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话题写作 (六) 计划安排 第一篇 教材考点梳理 【 话题点睛 】 针对假期计划、活动计划或人生目标等进行介绍 , 主要涉及读书、旅游、度假等活动的安排 ; 课外活动、学校郊游、运动会等活动的时间、地点、人物、活动内容与形式等 ; 职业规划以及实现人生目标的具体措施等。 如今 , 中学生的假期生活发生了很大变化。假定你是李明 , 你的美国笔友 Lisa 想了解中国中学生现在的假期生活。请你根据以下要点 , 给她写封信。 [ 要点 ] (1) 学习和休闲仍然重要 ; (2) 帮忙做家务或干农活 ; (3) 参加社会活动 , 做志愿者工作 , 帮助他人。 典例分析 Dear Lisa,    I'm glad to receive your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot.       Best wishes! Yours, Li Ming 【 思路点拨 】 1. 要点提炼 : 主题是对假期生活的描述 , 注意如下两个要点 : (1) 介绍中学生的假期生活 ; (2) 从中获得的收获。 2. 确定时态 : 一般现在时。 3. 确定人称 : 第一人称。 【 写作架构 】 【基础写作】 Ⅰ. 写主干句 ( 根据所给提示补全下列各句。 ) 1. 周末我经常帮助妈妈做家务。 (help sb. do) I often                  at weekends.  2. 老师在帮助学生学习上发挥着重要作用。 (play a/an … part in) Teachers                helping students learn.  3. 我喜欢收集邮票和逗妹妹开心。 (cheer up) I like to collect stamps and        my sister      .  4. 我们应该尽最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人。 (try one's best to) We should          help people in need.  help my mom do housework play an important part in cheer up try our best to Ⅱ. 句子升格 ( 按括号中的要求完成句子。 ) 5.Sometimes we go to the streets to collect rubbish. We go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children sometimes. ( 用 or 合并为一个句子 )     6.Learning and relaxing are both important for us. ( 用 It is+ adj. +for sb. to do sth. 改写句子 )   Sometimes we go to the streets to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. It is important for us to learn and relax. 7.We realize that our parents work hard every day. ( 改为用 how hard 引导的宾语从句 )   8.We are happy to join in these activities. ( 改为含 find it+ adj. +to do sth. 结构的句子 )   9.Here are my plans. I would like to share them with you. ( 改为定语从句 )   We realize how hard our parents work every day. We find it happy to join in these activities. Here are my plans that/which I would like to share with you. 【连句成文】 Dear Lisa,    I'm glad to receive your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot.It is important for us to learn and relax. Besides, we often help our parents do housework or farm work. Through that, we realize how hard our parents work every day. And we can make a habit of laboring at the same time. Also, we take an active part in social activities as volunteers. Sometimes, we go to the streets to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. We try our best to help people in need and make our hometown more beautiful. We find it happy to join in these activities.    Best wishes! Yours, Li Ming 【 关于计划 】 1.The summer vacation is coming. Everyone has different plans for it. 2.Here are my summer plans that I want to share with you. 3.All of us felt tired but happy. 4.I will never forget the vacation. 5.I think my summer vacation is happy and exciting. 6.I am going to a summer camp in July where I can relax myself and make new friends. 7.I will take part in many kinds of activities. 拓展积累 8.I am going to travel to places of interest which can open up my eyes. 9.I'm going to help my parents do housework because it is one of the basic life skills. 10.Besides, my writing is poor, so I will read some books during my holiday because reading can improve writing.I will read more to open my mind. 【 描写心情和抒发感受 】 1.I hope I can do something to help others. 2.If I become a member of the summer camp, I will be friendly to the foreign students. 3.My family want to make a trip together! I can not wait! 4.The various activities can not only provide opportunities for us to relax ourselves but also enrich our minds. 5.Besides, we can develop the spirit of teamwork through the game. A   暑期将至 , 我们都应该制定合理的假期计划。请你根据以下要点提示 , 以“ My Summer Vacation” 为题 , 用英语写一篇关于假期计划的短文。 内容包括 : 放松自己 , 陪伴家人 , 做志愿者 , 努力学习以及你对于暑假生活的观点。 实战演练 [ 要点提示 ] My Summer Vacation Plan What I plan to do relax myself: listen to music … spend time with family: travel … be a volunteer: visit the old … … What I think about the summer vacation … [ 要求 ] (1) 词数 : 不少于 80( 短文开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ); (2) 要点提示均须涉及 , 可适当增加内容 ; (3) 字迹工整 , 卷面整洁 , 文意连贯 , 语言流畅 ; (4) 不用真实姓名、校名、地名。 [ 参考词汇 ] relax myself, spend time with…, volunteer, review, prepare for My Summer Vacation Plan With the summer vacation coming, I will make a plan for it.     First, I'd like to spare some time to relax myself by listening to music, watching movies as well as exercising to             keep fit. Besides, I plan to spend more time with my dear family. For example, we can travel somewhere interesting together. Taking a walk and communicating with my parents are also wise choices. At the same time, I'm going to volunteer in the old people's home. I will buy some gifts and sing for them. Last but not least, it's quite important for me to keep studying hard. I must prepare myself well for the challenging learning in senior high school. I think reviewing what I've learned in junior high school and reading more can help me with that.       As far as I'm concerned, the summer vacation is a precious time to do something meaningful. Therefore, I'm sure to make the best of it and make my plan come true. B   暑假即将来临 , 学校要求同学们参加一些社会实践活动。请在下表中选择 2—3 项你喜欢的活动 ( 也可自拟活动项目 ), 然后用英语写一篇短文表明你的选择意向及理由 , 发表在学校微信公众平台的英语栏目中。 Social Practice Program( 社会实践活动 ) · learn to do housework · help in the city library · clean up the city park · teach foreigners Chinese · visit sick kids in hospital ·… [ 注意 ] (1) 短文中必须包括所选择的活动项目 , 可适当发挥 ; (2) 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息 ; (3) 词数 : 不少于 80; (4) 短文首句仅供选择使用 , 不计入总词数。 During this coming summer vacation, I am going to take part in these activities.       I'd like to learn to do housework first. Now we teenagers spend too much time on our homework so that we don't have time to do housework. Also we need to do             something to help our parents and learn how to look after ourselves. Second, I will volunteer to clean up the city park. I'll pick up rubbish around the park and ask people not to litter everywhere. In addition, I will tell them the importance of keeping our city clean and tidy. I'm sure I will get a lot of social experience through the social practice program.

