深圳罗湖红桂小学二年级上英语教学设计Unit My hair is short

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深圳罗湖红桂小学二年级上英语教学设计Unit My hair is short

Oxford English 2A ‎ M2 U3 Unit 6 My hair is short (1) ‎ Content Unit 6 My hair is short ‎ Aims ‎1. To learn the new words: hair, head, face ‎ ‎2. To use possessive adjectives to describe people. ‎ Language focus To bring up pupils’ interests of learning English;‎ Teaching aids Multimedia ,sticks ,flashcards .etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation ‎1. Rhymes.‎ ‎2. Greetings:‎ T: How are you?‎ ‎ Who’s she?‎ ‎ Can you draw?‎ Say rhymes.‎ P: I’m fine, thank you. And you?‎ P: She’s…‎ P: Yes, I can.‎ ‎(Greetings.)‎ 复习所学的儿歌,营造融恰的英语气氛。‎ 通过师生间的问候,增进师生友谊。‎ While-task procedure ‎1.Learn: head T: Let’s do quick response.‎ Eye, eye, touch your eye.‎ ‎…‎ Head, head, touch your head.‎ ‎(point to head)‎ A. Show the word :head B; Rhyme:‎ My head, your head Big and small.‎ Your head, my head,‎ Small and big.‎ ‎2. Learn: face Show a picture of face A; Show the word: face.‎ B: Try to say: My eyes, my ears ,my nose ,my mouth, this is my face.‎ Good afternoon.‎ ‎3. Learn: hair A: Point to a boy and a girl who has long hair, and ask Ps(say and act): ‎ Eye, eye, this is my eye.‎ ‎…‎ Read: head Say one by one.‎ Ps: (read the rhyme)‎ Say the rhyme with deskmate.‎ Say together.‎ Read : face read in groups.‎ Say the sentence.‎ Follow the teacher.‎ 通过顺口的儿歌,使学生在儿歌中巩固所学的新知。‎ 用所学的单词来巩固新知,使学生在说说动动中掌握新词.‎ 在实际生活场景中运用所学,提高实际运用语言的能力。‎ ‎ the students to say the following with teacher.‎ e.g.‎ T: (Point to the boy’s hair) Hair, hair. short, short hair.‎ Ss: Hair, hair. short, short hair.‎ T: (Point to the girl’s hair) Hair, hair. long, long hair.‎ Ss: Hair, hair. long, long hair.‎ B: Play a game; Guess, short hair or long hair ‎4. Show the story about Alice!‎ ‎ ‎ Guess.‎ 用猜一猜的游戏提高学生的学习兴趣.‎ Post-task activity 1. Look and read.‎ 2. Look and choose.‎ 3. Listen and choose.‎ Read Do 巩固练习从读,看图选,到听再选,层层提升.‎ Assignment:‎ ‎1. Read the new words.‎ 板 书 设 计 ‎2A M2 U3 My hair is short head ‎ face hair 教 学 反 思 Oxford English 2A ‎ M 2 U3 Unit 6 My hair is short (2) ‎ Content My hair is short Aims ‎1.To learn the sentences: My…is/are…‎ ‎ Your…is/are…‎ ‎2. the usage of formulaic expressions to talk about people. ‎ Language focus To use the sentences in context.‎ Teaching aids Multimedia, sticks, flashcards, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Greetings:‎ 2. Rhyme.‎ Ask and answer.‎ Read together.‎ 通过反复的操练来巩固所学的知识。‎ 1. Flash the cards of nose, ear, hair, face, etc. to the students. Then have them repeat with gestures.‎ T: Nose, nose, my nose. ‎ T: (point to a student’s nose and look at this student) Nose, nose, your nose.‎ Ss: (touch their nose) Nose, nose, my nose.‎ Ss: (point to their classmate’s nose) Nose, nose, your nose.‎ 歌曲能激发学生学习的兴趣。‎ While-task procedure 1. Learn: My/ Your… is/are…‎ A: Show some pictures: big mouth and small mouth, big nose and small nose, big head and small head, long hair and short hair T: (point to teacher’s mouth) My mouth is small. (point to the picture of big mouth)Your mouth is big.‎ Show the sentence: ‎ My is .Your is .