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Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ. Choose the best answer.‎ ‎26.‎ Which of the underlined parts is different in pronunciation?‎ A. matter B. damage C. native D. magic ‎27.‎ We left in such ____ hurry that we forgot our passports.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎28.‎ If you must use a cell phone, please talk ____ a low voice and move to the back.‎ A. to B. by C. at D. in ‎29.‎ Susan is frightened ____ heights but also enjoys pushing against her own fear as a challenge.‎ A. for B. with C. of D. about ‎30.‎ We tried a lot of hotels, but ___ of them had a room.‎ A. both B. neither C. all D. none ‎31. Awesome place to stay! Rooms were clean, and everyone looked ___ here.‎ A. friendly B. happily C. angrily D. sadly 32. My son didn’t spend ____ money as his friends did on games.‎ A. much B. as much C. more D. most ‎33.‎ I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh ____.‎ A. air B. idea C. vegetable D. flower ‎34.‎ ‎–___ is the Bund from our hotel?‎ ‎–About twenty minutes’ walk.‎ A. How B. How far C. How long D. How soon ‎35.‎ When they got home last night, they found that somebody into the flat.‎ A. breaks B. is breaking C. has broken D. had broken ‎36.‎ I haven’t decided where to go on holiday. I go to Canada.‎ A. may B. need C. must D. can ‎37.‎ My mum always avoids ___ home from work at 5 p.m. as there’s so much traffic then.‎ A. travel B. travelling C. to travel D. to travelling ‎38.‎ We need to do something soon,‎ the problem will get worse.‎ A. and B. but C. or D. so ‎39.‎ If you ___ a list of things that you have to do, you won’t forget to do them.‎ A. make B. will make C. made D. are making ‎40.‎ My friend never received my post card. I’m afraid it ___ to the wrong address.‎ A. sends B. sent C. was sent D. be sent ‎41.‎ We decided to see the town on a guided tour ___ someone would show us the sights.‎ A. unless B. because C. when D. so that ‎42.‎ ‎___ exhausting day I’ve had! I’m so tired and dirty from walking so many miles.‎ A. What B. What a C. What an D. How ‎43. Our decision ___ for some drink made us late for the train.‎ A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. to stopping ‎44.‎ ‎–___.‎ ‎–You’re welcome.‎ A. I’m sorry about the mess.‎ B. Thanks very much for your help.‎ C. Wish you a safe journey.‎ D. Let me help you with the bag.‎ ‎45.‎ ‎–I think university is a waste of time.‎ ‎–___ A university degree is important for some jobs.‎ A. Yes, maybe you’re right. B. Let me think about it.‎ C. I’d prefer to find a job. D. I’m sorry I don’t agree.‎ Ⅲ. Directions:Complete the passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.‎ ‎(A)‎ A. is made of B. powerful C. straight D. natural E. consists of Have you ever visited the Forest of Kaliningrad? It’s located close to the Baltic Sea, and is one of the strangest ___46___ forests on earth.‎ Often known as the Dancing Forest, it ___47___ trees in a variety of shapes. Unlike trees that develop normally and stand up ___48___, these trees turn in all different directions. According to tourists that have seen the forest, the trees almost appear to be dancing.‎ A few years ago, a manager of the forest invited students from local universities to conduct studies, and find the answer to the mystery. Since then, some people have suggested that the trees are actually growing in sand. But the most popular idea is that the ___49___ winds blowing in the area have created the Dancing Forest.‎ ‎(B)‎ A. cause B. crowds C. course D. directly E. burns Everyone enjoys seeing fireworks going up into the night sky. But recently, people living along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia have reported that rather than fireworks, they’ve noticed strange lights in the sky.‎ These lights are said to look like balls of fire that seem to shoot 50___ out of the river into the sky, and then disappear after a few seconds. The ___51___, of the fireballs isn’t known, but some scientists think they could be due to a gas which comes from under the river, and ___52___ when it escapes into the air. Other experts disagree with this idea, believing that the gas may be too heavy to rise into the air.‎ The appearance of the fireballs always brings great 53___ of people along the river, and attraction to visiting tourists.‎ ‎‎ is a wonderful Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.‎ 54. There are _______ tigers than there were a hundred years ago.(few)‎ 55. Here are some hot _______ for what to expect while visiting Canada’s largest city.(tip)‎ 56. As a result of the bloods, six people died and thousands were made _______.(home)‎ 57. The book talks about why we need to protect endangered species to save ________.(we)‎ 58. A good travel agent knows that a _______ customer will always come back.(satisfying)‎ 59. Please pack these things very _______. I don’t want anything to get broken.(careful)‎ 60. Labels on our products may _______ us into throwing food away too soon.(foolish)‎ 61. Some interesting things came up in our ________ yesterday.(discuss)‎ Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences as required.‎ 62. My father fell asleep during the movie.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎_______ your father _______ asleep during the movie?