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中考模拟测试(一)‎ ‎(满分100分,测试时间100分钟)‎ 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎                                      ‎ ‎( C )1.(2018·辽宁本溪)—Your ________ is quite good. You must be from an Englishspeaking country.‎ ‎—Thanks, but I'm from China.‎ A.pollution B.protection C.pronunciation ‎ ‎( A )2.—Who ________ the computer?‎ ‎—Sorry, I've no idea. But it has changed the world greatly.(易错题)‎ A.invented B.discovered     C.made ‎( B )3.________ convenient the way is! We can pay money ________ scanning QR codes(二维码) in many shops.(易错题)‎ A.How; for B.How; by C.What; by ‎( B )4.We will have a sports meeting in October, but ________ knows the date for sure.‎ A.everybody    B.nobody     C.anybody ‎( C )5.Which of the following sentences is correct?‎ A.Many people wonder where has time gone.‎ B.Alice asked me what I do for waste sorting(垃圾分类).‎ C.I don't know whether he will be back next week.‎ ‎( A )6.(2018·天津中考改编)In the picture, he sits ________ me, looking very happy.‎ ‎ A.beside B.among C.up ‎( A )7.(2018·山西)Nowadays China has made great achievements in many fields. We really __________ our amazing China. ‎ A.take pride in  B.take care of C.take an interest in ‎( A )8.—Would you like some coffee?‎ ‎—No, thanks. I ________ drink coffee.‎ A.seldom      B.often      C.only ‎( B )9.Great changes have taken place in Xiangyang. We are all ________ the achievements.‎ A.known as     B.proud of   C.similar to ‎( C )10.Grace likes ________ grapes ________ lemons,so she bought some strawberries.‎ A.either; or B.both; and C.neither; nor 二、补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。‎ A:Congratulations! 11.__F__‎ B:Thanks a lot.‎ A:But I remember you used to be afraid of speaking English in public.‎ B:12.__C__ But my English teacher told me I should have confidence.She encouraged me to speak up.‎ A:How kind your teacher is! 13.__G__‎ B:I practiced speaking English every day. 14.__A__‎ A:What a hard job that must have been! 15.__E__‎ B:I was so excited that I cried.At first I could hardly believe I was the winner.‎ A:Thanks for telling me so much.‎ B:You're welcome.‎ A.And I practiced the speech hundreds of times.‎ B.I am very worried about it.‎ C.Yeah,I used to be shy and made mistakes often when I spoke English.[来源:学|科|网]‎ D.I've learned a lot that way.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ E.How did you feel when you won the prize?‎ F.I heard you won first prize in the English speech contest.‎ G.But how have you managed to make so much progress?‎ 三、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Helping others always brings you something sooner or later, one way or another. I didn't know that until one day when I went to my __16__ school.‎ It was a cold and __17__ morning after the winter vacation. Actually, it was my __18__ day at my new school. I was walking slowly and worrying about lots of things. It was early and there weren't many people on the road. A girl __19__ was on a bike passed me quickly. She was riding on snowy ice when suddenly she fell off her bike just a few steps in front of me. She was trying hard to get up, __20__ fell again. Without thinking, I went over and helped her stand up. She said, “Thank you” with a smile and then rode away. The words “Thank you” __21__ me and this small event made me feel less nervous about my new school.‎ ‎__22__, I got to school. The teacher led me to the classroom and asked me to sit down __23__ a girl. I was so nervous. I knew some of the students were looking at me but I didn't dare to look at them. Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a different textbook from my old school and I didn't have a copy. As I was wondering what to do, a book appeared in front of me. “Let's share,” the girl next to me said. “And hi, I'm Carrie.” I __24__. It was the girl I helped that morning. __25__ a surprise! ‎ From then on, we became good friends. She was my first and best friend at my new school. Helping her also helped me find a friend.‎ ‎( B )16.A.old     B.new    C.small    ‎ ‎( A )17.A.snowy    B.rainy    C.cloudy   ‎ ‎( C )18.A.third    B.second   C.first     ‎ ‎( B )19.A.what    B.who    C.which    ‎ ‎( C )20.A.or      B.so     C.but ‎( C )21.A.surprised   B.worried   C.warmed ‎( B )22.A.Truly    B.Finally    C.Exactly   ‎ ‎( A )23.A.beside    B.besides   C.across    ‎ ‎( A )24.A.looked up   B.got up   C.looked down ‎ ‎( C )25.A.When    B.Where    C.What    ‎ 四、阅读理解。(这一部分共五篇短文,每篇短文后有五个小题,每小题2分,共50分)‎ 阅读下列五项发明简介,将其与上面的图片相匹配。其中有一项为多余选项。‎ ‎26.It was a great gift to the world from ancient China. Before it was invented, sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction. After it was invented, the oceans were open to travel. And many new discoveries were made with the ‎ help of it. ‎ ‎27.It was one of the greatest inventions. It is said that in the 3rd century a Chinese man wrote about how to make it. At first, it was used for making fireworks. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, people began to use it in wars. The method of making it was brought to the Arab world and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries.