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第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9—10] 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] ┃ 基础精梳理 ┃ 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 1. 名词变复数: video → ________ 2 .反义词: careful → _____ ___ ___ , if → ________ , with → ________ , accept → _____ ______________ ___ , glad → ______ ___ __ 3 .形容词变副词: certain → _____ ___ ___ , normal → ________ videos careless unless without refuse/turn down sad/upset certainly normally 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 类别 中考考点助记 词语联想 4 . (1) 动词变名词: invite → _______ ____ _ , prepare → _____ ___ ___ , meet → ______ _____ __ , understand → ___ _____ _____ , advise → ___ _____ _____ , open → ___ __________ _____ , travel → _____ _______ ___ (2) 动词变形容词: surprise → ___ _______________ _____ 5 .不规则动词过去式: hang → ________ , catch → ________ , hear → ________ , keep → ________ invitation preparation meeting understanding advice opening traveler surprised/surprising hung caught heard kept 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 短语精选 1.________ time 其他时间 2 . ________ down 拒绝 3 . look ____ ________ ____ 盼望;期待 4 . ________ the end of 在 …… 末 5 . hang________ 闲逛;常去某处 6 . prepare ________ 为 …… 做准备 7 . ________ after 照顾;照料 another turn forward to at out for look 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 短语精选 8.in ________ 分成两半 9 . invite sb. ________ sth. 邀请某人做某事 10 . ________ the party 在聚会上 11 . ________ mistakes 犯错误 12. keep … to ________ 保守秘密 13. ________ sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事 14. run ________ 逃避;逃跑 half to do at make oneself advise away 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 重点句型 1. “ 你星期六下午能来参加我的聚会吗? ” “ 当然,我很愿意。 ” / “ 对不起,我不能。我得为考试做准备。 ” — Can you ________ ________ ________________ on Saturday afternoon? — Sure, I'd love to./Sorry, I can't. I have to ________ ________ an exam. 2 .萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。 Sam__________ ________ ________ next Wednesday. 3 .我期盼着你们的答复。 I ________ ________ ________ ________ from you all. come to my party study for isn't leaving until look forward to hearing 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 重点句型 4 .如果你去参加这个聚会,你将过得很愉快。 ________ you go to the party, ________ ________ a great time. 5 .如果我们不和人交谈,我们肯定会感觉更糟糕。 Unless we talk to someone, ________ ________ ________ ________ . 6 .希望你能参加 ( 聚会 )! Hope you can ________ ________ ! 语法结构 条件状语从句。 [ 详见 P127 ,语法专题 13] If you'll have we'll certainly feel worse make it 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] ┃ 考点巧突破 ┃ 考点 1 receive/accept 巧辩异同 (1)receive 指“收到,接到”,表示一种被动的行为;而 accept 指“接受”,表示一种主动的行为,并伴随有一种满意或允诺的意味。 He received the present, but he didn't accept it. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] (2) 两者之后均可接名词或代词作宾语,但不可接不定式。 He asked her to marry him and she accepted. 他向她求婚,她同意了。 (3) 表示“从 …… 收到 / 接受 …… ” 时,两者之后均可接 from 。 He received/accepted an invitation from his friend. 他收到了 / 接受了朋友的邀请。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 2 advice/suggestion 词条 词性 “ 一条建议 ” 动词 advice 不可数名词 a piece of advice advise suggestion 可数名词 a suggestion suggest 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 3 reply/answer (1)reply 指用口头或书面形式回答,可作不及物动词, reply to sb./sth. 意为“对 …… 作出回答”;也可作及物动词,意为“回答,回答说”。