中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 341

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中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 341

第16讲 九年级Units 3-4 1 . suggest ( v. ) → __________ ( n .) 建议 2 . center( n .)→ ______ ( adj .) 中心的;中央的 3 . east ( n .) →_______ ( adj .) 东方的;东部的 4 . humor( n .) →_________ ( adj .) 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 5 . Asia( n .)→ ______ ( adj .& n . ) 亚洲 ( 人 ) 的;亚洲人 6 . polite( adj .)→ _______ ( ad v .) 礼貌地→ _______ ( adj . 反义词 ) 不礼貌的 7 . direction( n .) 方向;方位→ ______ ( adj .) 直接的;直率的→ _______ ( adj .) 间接的 8 . correct( adj .)→ ________ ( 反义词 )→ ________ ( ad v .) 正确地 suggestion central eastern humorous Asian politely impolite direct indirect incorrect correctly 9 . speak( v .)→ _______ ( n .) 发言者 10 . silent( adj .)→ _______ ( n .) 沉默 11 . absent( adj .)→ _______ ( n .) 缺席;不在 12 . exact( adj .) →______ ( ad v .) 确切地;精确地 13 . general( adj .) → ________ ( ad v .) 普遍地;常规地;总地 14 . help( v .& n . )→ ________ ( adj .) 有用的→ _______ ( adj .) 无用的 15 . convenient ( adj .) → ___________ ( n .) 便利;方便 16 . interview( v .& n . )→ __________ ( n .) 采访者 17 . proud( adj .)→ ______ ( n .) 自豪;骄傲 18 . examination( n .)→ ________ ( v .) 检查;检验 19 . introduction( n .)→ _______ ( v .) 介绍 speaker silence absence exactly generally helpful helpless convenience interviewer pride examine introduce 20 . Britain( n .) →_______ ( adj .) 英国 ( 人 ) 的 21 . require( v .) → _________ ( n .) 需要;要求 22 . fail( v .) → ______ ( n .) 不及格;失败 British requirement failure 1 . _____ by  路过 2 . turn ________  向左 / 右转 3 . _____ one's hand  握住某人的手 4 . _____ time ___ time  时常;有时 5 . _____ with  对应;处理 6 . in ______  公开地 7 . be _______  为 …… 骄傲 8 . in ______  亲自;亲身 9 . take ________  为 …… 感到自豪 10 . be _____________ in  对 …… 更感兴趣 11 . take ___  从事;占用 pass left / right hold from to deal public proud of person pride in more interested up 12 . to one's ______  令某人吃惊的是 13 . make a _______  决定 surprise decision 1 . ______ you please tell me ______ the restrooms ____ ?你能告诉我洗手间在哪吗? 2 . You __________ know _____ you try something. 直到你尝试后你才知道一些事。 3 . I was scared _______ , but shouting really did ____ .起初我很害怕 , 但喊叫还真的很管用。 4 . Sometimes we even need to spend time _________ to a request. 有时我们甚至需要花些时间来导入一个请求。 5 . I __________ afraid of the dark. 我过去害怕黑暗。 Could where are won't/never until at first help leading in used to be 6 . It ________three years ______we last saw our primary school classmates. 自从我们最后一次见到我们的小学同学已经有三年了。 7 . She ______________ a lot of movies. 她过去没看很多电影。 8 . Many times I thought about _________ , but I _________ .许多次我都想到放弃 , 但我还是奋力坚持下去。 9 . The headteacher advised his parents to ________their son _________ .校长建议他的父母亲自与孩子谈谈。 10 . His parents' love has ______him _____________________ .他父母的爱已使他对自己感到棒极了。 has been since didn't use to watch giving up fought on talk with in person made feel good about himself 礼貌咨询 ( Ask for information politely ) 1 . —Excuse me , do you know where I can buy some medicine? —Sure.There's a supermarket down the street. 2 . —Could you please tell me how to get to the post office? —Sorry , I'm not sure how to get there. 3 . —Can you tell me when the band starts playing this evening? —It starts at 8 : 00 p . m. 4 . — I wonder where we should go next. — You should try that new ride over there. 谈论过去的你是什么样子 ( Talk about what you used to be like ) 5 . I used to be short. 6 . I didn't use to be popular in school. 7 . —You used to be short , didn't you? —Yes , I did./No , I didn't. 8 . —Did he use to wear glasses? —Yes , he did./No , he didn't. 1 . 