【备考2019】英语3年中考2年模拟专题复习学案第二讲 冠词原卷

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【备考2019】英语3年中考2年模拟专题复习学案第二讲 冠词原卷

第二讲 冠词(原卷)‎ 考点分析 中考英语主要考查冠词的基本用法、零冠词的情况、习惯用语中冠词的位置及使用。卷面中冠词所占分值约为 3-7分左右,一般分布在单选、完形填空、短文填空及写作中。近几年中考对冠词的考查重点是不定冠词a和an的区别,定冠词及零冠词。对冠词的习惯用法的考查是主要考点之一,所以对此类用法一定要熟记在心。另外在学习中,应充分重视对最基本的冠词知识的理解、掌握,同时注意冠词活用的问题。做题时要弄清句子中的单数名词、复数名词或不可数名词及泛指、特指等概念。预计2018年命题趋势仍可能是定冠词与不定冠词的区别和冠词的习惯用法。冠词是一种虚词,不能在句子中作独立成分,要用在名词的前面,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。它不能离开名词而单独存在,因此,可以说冠词就是名词的一种标志。在英语中,冠词分为不定冠词(a和an)和定冠词(the)两种:不定冠词一般用于单数名词前,表示泛指;定冠词既可修饰可数名词(单复数均可),又可修饰不可数名词,表示特指。‎ 知识梳理 ‎ ‎ 一、 冠词的分类 思维导图记知识点 英语中冠词有不定冠词a / an和定冠词the两种,常放在名词的前面,用来限定名词的意义,起泛指或特指的作用。‎ 冠词 分类 用法 举例说明 不定冠词 a 用在辅音开头的单数名词前面 a dog an 用在元音开头的单数名词的前面 an orange 定冠词 the 在可数名词的单数或复数或不可数的名词前面 the apple/the apples 一、 不定冠词a / an的用法 思维导图记知识点 不定冠词a / an用在单数名词的前面,a用在辅音开头的词前面; an用在元音开头的词的前面。‎ (1) 表示某一个人或东西,但不具体说明何人或何物。‎ 如:There is a dog lying on the ground.(有一只狗躺在地上。)‎ (2) ‎ 表示某类人或事物,以区别于其他种类。‎ 如:A elephant is much stronger than a man.(大象比人强壮多了。)(不能译为:一头大象比一个人强壮。)‎ (3) 表示某类人或事物中的任何一个。‎ 如:He is a teacher of English.(他是英语教师。)‎ (4) 表示“一”这个数量。‎ 如:There is a table and four chairs in that dining-room.(在那个餐厅里有一张桌子和四把椅子。)‎ (5) 几个用不定冠词的习语:a bit(一点), a little(一点), a few(几个), a lot (许多), a kind of(一种), a pair of(一副、一双), a number of(大量的), a piece of (一张、一片), half an hour(半小时), have a good time(玩得开心), have a cold(感冒), make a noise(发出嘈杂声)等等。‎ 二、 定冠词the的用法 思维导图记知识点 定冠词the用在可数名词的单数或复数或不可数的名词前面。‎ ‎1、定冠词的基本用法:‎ (1) 表示特指的人或事物。‎ 如:The man with a flower in his hand is Jack..(手上拿着一朵花的男人是杰克)‎ (2) 指谈话双方都熟悉的人或事物。‎ 如:Look at the blackboard,Lily.(莉莉,请看黑板。)‎ (3) 复述前面提到过的人或事物。‎ 如:There is a man under the tree. The man is called Robert.(树下有个人, 那个人叫罗伯特。)‎ (4) 表示世界上独一无二的事物。‎ 如:The earth turns around the sun.(地球绕太阳旋转。)‎ (5) 用在表示方位的名词前面。‎ 如:There will be strong wind to the south of the Yangtze River.(长江以南地 区将会刮大风。)‎ (6) 在序数词和形容词最高级的前面。‎ 如:Who is the first one to go?(谁第一个去?) ‎ ‎ Of all the stars, the sun is the nearest to the earth.(在所有的恒星之中太阳离地球最近)‎ (7) 常用在乐器名称的前面。‎ 如:He began to play the violin at the age of 5.(五岁时他开始拉小提琴)‎ (1) 用在江河、海洋、山脉等名称的前面。‎ 如:I have never been to the Himalaya Mountains.(我从没有去过喜马拉雅山)‎ (2) 用在含有普通名词的专有名词的前面。 ‎ 如:He is from the United States of America.(他来自美利坚合众国)‎ (3) 用在姓氏之前表示一家人。‎ 如:The Greens are going to Mount Emei next month.(下个月格林家要去峨眉山)‎ (4) same之前一般用the。‎ 如:Lucy and Lily look the same.(露西和莉莉看上去长得一样)‎ ‎(12)几个用定冠词的习语:at the same time (与此同时),make the bed(铺床),in the end(最后),all the time(一直),by the way(顺便说一下),on the way(在路上)等等。 ‎ ‎2、一些不用冠词的情况:‎ ‎(1) 专有名词和(第一次使用)一些不可数名词时前面通常不用。‎ 如:China is a very large country.(中国是个大国) ‎ ‎ Man needs air and water.(人类需要空气和水) ‎ ‎(2) 名词前已有指示、物主或不定代词作定语时不用。‎ 如:My pen is much more expensive than yours.(我的钢笔比你的昂贵多了)‎ ‎(3) 周名,月名或季节名前一般不用。‎ 如:He was born on Monday, February 18,1995.‎ ‎ They usually plant trees on the hills in spring.(春天他们通常在山上植树)‎ (4) ‎ (第一次使用)复数名词表示人或事物的类别时不用。‎ 如:Men are cleverer than monkeys.(人比猴子聪明)‎ (5) 三餐饭前不用。‎ 如:We have breakfast at home and lunch at school.(我们在家吃早饭,在校吃午饭)‎ (6) 节、假日前一般不用。‎ 如:On Children’s Day the boys often get presents from their parents.(在儿童节,这些男孩经常得到父母的礼物)‎ (7) 球类名词前不用。‎ 如:The children play football on Saturday afternoons.