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初三英语易错题总结 ‎     ‎ ( ). ‎1.---Who’s taken away my English book? ---_________.‎ A. I have    B. Him    C. She did    D. He took it ( ). ‎2. ---This kind of rice tastes nice.‎ ‎ ---Yes. It ________in northeast of China.‎ A. was grown   B. has grown  C. is grown    D. is growing ( ). ‎3. It’s known that the paper for books and magazines ______from wood.‎ A. are made   B. is made  C. has been made  D. is being made ( ). ‎4. Can you tell me__________?‎ A. when did it happen     B. when it happened ‎ C. when was it happened    D. when it was happened ( ). ‎5. Two manned spacecraft __________into space in China in the past few years. ‎ A. was sent  B. has been sent  C. are sent  D. have been sent ‎( ).6. She’s not asleep; her eyes are _______.‎ A. opened    B. open    C. close    D. closed ( ). ‎7. About 40 tourists ________the protest about the bad service of the restaurant.‎ A. joined    B. attended    C. go to    D. took part in ( ). ‎8._____is most important in life isn’t money.‎ A. That    B. What    C. Which    D. Who ( ). ‎9. Please look after my plants _________I am away.‎ A. while    B. as    C. before    D. as soon as ( ). ‎10. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is_________ country.‎ A. so a beautiful   B. very a beautiful C. such beautiful a  D. so beautiful a ( ). ‎11. If the homework _______, you can go home.‎ A. did    B. has done    C. will be done    D. is done ( ). ‎12. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _____ in the classroom.‎ A. stay    B. to stay    C. staying    D. stayed ‎ ( ). ‎13. The monkey was seen _________ off the tree.‎ A. jump    B. jumps    C. jumped    D. to jump ( ). ‎14._______my instructions, if you want to operate a machine properly.‎ A. Obey    B. Do    C. Follow    D. Agree ( ). ‎15. ______fun it is to visit Disneyland!‎ A. What a    B. What    C. How    D. How a ( ). ‎16. Things made abroad are not always better than__________ produced locally.‎ ‎  A. that    B. those    C. the one    D. it ( ). ‎17. They ___ play football every day when they were at college. But now they have no time.‎ A. used to    B. were fond of    C. lived on    D. were used to ( ). ‎18. The man stood there and didn’t ________to my question.‎ A. reply    B. answer    C. reply to    D. answer to ( ). ‎19. Japan lies ________the east of our country.‎ A. to    B. on    C. in    D. at ( ). ‎20. Look at the photo. The man ________me is my uncle.‎ A. next    B. beside    C. besides    D. close ( ). ‎21. Can you tell me_________?‎ A. what does he like  B. what he does like C. what he likes D. what he like ( ). ‎22. Many kind of books, newspapers and magazines_________in this library.‎ A. are kept   B. is being kept   C. are keeping   D. have kept ( ). ‎23. Students are often told ________at people who are in trouble.‎ A. not to smile  B. to smile  C. not to laugh  D. to laugh ( ). ‎24. —Look at the sign on the right. —Oh, parking ________here A. doesn’t allow  B. isn’t allowed  C. didn’t allow  D. wasn’t allowed ( ). ‎25. After the hero’s story _____ on CCTV, many people are learning from him.‎ A. reports   B. reported  C. was reporting  D. was reported ( ). ‎26. —Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?‎ ‎ —Sure. But what subject should I_________?‎ A. talking   B. talk about   C. talk with   D. talk to ( ). ‎27. —Let’s go dancing tonight. —Sorry, I_____. I have to go to a meeting.‎ ‎ A. mustn’t    B. may not    C. needn’t    D. can’t ( ). ‎28. Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in the_________hurdles, and we are proud of him.‎ A. 110-metre   B. 110-metres   C. 110 metre   D. 110 metres ( ). ‎29. I often hear her ________after class.‎ A. to sing    B. sang    C. sing    D. sings ( ). ‎30. —What did you_________just now?‎ ‎—I_________you if you could follow me.‎ A. say; said   B. speak; asked   C. speak; said  D. say; asked ( ). ‎31. —Did you_________the first place of the league match?‎ ‎—Of course we did. We_________all the other teams.‎ A. beat; beat    B. beat; won    C. win; won    D. win; beat ( ). ‎32. The teacher encouraged us ________on with our music study.‎ A. to go    B. going    C. went    D. go ( ). ‎33. In those days, books ______ one at a time by hand.