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专题九 动词的时态 考点一 一般现在时 考点突破 考点六 现在完成时 考点二 一般过去时 考点三 现在进行时 考点四 过去进行时 考点五 一般将来时 考点一 一般现在时 考点突破 一般现在时的构成及用法 1.一般现在时的构成 一般现在时主要用动词的原形表示,如果主语是第三人称单数,则在动词原形后 加-s或-es。 Tom often helps his parents do housework at home. 汤姆在家经常帮他的父母做家务。 Sometimes Lucy washes her clothes herself. 有时候,露西自己洗衣服。 2.一般现在时的用法 (1)表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。常与usually,sometimes,once a week,every day等表示频率的副词和短语连用。如: I often take a bus to school.我经常乘公共汽车去上学。 (2)表示客观事实或普遍真理。如: The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 (3)在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。如: If it rains tomorrow,we won ' t go to the park. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了。 When I grow up,I will go to America. 等我长大后,我将去美国。 (4)在某些以here,there开头的句子中用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。如: Here comes a bus. 公交车来了。 考点二 一般过去时 一般过去时的构成及用法 1.一般过去时的构成 一般过去时用动词的过去式表示。如: Last week Tom made a model plane with his friend Jack. 上周汤姆和他的朋友杰克做了一个飞机模型。 (1)动词过去式的规则变化 在动词原形后加-ed work—worked 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先将y变为i再加-ed carry—carried study—studied 以e结尾的动词,直接加-d live—lived 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写该辅音字母后再加-ed stop—stopped plan—planned (2)巧记不规则动词的变化规律 ①巧记ABB型不规则动词(A代表原形,BB代表过去式和过去分词) 原形特征 过去式 过去分词 例词 -eep -ept -ept keep,sweep,sleep -ell -old -old sell,tell -end -ent -ent lend,spend,send -ay -aid -aid say,pay -n -nt -nt burn,learn,mean 原形特征 过去式 过去分词 例词 -eak -oke -oken break,speak -eal -ole -olen steal -ear -ore -orn wear,bear,tear -ow -ew -own grow,blow,know,throw -i- -a- -u- sink,swim,drink,ring,sing,begin -i- -o- -n drive,rise ②巧记ABC型不规则动词(A代表原形,B代表过去式,C代表过去分词)   ③巧记AAA型不规则动词(A代表原形、过去式和过去分词) 2.一般过去时的用法 (1)表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。如: I got up at six this morning. 今天早上我六点起的床。 We visited the factory last week. 上周我们参观了那个工厂。 击中 受伤 让 吐痰 使摆脱 花费 读 放 切 hit hurt let spit rid cost read put cut (2)表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作。如: When I was in the countryside,I often swam in the river. 当我在乡下时,我常常在河里游泳。 注意:和一般过去时连用的时间状语有:last night,yesterday,last week,some years ago,in 1995,in the past,the other day,at that time,just now等。 考点三 现在进行时 1.现在进行时由“am/is/are+动词的现在分词”构成。 否定形式:主语+am/is/are+not+动词的现在分词+其他. 疑问形式:Am/Is/Are+主语+动词的现在分词+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+am/is/are. 否定回答:No,主语+am/is/are+not. 2.表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。 —What are you doing?你在干什么? —I am washing my car.我在洗我的车。 3.表示现阶段正在进行的动作或持续的状态。 The students are working on the farm these days. 这些天学生们一直在农场劳动。 4.当时间状语为 now,these days等或当句子中含有look,listen,can you see,can ' t you see之类的暗示词时,要使用现在进行时。 但应注意下列动词一般不用于现在进行时: ①感官动词,如:see,hear等。 ②表示喜欢或厌恶的动词,如:like,love,hate等。 ③表示希望的动词,如:want,wish,hope等。 ④表示状态的动词,如:lie(位于)等。 ⑤表示归属的动词,如:have,belong等。 ⑥表示思维、知识或理解能力的动词,如:know,think,forget等。 考点四 过去进行时 1.过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作,常和表示过去 的时间状语连用,如:then,at that time,this time yesterday,at ten yesterday等,或用另 一动作来表示过去的时间。 —What were you doing at three yesterday afternoon? ——昨天下午三点你在干什么? —I was playing basketball at that time. ——那时我在打篮球。 I was reading when my mother came in. 当我妈妈进来时,我正在看书。 2.注意在含有when或while引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,过去进行时的 使用。 (1)主句中的动作先于从句中的动作发生,且进行的时间较长时,主句用过去进行 时(从句常用一般过去时)。 (2)从句中的动作先于主句中的动作发生,且进行的时间较长时,从句用过去进行 时(主句用一般过去时)。 (3)若主、从句动作开始时间不存在先后关系(即同时发生)或无所谓先后时, 主、从句可同时使用过去进行时,此时的时间状语从句一般由while来引导。 3.过去进行时与一般过去时的区别 (1)过去进行时表示一个过去正在进行或持续而且可能尚未完成的动作,而一般 过去时表示一个过去已经完成的动作。如: They built a bridge last winter.(已经建成了) 他们去年冬天建了一座桥。 They were building a bridge last winter.(可能还未建成) 他们去年冬天在建一座桥。 (2)表示状态、感觉及心理活动的动词(如:be, like, love, hate, fear, own, hear, see, know, want, notice)可用于一般过去时,但通常不用于进行时。如: I hated it when a man spoke with his mouth full of food. 