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河北省邯郸市2014届下学期初中九年级中考二模考试英语试卷 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。‎ 本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟。‎ 卷I (选择题,共85分)‎ 听力部分(第一节)‎ I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎ 1. A. wood B. word C. world ‎2. A. 5 B. 15 C. 50‎ ‎3. A. pay for B. look for C. send for ‎4. A. Allen often walks to school.‎ B. Allen often drives to school.‎ C. Allen often goes to school by bus.‎ ‎5. A. Cindy is too young to dress herself.‎ B. Cindy is old enough to dress herself.‎ ‎ C. Cindy can dress herself although she is too young.‎ II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎6. A. I agree with you. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Thank you.‎ ‎7. A. They are blue. B. Mine. C. On the desk. ‎ ‎8. A. No, I won’t. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Yes, I’m afraid so.‎ ‎9. A. Yes, I do. B. Not at all. C. Yes, please.‎ ‎10. A. She is tall. B. She likes English. C. She is kind.‎ III.听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)‎ ‎11. ‎ ‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎12. ‎ ‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎13. A. Red. B. Green. C. Yellow.‎ ‎14. A. To take the lunch. B. To buy some books. C. To borrow some books.‎ ‎15. A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman’s daughter.‎ ‎~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~‎ ‎16. A. The man. B. The woman. C. Nobody.‎ ‎17. A. Drive a car. B. Take a short shower. C. Take her own bag.‎ ‎18. A. He thinks it’s great.‎ B. He thinks it’s just so-so.‎ C. He thinks it isn’t good.‎ IV.听语段和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)‎ ‎19. Why do most people like to travel these years?‎ A. Because they are rich.‎ B. Because they come from foreign countries.‎ C. Because they want to enjoy the delicious food.‎ ‎20. How long was Fangfang’s trip to Zhangjiajie?‎ A. One day. B. Three days. C. Five days.‎ ‎21. How did they feel when they came back?‎ A. Excited. B. Lucky. C. Relaxed.‎ ‎22. How should we listen to the teacher?‎ A. Carefully. B. Actively. C. Quietly.‎ ‎23. Which activity is not mentioned?‎ A. Writing. B. Singing songs. C. Having a discussion.‎ ‎24. Why do they need to work in groups in English class?‎ A. To help each other and answer questions. ‎ B. To help each other and learn from each other.‎ C. To learn from each other and answer questions.‎ ‎25. What is important in English class?‎ A. To speak loudly. B. To be confident. C. To take part in activities.‎ 笔 试 部 分 V.单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)‎ 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎26. My mother is good at cooking and she is ________ wonderful cook.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎27. Danny will invite my friends and ________ to his birthday party next Sunday.‎ A. I B. my C. me D. mine ‎28. I’m making progress this term, so I am very proud ________ myself.‎ A. about B. in C. for D. of ‎29. It’s a ________ to get ready to help the people in need.‎ A. chance B. shame C. pleasure D. pity ‎30. My family ________ supper together every day. It’s really a happy time for all of us.‎ A. have B. had C. are having D. will have ‎31. —________ will you graduate from your middle school?‎ ‎—In about one month.‎ A. How far B. How soon C. How often D. How long ‎32. Monday is his ________ day in a week.‎ A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest ‎33. — Look at the postcard. It’s from my pen pal in New York.‎ ‎ — Hmm…It ________ so beautiful.‎ A. smells B. sounds C. feels D. looks ‎34. The plane from Beijing to Hong Kong ________ half an hour ago.‎ A. put off B. got off C. took off D. turned off ‎35. It’s so fine. Why not ________ outdoors?‎ A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play ‎36. Internet is ________ used by people, especially by young people.‎ A. deeply B. widely C. hardly D. highly ‎37. The workers are trying to ________ what’s wrong with the machine.‎ A. look for B. care for C. find out D. take out ‎38. We won’t start the meeting ________ the teacher arrives.‎ A. though B. until C. while D. and ‎39. —Why do you look so tired?‎ ‎—Because we ________ for three hours without stopping.‎ A. work B. worked C. have worked D. were working ‎40. You ________ wait for him. I’m not sure whether he’ll come back or not today.‎ A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t ‎41. A new gym ________ in our neighbourhood next year.‎ A. is built B. was built C. has been built D. will be built ‎42. —Will you join us for lunch?‎ ‎—________.‎ A. No, I don’t B. Yes, with pleasure C. No, help yourself D. Yes, please ‎43. They hoped ________ the secret forever.‎ A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep ‎44. More than two ________ students in this university were chosen as volunteers.