(孩子们星期六下午踢足球)‎ (8) 城市的重要/主要建筑物名称前不用。‎ 如:They are now at People’s Cinema.(他们此刻在人民电影院)‎ (5) 一些习惯用语中不用。‎ 如:(1)at / to / from / out of / after / for school; (2) in / to / for / after class; ⑶in / to / out of / into bed; ⑷ after / at/ from / out of / to work; ⑸ at / to sea; ⑹ in / from / down / to town; ⑺ at / from home; ⑻ at / for / to breakfast/lunch/supper; ⑼ at night/noon/midnight; ⑽ on foot; ⑾ go to school/bed; ⑿ on top of; ⒀ in front of; ⒁ on show/display/duty/watch; ⒂ in / out of hospital; ⒃ at all; ⒄ on/in time; ⒅ at first/last/once; ⒆ in Chinese/English,etc.; ⒇ take care of ‎ 考点突破 考点一:不定冠词a / an的用法 典例1:(2018天津)21. There Is ____old piano in ______corner of the living room.‎ A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】本题考查冠词。单词 old 为元音因素开头,因此表示“一个”需要使用不定冠词 an,而后面的位置表示在客厅的角落里,使用词组 in the corner of, 因此需加 the。‎ 举一反三 ‎( )1.(2018江苏省连云港)1. Zanco, American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world-the Tiny 11.‎ A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the ‎( )2.(2018重庆)21. I believe that _________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎( )3.(江苏省 宿迁市2018)1. There will be______talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon.‎ A. the B. an C. a D. /‎ 考点二:定冠词the的用法 ‎ 典例2、(2018·浙江温州) 1.—This photo makes me think of _______ trip to the Great Wall last year.‎ ‎—Yeah, we had a great time there.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意:—这张照片使我想起去年去长城的旅游。—对,我们在那儿玩得很开心。 特指去长城的旅游,用定冠词the。故选C。‎ 举一反三 ‎( )1.(2018·四川达州) 21.—Do you like _________ movie Dangal?‎ ‎—Yes. It’s________ educational movie. I like it very much.‎ A. the, an B. a, an C. a,the D. the, a ‎( )2.(2018·四川南充) 21. —Who’s _______ boy under the tree?‎ ‎—Bill. He’s _______ active boy.‎ A. a, an B. a, the C. the, a D. the, an ‎( )3.(2018•天津) 21. Shenzhen is on ____ coast near Hong Kong. It was _____ small village many years ago. ‎ A. a; the B. the; a C. 不填; 不填 D. the; the ‎ ‎( )4.(2018·甘肃白银、武威)6. moon is very bright at night.‎ A.A B. An C.The D./‎ 考点三:零冠词的用法 ‎ 典例1:(2018·湖南永州)21. Do you have ____ lunch at school on weekdays, Scott?‎ A. a B. the C. /‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查冠词辨析。句意:斯科特,你平日在学校吃午饭吗? 一日三餐前不用冠词。故选C。‎ 举一反三 ‎( )1、(2018•黔南州)---Mary,who's_____woman over there?‎ ‎---She's my aunt,____English teacher.‎ A.the;the B.a;the C.a;an D.the;an ‎( )2、(2018•泰州)When leaders of Chinese mainland(大陆)and Taiwan met in Singapore for_____first time since 1949,President Xi said,"Today will be remembered in______history."‎ A.the;the B.the;/ C./;/ D./;the ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】第一空后为序数词,其前必须加the,第二空后是单词history,它和in 搭配意思是历史上,是固定搭配,故in和history间什么也不填,故答案为B ‎( )3.(2018•荆门)---Do you know____girl with long curly hair?‎ ‎---Yes.She is Mary.She plays____piano very well.‎ A.a;/ B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;the 真题在线 ‎( )1.(2018天津)21. There Is ____old piano in ______corner of the living room.‎ A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a ‎( )2.(2018江苏省连云港)1. Zanco, American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world-the Tiny 11.‎ A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the ‎( )3.(2018重庆)21. I believe that _________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎( )4.(江苏省 宿迁市2018)1. There will be______talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon.‎ A. the B. an C. a D. /‎ ‎( )5.(江苏省 宿迁市2018)2. The Dragon Boat Festival falls_________ May or June every year.‎ A. in B. on . C. at D. between ‎( )6.(2018 湖南郴州)1. ---My daughter seldom has breakfast.‎ ‎---It’s ________unhealthy habit. Breakfast is very important to health.‎ A. a B. an C. the ‎( )7.(2018上海)27. Hurry up! The concert will begin in_________ minute.‎ A. a B. an C.the D./‎ ‎( )8.(2018甘肃白银)6. The man is driving at 40 kilometres_________ hour.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎( )9.(2018 河南省)21. Are you going to_____ football match tonight?‎ 一1 wish I could, but I'm meeting _____ VIP from Oklahoma.‎ A an; an B. an; a C. the; an D. the; a ‎( )10.(2018四川宜宾)2. Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, then he goes to work.‎ A. an; B. a; a C. a; ‎ ‎( )11.(2017·湖南常德) 21.—What's this?‎ ‎—It's ________ watch. ‎ A. a B. an. C. the ‎( )13.(2017·广东省)26. I went to _______ supermarket to buy _______ birthday gift for my aunt yesterday. ‎ A. an; a B. a; a C. the; / D. /; the ‎( )14.(2017·甘肃天水) 26. —Do you know how to spell __________ word “napkin” (纸巾) in English?‎ ‎—Yes. It begins with ___________ “n”.‎ A. the, a B. the; an C. a, an D. the, the ‎( )15.(2017·浙江温州) 1.—This photo makes me think of _______ trip to the Great Wall last year.‎ ‎—Yeah, we had a great time there.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎( )16.(2017·四川达州) 21.—Do you like _________ movie Dangal?‎ ‎—Yes. It’s________ educational movie. I like it very much.‎ A. the, an B. a, an C. a,the D. the, a ‎( )17.(2017•四川成都) 31. I want to be engineer when I grow up.‎ A. a B. an C. the ‎( )18.(2017·四川乐山) 25.—Did you get up late this morning? ‎ ‎—Yes, so after ______ quick breakfast, I had to run to office. ‎ A. 不填 B. the C. a ‎ ‎( )19.(2017·四川南充) 21. —Who’s _______ boy under the tree?‎ ‎—Bill. He’s _______ active boy.‎ A. a, an B. a, the C. the, a D. the, an ‎( )20.(2017•天津) 21. Shenzhen is on _______ coast near Hong Kong. It was _______ small village many years ago. ‎ A. a; the B. the; a C. 不填; 不填 D. the; the ‎ ‎( )21.(2017·甘肃白银、武威)6. moon is very bright at night.‎ A.A B. An C.The D./ ‎ ‎( )22.(2017·湖北随州) Lang Lang is _____ famous pianist. He plays _____ piano very well.‎ A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. a,/‎ ‎( )23. (2017·湖南邵阳) This is ________ interesting story for the kids.‎ A. an B. a C. /‎ ‎( )24.(2017•湖南湘潭)21. It is very useful to read English aloud for half hour every day.‎ A. a B. an C. the ‎( )25.(2017·湖南益阳) 21. I bought ______ useful dictionary yesterday. ______ dictionary is very cheap. ‎ A. a; A B. a; The C. an; The ‎ ‎( )26.(2017·湖南永州)21. Do you have ____ lunch at school on weekdays, Scott?‎ A. a B. the C. /‎ ‎( )27.(2017·湖南岳阳) 21. —Ben, is physics your favorite subject?‎ ‎ —Yes, and it is important one.‎ A. a B. the C. an ‎( )28.(2017•湖南株洲) 26. I ordered a hamburger and salad. hamburger was nice but the salad was not delicious.‎ A. An B. The C. A ‎( )29.(2017·江苏连云港) 1. Donald Trump,________ 71 -year-old businessman, was chosen_______ President of the US last year.‎ A. a; a B. a; / C. the, a D. the; the ‎( )30.