作名词时,意为“回答,答复”,后跟介词 to 。 (2)answer 是最普通的用语,包括口头、书面或行动的回答,可作及物动词和不及物动词。 [ 注意 ] reply to +宾语= answer +宾语 I asked him but he didn't reply to( = answer) me. 我问他了,但他没有答复我。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 4 other/else (1)other 主要用于修饰名词,置于名词前面。 I want some other things. 我想要一些其他的东西。 (2)else 只用于修饰两类词: ①修饰不定代词, 如 someone, someplace, anything 等,来指代另外一个,而不特别指明哪一个。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] ② 多用于特殊疑问词后,如 what, who, where 等。 I had nothing else to do. 我没有别的事做。 What else do I need to do? 我还需要做什么? 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 句型点击 考点 1 Can you come to my party? 你能来参加我的聚会吗? [ 点拨 ] “Can you … ?” 意为“你能 …… 吗?”表示客气地请求某人做某事, could 比 can 语气更委婉。其肯定回答: Yes./Sure, I'd love to./Of course./Certainly./Yes, I can. 否定回答: Sorry./Sorry, I can't. 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 2 I have to prepare for an exam. 我得为考试做准备。 [ 点拨 ] prepare for sth. 意为“为某事做准备”。 prepare to do sth. 意为“准备做某事”。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 3 Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday. 萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。 [ 点拨 ] until 用于肯定句时应与延续性动词连用; not … until … 意为“直到 …… 才 …… ” ,常与短暂性动词连用。 He didn't go to bed until 12 : 00. 他直到 12 点才上床睡觉。 He worked until 12 : 00 yesterday. 昨天他工作到 12 点。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 4 I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期盼着你们的答复。 [ 点拨 ] look forward to (doing) sth. 意为“盼望 / 期望 / 期待 ( 做 ) 某事”。 We are looking forward to our holiday. 我们都盼望着假期。 I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. 我盼望早日见到你。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 5 Hope you can make it! 希望你能参加 ( 聚会 )! [ 点拨 ] make it 的常见用法: (1) 意为“及时赶到”。 We'll make it with a minute or two to spare. 我们能及时赶到,而且还可以早一两分钟。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] (2) 用来表示规定时间,常与 can, let 等词连用。 — Shall we meet next week? 下星期我们见面,好吗? — Yes. Let's make it next Sunday. 好的,咱们约定下星期日吧。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] (3) 用来表示达到预定目标,意为“办成,做到;成功”。 Tell him I want to see him tonight at my house if he can make it. 告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。 (4) 用来表示“ ( 疾病等 ) 好转;得救”。 The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] (5) 用来表示“预定小吃”。 Make it a cake and a bottle of orange. 来一块蛋糕和一瓶橘汁。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 考点 6 If you go to the party, you‘ll have a great time. 如果你去参加这个聚会,你将过得很愉快。 Unless we talk to someone , we'll certainly feel worse. 如果我们不和人交谈,我们肯定会感觉更糟糕。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] [ 点拨 ] if 引导条件状语从句; unless 意为“除非; 如果不”,引导否定意义的条件状语从句。 if 和 unless 是一对反义词。 [ 注意 ] 主句是一般将来时、祈使句或是含有情态动词的一般现在时时,条件状语从句用一般现在时。 Don't touch anything unless the teacher allows you. 没有老师的允许,不要乱动东西。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] ┃ 智能双提升┃ 基础过关 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1 . Brenda spent all day p________( 准备 ) the meal. 2 . Please be c________( 小心的 ) when you cross the street. reparing areful 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 3 . Thank you very much for i________( 邀请 ) me to your birthday party. 4 . She always listens to the teachers c________( 仔细地 ) in class. 5 . The fisherman made a fire and h________( 悬挂 ) his wet clothes up to dry. nviting arefully ung 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] Ⅱ. 