宾语从句 (where , when , how 等 )( 见本书 P 149 ) 2 . used to 的用法 宾语从句 1 . —I want to go to Happy Valley ( 欢乐谷 ) in Beijing.Could you tell me ____ ? —About 200 yuan each person . ( 2016 , 铁岭 , 14 题 ) A . where I can get some information B . how much a ticket costs C . what I can do there D . why it is popular with kids 2 . —I want to go to Shenyang.Do you know ___ in Shenyang today? —The radio says it is rainy. (2016 , 营口 , 14 题 )                A . what the weather is like B . how the weather is like C . how is the weather like D . what is the weather like B A 3 . —Could you please tell me when John __ __ back? —Sorry , I don't know.But when he ________ back , I'll tell him to call you right away. (2016 , 营口 , 16 题 ) A . comes ; will come B . comes ; comes C . will come ; comes D . will come ; will come 4 . Our geography teacher told us that the earth __ __ the sun. (2016 , 丹东 , 38 题 ) A . went around B . goes around C . is going around D . was going around C B 5 . Tom was not listening carefully , so he failed to hear __ __ . (2016 , 沈阳 , 8 题 ) A . what the teacher said B . how the teacher said C . what did the teacher say D . how did the teacher say 6 . —Do you know __ __ zongzi in the tradition of China , Jack? —Usually during the Dragon Boat Festival. (2016 , 朝阳 , 34 题 ) A . why people make B . when people eat C . where people buy D . how people make A B 7 . —Do you know __ __ when her car passed by Tian'anmen Square at China's V Day Parade( 阅兵 )? —She told the local newspaper that she felt very excited , proud and happy. (2016 , 锦州 , 4 题 ) A . how the 90 year old woman felt B . how did the 90yearold woman feel C . what the 90yearold woman liked best D . what did the 90 year old woman say A 8 . — Please tell me __ __ . —She bought it in the store. (2015 , 抚顺 , 13 题 ) A . if Mary returned the book B . when Mary bought the book C . where Mary bought the dress D . how much Mary paid for the dress 9 . —Excuse me.Could you tell me __ __ there? —Sure. (2015 , 营口 , 18 题 ) A . when the first bus will arrive at B . when would the first bus arrive C . when the first bus arrived at D . when the first bus arrives C D 10 . —Father's Day is coming.Could you tell me __ __ ? —What about a watch ? He'll like it. (2015 , 丹东 , 39 题 ) A . what I should say to my father B . what gift I should give my father C . where I should meet my father D . if I had a party for my father 11 . Could you tell me __ __ ? (2015 , 锦州 , 13 题 ) A . when does the train leave B . there's a bank near here C . where can I park D . what your mother is D B 12 . — Could you please tell me ____ ? —Next week. (2015 , 本溪 , 14 题 ) A . how long I can keep the book B . if I can keep the book C . when I should return the book D . how often I should return the book 13 . — Could you tell me ____ ? (2015 , 铁岭 , 14 题 ) —Our family will go for a picnic tomorrow. A . when you made the dumplings B . why you bought so many cakes C . where you bought the drinks D . how you made the cakes C B 14 . —Your new dress looks so beautiful.Could you tell me ____ ? —My aunt. (2015 , 阜新 , 14 题 ) A . when you bought it B . who bought it for you C . what you bought D . where you bought it 15 . —Could you please tell me ____ ? —Sure.There's a flower store on the second floor. (2015 , 葫芦岛 , 13 题 ) A . what time the store is closed B . which is the way to the airport C . where I can buy some roses D . how I can get to the post office C B 16 . —Could you tell me __ __ ? —Last week. (2015 , 鞍山 , 17 题 ) A . when Jack left for Dalian B . when did Jack leave for Dalian C . why Jack left for Dalian D . why did Jack leave for Dalian 17 . He asked me __ __ at eight o'clock yesterday. (2014 , 锦州 , 13 题 ) A . what I was