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专题十一 情态动词 一、情态动词的类型 1.只作情态动词的有:must,can/could,may/might 2.既可作情态动词也可作实义动词的有:need 3.既可作情态动词也可作助动词的有:will/would,shall/should 4.具有情态动词某些特征的有:have to,had better,used to,be able to 考点突破 二、情态动词的特征 1.有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须和行为动词或系动词连用构成谓语。 2.无人称和数的变化(have to例外,主语为第三人称单数时用has to)。如: We must stay here.我们必须待在这里。 He has to walk home.他不得不步行回家。 3.后接动词原形。如: He can speak Japanese. 他会说日语。 4.具有助动词的作用,可用来构成否定句、疑问句及简明答语。如: —Can we go home now,please? ——现在我们可以回家了吗? —No,you can ' t. ——不,不可以。 三、情态动词的用法 (一)can和could的用法 1.表示能力,意为“能,会”。如: Can you play basketball? 你会打篮球吗? 2.表示推测时,常用于否定句和疑问句中。如: It can ' t be Nick ' s.它不可能是尼克的。 3.表示请求或允许,多用于口语中,意为“可以”,相当于may。如: You can/may go now.你现在可以走了。 注意:以can开头的一般疑问句,其肯定回答和否定回答分别用can和can ' t。 4.could是can的过去式,表示过去的能力;could也可在疑问句中表示委婉地提出 请求。如: I could sing English songs when I was four years old. 我四岁的时候就会唱英文歌曲。 (二)may的用法 1.表示推测,意为“可能;也许”,用于肯定句中。如: He may come tomorrow.他明天可能会来。 2.表示请求、许可,意为“可以”。如: May I come in?我可以进来吗? 注意:may表请求,用于主语为第一人称的一般疑问句时,其否定回答用mustn ' t 或can ' t,不用may not。 3.表示祝愿。如: May you succeed!祝你成功! 注意:can和may均可用来表示征求意见或请求许可,意为“可以”,一般可互换 使用。 (三)must的用法 1.表示说话人的主观语气,意为“必须”。 2.表示推测,意为“一定”,一般用于肯定句。在疑问句和否定句中表推测时一 般应用can,否定句中也用may,但may not表示“可能不”,而can ' t 表示“不可 能”。在否定句中,mustn ' t表示“禁止”,意为“千万不要”。以must开头的疑 问句,肯定回答应用must;而否定回答则常用needn ' t,意为“不需要,不必”,相当 于don ' t have to,而不能用mustn ' t。如: —There ' s someone knocking on the door. ——有人在敲门。 —It must be Jim. ——肯定是吉姆。 —Must I go home now? ——我现在必须回家吗? —No,you needn ' t. ——不,不必。 (四)对need词性的判断 need后加to do说明need为实义动词,用助动词提问或否定;若need后加动词原形, 则need为情态动词,用need提问或否定。如: You needn ' t come to school so early. 你不必这么早来学校。 You don ' t need to leave now. 你不必现在就走。 (五)had better的用法 had better do sth.表示“最好做某事”,否定式用:had better not do sth.。如: You ' d better stay at home.你最好待在家里。 (六)shall/should和will/would的用法 1.shall用于第一人称,表示征求意见、询问。如: Shall I open the window?要我开窗吗? Shall we say 6 o ' clock,then? 那么,我们就定在6点钟好吗? 2.should常用来表示义务、责任。如: We should obey the traffic rules. 我们应该遵守交通规则。 3.will 用于第二人称,表示询问、请求,也可以表达现在的意愿。如: Will you pass me that book?你能把那本书递给我吗? 4.would 用来表示客气地请求别人做某事。如: Would you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉我去车站的路吗? 四、几组情态动词的辨析 1.can/could和be able to的区别 词语 用法 例句 can/could 只用于一般现在时(can)和一般过去时(could) Jim couldn ' t speak Chinese last year,but now he can. 吉姆去年不会说汉语,但现在他会了。 be able to 可用于多种时态 We will be able to come back next week.我们下 周能回来。 2.can 和may表可能的区别 (1)在肯定句中,用may表示可能。如: You had better ask that policeman.He may know. 你最好问那个警察,他可能知道。 (2)在否定句中,cannot/can ' t和may not的区别。 词语 用法 例句 cannot/can ' t 语气肯定,意为“不可能” Mr Li can ‘ t be in the room.He has gone to Beijing.李先生不可能在房间里,他去北京了。 may not 语气不肯定,意为“可能不” —Is John coming by train?——约翰是坐火车来吗? —He may not.He likes driving his car.——可能不是。他喜欢开他的小汽车。 3.must和have/has to的区别 4.can ' t和mustn ' t的区别 词语 用法 例句 must 表示主观意愿,意为“必须” We must study hard at school.在学校我们必须 努力学习。 have/has to 用于强调客观需要,意为“必须,不得不” We ' ll have to ask Zhang Hong.我们得去问张红。 词语 用法 例句 can ' t 表示否定推测,意为“不可能” He can ' t be Jim.他不可能是吉姆。 mustn ' t 表示“禁止、不允许”,不能用来表推测 You mustn ' t play soccer in the street.你千万别在街上踢足球。 一、单句填空 1.(2019河南)Jerry didn ' t pay me back, but he promised that he     would     this Sunday. 2.(2019北京)—Lily,     can     you finish the letter in ten minutes? —Yes, I can. 3.(2019天津)You     mustn ' t     walk on the wet hill path because you     might     fall and hurt yourself. 4.(2019湖北武汉)—Try this soup—you     will     like it. 中考题组 —Wow! This is delicious! 5.(2019广东)Dirty air and water are harmful. They     can     kill plants, and even people. 6.(2019安徽)The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light, so you     needn ' t     worry about its weight. 7.(2019新疆)David,     could     you please sweep the floor and take out the trash? 8.(2019山东青岛)As middle school students, we     should     follow the public rules wherever we go. 9.(2019江苏苏州)—Some people don ' t show their talents at the very beginning. —I agree. Even Einstein     couldn ' t     read until he was seven. 10.(2019甘肃兰州)The magazine     must     be Lucy ' s. We can see her name on the cover. 11.(2019四川成都)—Is that Tom over there? —It     can ' t     be him. He is on the plane to Chengdu now. 12.(2019浙江温州)We don ' t allow taking magazines out, but you     can     copy the article you need on the machine over there. 13.(2018河南)—Are you going to the cinema tonight? —I don ' t know. I     might     go or I     might     stay at home. 14.(2018北京)I     must     go now, or I ' ll miss my train. 15.(2018天津)—Must I come before 6:30 tomorrow? —No, you     needn ' t     . There will be plenty of time. 16.(2018广东)—Yuan Longping, a famous Chinese scientist, is now doing research on sea rice. —If farmers     can     start planting rice in salty water, China ' s food supply will surely rise. 17.(2018江苏苏州)She     may     be slow, but at least she doesn ' t make stupid mis- takes. 18.(2018湖北武汉)—Must you go? —Yes, I ' m afraid I really     must     . 