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第 9 课时 Units 1—2( 八下 ) 第一篇  教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 · 名词 1.north →       ( adj. ) 北方的 ; 北部的   2.garden →       ( n. ) 园艺   →       ( n. ) 园艺家 ; 花匠   3.east →       ( adj. ) 东方的 ; 东部的    4.dirt →       ( adj. ) 脏的   5.sun →       ( adj. ) 阳光充足的   6.base →       ( adj. ) 基本的   7.wind →       ( adj. ) 有风的   northern   gardening gardener   eastern dirty   sunny   basic   windy 词 汇 拓 展 · 动词 8.rise →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  *rise up 上升 9.babysit →       ( n. ) 保姆   10.swing →       ( 过去式 / 过去分词 )  11.live →       ( adj. ) 活着的   12.please →       ( adj. ) 使人愉快的   · 形容词 13.gentle →       ( adv. ) 温柔地 ; 轻轻地   14.tight →       ( adv. ) 紧紧地 ; 牢固地   rose risen   babysitter   swung living   pleasant   gently   tightly 词 汇 拓 展 15.high →      ( n. ) 高度   16.near →      ( adv. ) 几乎 ; 差不多   →      ( adv. ) 在附 height   nearly nearby 短语归纳 · 动词短语 1.          张开   2.          合起来   3.          变成   4.          转身   5.          渴望   6.          抓紧   7.          确信   8.            照顾   9.            用 …… 填满 ……   10.           登录 ; 登入   11.           使 …… 远离   12.           推 …… 一下   · 介词短语 13.            在 …… 顶端   14.            在 …… 中间   15.            在 …… 底部   open up   close up   turn into turn around   long for   hold on make sure look after   fill … with … log onto   keep … away from give … a push at the top of … in the middle of   at the bottom of 短语归纳 · 其他短语 16.__________________ 既不 …… 也不 ……   17.         一年到头   18.         数百的   19. __________________ 直到 …… 才 ……   20.         顺便说一下 21.          总之   22.          大量   23.           一个接一个   24. ____________________        更好的是 ; 更重要的是   25.        和 …… 在一起   26.        害怕   neither … nor …   all year round hundreds of   not … until … by the way in a word   plenty of one by one   best of all   along with be scared/afraid of 写作积累 · 谈论天气 1.There         a shower this afternoon.  今天下午将有阵雨。 2.The weather here is      too hot      too cold. 这里的天气既不太冷也不太热。   3.             school this morning, I      some winter jasmine      .  今天早晨我在上学的路上看到一些迎春花开了。 nor neither will be On my way to saw blossoming 写作积累 4.        the spring-like weather, you can find ______________ beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year.  因为春天般的天气 , 你能在一年中的任何时候发现成百上千的美丽的花和树木。 5.The temperature can be         — 15℃.  温度可低至零下 15 度。 6.We probably      see any flowers      May or June!  我们很可能直到五月或六月才能看到花儿 ! hundreds of as low as Because of won't until 写作积累 · 谈论植物 7.Trees and other plants           people.  树和其他植物对人们很重要。 8.Mary Green will                to grow all kinds of plants.  玛丽 · 格林将向你展示种植各种植物的最好方法。 9.It can help      these small animals          your garden.  它能帮助使这些小动物远离你的花园。 show you the best way are important to away from keep 写作积累 10.When it               , this tree is really funny.  当提及笑的时候 , 这棵树真的很有趣。 11.Trees and plants help us      our          .  树木和植物帮助满足我们的基本需求。 语法链接 构词法。 [ 详见 P125, 专题 ( 十四 )] comes to laughing fulfill basic needs 核心考点聚焦 ❶ neither   adv. 也不 pron. 两者都不 【 题 1 】 (1) — Would you like some milk or coffee, sir? —      . Just a glass of water, please.   A. Both B.Either C.Neither D.None (2) — What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a single word! —      . He's from India, so I guess it is Hindi.   A. Neither I can B.Neither can I C.So I can D.So can I 随堂达标小测 C B 核心考点聚焦 【 题 2 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 Both Tom and his parents like traveling, but neither his parents nor he      (have) been abroad.   【 题 3 】 根据句意 , 用适当的词填空。 My wife and I were tired, so neither of      did any housework for a week.   随堂达标小测 has us 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 结构 用法 neither+ 可数名词单数  表示“既不是 ( 两者之中的 ) 这一个 , 也不是另一个” neither of + 可数名词复数或复数代词 (1) 复数名词前面一般有 my, the, these 等限定词修饰 (2) 谓语动词可用单数形式 , 也可用复数形式 neither … nor … (1) 反义短语为 both … and … (2)neither … nor … 连接两个并列主语时 , 谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则” neither/nor+ 助动词 /be 动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 (1) 此结构表示与前面所述的否定情况相同 (2) “ so+ 助动词 /be 动词 / 情态动词 + 主语”表示与前面所述的肯定情况相同 核心考点聚焦 ❷ consider   v. 仔细考虑 ; 认为 ; 觉得 【 题 4 】 (1) — I'm considering      abroad for further study, but I haven't decided yet.  — You'd better ask your English teacher for some advice. A.going B.to go C.go D.went (2) — I don't know where to go this summer vacation. — Why not      visiting Jingzhou? There are many places of interest.  