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专题 3:形容词短语 单选题 1.—What do you know about Jianyang? —It’s ______ its delicious food-Mutton Soup. A. famous as B. different from C. similar to D. known for 2.—What do you think of the film? —It is boring. I am fed up with it. A. am interested in B. am excited about C. am bored with 3.—I think drinking milk every morning is good _____ our health. —Yes,I agree _____ you. A. to;with B. for;with C. for;to D. at;with 4.Trainers are for a long walk. A. matching B. match C. fit D. fitting 5.---You are going to graduate soon,Mark. ---Yes,but I’ll__________our school. A. be friends with B. be thankful to C. be glad to D. be hard on 6.---A well-dressed man entered the room and all the people stopped talking and watched him. ---He was really charming. A. A man who had a sweet smile B. A man who was important C. A man who wore good clothes 7.-What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with? -I choose my friends on their characters and how we ______. A. get in B. get up C. get on D. get off 8.Our teachers are very friendly to us. We _____ friends since three years ago. A. have been B. have become C. would be 9. It was dark outside. Sue decided to the bank alone. A. not going B. going not C. not to go D. to not go 10.This math problem is so hard that I can't ______ .Please give me some advice. A. look out it B. work it out C. give it out 11.I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope_____ Hawaii this winter. A. visiting B. to visit C. Visited 12. I think our government should pass a law to food waste. A. save B. increase C. protect D. reduce 13.— So many problems! I’m too tired. — You should try to _____________ them by yourself. You’re not a child any longer. A. get over B. get off C. get on D. get into 14.We need __________ at the hotel for __________ because of the heavy snow. A. stay; short stay B. staying; a short stay C. to stay; short stay D. to stay; a short stay 15.Miss Read is good ________music.She can be good ________ children in the music club. A.at, at B.with, with C.at, with D.with, at 16.Tom isn't good at _______ Japanese. A. speak B.tell C.speaking D.telling 17.Who do you _____is the funniest actor? A.think B.think over C.think of D.think about 18.--- Why did your father get ______ with you just now? --- Because I did even ______ in the writing competition this time. A. satisfied; worse B. angry; worst C. satisfied; worst D. angry; worse 19. --- Mr Li, I can’t understand everything in class. --- Don’t worry! I’ll _____ _ the main points at the end. A. record B. review C. require D. remember 20.--- I would rather than dance. What about you? --- I prefer . A. sing; to dance B. sing; dancing C. singing; to dancing D. singing; to dance 专题:形容词短语 1.D 【解析】句意:-对简阳,你了解什么?-它以它的美食――羊肉汤而闻名。A. famous as 作为……而 闻名; B. different from 和……不同;C. similar to 与……相似;D. known for 因为……而闻名。简阳 因为美食羊肉汤而闻名。故选D。 点睛:因为……而闻名:be famous/known for; 作为……而闻名:be famous/known as。 2.C 【解析】句意:——你觉得这部电影怎么样?——很无聊。我受够了。A. am interested in 对……感兴趣;B. am excited about 对……感到很兴奋;C. am bored with 对……感到厌烦。