doing B . what was I doing C . what I did D . what did I do A A 18 . I received a surprise gift.I wonder __ __ . (2014 , 葫芦岛 , 50 题 ) A . where I bought it B . which I chose C . whom it was from D . why it was surprising 19 . —I wonder __ __ Kim Soo hyun ( 金秀贤 ) . —I think he is really cool. (2014 , 铁岭 , 13 题 ) A . why you don't like B . where you have heard of C . what you think of D . when you know about 20 . Can you tell me __ __ ? Yang Bo is ill. (2014 , 辽阳 , 9 题 ) A . how I can get to the zoo B . what medicine I can take C . if there's an airport D . where I can find a hospital C C D 21 . Sichuan food is hotter than Shanghainese food.That's ____. (2014 , 沈阳 , 15 题 ) A . what I like it B . what do I like it C . why I like it D . why do I like it 22 . The high school entrance exam will be over soon.Could you tell me ____ the summer holiday ? (2014 , 盘锦 , 12 题 ) A . where are you going to spend B . how you are going to spend C . where you were going to spend D . how you were going to spend C B 23 . Could you please tell me ____ ? I want to buy something to eat. (2014 , 营口 , 19 题 ) A . where will the shop open B . when will the shop open C . where the shop will open D . when the shop will open 24 . —Why not go to the museum? —Good idea.But first we should find out ____ it is open. (2014 , 阜新 , 14 题 ) A . when     B . how     C . what     D . why D A used to 的用法 25 . —What do you usually have for breakfast? —I used to __ __ dumplings , but these days I'm used to ________ bread and milk. (2015 , 朝阳 , 17 题 ) A . eat ; have B . eat ; having C . eating ; have D . eating ; having 词汇类 26 . The man is such a __ __ person that he can always make us laugh. (2016 , 铁岭 , 5 题 ) A . hardworking B . brave C . humorous D . friendly B C 27 . We talked about the problem and Tim __ __ doing some research first. (2016 , 沈阳 , 6 题 ) A . finished B . enjoyed C . suggested D . Practised 28 . —Harry is absent __ __ school because of the fever. —I hope he can get better soon. (2015 , 辽阳 , 3 题 ) A . from     B . to      C . at      D . in 29 . Too much fast food is bad for us.We should only have it __ __ . (2015 , 大连 , 16 题 ) A . all the time B . from now on C . at the moment D . once in a while C A D 30 . I'm so good at English that I dare ____ competitions and even talk to foreigners. (2015 , 盘锦 , 12 题 ) A . to take part in B . taking part in C . to join D . joining 31 . —My bike is broken.Can you mend it for me? —Sorry , I can't.Uncle Li may be __ __ . (2014 , 铁岭 , 4 题 ) A . helpful B . thankful C . friendly D . serious 32 . — Mum , I lost the match but I tried my best. —Oh , Bill , result isn't everything.I'm still __ __ you. (2014 , 辽阳 , 14 题 ) A . mad at B . interested in C . worried about D . proud of A A D ► suggest 【 典例在线 】 He suggested a twodaylong stay in Beijing on the way home. 他建议回家时在北京停两天。 My father suggested sending for a doctor at once. 父亲建议马上请个医生。 The teacher suggested that we (should) speak as much English as possible in class. 老师建议我们要尽可能多地在课堂上讲英语。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 1 ) After supper , I suggest __ __ for a walk in the park.              A . went B . going C . to go D . gone 2)I suggest that they should __ __ the problems. A . solve B . solved C . solves D . solving A B ► require 【 典例在线 】 This room requires cleaning. 这个房间需要打扫了。 The teacher requires us to get up early every morning. 老师要求我们每天早起。 You can require help of the police. 你可以向警察求救。 【 拓展精析 】 require 作动词 , 意为 “ 需要 , 要求 ” , 常用于以下结构中: require sth. 需要某物 require doing sth. 需要被 …… require sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事 require sth.of sb. 