A.regard B.consider C.wonder D.suggest 随堂达标小测 B A 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【 归纳拓展 】 核心考点聚焦 ❸ instead/instead of 【 题 5 】 (1) — The young are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together. — So it is. They should put down phones and have more talks     .  A.Still B.too C.either D.instead (2)We should eat more vegetables      too much meat.  A.instead of B.without C.instead D.with 随堂达标小测 D A 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 instead 意为“代替 , 反而” , 位于句首或句尾 ; 所跟内容是已做或要做的 (1) 位于句首时 , 常用逗号与后面内容隔开。如 :Instead,+ 句子 (2) 位于句尾。如 : 句子 +instead instead of 意为“代替 , 而不是” , 位于句首或句中 , 后接名词、代词或 v .-ing 形式 ; 所跟内容是未做或不做的。同义短语是 rather than 核心考点聚焦 ❹ by the way/on the way/in the way/in this way 【 题 6 】 Oh,      , if you see Lucy, tell her that I enjoy her Chinese paintings.  A.in fact B.by the way C.in other words D.on the way 随堂达标小测 B 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 词条 含义 by the way 意为“顺便说 / 问一下” on the way 意为“在路上” ,on the way to …意为“在去……的路上” in the way 意为“挡路” in this way 意为“以这种方式 , 用这种方法” By the way, has everybody arrived? 顺便问一下 , 大家都到了吗 ? Let's wait a moment. He's on the way here. 咱们等一会儿 , 他正在来这儿的路上。 Sorry, you are in the way. 对不起 , 你挡路了。 In this way, he has collected many stamps. 用这种方法 , 他已经收集了许多邮票。 核心考点聚焦 ❺ raise/rise 【 题 7 】 The boy      his hand and asked if the sun      in the east every day.  A.rose; rises B.raised; raised C.raised; rises D.rises; raised 随堂达标小测 C 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 If you want to ask a question, first raise your hand. 如果你想要问问题 , 先举手。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳在东方升起 , 西方落下。 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义及用法 raise 及物动词 一般指人为升高 , 意为“举 / 提 / 抬起 , 使升高” , 也可表示举手、升国旗等 rise 不及物动词 一般指事物自然升高 , 意为“ ( 太阳、价格等 ) 上升 ;( 河水等 ) 上涨 ; 起立 ; 起床” 核心考点聚焦 ❻ On my way to school this morning, I saw some winter jasmine blossoming. 今天早晨我在上学的路上看到一些迎春花开了。 【 题 8 】 (1) — Listen! Who is singing in the next room? — It must be Sally. I often hear her      there.  A.singing B.sings C.to sing D.sing (2) — Is Tom in the next room? — Well, it's hard to say.But I heard him      loudly when I passed by just now.  A.speak B.to speak C.spoken D.speaking 随堂达标小测 D D 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【 归纳拓展 】 用法类似的感官动词 : 核心考点聚焦 ❼ It's time to stop swinging, Debbie. 黛比 , 该停止荡秋千了。 【 题 9 】 Please stop      and go out for a walk.Remember________ warm clothes.  A.to study; wearing B.studying; to wear C.to study; to wear D.studying; wearing 【 题 10 】 连词成句 is, time, her, to, it, go to bed, for ______________________________________. 随堂达标小测 B It is time for her to go to bed 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【 归纳拓展 】 (1)It's time to do sth. 意为“到做某事的时间了” , 可以与“ It's time for sth. ”相互转换。 It's time to have class.=It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 (2)stop doing sth. 与 stop to do sth. 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 stop doing sth. 意为“停止做某事” , 表示停止正在做的事 stop to do sth. 意为“停下来去做某事” , 表示停止之前做的事去做另外一件事 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. Zhang Peng didn't go home u      he finished his homework yesterday.  2. The mother f      the glass with milk and passed it to her daughter.  3. N      you nor John knows how to spell the word.  4. If we go online, we can find p      of useful information.   5. — How can we go to the theatre, Bruce? — It's a long way to go. We'd better take the underground i      of walking there.  随堂达标小测 ntil illed either lenty nstead 核心考点聚焦 6. Paul has found a new job and is c       moving to a new flat near his company.  7. Shanghai lies in the east of China. So it is an e       city in China.  8. John, your bedroom is so d      . Remember to tidy it up.  9. The girl is very s      . She doesn't speak much in front of strangers.  10. The sun r      in the east every day.  随堂达标小测 onsidering astern irty hy ises 核心考点聚焦 Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Zhangjiakou is in the       (north) part of Hebei Province.  2. People often fly kites on sunny and       (wind) days.  3. I think it's       (please) to go for a walk after dinner.  4. Why not consider       (travel) around the country?   5. The more      (careful) you work, the fewer mistakes you'll make.  随堂达标小测 windy pleasant travelling carefully northern 核心考点聚焦 Ⅲ. 连词成句 1. scared, I'm, the monkey bars, climbing, of   .   2. on, let's, the, instead, play, swings   .  3. pushes, me, can, more, you, give   ?  4. gently, the, blows, wind   .  5. playing, time, stop, it's, to, games   .   随堂达标小测 I'm scared of climbing the monkey bars Let's play on the swings instead Can you give me more pushes The wind blows gently It's time to stop playing games