‎ ‎63. I’m going to New York to see Liberty Statue.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎_______ _______ you going to New York?‎ ‎64.“We will do a a project on the environment next week.”said my teacher.(保持句意基本不变) My teacher said we _______ _______ a project on the environment the next week.‎ ‎65. She felt very happy when she heard Victor’s voice on the line.(保持句意基本不变)‎ ‎_______ _______ great joy, she heard Victor’s voice on the line.‎ 66. They have built two new hotels near the airport.(改为被动语态) Two new hotels have _______ _______ near the airport.‎ 67. The suitcase was too heavy for her to lift.(保持句意基本不变)‎ The suitcase was _______ heavy _______ she couldn’t lift it.‎ 68. started, how, wonder these terrible fires, I(连词成句)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ Part 3 Reading and Writing Ⅵ. Reading comprehension.‎ A. Choose the best answer.‎ Hi there!‎ Can you help me? I’m doing a project at school. The title?‘Will life be better in 2100?’What do you think? Thanks you for your ideas!‎ Josh a. Hi Josh! I think life will be great. People will live in‘smart houses’. A central computer will control the temperature, the lights, everything!‎ These houses will be ecological and use solar energy and recycled water. A‘smart’mirror in the bathroom (that's right, it’s a mirror with a computer!)will check your health. And guess what? Robots will cook and do the housework. Maya b. Pollution is a big problem today, but will be a bigger problem in 100 years. So people won’t use cars with petrol. They will drive in electric cars on underground roads. And there will be electric buses with computers for drivers! The best thing? People will be able to travel in time. Now that will be exciting! Rosie c. Hi Josh. Life will be better in 2100-in space! People will live on the Moon and Mars in special cities. They will grow food and send it to the Earth in a huge space craft. Space stations will orbit the Earth and control the climate. There will also be holidays in space! How cool is that? Brandon d. Will live be different in 100 years? Yes, it will. Will life be better? No, it won’t! Climate change will cause floods and droughts. Rich people will live for a long time, maybe 200 years! But life won’t be easy for most people. They won’t have food and water. Faith e. Well, Josh, the good news is… there won’t be any schools! Students will have lessons at home on their computers. They’ll be in contact with other students all over the world in a‘virtual’classroom. The bad news is…teachers will still give us homework in the future! Elliot 69. Josh’s project is mainly about _____.‎ A. modern technology B. new inventions C. life in the future D. green lifestyle ‎70. The underlined word‘ecological’is closest in meaning to ____.‎ A. widely available B. environmentally friendly C. easily recognized D. completely controlled ‎71. ____ thinks holidays in space are a good idea.‎ A. Maya B. Rosie C. Brandon D. Elliot ‎72. Rosie thinks ___ will be exciting.‎ A. a‘smart’mirror B. time travelling C. space stations D. virtual classroom ‎73. The topic Faith talks about is ____.‎ A. Education B. Homes C. Transport ‎‎ D. Environment ‎74. ____ students are quite sure that life will be better in 2100.‎ A. 2 B. 3 C. 4‎ ‎‎ D. 5‎ B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.‎ I was 23 before my first novel appeared in the bookshops. It had been a challenge to find a publisher who would even look at it. As soon as they heard that it was about teenagers and their problems, they just weren’t interested.‎ ‎___75___ one of them read it and loved the way I try to show the funny side of any difficult situation. I’m quite ___76___ teenagers now, and some even say hello when they see me in the street.‎ I’m not sure where my stories come from—that’s like asking people to tell you where their dreams come from. Some writers get ___77___ from other writers’ work they’ve read, but I keep a notebook and I put down interesting things I notice wherever I go. Those things come into my stories.‎ I write full time now and I love it, but it’s hard work. I write everything out by hand, and after I’ve corrected it, I type it on my computer. I’m OK at ___78___ and I’ve done some pictures for my books, but one day I met a professional artist, John Brookes, who now does most of them and they’re a great improvement on my efforts.‎ Recently one of my books was made into a film, which was an exciting experience. I didn’t write the dialogue between the characters—other writers did that very well. I visited while they filming and I sometimes feel like ‎___79___ improvement, but in the end I just let them do what they wanted. I must say I was pleased with the book they those to film, but thought it was a ___80___ they made so many changes to the story.‎ ‎75. A. Actually B. Finally C. Especially D. Immediately ‎76. A. familiar with B. similar to C. popular with D. thankful to ‎77. A. advice B. news C. reviews D. ideas ‎78. A. drawing B. acting C. copying D. editing ‎79. A. showing B. suggesting C. noticing D. achieving ‎80. A. joke B. chance C. shame D. surprise C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.