(2017·江苏泰州) 1. Dangal (《摔跤吧!爸爸》), ______ Indian film, has become one of ______ most popular films in China.‎ A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the ‎( )31、(2016•黑龙江)-Who is ______ girl behind the tree?‎ ‎-Which one?The one with ______ umbrella?‎ A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a ‎( )32、(2016•绵阳)Jason likes ______ shape of the cake.It is ______ heart.‎ A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D.a; a ‎( )33、(2016•黔南州)---Mary,who's_____woman over there?‎ ‎---She's my aunt,____English teacher.‎ A.the;the B.a;the C.a;an D.the;an ‎( )34、(2016•泰州)When leaders of Chinese mainland(大陆)and Taiwan met in Singapore for_____first time since 1949,President Xi said,"Today will be remembered in______history."‎ A.the;the B.the;/ C./;/ D./;the ‎( )35、(2016•雅安)Beijing is capital of China.‎ A.a B.an C.the D./‎ ‎( )36、(2016•黔东南州)Jim has____useful book.____book is very interesting.‎ A.the;A B.an;A C.a;The D.an;The ‎( )37、(2016•河南)---Kate,are you only child in your family?‎ ‎---Yes,but new baby is on the way.‎ A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; the ‎( )38、(2016•宿迁)---Have you read a book called"The Merchant of Venice"?‎ ‎---Yes._______ book is very interesting.‎ A.An B.A C.The D./‎ ‎( )39、(2016•威海)---Would you please turn off___TV?‎ ‎---OK,just a moment.‎ A.a B.an C.the ‎( )40、(2016•连云港)-Dong Guijun is _____ first man of Lianyungang to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.‎ ‎-He is _____ pride of us.‎ A.the;/ B.a; the C.the; the D.a;/‎ ‎( )41、(2016•荆门)---Do you know____girl with long curly hair?‎ ‎---Yes.She is Mary.She plays____piano very well.‎ A.a;/ B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;the ‎( )42、(2016•株洲)She went to a European university to study art._______university is really amazing.‎ A.An B.The C.A ‎( )43、(2016•安顺)---Do you know ________woman in red?‎ ‎---Yes,she is a professor of ______ Anshun College.‎ A.the;/ B.a;/ C.the;an D.the;the ‎( )44、(2016•淮安)Jack often plays _____ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up.‎ A.a B.an C./ D.the ‎( )45、(2016•齐齐哈尔)-What's matter with you?‎ ‎-I have fever.‎ A.an,the B.the,/ C.the,a ‎( )46、(2016•黄石)-What did you do last night,Bob?‎ ‎-First I did my hom ework,and then I played ______ piano for half ______ hour.‎ A.the;a B./;an C.the;an D.a;the ‎( )47.(2016•桂林)David plays football but he doesn't play piano ‎ A.,the AB.the, C.a,the ‎( )48、(2016•郴州)-When is Father's Day in the United States?‎ ‎-It's on ___________third Sunday in June.‎ A.a B.the C./‎ ‎( )49、(2016•滨州)In Chinese, date 5-20has a similar pronunciation to"I love you",making it ______lucky and romantic day.‎ A.a; the B./; a C.the; a D.a;/‎ ‎( )50、(2016•达州)---Look!Who's______girl under the tree?‎ ‎---Oh,she is my sister,Kate.She is_____honest girl.‎ A.the;an B.a;the C.the;a D.an;the 模拟演练 ‎( )1.(山东东营模拟)What good weather﹗We can see        sun in        blue sky. ‎ A. a; the         B. the; a             C. a; a            D. the; the ‎( )2.(重庆模拟)John is ____ honest boy. Everyone likes to be friends with him. ‎ A. a              B. an               C. the             D. /‎ ‎( )3.(四川南充模拟)—Where do ____ Smiths spend their weekends? —They often go to play on ________ same beach. ‎ A. the;the           B. a;the              C. the;an         D. a;an ‎( )4.