‎ A. should be produced    B. should be produce C. could be produced    D. could produce ( ). ‎34. Why not get some work experience first ______ straight on to university?‎ A. rather than go  B. rather than went  C. instead go  D. instead of go ( ). ‎35. Personal computers_________in 1976. It has changed the whole world.‎ A. have been invented   B. are invented   C. were invented   D. invented ( ). ‎36. —Have some candy? —I am sorry, I have diabetes.‎ ‎—It doesn’t matter, because it is_________of sugar.‎ A. none    B. without    C. free    D. not ( ). ‎37. You must return these books_________next Monday. Or you will be fined.‎ A. on    B. in    C. by    D. from ‎ ( ). ‎38. Will you drop_________us tomorrow evening for a talk?‎ A. on in    B. on at    C. in at    D. in on ( ). ‎39. Max is hardworking, cheerful, and_________honest.‎ A. after all   B. first of all   C. on the whole   D. above all ( ). ‎40. —Let’s go out for a walk, OK? —_______.‎ A. Why not?    B. Not at all.   C. Never mind.   D. No way ( ). ‎41. The police found the lost car_________.‎ A. with mistake  B. by accident  C. by mistake  D. in accident ( ). ‎42. The policemen will go to_________the truth.‎ A. find    B. find out    C. decide    D. look for ( ). ‎43. I saw your enjoyable magazine while ______ my homework.‎ A. I did    B. I am doing    C. I was doing    D. I do ( ). ‎44. Jack didn’t study law._________, he decided to become an actor.‎ A. Instead of    B. Instead    C. In place of    D. Without ( ). ‎45. We need to buy a new car. This old car won’t ______ for very long.‎ A. drive    B. take    C. spend    D. last ( ). ‎46. Do you care about ________the environment and_________energy?‎ A. protect; save   B. protecting; save  C. protecting; saving  D. protected; saved ( ). ‎47. I think_________necessary to tell him the news.‎ A. its    B. it’s    C. this    D. that ( ). ‎48. Hang Zhou is a nice city. Dad_____me there when I was about ten years old.‎ A. pulled    B. caught    C. took    D. brought ( ). ‎49. _______ was the score of the match?‎ A. How many    B. How much    C. Which    D. What ( ). ‎50. ---Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? ---______. I’d like a glass of water.‎ ‎  A. Both    B. Neither    C. Either    D. None ( ). ‎51.--- Liu Xiang is as _______ as Yao Ming in the world today.‎ A. famous  B. more famous  C. most famous  D. the most famous ( ). ‎52. ---Would you mind taking care of my pet dog while I’m away? ---______.‎ ‎ A. Congratulations    B. Of course not ‎ ‎ C. You’re welcome    D. It doesn’t matter ( ). ‎53. ---_________? --- Nothing serious, but a bit tired.‎ ‎--- Better have a rest now, dear.‎ ‎ A. Is there anything else       B. What’s this ‎ ‎ C. What’s the matter with you    D. It doesn’t matter ( ). ‎54. I ____ a present from Jack, but as I wouldn’t ___ it. I gave it back to the sender.‎ A. received, receive  B. received, accept C. accepted, receive  D. accepted, accept ( ). ‎55. While going on business in Shanghai, he______ on his relatives.‎ ‎  A. dropped in    B. visited    C. saw    D. called at ( ). ‎56. In the year 2010, this building _________.‎ ‎  A. will finish building     B. will be finished ‎ ‎  C. will finish         D. finished ( ). ‎57. A talk on developments in science and technology _______ in the school hall next week.‎ A .given    B. will be given   C. has been given   D. gives ( ). ‎58. ---Would you please tell Miss Li that she _________ as a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games? ‎ ‎---Of course. I will tell her tomorrow.‎ A. is chosen   B. chooses   C. has chosen  D. has been chosen ( ). ‎59. ---Make sure all the lights ________ when you leave the room.‎ ‎--- OK, I will.‎ ‎  A. turn off    B. are turned off    C. turn on    D. are turned on ( ). ‎60. ---Could you tell me whom the radio ______ by? ---Sorry, I have no idea. ‎ ‎  A. invents    B. invented    C. is invented    D. was invented ( ). ‎61. His wife got hurt in the accident. I didn’t know how to tell him ____bad news.‎ A. a    B. the    C. /    D. an ( ). ‎62. Can you help me ______ the problem? It is too difficult.‎ ‎  A. work on    B. work out    C. work for    D. work at ‎ ( ). ‎63. Mom _____ the bottle _____ juice.‎ A. filled; with   B. fulled; of   C. put; into  D. offer; with ( ). ‎64. Don’t be angry with him. _______, he is a kid.