19年中考英语真题 分类 专题19-3 短文填空(自由填空)(第01期)(原卷版)

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19年中考英语真题 分类 专题19-3 短文填空(自由填空)(第01期)(原卷版)

‎2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 专题19 短文填空 考点3自由填空 Passage 1(2019 •广东省)‎ 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 ‎ Last winter holiday, I visited a village with only 11 houses. __71__ the village was very small, I spent a whole day in it. ‎ The village became popular because __72__ Grandpa Huang's hard work. He bought a house there over 30 years __73__, but in 2010 the village was to be pulled down. In order to save the old village, Grandpa Huang painted on the walls of __74__ own house and other houses. He painted things that he liked. In the village, there were many paintings of __75 __, such as cats and birds. The most popular paintings for visitors were of famous people. One of them was a picture of Andy. He and my __76__ singer. I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to __77__ a photo of that painting and me. On the ground of the village, Grandpa Huang has painted __78__ lot of well-known Chinese sayings. From them, Grandpa Huang learned to live a long and happy __79__. ‎ I really had a good time in the village __80__ wished to visit it again. ‎ Passage 2(2019 •重庆市A卷)‎ I recently turned 30. Thinking back what I’ve experienced, I took some time to write myself some advice.‎ Trust Even if it kills your relationship. Even if you lose your friends. Even if it means you end up getting hurt. __74__ people even if they give you a reason not to.‎ But don’t be too naive(幼稚). Some people are out to hurt you.‎ People People are the best and __75__ thing that will happen to you. Some will help you go further and faster. Others will pull you down to their level and make you lose.‎ Most are OK. Many are average. Some are excellent. You don’t need a lot of people or friends around you. You need amazing people who help you just __76__ you help them. Only a few people will change your life forever. Find __77__.‎ Value time Don’t waste time on people who cheat you.‎ Value other people’s __78__. Don’t be late. That means that if you’re late, you don’t care about them or their time. And that also means you think you’re worth more and therefore(因此) keep them __79__. Some people will tell you that it’s OK to be late. It’s not.‎ Fail ‎ Fail. Fail a lot. Fail often. Fail in making friends. Fail in work. __80__ please don’t lose your heart! Learn a lesson.‎ If you don’t learn something when you fail, then all you’ve done is failed. If you learn something, then you’ve grown. Every time you grow and fail and learn, you become better at finding out the way to __81__.‎