‎ A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ‎45. — Could you tell me ________?‎ ‎ — Go down this street and it’s next to the bank.‎ A. which is the way to the cinema B. how far the cinema is C. if we can go to the cinema D. when you went to the cinema VI.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work. He used to carry a nice 46 to work with him so that he could change if his clothes got wrinkled (皱的). “I’m working harder than ever,” David says, “ 47 I need to feel comfortable.” More and more companies are 48 their office workers to wear casual clothes (便装) to work. They thought the casual clothes could 49 their work. In the early 1990s, the workers in American companies could wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday).This became known 50 “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. Why have so many companies done like that? One reason is that it’s 51 for a company to hire (雇佣) new workers if it has a casual dress style. “A lot of young people don’t want to 52 for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you make a 53 for their dressing.” Another reason is that people work 54 when they are wearing comfortable clothes. Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress style helps them 55 money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said, “for the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”‎ ‎46. A. suit B. bag C. breakfast D. newspaper ‎47. A. or B. so C. while D. unless ‎48. A. helping B. inviting C. encouraging D. warning ‎49. A. be good for B. be interested in C. be friendly to D. be pleased with ‎50. A. of B. as C. for D. about ‎51. A. harder B. safer C. easier D. worse ‎52. A. put up B. get up C. look up D. dress up ‎53. A. plan B. rule C. fire D. mark ‎54. A. politely B. seriously C. correctly D. happily ‎55. A. save B. raise C. make D. waste VII.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)‎ 阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A Sudha Chandran, a famous dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also cut off  on her career (事业) road. ‎ Though the accident brought her bright career to a stop, she didn’t give up. In the painful months that followed, Sudha met a doctor who developed a man-made leg for her. So strongly, she wanted to go back to dancing.  Sudha believed in herself and she thought she could realize her dream.‎ After every public recital (个人表演), she  would ask her dad about her performance. “You still have a long way to go” was the answer she used to get in return. In January 1984, Sudha made a historic comeback by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great manner that it moved everyone to tears. That evening when she asked her dad the usual question, he didn’t say anything. He just touched her feet as a praise. Sudha’s comeback was so moving that a film producer decided to make the story into a hit film.‎ ‎ When someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite simply, “YOU DON’T NEED FEET TO DANCE.”  Nothing is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve anything.‎ ‎56. Sudha Canadian is an ________ dancer.‎ A. English B. Indian C. Australian D. American ‎57. Sudha thought she could depend on ________ to make her dream come true.‎ A. the doctor B. her father C. herself D. a film producer ‎58. What did Sudha do in January, 1984?‎ A. She had a car accident. B. She met a doctor.‎ C. She left Bombay. D. She made a historic comeback.‎ ‎59. How did Sudha’s father praise her?‎ A. By touching her feet. B. By watching her performance.‎ C. By teaching her to dance. D. By making the story into a hit film.‎ ‎60. What’s Sudha idea about success?‎ A. Being a disabled dancer. B. Believing in families and friends.‎ C. Practicing more. D. Having a strong will to win.‎ B We humans live in different parts of the world, but we have the same “mother”. She gives us everything we need in our daily life. She is our Mother Earth. Everybody wants to live in a green city. A green city is a healthy and pleasant place for people to live in. It can get its energy from something like solar and wind power. Also, it is connected by clean public transportation.‎ The Hyperloop (超级高铁) The Hyperloop is a high-speed transportation. It works by having capsules (舱) with passengers in. The capsules run on the air. The Hyperloop plans to run from Los Angeles to San Francisco. With an average speed of 962 km per hour, it is only 35 minutes between the two cities. The solar panels (板) provide power to the Hyperloop.‎ Smart Wheel Smart Wheel is a bicycle wheel with a motor. This invention can easily fit onto almost any bike. And the motor allows bikes to travel up to 50km once. Smart Wheel is different from other electric bikes. It can be controlled through your smartphone’s Bluetooth. The smartphone can show your speed, distance and travel time.