‎ A. In all    B. Above all    C. First of all    D. After all ( ). ‎65. Few of the people __________ interested in taking part in this activity.‎ A. is    B. are    C. be    D. to be ‎ ( ). ‎66. My parents bought me an electric bicycle that __________ them 2000 yuan last month.‎ A. cost    B. spent    C. costed    D. takes ( ). ‎67. This is the place ___________ I have ever visited.‎ A. there    B. when    C. where    D. which ( ). ‎68. He got to the village __________ his family once lived before liberation.‎ A. that    B. where    C. whose    D. which ( ). ‎69. You _______ buy the TV guide for next week. I have already bought a copy. ‎ A. won’t    B. needn’t to    C. don’t have to    D. can’t ( ). ‎70. The Palace Museum is most amazing place I’ve never ________ .‎ A. gone    B. been    C. stayed    D. visited ( ). ‎71. Mr. Wang didn’t imagine __________ a teacher in his childhood .‎ A. becoming    B. of becoming   C. become    D. to become ( ). ‎72. The stories of Batman and Spiderman have been made _________films and TV programs.‎ A. into    B. from    C. of    D. up of ( ). ‎73. ---What would you buy for your mother’s birthday as a present?‎ ‎---I am not sure. Anyway, I will surely buy _________ to make her happy . ‎ A. enough good something    B. something good enough C. something enough good    D. good something enough ( ). ‎74. “Please” is one of the most common expressions that _________ in China.‎ ‎  A. are used    B. is used    C. use    D. has been used ( ). ‎75. ---How about ___________ after school? ---Good idea!‎ A. go skating    B. going skating C. go skate   D. going skate ( ). ‎76. ---How do we do with our project on Australia?‎ ‎---I will _________ some information on the Internet first.‎ A. look after    B. look at    C. look up    D. look through ( ). ‎77. It’s ______ wonderful fashion show on TV that everyone enjoy it very much .‎ A. such    B. such a    C. so    D. so a ( ). ‎78. Either her parents or her uncle _______ going to the airport to see her off.‎ A. is    B. are    C. be    D. to be ( ). ‎79. She handed in her homework, and _________ asked when they would have the exam .‎ A. as well as  B. at the same time  C. but also   D. along with ( ). ‎80. A knife and a fork ______ on the table. A knife and fork ______ on the table. ‎ A. is; is    B. are; are    C. are; is    D. is; are ( ). ‎81. There _________ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper.‎ A. is    B. are    C. was    D. were ( ). ‎82. Ethiopian children are crazy about soccer, but __________ of them have soccer balls of their own. They have to play with a paper ball.‎ A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little ‎ ( ). ‎83. The people speak __________ of the film Not One Less. It is really necessary for every child to go to school.‎ A. brightly   B. loudly    C. happily   D. highly ( ). ‎84. ____________ students in his class are interested in listening to the music of Ludwig Van • Beethoven.‎ A. A number   B. The number  C. A number of  D. The number of ( ). ‎85. You won’t play the piano very well __________ you work hard on it.‎ A. unless    B. if    C. when    D. no matter how ( ). ‎86. The car accident ___________ because of the heavy fog.‎ A. caused  B. happened  C. broke out  D. brought about ( ). ‎87. Please ___________ at six o’clock. My plane leaves at 8:30.‎ A. telephone me up    B. wake me up ‎ C. call on me       D. knock me out ( ). ‎88. There ___________ great changes to our city since the 1990s.‎ A. are    B. have been    C. were   D. will be ( ). ‎89. After school, he often watches the school football team __________.‎ A. train    B. trains    C. training    D. to be trained ( ). ‎90. ________ have the football fans been in Seoul?‎ A. How often   B. How soon   C. How long  D. How much ( ). ‎91. As well as __________ the fresh air,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.‎ A. breath    B. breathe    C. breathing    D. to breathe ‎ ( ). ‎92. How many books have been returned already? __________________‎ A. No one    B. Nothing    C. No    D. None ( ). ‎93. The leader of the party was examining the soil near __________ the cave.