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1 代词 【人称代词、物主代词与反身代词】 人称代词 物主代词 类别 人称 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 反身代词 单数 I me my mine myself 第一 人称 复数 we our our ours ourselves 单数 you you your yours yourself 第二 人称 复数 you you your yours yourselves he him his his himself she her her her sherself单数 it it its its itself 第三 人称 复数 they them their theirs themselves 1.人称代词 人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,有主格和宾格之分。通常主格用作主语,宾格用作宾语或表语。 2 (1)主格通常用在动词前作主语。如: I like apples.我喜欢苹果。 (2)宾格通常用在动词或介词后作宾语。如: He often helps me learn English.他经常帮助我学习英语。 (动词后作宾语) My younger brother is ill.We’re worried about him.我弟弟生病了,我们很担心他。(介词后作宾语) 2.物主代词 物主代词表示所属关系,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,有人称和数之分。形容词性物主代词具有形 容词的功能,不能单独使用,用在名词前作限定词。名词性物主代词具有名词的特征,其后不跟名词,名词性物 主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。如: This pen is mine.(=This is my pen.)这支钢笔是我的。 3.反身代词反身代词表示“某人自己”的意思,是人称代词的强调形式,一般用在宾语和主语是同一人的情况下, 或用来强调某人亲自做某事。其变化规则为:单数后面加self,复数后面加selves。一般用作动词或介词的宾 语。反身代词的常见搭配: enjoy oneself 玩得开心;过得愉快 teach oneself=learn...by oneself 自学 by oneself=alone 独自 hurt oneself 伤着自己 help oneself to sth.随便吃点东西 look after oneself 照顾自己 leave sb.by oneself 把某人单独留下 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 lose oneself in 陶醉于……;沉浸于…… 【考点训练 1】 1.I think it’s important for children to help _____ (they) parents with housework. 2.Don’t worry about____.I’m old enough to look after ______.(I) 3.____ (we) computers are new,but _____ (they) are old. 4.I have a cat and ___ name is Mimi. ( ) 3 A.its’ B.it’s C.it D.its Their me myself Our theirs D 【不定代词】 不明确指代某个(些)人、某个(些)事物而起名词或形容词作用的代词叫做不定代词。不定代词没有主格和宾 格之分。常见的不定代词如下: 肯定意义的不定代 词 both,all,each,either,many,much,a few,a little,one,other(s),the other(s),someone,somebody,something,anyone,anybody,anything 类别 否定意义的不定代 词 neither,none,nobody,nothing,few,little 功能 在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等 1.普通不定代词 (1)some 与 any 代词 用法 例句 some 一般用于肯定句中;但在疑问 句中,当说话者希望得到肯定 回答或表达请求、建议时应用 some。 Some children are flying kites in the park.一些孩 子在公园里放风筝。 Would you like some coffee?你要咖啡吗? 4 any 多用于疑问句、否定句或条件 句中;用于肯定句中表示“任 何”。 Is there any water in the bottle?瓶子里有水吗? I can see you at any time on Monday.星期一任何时 间我都能见你。 相同点:都表示“一些”。既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。 (2)many 与 much 代词 用法 例句 many 修饰可数名词。 There are many students on the playground. 操场上有很多学生。 much 修饰不可数名词。 Don’t eat too much junk food.不要吃太多垃圾 食品。 相同点:(1)都表示“许多”。都可以和表示程度的副词 so,how 等连用。 (2)都可与 a lot of/lots of/plenty of 互换使用;a lot of/lots of/plenty of 既可修饰可数名词, 也可修饰不可数名词。 (3)few,a few,little 与 a little (4)each 与 every 5 代词 用法 例句 each 强调个体,可指两者或两者以上的 人或物,在句中可作主语、宾语、 定语或同位语,可与 of 连用。 Each of the houses is different.每座房子都不同。 every 强调整体情况,指三者或三者以上 的人或物,在句中只能作定语,不 能与 of 连用。 Every student should work hard at school.每个 学生在学校都应该努力学习。 相同点:都表示“每一个”;作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 注:every one 可与 of 连用。 (5)all,both,neither 与 either (6)other,the other,others,the others 与 another (7)none 与 no one 代词 含义 用法 6 none (三者或三者以上中)没有一 个人或物 其后可接 of 短语,none of 后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用 单复数形式均可; 常用来回答由 how many 引导的特殊疑问句。 no one 没有人其后不可接 of 短 语,no one 作主语时,谓语 动词用单数形式; 常用来回答由 who 引导的特殊疑问句。 None of these pens works/work.这些钢笔没有一支能用。 —How many people are there in that room?那个房间里有几个人? —None.一个人也没有。 No one(=Nobody) knows what will happen in the future.没人知道将来会发生什么。 —Who was late today?今天谁迟到了? —No one.谁也没有迟到。 2. 复合不定代词 Somebody anybody everybody nobody someone anyone everyone no ones omething anything verything nothing (1)由 some和 any构成的复合不定代词,其区别与 some 和 any 的区别基本相同。 7 (2)nobody,nothing 与 no one 表示否定意义。 (3)复合不定代词常作主语、宾语或表语,不能作定语。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: Everything goes well.一切顺利。 (4)当形容词或 else 修饰复合不定代词时,形容词或 else 必须后置。如: There’s nothing interesting in today’s newspaper.今天的报纸上没有有趣的事情。 Can you talk to anyone else?你能和别的人谈谈吗? 【考点训练 2】 1.I always believe that ___ is difficult if we try our best to do it. ( ) A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 2.Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on ____ side of me. ( ) A.either B.both C.other D.all 3.Hurry up,kids!The school bus is coming.We have ___ time left. ( ) A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 4.We can’t do it that way-but whether it will work is ___ matter. ( ) A.other B.another C.each D.every 5.He was too tired to do ___ work. ( ) A.some B.any C.each D.either 6.Listen to me.I have ___ to tell you. ( ) A.new anything B.anything new C.new something D.something new 指示代词指示代词是表示指示概念的代词,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。常见的指示代词包括:this 这 个;that 那个;these 这些;those 那些。 1.指示代词的用法 指示代词 用法 例句 8 ①一般用来指在时间或空间上较 近的人或物。 These are my books.这些是我的书。 this/ these ②指下文要提及的事。 Remember this:No pain,no gain.请记住这个:不劳则 无获。 ①指在时间或空间上较远的人或 物。 Those boys are from America.那些男孩来自美国。 that/ those ②指前面刚刚提过的事。 She was ill;that’s why she didn’t go to s chool.她生病了,那就是为什么她没有去上学(的原因)。 注意:打电话时用 this 介绍自己,用 that 询问对方。如: This is Mike speaking.Who’s that?我是迈克。你是谁? 3. it,one 与 that 的用法 代词 用法 例句 it 特指上文提及的同一个事物或前面提及 的情况;代替单数可数名词或不可数名词。 The cake is delicious.I like it very m uch.蛋糕很美味,我很喜欢。 9 one 泛指上文提及的同类事物中的一个,同类 但不是同一个;其复数形式为 ones。 My coat is very old.I’ll buy a new o ne.我的外套很旧了,我要买一件新的。 that 常用于表示比较的句子中,代替前面出现 的名词,以免重复。that 指代单数名词或 不可数名词,those 指代复数可数名词。 The population of Shanghai is larger th an that of Kunming.上海的人口比昆明多。 【考点训练 3】 用适当的(指示)代词填空。 1.The weather in Beijing is colder than ____ in Guangzhou in winter. 2.Only a small number of people went abroad in ______ days. 3.There are enough cups for each visitors to have ____ . 4.I can’t find my ticket.I think I may have lost _____. 5.I don’t have much time to read ______ days. That those one it these 【疑问代词】 疑问代词通常位于句子开头,用来引导特殊疑问句,并在句中充当某一句子成分,包括 who,whom,whose, what,which 等。具体用法如下: 疑问代 词 意义 用法 例句 who 谁 通常作主语(指人)。 Who is singing over there?谁在那里唱歌? 10 whom 谁 通常作宾语(指人)。 Whom/Who did you go swimming with?你和 谁一起去游泳的? whose 谁的 表示所属关系,一般作定语,后 接名词。 Whose coat is this?这是谁的外套? what 什么 通常指物,一般用在没有范围限 制的情况下,常作主语、宾语、 表语或定语。 What do you plan to do this weekend? 这周末你打算做什么? which 哪一个; 哪一些 指对一定范围内的人或物进行选 择,常作主语、宾语或定语。 Which language can you speak,English,Ch inese or French?你会说哪种语言,英语,汉语 还是法语? 注:whom 是 who 的宾格,在口语中 who 也可用作宾格,但在介词后只能用 whom。 【考点训练 4】 用适当的疑问代词填空。 1.— ____ will you do for your father on Father’s Day? —I’ll make a card. 2.—______ basketball is this? —It must be Jenny’s.She likes playing basketball. 11 3.—_____ teacher will you miss the most after junior high school,Lisa? —Ms.Lee. 4.—______ is friendlier,Mr.Gao or Miss Chen? —I think Miss Chen is friendlier. What Whose Which Who 【中考示例】 (2017·广西北部湾)—Is this your Apple watch? —No,it isn’t _____ .It’s Lily’s. ( ) A.my B.mine C.your D.yours 【解析】考查代词的用法。句意:——这是你的苹果手表吗? ——不是,它不是我的(手表),它是莉莉的(手表)。 根据句意可知,空格处表示“我的(手表)”,应用 I 的名词性物主代词 mine,相当于 my watch。 1.(2017·云南)The little girl is so smart.She can make a cake by ________(she) without help. 2.(2017·临沂)We can read about everything in books.They provide hope to _____(we). 3.(2017·宿迁)I left my dictionary at home.Can I borrow ______(you)? 4.(2017·上海)Last week the students went skating and enjoyed ___________(them) very much. 5.(2017·台州改编)The nice little dog waved _____(it) tail happily,welcoming the owner back home. Herself us yours themselves its 6.(2017·北京)My father is a worker.___ is very kind. ( ) A.He B.She C.His D.It 7.(2017·安徽)—Is this iPad yours? ( ) —Yes.My parents bought ___ for my language learning. A.one B.it C.other D.another 8.(2017·昆明)—Excuse me,what’s your name? — ___ name is Betty. ( ) A.My B.His C.Her D.Your 12 9.(2017·泰州)He got up to get some hot water but found there was ___ left in the bottle. ( ) A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 10.(2017·扬州)Bryan will not want to have ___ to do with horses in the future. ( ) A.everything B.something C.Anything D.nothing 11.(2017·武汉)—The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has ____ of the fat. ( ) —It suits me fine.I’m on a diet. A.none B.neither C.any D.some 12.(2017·达州)—What about these two coats,madam? —___ of them fits me.Could you show me one? ( ) A.Either;other B.Neither;another C.Neither;else D.Either;another 13.(2017·河北)—Is this Kate’s bicycle? —No,___ is under the tree. She put it there this morning. ( ) A.his B.hers C.mine D.yours 14.(2017·泰安)—I’m a little hungry,Mum! —There are some apple pies on the table.You may take ___ . ( ) A.it B.this C.that D.one 15.(2017·河南)His name is James,but he usually calls ___ Jim. ( ) A.he B.him C.his D.himself

