人教新目标九年级英语Unit 8测试题

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人教新目标九年级英语Unit 8测试题

人教新目标九年级英语Unit8测试题 ‎*满分100分、考试时间90分钟 得分______‎ ‎  I.单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎  从每小题给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选择。‎ ‎  1. These new books must      before the teacher comes to the classroom.‎ ‎  A. be given out    B. be gave out    C. are given away   D. give out ‎  2. They helped him      a hospital at the side of the street.‎ ‎  A. set about     B. set out      C. set up       D. set with ‎  3. The people in this village have to walk a mile to      water.‎ ‎  A. elementary     B. take        C. fetch       D. have ‎  4. The blind and the deaf belong to      people.‎ ‎  A. elementary     B. take        C. unable       D. major ‎  5. --Jim takes______ his father ‎  --Jim takes_____ his father.‎ ‎  A. for; as      B. to with      C. after; to     D. away; from ‎  6. --Would you help me______, Mr Lin? This question’s too hard for me ‎  --OK. Let me try.‎ ‎  A. after       B. out         C. up         D. with ‎  7. --What do you think of the book?‎ ‎  --I like it very much. It’ s ______ interesting ______exciting.‎ ‎  A. neither; nor               B. not; but ‎  C. not only; but also            D. either; or ‎  8. I_____ half an hour reading English in the morning. And it helps me lot.‎ ‎  A. put on       B. spend        C. put off      D. pay ‎  9. Let’s_____ planting the trees until tomorrow. I think it’s going to rain.‎ ‎  A. put on       B. put up       C. put off      D. put down ‎  10. The good news of our football team winning the game ______ everybody there ‎  A. cheered out    B. cheered up     C. cheered on     D. cheered for ‎  11. The teacher came into the room, with a bottle ______water in his hand.‎ ‎  A. filled      B. filled with     C. full        D. full with ‎  12. Don’t_____ the radio. The baby is sleeping.‎ ‎  A. turn off     B. turn on       C. turn over      D. turn down ‎  13. The Spring Festival is coming, I’ll______ up my room . I don’t want to live in a dirty room.‎ ‎  A. look       B. clean        C. set         D. turn ‎  14. --Thank you for helping me.‎ ‎  --________.‎ ‎  A. That’s right   B. My pleasure     C. No, no thanks   D. It doesn’t matter ‎  15. You ate not allowed to______ advertisements on this wall without special permission.‎ ‎  A. put down     B. put on        C. put up       D. put off ‎  II.词汇(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎  A)根据句意及首字母完成单词。‎ ‎  1.Our school was e______ in 1946. It has a history of over sixty years.‎ ‎  2.The good news that our football team won the game c_____ up everybody.‎ ‎  3.After the earthquake, millions of people became h______.‎ ‎  4.S_______ the door after you go out.‎ ‎  5.The o____ of such a large party takes a lot of time and energy.‎ ‎  B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎  6.In the past, hundreds of people died of _____ (hungry).‎ ‎  7.He listened to the beautiful music with _____ (pleasure).‎ ‎  8.I came here _____ (special) to ask you question.‎ ‎  9.After the accident, the man was _____ (able) to walk without his stick.‎ ‎  10.Your kind help is greatly ______ (appreciate). ‎ ‎  III. 完成句子(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎  1.他们刚购置了一台新机器,但还没有付诸使用。‎ ‎  They have just bought a new machine, but they haven’t ______ it_____ _____. ‎ ‎  2.那辆汽车坏了我修理不好。‎ ‎  The car is broken and I can’t _____ it _____.‎ ‎  3.他捐了很多钱来修路。‎ ‎  He _____ _____ plenty of money to build the road.‎ ‎  4.这道题对我来说太难,解不出来。‎ ‎  The problem is too difficult for me to _____ _____. ‎ ‎  5.你可以跟她谈谈,帮她走出目前的困境。‎ ‎  You can _____ her_____ by talking with her.‎ ‎  IV.补全对话(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎  在下面对话的空白处填入适当的句话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整,并把答案写在答题卡的相应位置。‎ ‎  (Li Jun约Ma Wei星期天同他一起去钓鱼,下面是他们之间的对话-------)‎ ‎  Ma: Oh, hi , Li Jun. How are you?‎ ‎  Li :1_________________________.I wonder if you’re doing anying on Sun.day ‎ ‎  Ma: No, 2_________________________________.‎ ‎  Li: Well. Would you like to go fishing with me?‎ ‎  Ma: 3 _____________________ .I like going fishing very much.‎ ‎  Li: Great.‎ ‎  Ma: 4 _____________________?‎ ‎  Li: Will you come to my house please?‎ ‎  Ma: OK. What time?‎ ‎  Li: 5______________________?‎ ‎  Ma: Fine. Well, see you then.‎ ‎  Li: Oh, What a terrible headache! Would you go to by some medicine with me?‎ ‎  Ma: Certainly.‎ ‎  (In the medicine shop)‎ ‎  A: Good morning.‎ ‎  Li: Good morning.‎ ‎  A: 6______________________?‎ ‎  Li: Yes I’d like to buy some Chinese medicine for my headache.‎ ‎  A: Do you have a prescription(处方)?