向某人要求某物 【 活学活用 】 3)The police requires the traveller ________ (open) his suitcase. to open ► Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ? 你能告诉我公共厕所在哪里吗? 【 典例在线 】 Can you tell me where they are ?你能告诉我他们在哪儿吗? I want to know what they are talking about. 我想知道他们在谈论什么。 【 拓展精析 1 】 该句为宾语从句。注意宾语从句应用陈述句语序。 【 拓展精析 2 】 问路的句型: Excuse me , where is the (nearest) post office ?打扰一下 , 请问 ( 最近的 ) 邮局在哪儿? = Would you please tell me where the (nearest) post office is? = Excuse me , which is the way to the (nearest) post office? = Excuse me , can/could you tell me the way to the (nearest) post office? = Excuse me , how can/do I get to the (nearest) post office? Excuse me , can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital ?你能告诉我怎样才能到最近的医院吗? = Excuse me , is there a hospital nearby (near here)? = Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby? Could you please tell me where there's a good place to eat ?你能告诉我哪儿有吃东西的好地方吗? 【 活学活用 】 1) — So , can you tell me __ __ here today? —Well , I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO landed. A . what did you see     B . what you saw C . when did you see it D . when you saw 2) — Do you know __ __ the Capital Museum? —Next Friday. A . when will they visit B . when they will visit C . when did they visit D . when they visited B B 3) — I don't understand __ __ . —I'm sorry.But I was doing my homework. A . why you didn't watch the football match B . why didn't you watch the football match C . why you don't watch the football match D . why don't you watch the football match A ► I used to see him reading in the library every day. 我过去每天都看见他在图书馆读书。 【 典例在线 】 I saw him getting on a bus just now. 刚才我看见他上了一辆公共汽车。 We saw him cross the road. 我们看见他过马路了。 【 拓展精析 】 see sb.doing sth. 意为 “ 看见某人正在做某事 ” , 强调动作正在进行; see sb.do sth. 意为 “ 看见某人做某事 ” , 强调动作的整个过程。 【 活学活用 】 4 ) — Where's Tony now? — I saw him __ __ in the garden a moment ago and I told him ________ . A . play ; go home B . playing ; to go home C . to play ; goes home D . play ; going home B ► information , news , message 【 典例在线 】 They must find out some information about planes to Hainan as quickly as possible. 他们必须尽快找到有关去往海南的班机的信息。 We often listen to the news after supper. 晚饭后我们经常听新闻。 Would you mind giving him a message ?你介意给他捎个口信吗? 【 拓展精析 】 information 不可数名词 , 意为 “ 信息 ” , 通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。 news 不可数名词 , 意为 “ 新闻 , 消息 ” , 指公众感兴趣的、近来发生的事情 , 尤其指通过广播、电视、网络等报道的事情。 message 可数名词 , 一般指口头传递或书写的 “ 口信 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 1)Linda needs to look through some __ __ on the Internet about studying Chinese. A . informations B . information C . question D . supermarket B ► proud , pride 【 典例在线 】 I am proud of our great country. = I take pride in our great country. 我为我们伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。 【 拓展精析 】 proud 形容词 , 意为 “ 自豪的;骄傲的 ” , 其名词形式为 pride , 意为 “ 骄傲;自豪 ” 。 be proud of 意为 “ 为 …… 而感到骄傲 ” , 其同义短语为 take pride in 。 【 活学活用 】 2) — Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. —Yes , they are __ __ our nation. A . proud of B . pleased with C . the pride of D . known for 3)When I knew that China had got her first Aircraft Carrier ( 航空母舰 ) , I felt excited and ____ . A . proud    B . terrible    C . nervous   D . strange C A 一、单项选择。 