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1 小卷速测(四) 语法填空+阅读 B+D+任务阅读 (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ.[2019·高考全国 III 卷改编] 语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 We visited Pearl City several years ago. On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldn't help 1. (wonder) how long it would take to get there. We were first greeted with the barking by a pack of 2. (dog), seven to be exact. They were well trained by their masters 3. had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts 4. (share) many of their experiences and recommended wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit. For breakfast, we were able 5. (eat) papaya and other fruits from their trees in the backyard. When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of 6. interesting competition to watch, together with the story behind it. They also shared with us many 7. (tradition) stories about Hawaii. And they were hugely popular 8. tourists. On the last day of our week-long stay, we 9. (invite) to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,10. (listen)to musicians and meeting interesting locals. Ⅱ. 阅读理解 Passage 1 [2020·原创] Today we see writing all around us. There is writing in books, on signs, and on computer screens. Most children learn to read and write at an early age and use these skills to get and share information in books, magazines, letters, and e-mail messages. Businesses depend on written words to communicate and to sell products. Governments depend on written documents as the basis for their laws. We would be lost without writing. The earliest people had no system of writing. Writing developed over thousands of years in different cultures around the world,like ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete, China, and so on. Long before, drawings were used as a form of communication. Rock drawings are found in many 2 places. One rock drawing in the mountainous part of New Mexico shows a mountain goat standing up and a man riding a horse upside down. Archaeologists(考古学家) believe that the drawing was a warning to riders that the road was too dangerous to walk. Modern forms of writing began when people learned to use symbols, such as letters and words to stand for ideas. At first, they used pictures that stood for words. For example, a picture might show a hunter, the weapons(武器) the hunter used, and a pair of deer the hunter killed. Then, Sumerians in Mesopotamia learned to use the same symbols to stand for different words. Ancient Egyptians used symbols known as hieroglyphs(象形字). It was similar to the writing of the Sumerians. Even greater advances were made in China about 3,500 years ago. The Chinese used thousands of signs and they could write proper names and new words. However, this was a knotty system. To make writing easier, things had to be made in easy way. The answer was the development of alphabets. The Phoenicians are often credited with developing one of the first useful alphabets. The Phoenician alphabet used about 20 or 30 signs. They were well on their way to at least one type of modern writing because the modern English alphabet uses 26 letters. 1.What's the purpose of Paragraph 1? ( ) A.To show how important the writing is in our daily lives. B.To tell that writing is used mostly in business and government. C.To compare the writing of young people with the writing of adults. D.To explain where writing to be seen. 2.Modern forms of writing started when people used . ( ) A.symbols like letters and words B.proper names and new words C.the Phoenician alphabet D.the modern English alphabet 3.What does the underlined word “knotty” in the last paragraph probably mean? ( ) A.Acceptable. B.Difficult. C.Meaningless. D.Common. 4.The text mainly talks about . ( ) A.who invented writing B.when writing appeared C.how writing developed 3 D.what writing was Passage 2 [2020·原创] How do you celebrate your birthday? Do you have a birthday party or get many best wishes from your friends or family? People celebrate birthdays almost in the same way—birthday cakes, birthday candles, birthday songs are very often seen. However, there are also some special ways to celebrate birthdays. In Nigeria (a country in Africa), the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th birthdays are very important to them. On these birthdays, they often have very big parties with more than 100 guests. They often eat a roasted cow or goat. There is also a very special food called “Joll of Rice”. It's the rice with tomatoes, red pepper, onions and sweet potatoes. In Korea, the most important birthday is “paegil”. It's on the 100th day after a child's birth. The family and friends get together to have a big dinner with rice cakes, wine and other delicious food like red and black bean cakes. It's said if 100 people share with the rice cakes, the child will have a long life. So parents often send the rice cakes to as many people as possible to share happiness. Parents also put the red and black bean cakes in the house because they believe the bean cakes can lead to good luck and happiness. In China, the 1st birthday is very important to a baby. The parents often put the baby in the center of a group of things, such as coins, a doll, a book, etc. And wait to see which thing the baby picks up. If the baby picks up a coin, he or she may be rich. If the baby chooses the book, he or she may become a teacher. If the baby reaches for the doll, he or she may have many children. The sixth birthday is also a special birthday for the Chinese child. Parents often cook a bowl of very long noodles to wish the birthday child a long life. All of these ways to celebrate birthdays may be different, but the wishes of good luck and happiness are the same. 5.Which of the following is linked(有联系) to a long life? ( ) A.Putting the red and black bean cakes in the house in Korea. B.Picking up the things on the first birthday in China. C.Having a very big birthday party in Nigeria. D.Sharing the rice cakes with 100 people in Korea. 6.How do people usually celebrate their birthdays in the world? ( ) A.They have cakes with candles and sing birthday songs. 4 B.They eat delicious “Joll of Rice”. C.They have a bowl of very long noodles. D.They have a big dinner with rice cakes. 7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( ) A.People in Nigeria have four birthdays to celebrate. B.People in Korea eat “Joll of Rice” to celebrate birthdays. C.Paegil is the most important birthday for people in Korea. D.Coins mean a long life in Chinese pick-up games on the 1st birthday. 8.Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the passage? ( ) (P=Paragraph) A. B. C. D. Ⅲ.[2020·原创] 任务型阅读 下面文章中共有 5 处(第 1—5 题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段 意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。 5 Ways to Build Friendship with Your Neighbors 1. Often neighbors don't even know each other's names. But it's okay to be the one to break the ice. So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say hello. Ask how their kids are or what they think of the price at the local supermarket. 2. Your new neighbors may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they're far from home. Your help will be welcomed by them. Leave your telephone number to them. If they have any questions, they can call you. 3. Most of us find it difficult to remember people's names. Writing down the names of your neighbors and note about them, such as “Frank and Jill—Bob's neighbor”, helps you remember their names. The next time we see Frank and Jill, we try to call them by name. 5 4. If you value a friendship with your neighbors, spend time with them. What better way to meet your neighbors than to invite them to a pool party or holiday open house? Chat with each for five minutes to get an idea of what your neighbors are like so that you can plan for food and music. 5. In a good relationship, it's really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail for the elderly neighbor when there is heavy rain. When your neighbor forgets to take in his rubbish cans, roll them back into his yard. A.Be a Good Listener B.Care About the Small Acts C.Begin a Conversation D.Make Time for Friendships E.Give a Hand to New Neighbors F.Remember Their Names 6 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.1.wondering 2.dogs 3.who 4.shared 5.to eat 6.an 7.traditional 8.with 9.were invited 10.listening Ⅱ.Passage 1 [主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文,阐述了文字发展从远古到现代的历史。 1.A 段落大意题。通过列举表达了文字的重要性,第一段的最后一句概况性地表达了文字对生活的重要性。 2.A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Modern forms of writing began when people learned to use symbols, such as letters and words to stand for ideas.”可知 A 项正确。 3.B 词义猜测题。根据后面的“To make writing easier…”可知,B 项符合题意。 4.C Passage 2 [主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文,介绍了世界上人们常规庆祝生日的方式,也列举了三个国家特有 的生日庆祝方式,虽然庆祝方式各不相同,但是祝福是一致的。 5—8 DACC Ⅲ.1—5 CEFDB