单项填空 1. There are many ________ in your homework. You need to be more careful next time. A. mistakes B. steps C. wallets D. holes A 根据“你下次需要更加仔细”可知作业上应该是有许多“错误”。故选 A 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 2. — I am very ________ to hear that you broke your leg last week. — Don't worry about me. I'm feeling better now. A. sad B. glad C. hungry D. poor A 根据“you broke your leg last week”可知我应该是感到很“难过”。故选A。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 3. — Would you like to go shopping with me this Sunday? — Sorry, I ________ Judy's invitation to her party that day. A. refused B. accepted C. replied D. prepared B 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 4. — I advise the parents ________ their children alone at home. — I agree with you. A. to leave B. leave C. not to leave D. left C advise sb. to do sth. 表示“建议某人做某事”,其否定形式为 advise sb. not to do sth. 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 5. Tom told his mother that he would go to London by ________ . A. him B. his C. he D. himself D 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 1 . [2014 · 菏泽 ] My teacher gave me much ________ on how to study English well when I had some trouble. A . advice B . question C . suggestion D . problem 中考透视 A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我 ( 学英语 ) 有困难时,我的老师给了我许多怎样学好英语的建议。 advice 意为“建议”; question 意为“问题”; suggestion 意为“建议”; problem 意为“问题”。 much 修饰不可数名词,只有 advice 为不可数名词,故选 A 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 2 . [2014 · 襄阳 ] — Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now? — Sorry, I ________. My watch doesn't work. A . can't B . may not C . mustn't D . needn't A 考查情态动词的用法。根据“ My watch doesn't work.” 可知, 要作否定回答。故选 A 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 3 . [2014 · 兰州 ] We wonder if our teachers ________to our graduating party next weekend. If they ________ , we'll be very happy. A . will come; will come B . come; will come C . will come; come D . come; come C 考查从句的时态。句意:我们想知道我们的老师下周末是否会来我们的毕业聚会。如果他们来, 我们将非常高兴。第一空考查 if 引导的宾语从句, 结合时间状语“ next weekend” ,可判断用一般将来时;第二空考查 if 引导的条件状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故选 C 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 4 . [2014 · 昆明 ] The left - behind kids ( 留守儿童 )can't see their parents ________ the parents came back from work. A . but B . until C . of D . if B 考查连词的用法。 not…until 意为“直到 …… 才”。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 5 . [2014 · 襄阳 ] You can't improve your spoken English ________ you practice it every day from now on. A . as soon as B . unless C . if D. since B 考查连词用法。句意:除非从现在起你每天坚持练习,否则你的英语口语不能提高。表示“除非”用 unless 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 6 . [2014 · 扬州 ] — What do you think of your school, Linda? — It's a good place for us to________ ourselves for the future. A . promise B . prove C . prepare D . present B 考查动词的词义辨析。句意:“琳达,你认为你的学校怎么样?”“它是一个能使我们为将来做好准备的好地方。” promise 意为“保证,许诺”; prove 意为“证实,证明”; prepare 意为“准备”; present 意为“授予,展现”。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 7 . [2014 · 金华 ] My parents ask me to ________ myself when they go out. A . bring up B . think of C . agree with D . look after D 考查动词短语的辨析。句意:当我父母外出时,他们要我照顾我自己。 