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中考英语单项选择题分类总结 随着新课标的普及,中考试题中单项选择题不仅单纯考查语法点、知识点,而且越来越 注重通过设置各种语境来考查学生综合运用词汇、语法、句型、交际、习惯表达等基础知识 的能力。分析 2007 年一些省市中考试题中的单项选择题,可发现其呈现出以下特点和趋势: 1.知识点覆盖面越来越广,综合性越来越强。如: The headmaster said they would have________ library________ . (兰州) A. another; builtB. other; built C. another; build D. other; building 解析:本题考查了 another 与 other 的区别。应选 A。 2.语境设置的真实性越来越强,考查范围越来越广。如: —Look at the noisy kids! —Haven’t you heard the saying“When the cat is away, the mice________”? (河 南) A. play B. played C. are playingD. will play 解析:本题形式上考查的是 play 的时态,而实际上考查的是真实语境中具体语言的运 用。主句是将来时,从句要用一般现在时。应选 D。 3.选项设置的干扰性和迷惑性越来越大,考查综合运用英语能力的手段越来越强。如: Uncle Wang looks so fine in recent days. He ________a lot, but he has given it up. (咸宁) A. was used to smoke B. used to smoke C. was used to smokingD. am used to smoking 解析:be used to 意为“习惯于做某事”,to 是介词,后面跟名词、代词、动名词等; used to 意为“过去常常做某事”,to 是不定式符号,后面跟动词。选项 C 干扰性最大,它 本身既是过去时,后面又跟动名词。应选 B。 [考点研析] 一、考查不定冠词、定冠词的正确运用。如: —Will you get there by________ train? —No, I’ll take________taxi. (天津) A. /;aB. a; the C. /; / D. the; a 解析:by train 是固定搭配,中间不用冠词;take a taxi 也是固定搭配。应选 A。 二、考查名词数的搭配和名词所有格的运用,以及对名词含义的正确理解。如: —Come and see in________ . —With pleasure. That’s what I’m expecting. (哈尔滨) A. two or three days’ B. two or three day’s time C. two or three days’ time 解析:句意是“两三天后请来访”,两三天是一个时间段,应该加 time;两三天又是 复数,故 day 应该用复数形式。应选 C。 三、考查不定代词、人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。如: My aunt has two children. But________ of them lives with her. (河北) A. eachB. neitherC. eitherD. both 解析:根据 lives 可知主语应该是单数,又因为 but 表示转折,表达否定的意思,所 以排除 both(两者都),each 和 either。neither 是“两者中无一”,做主语时,谓语动 词用单数。应选 B。 四、考查介词的正确用法及一些固定结构。如: Don’t get off the bus________ it has stopped. (天津) A. untilB. ifC. to D. for 解析:not...until 是“直到……才”的意思。应选 A。 五、根据具体语境选择正确的连词。如: Kate is________ busy________ she can’t have a picnic with us this weekend. (贵 阳) A. so; thatB. too; toC. so; as 解析:so+形容词/副词+that 从句,是结果状语从句,意思是“如此……以致”,too+ 形容词+to+动词,意思是“太……而不能”,不符合题意,C 是错误搭配。应选 A。 六、考查形容词、副词的正确含义及比较级和最高级的正确用法。如: —“Shall we go now?” —“Oh, no. It’s raining________ . We’d better wait for a while.” (贵阳) A. heavyB. heavier C. heavily 解析:rain 是动词,需要用副词 heavily 来修饰。应选 C。 七、考查情态动词的含义及用法。如: —Must I finish the work today, Mom? —No, you________. You can finish it tomorrow. (河北) A. mustn’tB. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 解析:must 的否定回答应该用 needn’t。应选 D。 八、考查动词及短语动词的正确含义及各种时态和被动语态。如: —What did the English teacher talk to you last Friday? —She told me to________ my lessons carefully before the exam. (芜湖) A. look up B. go overC. look after D. go on 解析:根据句意“她告诉我考试之前要认真复习功课”,可知答案是 go over“复习”。 look up 是“查询”,look after 是“照顾”,go on 是“继续”。应选 B。 九、考查基数词、序数词及分数的表达方法。如: In our city________, middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.(重庆) A. thousandB. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of 解析:thousands of 意为“许多,无数”,two thousand 与 of 不能连用,thousand 不能单 独使用。应选 C。 十、考查交际用语或习惯用法。如: —Now, where is my school bag? —________ ! We’ll be late for school. (南京) A. Just a minute B. Take it easy C. Don’t worryD. Come on 解析:Just a minute 意为“请等一下”,Take it easy 意为“别着急,放心好了”,Don’t worry 意为“别担心”,Come on 意为“快点”,根据下文“上学要迟到了”,应选 D。 十一、考查定语从句的用法。如: The green tea________grows in South China is quite popular in China. (甘肃) A. whoB. which C. when D. where 解析:先行词 tea 是物,所以应用关系代词 which 来引导定语从句。应选 B。 十二、考查感叹句的用法。如: —It’s reported that the 29th Olympic torch(奥运火炬)is going to travel to 135 cities around the world. —________ exciting the news is! And it will arrive at the opening ceremony on August 8th, 2008.(哈尔滨) A. What B. HowC. What an 解析: 中心词 exciting 是形容词,故用 How 来修饰。应选 B。 十三、常用句型的考查。如: Many people think it’s very important________ us ________learn English well.(贵阳) A. for ; toB. to; toC. with; for 解析:本题考查的是 it is+形容词+for sb. +to do sth.这个常用句型。应选 A。