‎ Solar Sidewalk (太阳能步道)‎ George Washington University made a special path in 2013. The path is about 9 square meters. It is covered with solar panels that can provide energy to power 450 LED lights. These lights can light the walkway after dark. The solar panel is also strong enough for people to walk on.‎ ‎61. A green city is ________.‎ A. clean and tidy B. full of plants C. healthy and pleasant D. rich for energy ‎62. It is ________ from Los Angeles to San Francisco.‎ A. About 962 km. B. About 560 km.‎ C. About 700 km. D. About 450 km.‎ ‎63. About Smart Wheel, which is Not right?‎ A. It can travel 50km once.‎ B. It can fit onto almost any bike.‎ C. It’s a motorbike with a bicycle wheel.‎ D. The smartphone’s Bluetooth can control it.‎ ‎64. What can solar panels do?‎ A. They can run on the air. B. They can provide energy.‎ C. They can carry passengers. D. They can show your travel time.‎ ‎65. What do you think of the public transportation?‎ A. Modern and clean. B. Green and dangerous.‎ C. Exciting and crazy. D. Expensive and impossible.‎ C How can we improve our life? Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them. They’ll say, “this is my destiny (命运). I cannot change it.”‎ Certainly not! You don’t have to suffer too much. Your destiny depends on yourself, not on any other factors.‎ I know someone who says she just accepts what life gives her because she has done everything she can to improve it. Guess what her lifestyle is? She wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes back home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, the same routine cycle follows. Huh! Is this what she calls “doing her best”? She believes she has tried her best. But in fact she hasn’t.‎ Remember that you get what you pay. You just don’t sit around and wait for a million dollars to fall from the sky. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone. Don’t expect your luck to change unless you do something about it. If something goes wrong, don’t just regard it as a little failure, but use it as feedback (反馈). Learn your lesson, make the most of the situation, and do something to solve the problem. It’s not enough to think positively (积极地), you also have to act positively.‎ If someone’s life is in the trouble, do you just hope that things will turn out fine? Of course not! You get to do anything you can to save the person. So it is with your own life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but you have to do your best. In other words, don’t just stand (or sit) there, do something to improve your life.‎ ‎66. The writer’s attitude towards destiny is that ________.‎ A. we can change it B. we can’t depend on ourselves C. we must accept it D. we have to suffer it ‎67. According to the passage, what should you do if something goes wrong?‎ A. Regard it as a little failure. B. Get your hands off your phone.‎ C. Sit around and wait for luck. D. Do something to solve the problem.‎ ‎68. The underlined word “turn out” in the passage means ________.‎ A. 翻转 B. 关闭 C. 变得 D. 清空 ‎69. From the passage, we know ________.‎ A. we only need to hope for the best in our life.‎ B. we can get what we pay if we think positively.‎ C. the woman has tried her best to improve her life.‎ D. maybe our luck will change if we do something about the life ‎70. What would be the best title for this passage?‎ A. Understand Yourself B. Improve Your Life C. Believe in Yourself D. Accept Your Life ‎ 卷II(非选择题,共35分)‎ 听力部分(第二节)‎ VIII.听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ Information Sheet ‎71. When we were very young, we usually _______________ dolls or toys.‎ ‎72. Some other children may get interested in reading, _______________, stamp collecting and so on.‎ ‎73. Some of the most _______________ hobbies include watching TV, reading books, singing and listening to music.‎ ‎74. Many people like to join sports _______________.‎ ‎75. The main goal of a hobby is to give you a _______________ from your work or school.‎ 笔 试 部 分 IX.任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)‎ 阅读短文,并按要求完成76—80题。‎ ‎“Hello” is one of the first words we learn as babies, yet it’s one of the last ones we think to use as adults. That’s unlucky, because saying hello is more than just saying hello. How might the world change—how might we change—if we mastered this word? ①I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Here’s what I’ve learned.‎ ‎* It can make the students more active. In a study on this subject, Allan Smith, an assistant professor, had middle school teachers greet their students individually (个别的) each morning. And the whole day, the students behaved actively because of this exchange of greetings. School went from impersonal to personal and that caused more class participation (合作) and better grades.