! No wolves.‎ A wolf!‎ Help! Help! …‎ Here come the farmers.‎ Where’s the wolf?‎ Ha! Ha! No wolves.‎ You’re a bad boy.‎ Here comes the wolf.‎ A wolf! Help! Help! …‎ A poor boy.‎ Don’t tell a lie.‎ Here come the farmers. The wolf runs away.‎ ‎ ‎