‎ A. the entry to  B. the entry of C. the enter to  D. the entrance of ( ). ‎94. Please___________ this form, giving your name, age, and address.‎ A. fill with    B. fill in    C. full with    D. full in ( ). ‎95. We __________ at the foot of the famous mountain.‎ A. went on a camel riding B. went on a camel ride C. rode camel D. had camel ride ( ). ‎96. ---Did you finish your writing assignment (作业)?‎ ‎---Of course I did. __________, I’ve got an “A”.‎ A. Anyway    B. On the way    C. By the way   D. Whatever ( ). ‎97. Mary just has her_________.‎ A.15-year-old birthday  B.15th birthday C.15 birthday D.15 years old birthday ( ). ‎98._________Batman, Spiderman was also made into a television program.‎ A. Unlike    B. Like    C. Such as    D. For example ( ). ‎99. I can’t believe ______ he told me just now.‎ A. what    B. that    C. which    D. who ( ). ‎100. We did a lot of activities in the summer camp ________games, small competitions, giving talks, and so on.‎ A. including    B. included    C. to include    D. include ( ). ‎101. He used to be a worker in a factory. After he became a movie star, his life changed ‎ surprisingly little. He was living ______ life.‎ A. a special    B. an unusual    C. an ordinary    D. a rich ( ). ‎102. ---Is ________ ready for the dinner?‎ ‎---Not yet. The table hasn’t been set.‎ A. anything    B. everything    C. something    D. nothing ( ). ‎103. ---Few people in his company have been abroad, __________ they?‎ ‎ ---Yes, most of them have ever worked in foreign countries.‎ ‎  A. do    B. don’t    C. have    D. haven’t ( ). ‎104. ---_______terrible weather it is! I don’t want to go out.‎ ‎---The report says it will get worse later.‎ A. How    B. How a    C. What    D. What a ( ). ‎105. I ________visit the Great Wall next week. Would you like to go with me?‎ A. will like to   B. want to  C. would want to  D. will want to ( ). ‎106. The Australian lifestyle is very ____.‎ A. similar with us  B. similar to us  C. similar with ours D. similar to ours ( ). ‎107. There are many sheep eating grass ______ the fields and ______ the hills.‎ A. on; on    B. at; at    C. in; on    D. on; in ( ). ‎108. Why hasn’t Jim come yet? If he doesn’t arrive in five minutes, we’ll go to the cinema _______ him.‎ A. without    B. except    C. instead of    D. rather than ( ). ‎109. What do you know about Bill Gates, _______ has done a lot in developing software for personal computer?‎ A. the man    B. the man who    C. he    D. whom ( ). ‎110. Who can tell us_______?‎ A. how does an Indian tiger look like  B. what does an Indian tiger look like C. how an Indian tiger looks like   D. what an Indian tiger looks like ( ). ‎111. The computer doesn’t work well. There ___something wrong with it.‎ A. seems to be  B. seem to be  C. seems to have  D. seem to have ( ). ‎112. The place flew higher and higher until it could no longer________.‎ ‎  A. seen    B. to be seen    C. be seen    D. see it ( ). ‎113. The movie is so _____that it ____the girl out of the movie theatre.‎ ‎  A. frighten; frightened    B. frightening; frighten ‎ ‎  C. frighten; frightening    D. frightening; frightens ( ). ‎114. There is _______ everything to such a silly person.‎ ‎  A. not need to explain    B. no need to explain ‎ ‎  C. no need explaining    D. not need explaining ( ). ‎115. Every student in our class has ______ good progress since last term.‎ ‎  A. made    B. taken    C. done    D. got ( ). ‎116. Jack ________ enter the competition because he thought the judges were all white, and they might look down upon the black people.‎ A. managed to    B. agreed to    C. refused to    D. decided to ( ). ‎117. The only ________ was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so hot.‎ ‎  A. difficulty    B. question    C. problem    D. trouble ( ). ‎118. One-third of the area _______ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees _______been planted for over thirteen years.‎ A. are; have    B. is; has    C. is; have    D. are; has 参考答案:‎ ‎  1-5 ACBBD    6-10 BDBAD   11-15 DBDCB   16-20 BAAAB   21-25 CACBD ‎  26-30 BDACD   31-35 DACAC  36-40 CCDDA   41-45 BBCBD   46-50 CBCDB ‎ ‎  51-55 ABCBA   56-60 BBDBD  61-65 BBADB   66-70 ADBCD   71-75 AABAB ‎ ‎  76-80 CBABC   81-85 AADCA  86-90 BBBAC   91-95 CDABB   96-100 CBBAA ‎  101-105 CBCCB  106-110 DCABD 111-115 ACDBA  116-118 CDC