‎ ‎* Environments influence friendliness. One study found that people in the city were less likely to shake hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. ②And researchers think pleasant environments can encourage more smiles and hellos. For example, people in vacation spots were much more friendly than those hurrying to work downtown.‎ ‎* It improves people’s health. It’s impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress and bring happiness. Obviously, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者).‎ So maybe we can make the world a better place by saying hello. After a month of doing it, I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of happiness.‎ ‎76题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77题为简略回答问题;78题为写出文中画线句子①的同义句,每空限填一词;79题为找出全文的主题句;80题为把文中画线句子②译成汉语。‎ ‎76. The students behaved actively after the middle school teachers greeted them individually. [ ]‎ ‎77. What can smiling do to improve people’s health?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎78. It ____________ me one month to ____________ hello to every person I met.‎ ‎79. ___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎80. ___________________________________________________________________________‎ X.词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ 根据句意,用所给单词、短语的适当形式填空,每词或短语只限使用一次。‎ little one child fly give up ‎ 81. You are an excellent boy. Never _______________ trying easily. ‎ ‎82. The football belongs to these _______________. Give it to them. ‎ ‎83. Brian usually _______________ to Canada because he thinks it’s very fast.‎ ‎84. This is my _______________ time to visit London and I’m very excited.‎ ‎85. The more plants there are, the _______________ pollution there will be.‎ XI.基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分10分,共计15分)‎ A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。‎ ‎86. today, is, day, it, what ______________________________________________________________________?‎ ‎ 87. poor, Danny’s, good, or, is, Chinese ‎______________________________________________________________________?‎ ‎ 88. mistake, same, make, again, the, don’t ‎______________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎89. for, been, she, here, two, has, days ‎______________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ 90. a, we, yesterday, have, time, what, wonderful ‎ ______________________________________________________________________!‎ B) 书面表达(共计10分)‎ 当今的社会,电脑起着很重要的作用,所以学生们经常打字,忽视了英语学习中的书写问题。请根据以下提示和要求,写一篇短文发表你的看法。‎ 提示:(1) Why is students’ handwriting(书写)very poor now? ‎ ‎(2) What should we do to improve it?‎ 要求:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。‎ ‎ 2. 短文中不得涉及真实的人名、校名和地名。开头已给出,不计入字数。‎ ‎ 3. 词数:60~80个。‎ Handwriting is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students’ handwriting is very poor.‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 英语试卷听力部分录音材料 这是2014年邯郸市初中毕业生升学第二次模拟考试英语试题听力部分。听力部分共分两小节。第一节为选择题;第二节为非选择题。两部分分别在卷I和卷II。做第一节时,先将所选答案划在试卷上,在听力测试结束后,请将答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 现在是听力试音时间。‎ M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the cinema?‎ W: Which cinema?‎ M: The Capital Cinema.‎ W: Oh, it’s a long way from here. You’d better take a bus.‎ M: Which bus shall I take then?‎ W: I think you need to take a No. 7 bus.‎ M: Thanks a lot.‎ W: You’re welcome.‎ 试音到此结束。‎ 听力部分第一节 I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。‎ No. 1. English is the bridge to the world.‎ No. 2. Turn to Page 15 and read the text.‎ No. 3. He is badly ill. We must send for a doctor.‎ No. 4. Allen often goes to school on foot.‎ No. 5. Cindy is so young that she can’t dress herself.‎ II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答语。‎ No. 6. The T-shirt looks nice on you.‎ No. 7. Whose books are these?‎ No. 8. Look at the dark clouds. I think it’s going to rain.‎ No. 9. It’s so noisy. Would you mind turning down the radio?‎ No. 10. What does your English teacher look like?‎ III.听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。下面你将听到五组对话和八个问题,每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的三个选项中,选出正确的选项。(录音方式:先读两遍对话,再读两遍问题。)‎ 下面请听三小段对话,并回答第11~13题。‎ No.11: M: Let’s make a fruit salad for dinner. There is a watermelon, some grapes and strawberries in the fridge.‎ ‎ W: OK. I like grapes best. What about a grape salad?‎ M: Sounds great.‎ Question: What’s the woman’s favourite fruit?‎ No. 12: M: Mum, I’ll be late for my swimming lesson.‎ W: Oh, my dear,we have no place to park the car. Can’t you see the sign?‎ Question: What sign does the woman see?‎ No. 13: M: Be careful! You have to wait till the traffic lights turn green. They are red.‎ W: Sorry. I didn’t notice them.‎ Question: What colour are the traffic lights now?‎ 下面请听第四段对话,并回答第14~15题。‎ M: Excuse me, can you show me the way to Xinhua Bookstore?‎ W: Well. I will go there, too. Just follow me.‎ M: Great! Do you want to buy some books from the bookstore, too?