bring up 意为“提出”; think of 意为“想起”; agree with 意为“同意”; look after 意为“照顾”。根据句意可知是“照顾自己”,故选 D 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 8 . [2014 · 白银改编 ] It is certain that nothing can be learned ________ hard work. A . with B . by C . for D . without D 考查介词的用法。表示“没有”用介词 without 。句意为“不努力学习,什么东西也学不会是肯定的”。故选 D 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 9 . [2014 · 威海 ] We are leaving tomorrow. We will be away ________ next Friday. A . from B . until C . on D . since B 考查介词的用法。 from 意为“从 ……” ; until 意为“到 …… 为止”; on 意为“在”; since 意为“自从;自 …… 以来”,常用于现在完成时中。后半句句意:我们将要离开,直到下周五才回来。 故选 B 。 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10] 10 . [2014 · 潍坊 ] — Have you seen the film Coming Home directed by Zhang Yimou? — Not yet. I'm ________ seeing it. It's said the film is great! A . looking down on B . looking out for C . looking up to D . looking forward to D 第 8 课时 八年级上册 [Units 9 — 10]   句意:“你看张艺谋导演的电影 《 归来 》 了吗?”“还没呢,我正期待着看一看,据说这部电影很棒!” look down on 意为“看不起, 轻视”; look out for 意为“搜寻 ( 某人或某物 ) ,试图得到 ( 某物 )” ; look up to 意为“抬头看 ( 某人或某物 ) ,尊重,敬仰 ( 某人 )” ; look forward to 意为“期待”。根据句意可知选 D 。 第一部分 语法精讲精练 第三节 代 词 01 中 考 导 航 02 考 点 突 破 03 课 堂 小 测 04 中 考 模 拟 演 练 目录导航 中 考 导 航 考点 广东省卷近五年中考统计 高频考点 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1.人称代词 ★☆☆ 2.物主代词 √ √ ★★☆ 3.反身代词 √ ★★☆ 考点 广东省卷近五年中考统计 高频考点 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 4.指示代词 √ √ ★★☆ 5.不定代词 ★☆☆ 6.疑问代词 ☆☆☆ 考情分析:从近五年考查情况来看,代词是每年的必考点,每年均考查其中的一个考点,其中物主代词、反身代词、指示代词是高频考点,不定代词是难点,2019年备考时应掌握好代词各个考点。 人称代词 ( ★☆☆ ) 1 .人称代词的人称、数和格,如下表所示: 数格 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 数格 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第二人称 you you you you 第三人称 he him they them she her it it 2. 人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。动词前面用主格,动词或介词之后用宾格。如: I like table tennis. ( 作主语 ) 我喜欢打乒乓球。 Do you know him? ( 作宾语 ) 你认识他吗? 3 .人称代词还可作表语,作表语时用宾格。 如: —Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门? —It ' s me . 是我。 4 .一般情况下,多个人称代词同时出现的顺序是:单数是 you, he and I, 复数是 we, you and they 。 ( ) 1. (2010 广东 )My father is ill in bed.I have to look after________at home. A.he B . his C . him D . himself 母题训练 C ( ) 2.My English is so poor.Please help________to improve it. A.me B . I C . my D . mine 中考预测 A 1 .表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,如下表所示: 物主代词 ( ★★☆ ) (2018 、 2017 年考 ) 2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。一般情况下形容词性物主代词后面接名词。 如: Our teacher is coming to see us. 我们的老师要来看我们了。 3 .名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。一般情况下名词性物主代词后面不可接名词。如: Our school is here and theirs is there. ( 作主语 ) 我们的学校在这里,他们的在那里。 ( ) 1. (2018 广东 ) Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got ________ name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas. A.it ' s B . its C . one's D . One ( ) 2. (2017 广东 ) Jessica used to be a manager in a company , but she gave up ________ job when she became a mother. A.she B . hers C . her D . herself 母题训练 B C ( ) 3. (2011 广东 ) —Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. —It doesn ' t matter.You can have ________. A.we B . us C . our D . ours 母题训练 D 中考预测 B ( ) 4.Some leaders from Africa think it ' s time for Africa to stand on ________ feet with the help of China. A . it B . its C . them D . Their ( ) 5.