我讨厌一个人在说话时嘴里满口食物。 (3)过去进行时常和always等频度副词连用,表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作,此 时的过去进行时带有一定的感情色彩。如: Jack was always changing his mind. 杰克总是改变他的主意。 考点五 一般将来时 1.一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,其结构是will+动词原形。 常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next week,next Saturday,in+时间段 等。 They will leave for Beijing next week. 下周他们要去北京。 Will you be back in two days? 你两天后会回来吗? 当主语是I或we时,疑问句中一般使用shall,表示征求对方意见。 Where shall we meet tomorrow?明天我们在哪里见面? 2.be going to+动词原形,表示计划、打算做某事,表示已决定并且很可能发生的 事。 He is going to speak on the radio this evening. 他计划今晚在电台上讲话。 3.be+现在分词,表示将来。 常用这种结构的动词有:go,come,leave,arrive,start,begin等,表示即将发生或安排 好要做的事情。 We are leaving for Shanghai.我们就要动身去上海了。 The bus is coming.公共汽车就要来了。 4.“be to+动词原形”结构表示即将发生的动作。 Audrey and Jimmy are to be married in June. 奥德丽和吉米将在六月份结婚。 5.用一般现在时表示将来的情况。 (1)表示按规定或时间表预计将发生的动作。 We ' re leaving for Kunming.Our plane takes off at 8:30. 我们要去昆明了。我们的飞机八点半起飞。 (2)在含有if,as soon as,until,when等引导的状语从句的主从复合句中,当主句为 一般将来时时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。 If it doesn ' t rain this afternoon,we ' ll have a basketball match. 如果今天下午不下雨,我们将举行一场篮球比赛。 注意:在下面几种情况下只可用will/shall表示将来,而不可以用be going to结构: ①表示有礼貌地询问对方是否愿意或表示客气的邀请或命令时。 Will you please lend me your bike? 请你把自行车借给我用一下好吗? ②表示带有意愿色彩的时候。 I ' ll check this letter for you,if you want. 你要是愿意,我会给你查查这封信的。 ③表示单纯性的将来,与人的主观愿望和判断无关时。 The sun will rise at 6:00 tomorrow morning. 明天早上太阳将在六点升起。 考点六 现在完成时 现在完成时的构成及用法 1.现在完成时的构成 由“have/has+动词的过去分词”构成。 2.现在完成时的用法 (1)表示过去发生的或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。如: —Have you finished your homework? ——你完成家庭作业了吗? —Yes,I have just finished it. ——是的,我刚完成。 I have lost my key. 我把钥匙丢了。 —Have you found your lost key yet? ——你找到你丢失的钥匙了吗? —No,I haven ' t found it yet. ——没有,我还没有找到它。 注意:already,yet常和现在完成时连用。already用于肯定句中,可放在助动词之 后、过去分词之前,也可放在句末;yet用在疑问句或否定句中,通常放在句末。 (2)表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还要持续下去,常和“for+ 时间段”或“since+时间点”连用,表示持续的动作或状态,多用延续性动词。 Mr Zhang has taught English for 20 years. 张老师已经教了20年英语了。 用句型“It is+时间段+since从句(从句的谓语动词用非延续性动词的过去式)” 表示。 It is two years since the old man died. 这个老人去世两年了。 (3)延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法 现在完成时表示动作从过去某个时候开始一直持续到现在,而与一段时间连用 时应注意句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,非延续性动词不可以和一段时间 连用。 非延续性动词 延续性动词 buy have borrow keep open be open close be closed begin/start be on come be here go be there finish be over die be dead catch a cold have a cold put on wear get up be up wake up be awake fall asleep be asleep lose not have join be in leave be away arrive/reach be 3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时强调的是过去的动作对现在的影响,它和现在有密切的联系。一般 过去时强调的是动作发生的时间、地点,不涉及对现在的影响。如: Yesterday I went to the park.昨天我去了公园。 Li Li has read the book.李莉已经看过这本书了。 4.have been to, have gone to和have been in have been to, have gone to和have been in是现在完成时很常用的三个结构,但它 们的用法差异很大。have been to表示“过去曾去过某地”,说话时已不在该地 了;have gone to表示“已去了某地”,说话时已不在说话的地点;have been in表 示“已在某地(待了多久)”。如: Tom has gone to London with his parents. 汤姆已经和他父母去了伦敦。 Have you ever been to Beijing?你曾经去过北京吗? Mark has been in China for three years. 马克已经在中国待了三年了。 一、单句填空 1.(2019河南)—Jim, could you please answer the question? —Sorry, I wasn ' t  listening     (listen). Could you say it again? 2.(2019北京)Sam  skates     (skate) with his friends every weekend. 3.(2019北京)—Tom, what ' s your dad doing? —He is  repairing     (repair) my bike. 4.(2019北京)Our school life  has     changed a lot since 2017. We have more ac- tivities now. 中考题组 5.(2019北京)If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I  will     book tickets for you tomorrow. 6.(2019天津)—What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling? —I  am     going to do volunteer work in the museum. 7.(2019天津)While the lights  were     changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner. 8.