‎ W: No, I only take my daughter’ s lunch to her. She’s working there.‎ Question No. 14: Why does the man go to the bookstore?‎ Question No. 15: Who works in Xinhua Bookstore?‎ 下面请听第五段对话,并回答第16~18题。‎ M: Hey, Sarah. Remember to turn off the lights. It saves electricity.‎ W: OK, I will. You are so kind to care about it. ‎ M: I have always been. Lots of people think there’s nothing they can do to save energy. But actually there is much.‎ W: Like what?‎ M: Well, we can take a short shower.‎ W: Yes.‎ M: We can take our own bags while shopping.‎ W: Agreed. Also we can take a bus instead of driving.‎ M: Pretty good.‎ Question No. 16: Who always cares about saving energy?‎ Question No. 17: What will Sarah do when she goes shopping later?‎ Question No. 18: What does the man think of the woman’s idea?‎ IV.听语段和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇听力材料和七个问题,听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后,根据所听内容,从各小题所给出的三个选项中,选出正确答案。‎ 下面请听第一篇材料,并回答第19~21题。‎ These years people are becoming richer and richer. Most people like to travel all around the country. Even some of them travel to foreign countries. They enjoy the rivers, mountains, delicious food and so on. On May Day this year Fangfang and her family went to Zhangjiajie, a beautiful place. On May the 3rd, they came back. They felt very tired but excited.‎ Question No. 19: Why do most people like to travel these years?‎ Question No. 20: How long was Fangfang’s trip to Zhangjiajie?‎ Question No. 21: How did they feel when they came back?‎ 下面请听第二篇材料,并回答第22~25题。‎ In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary. Try to answer questions in English. We should take part in all kinds of activities, like reading, writing, having a discussion and playing games. We need to work in groups with our classmates to help each other and learn from each other.‎ It’s very important to be confident. Speak English loudly in front of the class and never be afraid of making mistakes. In this way, we can make much progress.‎ Question No. 22: How should we listen to the teacher?‎ Question No. 23: Which activity is not mentioned?‎ Question No. 24: Why do they need to work in groups in English class?‎ Question No. 25: What is important in English class?‎ 下面,请同学们打开卷II,让我们稍做放松。请同学们准备好,下面我们开始做听力部分第二节。‎ 听力部分第二节 VIII.听短文填空。下面你将听到一篇短文,短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文的内容和提示,在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。‎ People may have many different kinds of hobbies during their lifetime. When we were very young, we usually played with dolls or toys. When we get older, some kids like going out for a sport like football or skating. Kids spend a lot of time developing a hobby and most children put lots of energy into it. Some other children may get interested in reading, painting, stamp collecting and so on. Some people may change their interests every year.‎ Some of the most popular hobbies include watching TV, reading books, singing and listening to music. Many people like to join sports clubs. Now here are some questions for you. What’s a hobby? Why do we need hobbies? The main goal of a hobby is to give you a break from your work or school. A hobby is something you should do only for yourself.‎ 听力部分到此结束。预祝同学们取得好成绩。‎ 英语试题参考答案 卷I (选择题,共85分)‎ ‎1-5 CBCAA 6-10 CBCBA 11-15 CAABC 16-20 ACAAB ‎21-25 AABBB 26-30 ACDCA 31-35 BCDCA 36-40 BCBCD ‎41-45 DBDAA 46-50 ABCAB 51-55 CDBDA 56-60 BCDAD ‎61-65 CBCBA 66-70 ADCDB 卷II(非选择题,共35分)‎ VIII.71. played with 72. painting 73. popular 74.clubs 75. break IX.76. T 77. Smiling can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and bring happiness.‎ ‎78. took, say 79. (So) maybe we can make the world a better place by saying hello.‎ ‎80. 研究者们认为愉悦的环境能够激发出更多的微笑和问候。‎ ‎(阅卷教师根据学生答题情况灵活掌握,酌情给分。)‎ X.81. give up 82. children 83. flies 84.first 85. less XI.A)86. What day is it today?‎ ‎ 87. Is Danny’s Chinese good or poor? / Is Danny’s Chinese poor or good?‎ ‎88. Don’t make the same mistake again.‎ ‎89. She has been here for two days.‎ ‎90. What a wonderful time we had yesterday!‎ B)91. One possible version:‎ Handwriting is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students’ handwriting is very poor.‎ They have their own reasons for their poor handwriting. First of all, they like an easy way of studying. They always type on the computer. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students’ handwriting. ‎ To improve students’ handwriting, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students’ handwriting and ask the students to realize the importance of good handwriting from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to know that wonderful handwriting is a must in English study.‎ In a word, good handwriting is so important that both students and the teachers should try their best to achieve good handwriting.‎ ‎(阅卷教师根据学生写作情况灵活掌握,酌情给分。)‎