‎ I recently took part in a very exciting five-week trip for teenagers, to volunteer at an international wildlife study centre, off the coast of a country far from where I live. The a___81___ of the center was to help protect wildlife. So the project I signed up for included attending classes about wildlife, and going on daily dives under water to collect important information for the scientists back at the centre.‎ We were w 82 by staff about our accommodation(食宿)before we arrived at the center. Sure enough, when we got there, we were shown to some small wooden huts where we would live. They were quite b___83___: no indoor washroom and no fridge, so our meals were all vegetarian. However, I hadn’t eaten meat for years, so it was perfect for me.‎ The day after our arrival, we started our t___84___-learning the names of all the different fish, and how to count and describe them in a way that would be useful to the scientists. We also learnt about a very important underwater creature called coral. However, this creature is now in danger because of problems such as global warming. So a___85___ we did very little work involving the coral itself, we really felt our work in helping local sea creatures was essential.‎ Every day at the study centre was amazing, but there was one in particular when I was under the water as usual, with my‘diving buddy’,collecting data on the fish in the area. I s___86___ looked up-and found myself face to face with two absolutely beautiful fish. My partner and I decided to spend our last few minutes under the water with these amazing creatures. As we got nearer to the fish, they didn’t seem at all w___87___ about us, and just watched us in an interesting way, before swimming off towards the coral reef. Unforgettable!‎ D. Answer the questions.‎ Interviewer: With me in the studio is Linda Meehan, who’s recently returned from a six-month exchange to do programme with a family in the Netherlands. That’s a long way from home. Why did you choose your exchange programme there?‎ Linda: Well. None of my friends had been there or anything like that but my grandfather spent some time there when he was young and he said I should visit one day and I’d planned to do that as soon as I could. So when I had the opportunity to go to Europe, it seemed like the obvious place to go.‎ Interviewer: But you were only 15. Was there anything you found difficult about living in a foreign country?‎ Linda: Well, the family I stayed with in the Netherlands were really kind and I wasn’t lonely because I shared the room with one of their daughters. She helped me get used to my new routine. The only thing that was hard was the one-kilometre bike ride to school everyday! I enjoyed it in the summer but in winter was terrible.‎ Interviewer: And ___91___?‎ Linda: It was OK because there were a lot of classes in English. And they gave me projects to do when there were subjects in Dutch I couldn’t understand. The school was very modern and much bigger than most schools in Australia. The library was fantastic and they also had a lot more science labs than my school at home.‎ Interviewer: What about the students?‎ Linda: Oh, they were really friendly. They gave me lots of advice about places I should visit. They’d all travelled a lot more than me, though no one had been to Australia. But what I found really strange was that they’d never thought about going away from their families for several months like me. Some of them couldn’t understand how I could do that.‎ Interviewers: So is this an experience you would recommend?‎ Linda: Oh, definitely! I benefit a lot from the programme. And I think six months was the right amount of time.‎ I needed that amount of time to learn the language. But after six months I really needed to see my parents.‎ I was so happy to see them again.‎ 88. Is Linda In Australia or in the Netherlands now?‎ 89. Who gave Linda the idea of choosing the Netherlands for her exchange programme?‎ 90. What did Linda find difficult about living in the Netherlands?‎ 91. What can be filled in the blank?‎ 92. How did Linda feel about the students in the Netherlands?‎ They were ________ and ________.(ONE word for each blank)‎ 93. What might be the reasons Linda would recommend the programme?‎ Ⅶ. Writing.‎ 94. In 60-120 words, write about the topic“A goal I would like to achieve”.(以“一个我想实现的目标”为题,写一篇 60-120 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)‎ The following are for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考)‎ ü What is your goal?‎ ü Why do you want to do this?‎ ü How do you plan to achieve your goal?‎ ‎(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)‎ 参考答案 Part 2‎ Ⅱ. 26-30 CADCD31-35‎ ABABD ‎36-40 ABCAC ‎41-45 DCBBD Ⅲ. 46-49 DECB ‎50-53‎ DAEB Ⅳ. 54. fewer ‎55. tips ‎56. homeless ‎57. ourselves ‎58. satisfied ‎59. carefully ‎60. fool ‎61. Discussion Ⅴ. 62. Did; fall ‎63. Why are ‎64. would do 65. To her ‎66. been built 67. so; that ‎68. I wonder how these terrible fires started.‎ Part 3‎ Ⅵ. A. 69-74 CBCBDA B. 75-80 BCDABC C. 81. aim 82. warned 83. basic 84. training 85. although 86. suddenly 87. worried D. 88. Australia.‎ 89. Her grandfather.‎ 90. The one-kilometre bike ride to school every day.‎ 91. What do you think about the school courses in Netherland?(仅供参考,写到“对学校课程怎么看”‎ 即可)‎ 92. They were friendly and dependent.‎ 93. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.(参考:She can benefit a lot from the programme and enjoy a good time with the family she stayed with.)‎