(四川宜宾模拟)—I know ______ dogs like barking. —You are right. Look ! _______ dogs are shouting angrily over there. ‎ A. the; the        B. /; /                  C. the; /           D. /; the ‎( )5.(上海模拟)What        good weather!Let's have        quick breakfast and then go to the park. ‎ A. 不填;不填          B. 不填;a              C. a; a                D. a;不填 ‎( )6.(四川成都模拟)Do you think computers will take _____place of teachers in the classroom in the future? ‎ A. an              B. in               C. the                D. /‎ ‎( )7.(天津模拟)—Sponge Bob is ________ interesting TV drama that children like watching. —So it is. And it's also ________ funny drama. ‎ A. the; a       B. an; a          C. an; an      D. an; the ‎( )8.(湖南郴州模拟)After a long journey, the old man sat down and had          short rest. ‎ A. a                  B. an             C. the                    D. /‎ ‎( )9.(甘肃白银市模拟)Recently, Jimmy wrote ___________ article about the difference between the first school day in ___________ US and China and got many followers on WeChat. ‎ A. a; the                 B. an; the                     C. the; the           D. the; /‎ ‎( )10.(山东临沂模拟)—Where did you go on       Children's Day? —I went to Chengdu and had       dinner with my sister. ‎ A. the, the                      B. a, /                             C. /, the          D. /, /‎ ‎( )11.(浙江温州模拟)Koizumi is        Asian while Tony Brown is          European. ‎ A. a; an              B. an; an             C. a; a              D. an; a ‎( )12.(山东潍坊模拟)I only had          egg ad some milk for breakfast today. ‎ A. a                 B. an                   C. the                 D. /‎ ‎( )13.(山东青岛模拟)It is said there'll be        talk on teenage problems next Monday. ‎ A. a             B. an               C. the               D. /‎ ‎( )14.(甘肃武威模拟)I still remember there used to be _______ underground cave. My friends and I often had fun in_______ 18-foot-deep cave. ‎ A.an; the B.a; the C.an; an D.a; an ‎( )15.(江苏宿迁模拟)It's a pity that now in some areas, the rich are becoming richer, and ______. ‎ A. the poor the poor    B. poor poor       C. the poor poorer             D. poor the poorer ‎( )16.(河南模拟)My uncle has two children, a son and a daughter. The son is ______ English teacher and______ daughter is a nurse. ‎ A. a, the             B. an, the                   C. the, a                    D. an, a ‎( )17.(四川达州模拟)It took him half        hour to finish        homework yesterday. ‎ A. a; an                     B. an; the                   C. a; the ‎( )18.(贵州安顺模拟)—Do you know the man with ________ book in his hand? —Yes, he is my uncle. He is ________ engineer. ‎ A. a;an                B. a;the                       C. the;a                                   D. the;an ‎( )19.(新疆乌鲁木齐模拟)—____70-year-old Donald Trump won ______ numbers of voters than expected. —It's really amazing. ‎ A. A, few        B. The, larger                C. A, more              D. The , less ‎( )20.(内蒙呼和浩特模拟)In __ eyes of some children, playing on the Internet can only bring them____ fun. ‎ A. the; a            B. /; a              C. the; /                 D. /; /‎