1 . You should suggest him __ __ smoking. A . giving up B . give up C . to give up D . gave up 2 . —I'm sure I'll get good grades in the graduation exam. —If so , I believe your parents will__ __you. A . be proud of B . be angry with C . be tired of D . be afraid of 3 . —Look! The goldfish is dying. —What a pity! This kind of goldfish __ __ a lot of care and attention. A . offers B . provides C . reminds D . requires A A D 4 . Li Ming used__ __ on the right in China , but he soon got used ________ on the left in England. (2015 , 孝感 ) A . to drive ; to drive B . driving ; driving C . to driving ; to drive D . to drive ; to driving 5 . —Would you please tell me ____ ? —Yes.There's a bank over there. A . when can I exchange money B . where can I exchange money C . when I can exchange money D . where I can exchange money D D 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6 . 他下决心去学医。 He ______________ to learn medicine. 7 . 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 Changjiang River is __________________ in the world. 8 . 我不想当众谈论这件事。 I don't want to talk about it __________ . 9 . 昨天去上学的路上 , 我遇到了我的一位朋友。 Yesterday I met a friend of mine __________________ . 10 . 事实上 , 他经常在学校长跑比赛中名列前茅。 ______ , he often comes top in the school running races. made a decision one of the longest rivers in public on my way to school In fact 三、阅读下面短文 , 将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。 A boy used to be the best student in his class.After his parents sent him to the boarding school , he changed.His grades started dropping.He thought no one loved him. His parents started worrying about the boy.So his dad decided to go to the school and talk with him.The father said , “ 11. I'm _ here _ to _ tell _ you _ that _ you _ are _ the _ most _ important _ person _ for _ me. I only care about you.I only hope you are happy. ” These words changed the boy.12. Then _ the _ boy _ knew _ that _ his _ parents _ cared _ for _ him _ deeply. He meant the world to someone.And today this young man is one of the best students in a university! 11 . 我来这儿就是要告诉你 , 对我来说你是最重要的人。 12 . 后来男孩知道他的父母深深地关爱着他。 调查报告的写作 调查报告是对某项工作、某个事件、某个问题进行深入细致的调查后 , 将调查收集到的信息加以整理、分析 , 并以书面形式汇报调查情况及结果的一种应用文体。 一、在写调查报告时 , 要注意以下几点: 1 . 首先应交代写作目的。调查报告的写作目的往往是为了反映社会现象 , 以便提出改进措施。 2 . 根据写作需要可适当交代采访范围、采访对象、采访人数、采访话题 , 以增强数据的可信度和结论的权威性。 3 . 接着应交代调查结果。 4 . 个人观点或建议 ( 提出改进措施 ) 。 5 . 写作中用好过渡性词汇 , 增强行文逻辑性。 调查报告常见的过渡性词汇有:表示对比关系的 “ but , however , while ” ;表示递进关系的 “ what's more/besides ” ;表示因果关系的 “ thanks to , as a result (of) , therefore ” ;表示转折关系的 “ however , but , yet ” ;表示并列关系的 “ on the one hand , on the other hand ” ;表总结的 “ in a word/in short ” ;表示情感态度的 “ to our surprise , to our joy ” ;表示行文过渡的 “ as a rule , generally speaking , as we all know ” 。 二、常用句型: 1 . We did a survey about...last week. 上周我们针对 …… 做了一项调查。 2 . I have recently made/done a survey about/of... 近期我做了一项关于 …… 的调查。 3 . Here are the results. 这就是结果。 4 . The survey shows that... 调查显示 …… 5 . According to the result of the survey , we know that... 根据调查结果 , 我们知道 …… 6 . In my opinion , ... 在我看来 , …… 7 . I think we should... 我认为我们应当 …… 三、写作典例。 ( 2014 , 绍兴 ) 最近 , 你随机调查了你校 50 名同学的课外英语学习现状 ( 结果见下面图表 ) 。请你就此用英语写一篇短文 , 在英语课上进行汇报 , 并谈谈你的看法和建议。 注意: 1. 文章必须包括图表中四项内容 , 可适当增加细节; 2 . 看法和建议至少两条; 3 . 文章开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 , 你只需接着写; 4 . 词数: 80 ~ 100 。 参考词汇: 背诵 recite 【 范文欣赏 】 I _ have _ recently _ done _ a _ survey _ about _ how _ students _ learn _ English _ out _ of _ class. Almost all students read and recite English words.They think vocabulary is the most important for English learning.More than 40 students do a lot of written exercises.Some students go over their notes that they have taken in class.However , only a few students spend time practising listening and speaking. In my opinion , listening and speaking are the secrets of becoming a good language learner.We need to do lots of listening and speaking practice , such as watching English movies and listening to English songs.Also , chatting with foreigners can be helpful.

