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Oxford‎ English ‎‎2A ‎ M2 Revision (1)‎ Content M2 Revision (Period 1)‎ Aims ‎1.巩固三大类单词:动作(run等)、物主代词(my等)、形容词(old等)、人体器官(head等)。‎ ‎2.在学习和生活中能用I/He/She can …及一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。He/She/This is …及一般疑问句。My/Your…is/are…等学过的句型说话。‎ ‎3.通过学习和巩固调动学生的学习积极型,提高学生的说话能力。‎ Language focus 巩固单词 Teaching aids cassette, card, etc Procedures Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation Warming up ‎1. Greetings.‎ ‎2. Sing a song.‎ ‎3. Daily talk.‎ e.g. Look! What’s this?‎ ‎ Is this a …?‎ ‎ ······‎ 通过歌曲营造英语学习氛围。让学生在轻松的语言环境中进行交流。‎ While-task procedure 1. Review: Who’s…?‎ Is he/she…?‎ a).Show the photo of Alice’s family. Ask one pupil to be Alice, then introduce her family members.‎ b).Look at the photo and ask some questions to Alice.‎ 2. Review: What can…?‎ Can you/he/she…?‎ ‎ a).Game: Hold the word cards in your hands. Flash each cards in turn to the students. Ask them to make a sentence using the idea from each card as quickly as they can.‎ e.g. T; (Show a word card of run)‎ S1: Kitty can run.‎ S2: Father can ride.‎ b).Word revision ‎1.‎ a).Introduce:‎ This is my …‎ He/She is…‎ b).Look and ask :‎ Who is…?‎ Is he/she...?‎ a).Play a game and make the sentence.‎ b). Put the same words 通过人物扮演介绍来巩固称呼和形容词类单词,在句型中运用。同时也训练了句型。‎ 通过游戏方式激发学生兴趣,从而巩固所学单词句型。‎ c).Rhymes d). Ask the students to listen and match. ‎ e). Ask the students to work in pairs.‎ 1. Review: My…is/are…‎ Your…is/are…‎ ‎ Game: Listen and guess.‎ ‎ together.‎ c). Look and say the rhymes.‎ d). Listen and match. ‎ e). Work in pairs.‎ Can you …?‎ Can he/she…?‎ ‎3.‎ Guess: Who am I?‎ p1:I’m …‎ My…is/are…‎ Who am I?‎ P2: Your…is/are…‎ You’re…‎ 儿歌轻快的节奏能激发学生的兴趣,同时巩固所学单词。‎ 词句结合 通过对照片人物的介绍,他们的能力,最后让他们通过人物的特征来猜猜是谁,把单元内容串起来。‎ Post-task activity ‎1). Do a survey.‎ Ask your friends or classmates Name Age Swim Sing Dance Skip draw ‎2). Talk about your friends or classmates ‎3).Draw and talk about your friend ‎1). Do a survey.‎ Ask your friends or classmates How old are you?‎ Can you…?‎ ‎2).Talk about your friends or classmates e.g.‎ This is… ‎ He/she is my friend. He/she is…‎ He/she can…‎ ‎3).Draw and talk about your friend P: Look, you are a …‎ ‎ You’re…(tall/short)‎ 通过调查,汇报的方式,巩固 本单元的知识。‎ Your head is …‎ Your hair is…‎ Your…is/are…‎ 通过调查和观察,学生画画朋友,说说朋友,得到综合运用的目的。‎ Assignment ‎1. Listen to the tape ‎2. Do some exercises 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 Oxford‎ English ‎‎2A‎ ‎ M2 Revision (2)‎ Content M2 Revision (Period 2)‎ Aims ‎1.巩固三大类单词:动作(run等)、物主代词(my等)、形容词(old等)、人体器官(head等)。‎ ‎2.在学习和生活中能用I/He/She can …及一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。He/She/This is …及一般疑问句。My/Your…is/are…等学过的句型说话。‎ ‎3.通过学习和巩固调动学生的学习积极型,提高学生的说话能力。‎ ‎4. 巩固复习字母Gg-Ll Language focus 巩固句型和字母 Teaching aids Cassette, cards, etc Procedures Step Teachers’ activity Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation Warming up ‎1. Greetings.‎ ‎2. Quick response ‎ ‎3. Talk about your friends or classmates e.g.‎ This is…‎ He/she is my friend. ‎ He/she is…‎ He/she can…‎ 通过快速反应,巩固常用句型 利用上一课时的调查,学生说说朋友得到复习巩固的目的。‎ While-task ‎1.Chant.‎ ‎1. Ask the students to chant.‎ ‎ procedure ‎2. Game.‎ ‎3. Introduce yourself ‎4. Look and talk about your classmates or friend.‎ ‎5. Free talk Say something about your family.‎ e.g. What can you do? ‎ What can you do?‎ ‎ I can run. ‎ I can run.‎ Can you write? ‎ Can you write?‎ Yes, I can .I can write.‎ Can you write? ‎ Can you write?‎ No, I can’t. I can read.‎ Then make new chants.‎ ‎2. Show the picture of your family members. Ask the students to guess who they are.‎ e.g. T: She is ... She can ... Who is she?‎ S: She’s……‎ Work in pairs.‎ ‎3. Introduce yourself.‎ I’m …‎ I can…‎ My …is/are…‎ 1. Look and talk ‎ P1:I’m …I can… My …is/are…‎ P2: You’re… You can… Your…is/are…‎ Show a photo of one’s family. Ask some questions to him/her. Who is he/she? Is he/she…? Can he/she…? What can he/she do? How old are you? Are you…?Can you…?‎ 学生说说唱唱反复操练句型,在唱唱说说中巩固句型。‎ 通过游戏巩固所学句型。同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。‎ 通过说自己,说同学朋友,说家人,逐步把所学知识串起来,得到自由运用的目的。‎ Post-task activity ‎1).Read and write ‎2). Read and match ‎3).Read and choose ‎4). Read and judge.‎ ‎1).Read and write the letters ‎2). Read and match the letters.‎ ‎3).Read and choose the correct words.‎ ‎4). Read the passage and judge.‎ 字母的教学是二年级主要的一关,正确认读和书写很重要。‎ 适当的练习有助于学生对知识的理解。‎ Assignment ‎1. Listen to the tape ‎2. Do some exercises ‎ 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思