—Is this your Apple watch? —No, it ' s not ________.It ' s Lily ' s. A . my B . mine C . your D . yours B ( ) 6.Mary and Gina are my cousins.________father works in Dongfeng Company. A . Their B . They C . Them D . Theirs 中考预测 A 英语中用来表示 “ 我自己 ” , “ 你自己 ” , “ 他自己 ” , “ 我们自己 ” , “ 你们自己 ” , “ 他们自己 ” 等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词, 其形式如下表所示: 反身代词 ( ★★☆ ) 人称数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 myself yourself himself, herself, itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves 1. 反身代词可以在句中作宾语、表语和同位语。 (2013 年考 ) (1) 作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同一个人或一些人。如: He called himself a writer. 他称自己为作家。 (2) 作表语。如: The girl in the story is actually herself . 故事里的那个女孩其实就是她自己。 (3) 作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人。 如: You should ask the teacher himself . ( 作宾语同位语 ) 你应该问老师他自己。 2 .反身代词必须要与被指代人在人称和数上保持一致,意为 “ 某人自己 ” 。 (2015 年考 ) 如: You can do all the homework by yourself . 你可以自己做所有的家庭作业。 3 .反身代词在实际运用中,可构成很多固定词组。如: teach oneself = learn by oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 help oneself to 随便吃 come to oneself 苏醒过来 lose oneself 迷路 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 巧学妙记 反身代词莫乱用,能作句中宾 ( 宾语 ) 、表 ( 表语 ) 、同 ( 同位语 ) ,主语、定语不能用,固定搭配要记清。 ( ) 1. (2015 广东 ) —Look at this model ship.I made it all by ________ last week. —Wow, you are so smart! A.me B . my C . mine D . myself 母题训练 D ( ) 2. (2013 广东 )Boys , don ' t lose ________in playing Angry   Birds .It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time. A.himself B . yourself C . themselves D . yourselves 母题训练 D 中考预测 B ( ) 3.She can ' t seem to help ________.And no one can help her , either. A.her B . herself C . him D . himself ( ) 4.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed________ at the dancing party. A.myself B . himself C . herself D . themselves D 1 . 指示代词包括: this, that, these, those(2014 年考 ) (1)this 和 these 一般用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人, that 和 those 则指时间或空间上较远的事物或人。如: This is a pen and that is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔,那是一支铅笔。 指示代词 ( ★★☆ ) We are busy these days. 这些天我们很忙。 (2) 有时 that 和 those 指前面讲到过的事物, this 和 these 则是指下面将要讲到的事物。如: I had a cold. That ' s why I didn ' t come. 我感冒了,这就是我没有来的原因。 What I want to say is this: _ pronunciation is very important in learning English. 我想说的是:学英语时发音非常重要。 (3) 有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用 that 或 those 代替。如: TV sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai. 在北京生产的电视机和那些在上海生产的一样好。 巧学妙记 this , these 靠近我, that , those 离我远。 this , that 指单数, these , those 不指单。 都可用 the 来代替,劝君务必记心间。 (4)this 在电话用语中代表自己, that 则代表对方。如: Hello! This is Mary.Is that _ Jack speaking? 你好!我是玛丽,你是杰克吗? 2 . it, one, that 作代词的区别 (2016 年考 ) (1)it 指上文提到过的事物。如: The book is mine. It is very interesting. 这本书是我的。它非常有趣。 (2)one 泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个。如: Your bike is very beautiful.I also want to buy one . 你的自行车很漂亮。我也想买一辆。 (3)that 常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的不可数名词或可数名词单数,如指代可数名词复数要用 those ,为了避免重复。如: The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Zhanjiang. 北京的天气比湛江冷多了。 The flowers on the left are more beautiful than those on the right. 左边的花比右侧的更美丽。 