结合句意可知,答案为 C。 3.B 【解析】句意:——我认为每天早上喝牛奶有利于我们的健康。——是的,我同意你的观点。be good for 有利于, be good with 与……相处得好;be good at 擅长;be good to 对……好;agree to+表示计划,建议的名词,“同意”;agree with sb 同意某人的观点。第一空表示有利于健康,故用 be good for,第二空宾语 you 表示人,故表示同意你的观点, 故用短语 agree with,故选 B。 4.C 【解析】句意:适合长距离步行的软运动鞋。match:使相配,比赛,火柴;短语 match…with…:与…相配,使与… 较量,与…一致。fit:健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的,安装,符合,适合。Sth. fit sb.或 Sth. be fit for sth.:某 物适合某人;结合句意和语境可知选 C。 5.B 【解析】句意:——你很快就要毕业了,马克。——是的,但我会感谢我们的学校。考查形容词短语辨析题。A. be friends with 成为朋友;B. be thankful to 感激;C. be glad to 很高兴;D. be hard on 要努力。根据句意和语境,可知 be thankful to 最合题意,故选 B。 6.C 【解析】试题分析:句意:一位穿着入时的人进入房间,所有人都停止说活看他。——他确实很迷人。A well-dressed man 的英语意思是 a man who wore good clothes。故选 C。 7.C 【解析】 试题分析:get in 进入,到达;get up 起床;get on 上车,进展;get off 动身,脱下。句意:你更愿意和哪种人交朋 友?——我根据他们的性格和我们如何相处来选择我的朋友。结合语境可知选 C。 8.A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们的老师对我们非常友好,我们三年前就成为好朋友了。根据句中时间状语 since three years ago (自从三年前,表时间段)可知此空应用现在完成时态,和时间段连用要用延续动作动词,故选 A。 考点:考查动词时态 9.C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:外面天黑了,Sue 决定不能独自去银行。这里是短语 decide not to do sth 决定不做某事;故选 C。 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这道数学题如此难以至于我解答不出来,请给我一些建议。look out 小心;当心;work out 计算 出;give out 分发,发出。根据句意此题应选 B。 11.B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我喜欢天气总是很温暖的地方,今年冬天我希望去夏威夷。根据题干分析,hope 当希望讲,后跟 动词要跟动词不定 to do 的形式,故选 B。 12.D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我认为我们的政府应该通过法律来减少食物浪费。A. save 节省; B. increase 增长; C. protect 保 护; D. reduce 减少。根据句意故选 D。 13.A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语。A. get over 克服;B. get off 下车; C. get on 上车; D. get into 进入;句意:这么多的 问题,我很累!你应该自己克服他们,你已经不在是孩子了。根据句意,你可能自己解决这些问题,故选 A 项。 14.D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:因为大雪我们需要在旅馆里做短暂的停留。第一空使用的是句型 need to do sth.,这里的 stay 是一 个动词;第二空 a short stay 短暂的停留,这里的 stay 是名词。故选 D。 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Read 小姐擅长音乐,她和音乐俱乐部的孩子们相处得很好。这里是短语 be good at sth 擅长;be good with sb 与某人相处得很好。故选 C。 16.C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:汤姆不擅长说日语。这里是短语 be good at doing/sth 擅长做某事或某事;故排除 AB;speak+语言; tell sb sth 告诉某人某事。故选 C。 17.A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你认为谁是最有趣的演员。这里 do you think 是个插入语,后面只能跟形容词、副词、介词短语、 动词不定式来构成插入语,其他都是动词短语。Think over 思考,think of 认为。故选 A.。 18.A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你的爸爸刚才为什么和你生气了?--因为这次我的写作更差了。根据答句写作差可以判断出爸爸 生气了 get angry with 和某人生气;get satisfied with 对...满意。even 后接形容词副词要用比较级。故选 A. 19.B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析。A. record 记录; B. review 复习; C. require 要求; D. remember 记得。句意 李先 生 ,我理解不了课堂讲的东西。不要关键,我会在最后会复习一下要点的 。根据句意,有人说理解不了,下文必 然提到复习的问题,所以选 B 项。 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词用法。句意 我喜欢唱歌而不喜欢跳舞,你呢? 我喜欢跳舞。Would rather do than do ,宁愿做也 不愿意。。。第二个空考查 perfer 用法 1. prefer+名词 可以是某人或者某物 更喜欢某人或某物 2.prefer A to B 相比较B 来说更喜欢A A B 是某人或某物 3.prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事 宁愿做某事4.prefer doing sth to doing sth 想比较做某事来说更喜欢做某事 注意:想比较做后面那件事来说更喜欢做前面那件事 所以选 A 项。 考点:考查动词用法。