‎ B: Show some pictures: big eyes and small eyes, big ears and small ears,‎ T: (point to teacher’s eyes) My eyes are small.(point to the picture of big eyes)Your eyes are big.‎ Show the sentence: ‎ My are .‎ Your are .‎ C:T-S1‎ My is .Your is .‎ My are .Your are .‎ D: Show a flash:p23‎ Show some key words.‎ T: Look, my is/are . Your is/are . ‎ S1: My is/are .‎ Look and listen.‎ Follow the teacher.‎ Make a new sentence.‎ ‎…‎ Follow the teacher.‎ Make a new sentence.‎ S-S Work in pairs.‎ Work in pairs.‎ 各种有趣可爱的卡通,激起学生说的欲望。‎ 给学生一定的空间,自由发挥。‎ 给学生一组组Key words.‎ T: No, your is/are not .‎ ‎2.Show a flash: Giant and Supergirl I’m Giant, Big and tall. My head is big. And my hair is short. My mouth and eyes are big….‎ A; Read the paragraphs.‎ B: Have the students talk about Giant and Supergirl.‎ T: ’m Giant, Big and tall. My head is big. And my hair is short. My mouth and eyes are big.‎ Ss: You are Giant, Big and tall. Your head is big. And Your hair is short. Your mouth and eyes are big. ‎ Repeat. ‎ T-Ss S1-S2‎ 让学生逐步逐步地进行对话。学生也在老师的帮助下体验到了创造的快乐。‎ 在教学中,充分运用多媒体,能更好地帮助学生理解内容。同时也能符合低年级学生的性格特点。‎ Post-task activity 1. Listen to the recording for “look and say”p22 and “play a game’p24.‎ 2. Give some picture cards. Have them play the game themselves.‎ Read.‎ Play the game.‎ 通过游戏巩固,学生乐于参与,事办功倍。‎ Assignment:‎ ‎1. Read the book of page 22,23,24‎ ‎2. Complete Task ‘Introduce myself ‘ on Workbook page 25.‎ 通过介绍自己巩固课堂的知识的同时也是对课堂知识的延伸。‎ 板 书 设 计 M2 U3 My hair is short ‎ My…is/are…‎ ‎ Your…is/are…‎ 教 学 反 思 Oxford English 2A ‎ M2U3 Unit 6 My hair is short (3)‎ Content My hair is short(Learn the letters)‎ Aims ‎1. To read and write the letters Kk and Ll Language focus Identifying the letters Kk and Ll by listening to the pronunciation.‎ Teaching aids multimedia, sticks, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation ‎1. Rhyme for Ii and Jj ‎2. Daily talk e.g. Your eyes are small.‎ ‎3. Please introduce yourself.‎ ‎4.Song :ABC ‎1. Say the rhyme ‎2. Say or do something the teacher asks.‎ 1. Sing the song 活跃课堂气氛,为新课教学打下基础。‎ While-task procedure ‎1. Play a game ‎( Show a letter card, have a student read the letter and say a word including that letter; and have the students sitting in front of and behind S1 say the corresponding letters and words )‎ ‎2.Learn:Kk ‎ A: Show the letter card: Kk ‎ To elicit: Kk B:T: Which words have this letter?‎ C: rhyme: Kk, k for kite.‎ Kk, k for Kitty.‎ D: Copy the letters(workbook p24(Kk)‎ ‎3.Learn: Ll A: Show the letter card: Ll ‎ To elicit: Ll B:T: Which words have this letter?‎ C: rhyme: Ll, l for lion.‎ Ll l for like.‎ D: Copy the letters(workbook p24(Ll)‎ Play the game T: (show letter “B”)‎ S1: B, B, Bag.‎ S2 (the student sitting in front of S1): A, A, Apple.‎ S3 (sitting behind S1): C, C, Cat.‎ Read the letter.‎ Say: Kk, kite Kk, Kitty Kk, cake Say the rhyme.‎ Write the letter.‎ Read the letter.‎ Say: Ll, lion Ll, like Ll, lemen Say the rhyme.‎ Write the letter.‎ 在游戏中巩固,重新燃起学生的求知欲望。‎ 通过说出含有K的不同单词,使学生从形上认识K 通过书写,使学生知道大小K的区别。‎ Post-task activity 1. Show the rhyme:P25‎ 2. Fill in the blank ‎ pple ite ion ‎ ‎(1)a (2) k (3)l (4)j 3. Do the exercises on Work Book Read the rhyme.‎ Do the exercises Do the exercises on Work Book 板 书 设 计 Kk kite Kitty…‎ Ll lion like…‎ 教 学 反 思