母题训练 B ( ) 1. (2016 广东 ) —I ' m a little hungry, Daddy. —See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take________.Dinner is ready soon. A . it B . one C . this D . that ( ) 2. (2014 广东 ) —Hello, Linda speaking.Who ' s________ ? —Hello, this is Martin. A.he B . one C . that D . this C ( ) 3.He has a bad cold and ________ is why he didn ' t come. A.it B . this C . that D . there ( ) 4.The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than ________ in Shanghai. A.this B . it C . that D . one 中考预测 C C 1 .常见的不定代词有: some, any, one, each, every, no, none, all, both, either, neither, many, much, a few, a little, other, another, the other 等。 不定代词 (★☆☆) 2 .形容词修饰 something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody, everything, everyone, everybody 等不定代词时,形容词放在不定代词的后面。如: something important 重要的东西; nothing interesting 没有有趣的东西。 3 .易混不定代词辨析。 (1)some, any some, any 都意为 “ 一些 ” ,既可以修饰或代替可数名词复数,也可以修饰或代替不可数名词。 some 常用在肯定句中; any 多用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中。 练习: ① I have ________ tea here. ② I can ' t see ________ tea. some any (2)many, much many, much 都表示 “ 许多 ” 的意思,主要用于否定句和疑问句中,在肯定句中多用 a lot of, lots of 等。 many 修饰或代替可数名词的复数,其反义词是 few ;而 much 修饰或代替不可数名词,其反义词是 little 。 练习: ① I didn ' t know ________ English people who could speak Chinese. ② Is there ________ water in the bottle? many much (3)few, a few , little, a little few, a few 用来修饰或代替复数可数名词; little, a little 用来修饰或代替不可数名词; few, little 表示否定,意为 “ 很少、几乎没有 ” ; a few, a little 表示肯定,意为 “ 一些、少许 ” 。 练习: ① He is now out of work and can earn ________ money. ② I ' m from England, but I can speak ________ French. little a little ③ ________ students in this school can speak Japanese.They speak Korean. ④ There are still ________ students in the classroom. (4)another, other, others, the other, the others ① another 泛指三者或三者以上中的任何一个,表示 “ 又一 ( 个 ) ,又一些;另外的 ( 人、物 ) ,别的 ( 人、物 ) ” ,既可用作形容词又可用作代词。 Few a few   ② other 表示 “ 另外的 ” ,常与复数名词或不可数名词连用;前面有 the, this, that, some, any, each, every, no, one, my, your, his 等,则可与单数名词连用。 ③ others 泛指别的人或物 ( 但不是全部 ) ,是 other 的复数形式,不能作定语, some … others 表示 “ 一些 …… 另一些 ……” 。 ④ the other 表示 “ 两者中的另一个 ” , one … the other … 意为 “ ( 两者中的 ) 一个 …… 另一个 ……” 。 the other 修饰单数名词时意为 “ ( 两者中 ) 另一个 ” , 修饰复数名词时意为 “ ( 两部分中 ) 剩下的,其余的 ” 。 ⑤ the others = the other +名词复数,指 “ 剩下的人 ( 或物 ) ,其余的人 ( 或物 ) ” 。 练习: ① We need ________ four people. ② ________ people may think like that. ③ Some of the questions are hard; ________ are easy. ④ He has two sons.One is thin and _________ is fat. ⑤ There are 50 students in my class.30 are boys, and _________ are girls. another Other   others the other   the others (5)none, no one none 表示三者或三者以上全部否定,意为 “ 全都不 ” 。 none 既可指人又可指物,通常后接 of 短语。 none 用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可。 none 常用来回答 how many/much 的提问。 no one 表示三者或三者以上全部否定,与 nobody 同义,只用来指人,其后一般不跟 of 短语。 no one 常用来回答 who 的提问。 练习: ① ________ of us want(s) to go, but we have to. ② Everyone is here ; ________ is away. (6)every, each every 用来指三者或三者以上,侧重整体而不指个别,它不能单独作主语或宾语,只有与名词连用或构成复合词时,才能作主语和宾语。 every 常可用于某些固定搭配中。 None no one each 则用来指两者或两者以上,侧重于个别情况,可作主语、宾语、定语或同位语。作主语时,后接谓语的单数形式,但 each 作主语同位语时,谓语动词与主语一致。 练习: ① He knew by heart ________ word in her letter. ② He gave an apple to ________. every each (7)all, both all 指三者以上,或不可数的东西。 all 作主语时,谓语动词既可以用单数,也可以用复数。 both 作代词,其用法为: ① 与其他名词或代词并列出现,表示 “ 两个都 ” 。 ② 与 “ of +代词 ( 或名词 ) ” 连用,表示 “ 两者都 ” 。 