19.(2017河南)—I don ' t care what people think. —Well, you     should     . You ' re not alone in this world. 二、语篇填空 (2020河南中考预测)   阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思 完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 another carry control have life well so usual wild tree Animals are important in Indian culture and some are treated in a special way.For example,a lot of elephants aren ' t  1     .They are domesticated(驯养).They aren ' t kept as pets,but as working animals.Every working elephant  2     its own keeper. An elephant and its keeper meet for the first time when they are both young,and they grow up together.In fact,their relationship continues for the rest of the elephant ' s  3     —perhaps 40 years.Lots of elephants work in the forest,moving heavy  4      when they are cut down.Some give rides to tourists,or  5     people during cele- brations and festivals.Keepers take excellent care of their elephants,feeding them      6     and giving them a bath at the end of the working day.  7     special animal in India is the cow.Cows are protected animals,  8     they aren ' t kept on farms or killed for food,although people do use their milk. So in In- dia you can often see cows walking around towns and cities,and nobody tries  9     them.If they sit down in the middle of the road,people  10     drive around them!Do you think it ' s interesting? 1.     wild      2.     has      3.     life      4.     trees      5.     carry     6.     well      7.     Another      8.     so      9.     to control      10.     usually     一、单句填空 1.(2019河南郑州外国语中学一模)—I didn ' t pass the math test. I think I have spent too much time playing computer games recently. —I agree. You     mustn ' t     play like that any more. 2.(2019河南省实验中学一模)—I don ' t mind giving you a detailed explanation of what happened that day. —You     needn ' t     . I ' m not asking you for it. 3.(2019河南新乡一模)—I wonder where Tom is. 模拟题组 —I am not sure. He     might     be in the library. 4.(2019河南洛阳一模)Once you have a plan, you     should     take action to achieve it. Or you will surely regret it. 5.(2019河南开封一模)—Is the lady in red Mrs. Li? —No. It     can ' t     be Mrs.Li.She doesn ' t like red at all. 6.(2019河南焦作一模)—Must I go to a medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? —No, you     needn ' t     , son. You ' re free to make your own decision. 7.(2019河南平顶山一模)—Look! The woman out of the classroom     must     be our head teacher. She is always standing there every morning. —No, it     can ' t     be her. I saw her drive away just now. 8.(2019河南商丘一模)John, look at the time.     Must     you play the piano at such a late hour? 9.(2019河大附中一模)—We ' ve prepared all kinds of foods for the picnic. —Do you mean I     needn ' t     bring anything? 10.(2018河南郑州二模)—Have you decided where to go for your summer vaca- tion? —Not yet. We     may     go to Mount Yuntai. It is a cool place for vacation. 11.(2019河南百校联盟大联考)—May I watch TV for a while, Dad? —When your homework is finished, you     can     . 12.(2018河南开封一模)—Dear daughter, it ' s midnight! Why stay up so late? —I ' d like to go to bed earlier, but the test paper     must     be handed in tomorrow morning. 13.(2018河南新乡一模)—Have you ever heard of an old saying “The fragrance (香气) always remains in the hand that gives the rose.”? —Yes. So we     should     try to help others. 14.(2018河南安阳一模)—Can teens under the age of 16 drive a car? —No, according to the law, they     mustn ' t     . 15.(2018河南郑州一模)Although looking after kids     may     sound like a simple job, great care is still needed. 16.(2018河南商丘一模)—How is your friend coming? —I ' m not sure. He     may     drive here. 17.(2018河南平顶山一模)—     Must     I go to the office at once? —No, I don ' t think you have     to     . 18.(2018河南信阳一模)—Must I finish my homework now? —No, you     needn ' t     . You     may     do it this evening. 二、语篇填空 (2020河南中考原创) 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。 My mother is a doctor. She is so busy  1     she isn ' t able to get back home on time every day. And she has to work on weekends sometimes. So it ' s hard for her to do all the chores after work. As a member of the family, I think it ' s my duty to share some housework.  2     Mother always says she doesn ' t need any help, there are always things I can do. For example, I can help take out the rubbish and wash the dishes. I ' m sure I can do  3     well. What ' s more, I ' m trying to be independent. I wash my own clothes, tidy up my bedroom and deal with my things. I ' m old enough to do these things. And I can ' t depend  4     my parents forever. I think my mom is the first person I should thank. So show your thanks to your mom for everything she did. Try your best to help her. I believe she will feel happy. Try  5     now. 1.     that      2.     Though      3.     them      4.     on      5.     it    