‎ ‎  Li: Yes. 7 _________________________________ .‎ ‎  A:Please sit down and wait for a moment.‎ ‎  Li: 8 ______________________?‎ ‎  A:It’ll be ready in about ten minutes.‎ ‎  Li: 9______________________ ?‎ ‎  A: Let me see. Five ninety-five.‎ ‎  Li: How should I take the medicine?‎ ‎  A: 10____________________________.‎ ‎  Li: Thank you.‎ ‎  A: You’re welcome.‎ ‎  V.完型填空。每小题2分(共20分)‎ A ‎  Money makes the world go around go around. That’s 1 business people think. They spend their days’ thinking about ways to get __2 money. To make money, business people always try their best. A business may be as __3__ as one woman selling her homemade cookies Or it can be a large one with hundreds or even thousands of people __4__ for it But anyway, business is business.‎ ‎  You’ll find business people are doing different things. Every business has a head. The job of business head takes __5__ hours. Sometimes, he has to work on Saturdays and travel a lot. M any of his days are __6__ in meetings.‎ ‎  Business people who work in a large business must have __7__ for many years.‎ ‎  However, that is not enough, they also must know how to tell other people what to do, how to decide things, how to work out __8__ problems, and how to talk with other people ‎  Many people go in business __9__ they want a lot of money. Anyone can give it a try and see how well they can do in business. But only those who well they can do in business. But only those who work hard and have good __10__ can make money.‎ ‎( )1.A. who ‎ B. what ‎ C. that ‎ D. whether ‎( )2.A. dirtier ‎ B. cleaner ‎ C. more ‎ D. less ‎( )3.A. small ‎ B. important ‎ C. interesting ‎ D. popular ‎( )4.A. keeping ‎ B. protecting ‎ C. waiting ‎ D. working ‎( )5.A. cheap ‎ B. expensive ‎ C. long ‎ D. short ‎( )6.A. given ‎ B. divided ‎ C. long ‎ D. spent ‎( )7.A. studied ‎ B. taught ‎ C. thought ‎ D. dreamt ‎( )8.A. easy ‎ B. difficult ‎ C. possible ‎ D. impossible ‎( )9.A. if ‎ B. because ‎ C. until ‎ D. while ‎( )10.A.time ‎ B. power ‎ C. luck ‎ D. age ‎  VI.根据情景完成任务。(20分)‎ ‎  a)从方框中选出适当的词填空。‎ ‎  志愿日马上就要到了,为了让更多的人知道并参加进来,请你想一些办法。‎ ‎  Call up, put up, clean up, hand out, set up, hand out, set up , work out ,think up , make up ‎  To make more students know the Volunteer Day, I come up with some ideas. First,(1)__________some signs telling people about the day . Then, I’ll (2)________advertisements after school . Also we can(3)______ our friends and ask them to come .Finally, we can (4)_______ a call-in center for volunteers. All these strategies will(5)_______ fine.‎ ‎  B)通过上面的措施,已经有很多人要参加志愿活动了,现在请你根据他们的爱好和特长给他们分配任务,并说出原因。‎ Name Likes June Reading , drawing ,chatting with others Pick Fixing up old bikes , singing , working outside Paul Animals , playing football , Chinese history ‎  6. ______ could help kids reds read in the elementary school because _________.‎ ‎  7. Henry could help work in an/a____________________ because _______________________.‎ ‎  8. June likes chatting work others so she could ______________________________.‎ ‎  9.___________________ could go to clean up the street because _______________________ .‎ ‎  10. __________________could help coach a football team because___________________.‎ ‎  VII.书面表达(15分)‎ ‎  暑假即将来临,某校学生会打算在假期举行为贫困地区和受灾地区(disaster area)的孩子们奉献爱心的活动。请你用英语写一封倡议书,号召同学们用力所能及的方式伸出援助之手,奉献自己的爱心。‎ ‎  要求:1. 文中应包含至少两种帮助方式,这样做的目的和意义。‎ ‎  2. 词数80左右:短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ ‎  Dear schoolmates, ‎ ‎  While we are sitting in our bright classroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly. Summer vacation is coming. Let’s do something to help them.‎ ‎  As students,‎ ‎  _______________________________________________________________‎ Unit 8答案 ‎  一 1-5. ACCBC 6-10. BCBCB 11-15. BBBBC ‎ ‎  二 1. established 2. cheered 3. homeless 4. Shut 5. organization ‎ ‎  6. hunger 7. pleasure 8. specially 9. unable 10. appreciated ‎ ‎  三 1. put;into use 2. fix up 3. gave away 4. work out 5. help;out ‎  四 1. Fine, thanks ‎ ‎  2. I’ve nothing to do(I’m free) on Sunday/ nothing much (noting special)‎ ‎  3. Oh, that’s a good idea./I’d love (like) to. ‎ ‎  4. Where shall we (Are we going to)meet ‎  5. Is ten past ten OK?/ How about ten past ten?‎ ‎  6. May/Can I help you?‎ ‎  7. How soon will it be ready?‎ ‎  8. How much is it?‎ ‎  9. Twice/ Three times a day .(Before/After meals)…‎ ‎  10.凡是表示服药方式,表达正确的句子都得分。‎ ‎  五 1-5. BCADC 6-10. DABBC ‎ ‎  六 A 1.put up 2. hand out 3. call up 4. set up 5. work up ‎ ‎  B 6. June ; she likes reading ‎ ‎  7. ‎ ‎  8. set up a call-in center for volunteers ‎  9. Rick ; he likes working outside ‎ ‎  10. Paul ; he likes playing football ‎  七 略