(2019江苏南京)—Wendy, how long have you had the Huawei P30 Pro? —A couple of days. I  bought     (buy) it last week. 9.(2019重庆)Next week, each student in the class  will     receive a small gift from their teachers. 10.(2019湖北武汉)She ' s brought you some eggs. As you know, she  keeps     (keep) chickens. 11.(2019江西)—Hurry up! —One moment. I am  reading     (read) my e-mails and then I ' m ready to go. 12.(2019广东)My father  has     worked in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about pandas. 13.(2019福建)—Look! My mother has  made     (make) a new dress for me. —Wow, it looks very nice on you. 14.(2019安徽)—It ' s ten years since we came here. —How time flies! We have  worked     (work) in China for so long. 15.(2019吉林)It ‘ s 9:00 in the morning now. The students from Grade Nine are     having     (have) an important exam. 16.(2019江苏苏州)Amon  was     sailing his ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea. 17.(2019甘肃兰州)Peter with his classmates  was     waiting for the bus when the earthquake happened. 18.(2019河北)It  is     raining. Please take an umbrella with you, Annie. 19.(2019河北)He  told     (tell) me his name, but I can ' t remember it now. 20.(2019河北)Sorry, I didn ' t see you, because I  was     drawing a picture. 21.(2019四川成都)Be quiet! The students  are     taking an English exam. 22.(2019湖南长沙)—I can ' t find Sarah. Where is she? —She  is     preparing for tomorrow ' s Xingcheng Cup speaking competition at home. 23.(2019广西南宁)—I went to your office at 9:00 yesterday morning, but you were not in. —Sorry, I was  talking     (talk) with the manager in the meeting room at that time. 24.(2019内蒙古呼和浩特)The shop in WANDA PLAZA  has     been open for six years, but I  haven ' t     been there so far. 25.(2019浙江温州)—Linda, Dad has finished his work and we  are     driving to the gym to pick you up. —Thank you, Mum. 26.(2019海南)David fell fast asleep while he was  reading     (read) a newspaper. 27.(2018河南)—Honey, where are you? —I am  coming     (come). Just let me put on my shoes. 28.(2018北京)Bill likes reading. He  reads     (read) picture books with his dad ev- ery evening. 29.(2018天津)—Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall? —Yes. I  went     (go) there with my parents last year. 30.(2018河北)Gary is the best singer in my class. No one else  sings     (sing) so well. 31.(2018广东)—I saw the light of your room was still on at two o ' clock last night. —Oh, I  was     watching a football match of the Russia World Cup. 32.(2018山东青岛)—It ' s time to work now. —OK. I ' ll wake Carl up. He  has     been asleep for an hour. 33.(2017河南)—Paul, I ' m busy cooking. Can you give me a hand? —Just a minute. I am  checking     (check) my e-mail. 二、语篇填空 (2020河南中考预测) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完 整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 it remind out ancient with hard translate main but use There are many popular words that are created from the Internet and people like to use the network language, because it is simple and funny. Recently, Wu Yishu, a teenage girl, won the Chinese  1     Poetry Competition, which caught the public ' s attention. It seems that she  2     people the return of ancient poetry.   Chinese ancient poetry is beautiful and profound(博大精深的). The reason why we miss Nobel Prize in Literature is translation, because it is  3     to translate the beauty of the language. When Chinese poetry is  4     into English, most only re- main the  5     idea. The loss of the artistic concept makes the poetry lose  6     charm. The young people get used to  7     the Internet language, and most of them have forgotten the charm of ancient language,  8     its elegance won ' t fade away.  9      more people starting to realize the charm of ancient poetry, the desire to use the beautiful language will be recalled. Indeed, Chinese culture is profound and rich. The classic poetry reflects the history. In the fast pace of lifestyle, the ancient lan- guage won ' t be kicked  10     , which stands for the national treasure. 