练习: ① ________ of us like Mr.Pope. ② Lucy and Lily ________ agree with us. All both (8)neither, either neither 表示 “ 两者都不 ……” ,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 either 表示 “ 两个中的任何一个 ” ,可修饰或代替单数可数名词。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 练习: ① ________ of the knives is useful. ② ________ of them was in good health, but both worked very hard. Either Neither ( ) 1. (2012 广东 )—Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan? —________ of them.Lin Shuhao is my favorite. A.All B . None C . Either D . Neither 母题训练 B ( ) 2. (2009 广东 )—We have five kinds of schoolbags.Do you like this one? —No.Can you show me________ ? A.another B . each other C . the other D . others 母题训练 A ( ) 3.—We have red and yellow Tshirts.Which color do you like? —I ' m afraid________.I think blue will be OK. A.both B . either C . neither D . none ( ) 4.—Could we see each other at 9 o ' clock tomorrow morning? —Sorry, let ' s make it________ time. A.other ' s B . the other C . another D . other 中考预测 C C 疑问代词有 who, whom, whose, what 和 which 等。疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,一般都放在句首,并在句子中作为某一句子成分。如: Who is going to come here tomorrow ? ( 作主语 ) 明天谁会来这里? What is that? ( 作表语 ) 那是什么? 疑问代词 ( ☆☆☆ ) ( ) 1.—________ is Jeremy Lin? —He is a famous Harvardeducated, AsianAmerican NBA basketball player. A.Where B . What C . Why D . How old 母题训练 B ( ) 2.—________ is your father? —A bank clerk.He works in a bank near my home. A.Where B . How C . What D . Which 中考预测 C 课 堂 小 测 1 ~ 5 BDBBD 6 ~ 10 CDDBB 11 ~ 15 CDCAA 中考模拟演练 1 ~ 5 CABAB 6 ~ 10 ACCDD 11 ~ 15 CBDDB 16 ~ 20 ADDCC 21 ~ 25 DBADC 26 ~ 30 ACDAA 31 ~ 35 BBCAC 第一部分 语法精讲精练  第十四节 定语从句 01 中 考 导 航 02 考 点 突 破 03 课 堂 小 测 04 中 考 模 拟 演 练 目录导航 中 考 导 航 考点 广东省卷近五年中考统计 高频考点 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 定语从句 √ √ √ √ ★★★ 考情分析:从近五年考查情况来看,2018年题量减少后往年常考的三大从句只考查了宾语从句,2018年并未考查定语从句。2019年备考时应掌握好定语从句引导词(关系词)的选用。 考 点 突 破 定语从句是在主从复合句中修饰某个名词或代词的句子,它在句中作定语。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,连接先行词和定语从句的词叫引导词 ( 也叫关系词 ) 。如: The _ boys who are playing football are from Class One. 那群踢足球的男孩都是一班的。   ( 先行词 )( 引导词 )    ( 从句 ) 1 . 定语从句的引导词 ( 关系词 ) 常见的关系代词有: 指代对象 代指人 代指物 既可指人也可指物 主格 who, that which, that that 宾格 whom, that 所有格 whose 常见的关系副词有: 指代对象 先行词 关系副词及相应的介词结构 时间 day, year, date, time when, during, which time 地点 the place, the city where, in which, from which 原因 the reason why, that, for which 2. 引导词 ( 关系词 ) 的用法 (1) 由 that 引导的定语从句 (2016 、 2014 、 2011 年考 ) 一般情况下 that 可指人或物,可以代替 who , whom 和 which ,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能作介词的宾语。如: The man that (who) is speaking at the meeting is a foreigner. 正在会上发言的那个男人是个外国人。 Is this the nurse that (whom) you talked about yesterday ? 这就是你们昨天谈论的那位护士吗? The present that (which) I received yesterday was from my father. 昨天我收到的礼物是我父亲寄来的。 (2) 由 who , whom 和 whose 引导的定语从句 (2017 、 2013 年考 ) who 在从句中作主语, whom 在从句中作宾语, whose 在从句中作定语。如: This is the thief who stole my car. 这就是偷我车的那个贼。 He is the boy whom you wanted to find. 他就是你想要找的那个男孩。 The girl whose mother is a nurse is waiting for you outside. 妈妈是个护士的那个女孩在外面等你。 (3) 由 which 引导的定语从句 (2015 、 2012 年考 ) which 指物,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语。如: The book which Mum bought me last week is called The Old Man and the Sea . 妈妈上周买给我的那本书名叫《老人与海》。 