‎ ‎28.China was the first ‎ country in the world to make paper. During the Western Han Dynasty, paper was made in some places in China. It was developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty by Cai Lun. He made paper with bark, ropes, rags and so on. Before it was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on animal bones and stones. They also ‎ wrote them on bamboo and wooden sticks.‎ ‎29.It was developed in 1041—1048 in the Song Dynasty. A man named Bi Sheng carved characters on pieces of clay and wood. Then he put ink on them. After the characters were printed on paper, the pieces of clay or wood could be used again. This technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe. It was the ‎ basic method at that time.‎ ‎30.It was invented by Zhang Heng during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was the first seismograph in the world to sense earthquakes in 132 AD. This invention reflects the development of Chinese science and technology at that time.‎ ‎26.__C__ 27.__A__ 28.__E__ 29.__F__ 30.__D__‎ B(2018·江苏淮安中考改编)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。‎ Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business. Halfway there was a mountain. Before he left home, his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he was in face of beasts(野兽). In this way, the beasts couldn't do anything to him. ‎ The young man remembered these words and began his trip. ‎ He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there. He thought his family's worries were unnecessary. And he became relaxed as he walked. Just at that moment, he saw a fierce(凶猛的) tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once. ‎ The tiger roared(咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man. The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold ‎ the tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a giant beast. So it was afraid and started running madly. ‎ People on the road didn't know what happened and said, “Look at the young man. He is riding a tiger!” “Cool!” “Superman!”‎ Hearing these words, the young man was very angry. “Why can't they see I'm suffering a lot? Don't they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death?” he said to himself.‎ ‎( C )31.The young man went to the village ________. ‎ A.to travel     B.to visit friends   C.on business[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ ‎( A )32.The young man's family warned him of ________. ‎ A.fierce beasts   B.terrible traffic   C.cold weather ‎( B )33.How did the young man feel when he saw the tiger? ‎ A.Excited.     B.Scared.      C.Surprised.‎ ‎( C )34.The tiger was afraid because ________. ‎ A.it was old and weak B.the young man was very strong C.it mistook the young man for a giant beast ‎ ‎( C )35.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? ‎ A.People on the road were wise. ‎ B.The young man was every brave. ‎ C.We shouldn't admire others blindly.‎ C 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。‎ In the city of Guiyang, China, lives a girl named Li Fang. When she was a teenager, she dreamed of going to the United States. 36.__F__ “I had a picture of the daddy sitting in the living room, the mommy doing some coffee and their kids playing games on the floor.”‎ Li Fang decided to go to college in California. When she arrived, however, it was not the dream world she had imagined. “People were struggling with problems and often seemed unhappy and too busy,” she said. “37.__A__”‎ One of her most difficult classes was P.E. When the class played volleyball, the other students were good at it, but she wasn't. One afternoon, the P.E. teacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the net. It was not a big deal for most people, but it made Li Fang scared. 38.__E__‎ A young man on her team seemed to understand what she was going through. He walked up to her and whispered(小声说), “39.__B__”‎ Li Fang said, “You will never understand how those words of encouragement made me feel. Four words: You can do that.I felt like crying with happiness.” Perhaps she thanked the young man; she can't remember it.[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Six years has passed. Li Fang is back in China, working as a salesclerk. “I have never forgotten the words. 40.__D__” she said. “I am sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness meant to me. He probably doesn't even remember it.From this experience,I have learned a lesson. Whenever you say something to a person-cruel or kind-you have no idea how long the words will stay with them.” She is back in China. But still she hears those four simple words: You can do that.‎ A.I felt very lonely.‎ B.Come on. You can do that.‎ C.Don't worry. I can help you.‎ D.When things are not going well, I think of them,‎ E.She was afraid of failing and being laughed at by others.‎ F.Most of what she knew about American life was from textbooks.‎ D ‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。‎ Some good manners in modern life Do you often use a cell phone? Do you take the subway to school every day? These items make our modern life easier. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions might be helpful.‎ For cell phone users ‎◆Keep your voice down when you make a phone call in public. Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And you'd better not use it during a meeting.‎ ‎◆Don't send messages at a dinner or a party. You shouldn't play cell phone games either. It's a good time to communicate with your family and friends.‎ ‎◆Don't make or answer a call while driving. It is not only very dangerous for both you and your passengers but also against the law.‎ For subway passengers ‎◆You are supposed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway. ‎ ‎◆According to subway rules, you mustn't eat, drink or smoke on the subway. The smell and noise may trouble others. It's necessary to keep the train clean and tidy. Besides, smoking is bad for your health and harms people around you. ‎ ‎◆You'd better not lie across the subway seats even if the train isn't crowded. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is considered as good manners.‎ Some good manners in modern life Items Do's Don'ts Cell phone users Keep your voice down when 41.making a phone call in public.‎ ‎·Don't send messages 42.or play games at a dinner or a party.‎ ‎·Don't make or answer a call while driving.‎ Subway passengers ‎·Wait in line while buying tickets.‎ ‎·Keep the subway clean and tidy.‎ ‎·43.Offer/Give your seat to the people in need.‎ ‎·Don't eat, drink or smoke. It troubles others and smoking is 44.unhealthy.‎ ‎·Don't lie across the subway seats even if there're some 45.empty seats.[来源:学科网]‎ E(2018年山西省中考模拟百校联考)‎ 阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。‎ A growing number of families are sending children on study tours abroad.‎ Some parents are worried that their children are too young to deal with any problems they might face during a trip. However, some believe they could take care of themselves and communicate with people well during the trip.‎ A report shows that a least 800,000 overseas study tours were booked(预订) for Chinese children during the summer vacation. Each tour cost an average of 25,000 yuan($3,770) per person, and most were booked by middleclass families in large cities for prehigh school children, according to the report. About 13 percent were booked for children ages 3 to 6, while those ages 7 to 12 are 31 percent.‎ Besides the United States and the United Kingdom, countries in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia are becoming popular in recent years. You can get more facts from the following charts.‎ ‎46.What are some parents worried about if they send their children on study tours abroad?‎ They_are_worried_that_their_children_are_too_young_to_deal_with_any_problems_they_might_face_during_a_trip.‎ ‎47.Who were most of the study tours abroad booked for?‎ For_prehigh_school_children.‎ ‎48.What percent of the people want to experience different cultures through study tours abroad?‎ ‎53.4%.‎ ‎49.How long do 20 percent of the people want to study abroad?‎ For_more_than_four_weeks.‎ ‎50.Will you take a study tour in foreign countries?Why or why not?‎ Yes._I_will._Because_I_want_to_improve_my_language_skills./...(开放性试题,答案合理即可)‎ 五、词语运用。(每小题1分,共10分)(右玉县二中2018届九年级下学期第一次月考)‎ 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。‎ beautiful same classroom deep friend  classmate do know look something because success My teachers thought I was the worst student. My family also had the 51.same thought as my teachers. When I was going to give up my studying, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young, 52.beautiful and knowledgeable(知识渊博的).‎ One day, I was sitting alone in my 53.classroom,_Miss White came up to me and talked to me happily. Soon her smile took away my unhappiness. “Do you think I can go to college?” I didn't 54.know why I asked such a question. I thought she must say “no” 55.because everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do 56.anything you want. Just try, and you'll get closer to success. I believe you are the best!” I was touched 57.deeply by her words. I decided to ‎ study hard from then on, and we became good 58.friends. She often helped me with my study in her free time.In the end, I 59.did well in my studies and went to a good college. Miss White's words have kept me going forward. She helped me to see that I am special and can be 60.successful in life.‎ 六、书面表达。(共15分) (2018·内蒙古呼和浩特)‎ 你校将开设一些特色课程,请你根据下表中的提示为学校英文网站写一篇短文,介绍这些课程及开设理由,并提出你建议增设的课程以及你的理由。‎ 要求:1.不要逐字逐句翻译,可适当发挥;‎ ‎2.语句通顺、语意连贯;‎ ‎3.100 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 学校特色课程 开设理由 足球俱乐部 强身健体、鼓励合作 模型制作 走进科学、了解科学 你建议的课程 你的理由 Students in our school are free to choose some special afterschool courses according to their interests.They_like_the_courses_because_they_can_enrich_their_lives._Here_is_some_information.‎ If_you_are_a_sports_fan,_a_football_club_would_be_a_great_choice._It_can_not_only_make_you_strong_and_healthy,_but_also_offer_you_a_good_chance_to_make_friends_and_encourage_teamwork._For_those_who_are_interested_in_science,_modelmaking_courses_would_be_pretty_fun._Students_can_get_to_know_more_about_science.‎ In_my_opinion,_a_music_course_would_be_really_popular._Lots_of_students_are_suffering_from_the_stress_of_studying._It_is_relaxing_for_them_to_play_musical_instruments_or_just_listen_to_some_songs._Besides,_it_can_make_life_colorful.‎ So_why_not_join_us_in_these_amazing_courses_or_clubs?‎

