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应用文写作之题型演练 1. 假如你叫李林,在聊城二中(环湖路 67 号)学习。你校附近有一条河流,过去河水 清澈。但自从一家化工厂搬来后,大量污水排入河中,致使河水严重污染,附近的人非常不 满,感到气愤。现在写信给临清日报编辑(editors)反映情况,要求工厂停止向河内排放污 水,或将污水净化后再排入河内。字数 100 单词左右。 答案: 67Huanhu Road No. 2 Middle School Liaocheng May 28, 2004 Dear editors, I'm Li Lin, a student in No.2 Middle School.Very near our school lies a river. Several years ago, the river was very clean. But it has been seriously polluted since the year before last when a certain chemical factory was moved here. Every day a large quantity of polluted water is sent into the river and the water is getting blacker and blacker. People living nearby aren't quite pleased with it; some are even rather angry about it. The factory should not pour the dirty water into the river any longer! The dirty water should be made clean before it go back to the river. Yours truly, Li Lin 2. 你刚刚收到朋友 Dick 的来信,请根据 Dick 信中的内容,写一封回信。 注意:信中应写出你的地址及写信的时间。以下是 Dick 信的全文。 9 Ocean Road Freetown Dear ... , I hope you are very well and you had a good holiday. Do tell me where you went and whether you had a good time. I'm writing to ask if you want to buy some stamps. I have the following for sale at the moment: ① One penny, green, 1952, unused; ② One penny, orange, 1965, unused. If you would like to buy any of these, please tell me as soon as possible. I will keep them until the end of November. I am still looking for these stamps which I would like to buy if the price is right: ① One penny, green, 1945, used or unused; ② Three pence, red, 1947, used or unused. If you have either of these and would like to sell them, please write and tell me how much you want for them. It does not matter if they are old. They are difficult to find, aren't they? I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes. Yours, Dick 答案: Class 1Grade 3 Hefei No. 46 Middle School 26 Jingzhai Road HefeiAnhuiChina August 1, 2004 Dear Dick, I am very glad to receive your letter. How time flies! More than two months have passed quickly. This holiday my grandpa, my parents and I went to the city of Shanghai. We stayed there for a week. We all had a good holiday. You asked me whether I wanted to buy some stamps. I do want to buy this One: One penny, orange, 1965, unused. I have the stamps, ① one penny, green, 1945, used. ② three pence, red, 1947, unused, If you want to buy, please tell me which one you want. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes. Yours, Li Ping 3. 昨天你叔叔打电话来,请你找几个朋友去他农场收桔子,于是今天早上 6 点,你和 朋友就坐汽车出发了。一到农场便开始干活,树上挂满了桔子,你们又摘桔子又装车,忙完 后在那儿吃了午餐,还吃了不少桔子,下午坐车回家。你虽然忙了一天,却感到非常快乐。 时间和天气情况:2003 年 10 月 1 日星期天睛。 答案: October 1st, 2003SundaySunny My uncle called me yesterday. He said on the phone that he had an orange harvest. He needed some help. He asked me to go there with my friends. This morning we left home at 6:00. We went there by bus. The trees on the farm were really full of oranges. When we got there, we began to work at once. We picked a lot of oranges and put them in the boxes. Some strong boys carried the boxes into a truck. After work, we had lunch in my uncle's house. We had many oranges, too. In the afternoon, we came back home by truck. We were busy today, but we were happy. 4. Smith 先生将于 1 月 9 日晚 7 点到 9 点(星期六)在第一阅览室作关于美式英语与英 式英语不同点的报告。 请你用英文写一个关于这一消息的口头通知,字数 60~80 个单词。 答案: Attention, please. I'm glad to tell you that an English lecture will be given from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening on January 9, Saturday. It will be held in the first reading - room. Mr. Smith will give you a talk on the differences between American English and British English. After the report, we will have a discussion on the subject in groups. I'm sure you will learn a lot from it. Please attend the lecture on time. That's all. Thanks. 5. 假如今天是 2002 年 12 月 31 日,请你以校长室的名义写一个书面通知。 时间安排: (1)明天是元旦,学校停课一天,希望全体师生参加。 (2)早晨 8:00-12:00 在本校会议厅举行的歌咏会。 (3)下午 2:00-2:50 在本校操场举行的学生男队与青年男子教师队之间的篮球对抗 赛。 (4)下午 3:00-4:00 学生女队与女青年教师队之间的排球对抗赛。 (5)元月 2 日照常上课。 答案: NOTICE Tomorrow is New Year's Day. There will be no classes. All the teachers and students must attend the song meeting. It will held in the meeting-hall between 8:00 and 11:30 in the morning. And there will be a basketball match between Boy-students Team and Young men teachers Team from 2:00 to 2:50, a volleyball match between Girl-students Team and Young-woman-teacher Team from 3:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon. People are warmly welcome to watch. Class will be had as usual on January 2. The Headmaster Office Dec. 31, 2002 6. 假定你是赵军,请根据下面的提示,写一张请假条给高老师。要求语句通顺,意思 连贯,不要逐条翻译提示要点。字数 80 个单词左右。 时间:星期四上午 6 点。 提示: (1)昨天下午下大雨,你回家时遇见了一个迷路的老太太,你把她送回家,你全身湿 透。 (2)当晚你做作业,直到 11 点才睡觉。 (3)早上起床后感到难受。 (4)想请一天假去医院看病。 答案: Dear Miss Gao, I'm sorry to say that I can't go to school today. It was raining hard yesterday afternoon. On my way home, I met an old woman. She lost her way. I sent her home. I was wet all over. Last night I did my homework. I didn't go to bed until 11 o'clock. After I got up this morning, I felt very bad. I'll go to see the doctor. I want you to give me a day's leave. I think I'll get well very soon. Thank you! Your student, Zhao Jun