The house which Lu Xun once lived in is now the Lu Xun Museum. 鲁迅曾经住过的那所房子现在是鲁迅博物馆。 3 . 引导词 ( 关系词 ) 的特殊用法 (1) 下列情况只能用 that( 不能用 which) 来指代物: ① 先行词为 all, much, little, something, anything, everything, nothing 等不定代词时。如: I will do everything that I can do to help you. 我将做我能做的一切事情来帮助你。 ② 先行词是最高级或者被形容词的最高级修饰时。如: This is the most important task that should be finished soon. 这是必须马上完成的最重要的任务。 ③ 先行词为数词或被序数词修饰时。如: You are the first men that like this kind of books. 你们是第一批喜欢这种书的人。 ④ 先行词中既有人又有物时。如: We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited. 我们访问过的老师和学校给我们留下了很深的印象。 ⑤ 当先行词前有 the one, the only, the last, the very, any, few, little, no, all 等词修饰时,引导词只能用 that 。 如: He is the only person that knows the truth. 他是唯一知道真相的人。 ⑥ 当主句中已经含有疑问词 who 或者 which 时,只用 that 。如: He built a factory which produced things that I had never seen before. 他建造了一个工厂,生产的东西是我之前从未见过的。 (2) 下列情况只能用 who 来指代人: ① 先行词是 one, ones, anyone 时,适宜用 who 。如: One who has nothing to fear dares to tell the truth. 一个无所畏惧的人敢于说实话。 Don ' t tell anyone about the news who shouldn ' t be told. 别告诉不该告诉的人任何消息。 ② 当 those 作先行词指人时,引导词只能用 who 。 如: Those who respect others are often respected by others. 尊敬别人的人也常常受人尊敬。 ③ 当先行词有较长的后置定语时,宜用 who 。如: I met a foreigner in the street who could speak Chinese well. 我在街上遇到一位可以把中文说得很好的外国人。 ④ 有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已经使用了 that ,另一个宜用 who 。如: The boy that you met last night is her boyfriend who can make kites. 你昨晚遇到的那个男孩是她的男朋友,他会制作风筝。 ⑤ 在 there be 开头的句子中用 who 。如: There is an old man who wants to see you. 有一个老人想见你。 ⑥ 当主语是 I, he, you, they 等时,常用于谚语、格言中,只能用 who 。如: He who plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者自焚。 (    ) 1 . ( 2017广东)According to a survey, people________are able to speak two languages can manage two things at the same time more easily . A . which B . whom C . whose D . who 母题训练 D (    ) 2 . ( 2016广东)Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years . Everything ________comes into sight is so new to me . A . that B . which C . who D . whom 母题训练 A (    ) 3 . ( 2015广东)Running Man is a very relaxing TV program ________ is hot among the young people . A . what B . which C . who D . whom (    ) 4 . ( 2014广东)When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing ________ he did was to look for some food . A . who B . that C . which D . whom 母题训练 B B (    ) 5 . ( 2013广东)The young lady ________ is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I am a singer is from 21st Century Talent Net . A . who B . whom C . which D . whose 母题训练 A (    ) 6 . Theaters may have a brighter future if they can provide a movie experience________people cannot get at home . A . that B . who C . whom D . what (    ) 7 . To be a better man is the best soap opera ________ I have ever seen . A . that B . where C . who D . why 中考预测 A A (    ) 8 . I will never forget the day________ we spent in the old town with small houses . A . who B . whom C . that D . what (    ) 9 . We all like the story about the teacher________ happened in our school last week . A . which B . who C . whom D . what 中考预测 C A (    ) 10 . Piano is a word________ was originally borrowed from Italian . A . where B . who C . which D . whose 中考预测 C 课 堂 小 测 1~5 BDBAB  6~10 BCACC  11~15 BABBC 中考模拟演练 1~5 ACCCD  6~10 ACABC  11~15 BABDD 16~20 AABAB  21~25 CBABB  26~30 DABAD