1.  Ancient      2.  reminds      3.  hard      4.  translated      5.  main     6.  its      7.  using      8.  but      9.  With      10.  out     一、单句填空 1.(2019河南郑州一模)—Did Lucy know the result of the school football match? —I don ' t think so. She     was     talking on the phone at the end of the match. 2.(2019河南省实验中学一模)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats, fasten your seat belt and bring your seat back. The plane     is     taking off. 3.(2019河南新乡一模)—I have already bought a new car. —When and where     did     you buy it? 4.(2019河南洛阳一模)The English program Family Album USA is very well-made. 模拟题组 I have     seen     (see) it twice already. 5.(2019河南开封一模)—Helen,would you like to see The Wondering Earth with us tomorrow? —It ' s a wonderful film,but I     have     watched it and I want to see Pegasus (《飞 驰人生》). 6.(2019河南安阳一模)—Honey, could you please help me answer the phone? —Sorry, I am     taking     (take) a shower in the bathroom. 7.(2019河南焦作一模)—Amy,can we give away these old soft toys? We     have     had them for many years. —Mom,but I want to keep the bear. 8.(2019河南焦作一模)—Have you watched the new movie The Wandering Earth ? —Not yet. I     will     watch it with my cousin this week. 9.(2019河南许昌一模)We     have     been in this school for three years.It ' s time to graduate,we should thank our teachers for what they     have     done for us. 10.(2019河南商丘一模)—Did you tell your mother the result? —Oh,no,I forgot. I     will     call her now. 11.(2019河大附中一模)—Could you tell me what he said just now? —Sorry,I was     thinking     (think) about what I would do tomorrow. 12.(2019河南中原名校中考第二次大联考)—Have you seen my brother,Tim? —Yes.He     is     washing his car behind the building. 13.(2019河南新乡二模)—Mum,where is my dictionary? —Oh,I didn ' t see it, either. I ' m afraid you have     lost     (lose) it. 14.(2019河南平顶山二模)—What ' s wrong with your dress? —Nothing much.Just now when I wanted to get off the bus,the woman next to me was     sitting     (sit) on it. 15.(2018河南开封一模)—Do you have to play the music so loud?I will have a test tomorrow! —Sorry,I     didn ' t     know you could hear that. 16.(2018河南安阳一模)To everyone ' s surprise,Lei Haiwei,a take-out boy from Hangzhou     won     (win) first prize in the third season of Chinese Poetry Confer- ence in April,2018. 17.(2018河南焦作一模)Nelly loves travelling.She has     travelled     (travel) many interesting places all over the world so far. 18.(2018河南平顶山一模)Look! The child with some students     is     playing bas- ketball in the playground. 19.(2018河南信阳一模)—Hey,Kathy.How do you like my new shoes? —Oh,sorry.But what did you say just now?I     was     thinking something else. 20.(2018河南开封一模)—Jack,which program are you waiting for? — Everlasting Classics (《经典咏流传》).I     have     waited here for more than twenty minutes.Our teacher asked us to watch it. 二、语篇填空 (2020河南中考原创) 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。 Do you ride your bike to school? It ' s  1     good idea because it ' s good exercise. But in Europe and the US not many kids go to school on their bicycles. They  2     usually taken to school in cars by their parents. Many kids don ' t want to walk or ride to school. But it may not be good for  3     health. There are a lot of kids with weight problems. And this is  4     parents en- courage kids to ride or walk to school today. Of course these parents are also wor- ried about kids ' safety. It is good for the environment  5     ride or walk, too. More bikes on the road means less pollution. 1.     a      2.     on      3.     their      4.     why      5.     to    

