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中考英语总复习之 宾语从句 The Object Clause I know her . 2 . I know where she lives . 主语 谓语 宾语 (简单句) 主语 + 谓语 + 引导词 + ( 从句 ) 主语 + ( 从句 ) 谓语 主 句 宾 语 从 句 ( 复合句 ) 宾语从句的概念: 在复合句中作主句宾语的句子叫宾语从句。 含宾语从句的复合句的句子基本结构: S + V + 引导词 + S + V 主句 △ 宾语从句 一、宾语从句的引导词 1. 引导陈述句用从属连词 that 2. 引导一般疑问句用从属连词 whether, if 3. 引导特殊疑问句用连接代词: who, whom, whose, which 和连接副词: where, when, why, how ( 包括 how much, how many, how long, how soon, how often 等) 一、宾语从句的引导词 1. 引导陈述句用从属连词 that 2. 引导一般疑问句用从属连词 whether, if 3. 引导特殊疑问句用连接代词: who, whom, whose, which 和连接副词: where, when, why, how ( 包括 how much, how many, how long, how soon, how often 等) 1 、引导陈述句的宾语从句用从属连词 that 当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定句) , 用 that 引导,由于 that 在从句中不作任何成分 , 也没有任何具体意思,因此在口语或非正式文体中常常省略 . I know ( that ) his house is very beautiful. He told me (that) he didn`t pass the exam. 当主句为主系表结构 ( be 动词 + 形容词 , 如 sorry, sure, afraid, glad 等 ) 时,后面所跟的省略 that 的从句也称宾语从句 I’m sorry ( that ) I can’t come . We’re sure ( that ) you will get better grades than before . I’m afraid ( that ) you can’t catch the train. 2 、引导一般疑问句用从属连词 if 或 whether 注意: if / whether 译成:“是否”,不能省略! Jane asked me if /whether she could take a walk with me. Bob wanted to know if /whether there stands a house on the hill. if 与 whether 引导宾语从句时用法区别: 1.whether 跟 or not 连用 , 而 if 则不能跟 or not 连用 . 2.whether 用于引导介词后面的宾语从句 , 而 if 则不能 . 3. 宾语从句在主句前面时,只能用 whether 引导。 4. 在动词不定式前 , 只能用 whether 引导而不能用 if. 5.if 可引导条件状语从句 , 而 whether 则不能。 6.whether 用于动词不定式前, if 则不能。 e.g. 1. I wander _________________________. (他是否会帮助我们) 2. He asks . ( 他问你是否能来) 3. ___________________________, I don’t know. (他是否通过考试,我不清楚。) 4. I don’t care about ________________. (你是否要走) 5. We haven`t decided . ( 是否要去购物) if / whether he will help us whether you can come or not Whether he has passed the exam whether you go whether to go shopping 3. 引导特殊疑问句的宾语从句用连接代词: what, who, whom, which, whose 或连接副词: when, where, how( 以及 how much ,how soon 等词组) , why 引导, 由于这些引导词在从句中都充当一定的句子成分,具有一定的意义,所以不能省略。 Could you please tell me what time the train leaves ? Did you heard what she said just now ? The old man doesn’t remember who I am. He asked me how much money I spent. Please tell me who /whom we have to invite . I don`t know where she has gone. I wonder why you were late for class again. 1. 主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时 , 现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态则根 据实际需要决定(包括一般现在时,一般过 去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)。 I know you are very clever. He doesn`t know we came here few days ago. They are discussing what they should do next. I have heard that he will go abroad next year. 二、宾语从句的时态 2. 主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),从句则要使用相对应的过去某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时) We didn`t know who woke up the little boy. I heard he was talking with someone. Bob asked whether we would go to see him. Jane said that she had left for Guiyang . They were discussing who would win. 3. 当宾语从句表达的是客观真理,定义, 公理,定理时则一律使用一般现在时态。 Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun. Last year the little boy didn`t know 5 plus 3 equals 8. 1. could / would 只是表示客气、委婉语气,并非过去式,因此宾语从句的时态要根据实际需要使用不同时态。 Attention: Could you please tell me where I can deposit my bag? Would you like to know when we will go on a trip ? 2. 当主句的谓语动词是 ask 时,引导词(连词)不能用 that ;主句的谓语动词是 say 时,引导词用 that He says (that) he will help you. Tim said (that) he would take good care of my dog . My head teacher asks whether I like my new school . You may ask the police-man how you can get to the police station . 宾语从句中的否定转移 当主句的谓语是动词 think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine 的动词,后接一个表示否定意义的 that 宾语从句时,其否定词通常转移到主句。 I don`t think that he is a doctor. I don`t imagine that he will come. 我想他不会来的。 I don‘t suppose I’ll trouble you again. 我想我不 要再麻烦你了。 I don`t expect that he is right. 我认为他不对 。 宾语从句的语序使用陈述语序 引导词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他成分 三、宾语从句的语序 eg . Where do they come from ? I don’t know. (合并成含有宾语从句的复合句) → I don’t know where they come from. 宾语从句考点练习题 考点一: 引导词的运用 1.   The boy asked _____ he could go out or not. A. what B. that C. whether D. if 2.   I don't know ______ they did just now. A. how B. what C. who D. which 3. It depends on ___ you have time . A . whether   B . which   C . if   D . that 4 .I really don’t know ____ book he took away . A . that   B . where   C . if   D . which C B A D 5. I wonder _______ you are laughing at me. A. that B. how C. why D. when 6. Have you found out ______ we can do it? A. what B. how C. if D. whether 7. Lucy said ____ she had met her friend . A. that B. if C. when D. where 8. I don’t know ____he will leave here . A. how many B. how much C. how long D. how soon C B A D 考点二: 宾语从句的语序 1. Could you tell me ________ ? A. how I could get to the airport B. how can I get to the airport C. how I can get to the airport D . where is the airport 2. Do you know _______. A. what does she look like B. how she looks like C. what she looks like D. what she does look like 3. My teacher asked me ________ . A. when I arrived B. how did I arrived C. when did I arrived D. where I lived in C A C 4. Could you tell me how much ____to fly to Shanghai ? A . do it cost B. does it cost C . it cost D. it costs 6. The boy doesn't remember _____. A . where is his football B . what is his football C . where his football is D. where his football is in C D 7. Tom, someone is knocking at the door. Go and see ___. A. who is it B. who it is C. who he is D. who is he 8. Could you please tell me how long _____? A. you have bought the car B. have you bought the car C. you have had the car D. have you had the car C B   考点三: 宾语从句的时态 1. He asked . ( 谁能帮帮他) 2 . I don`t know . (他们在找什么) 3. The teacher asked . (谁想去贵阳) 4. Please tell me . ( 他们什么时候到) 5. He taught me how to play the game. ( 同义句 ) 6. Could you tell me ? ( 你什么时候能回来 ) 7. Do you like to make friends with Bob ? He asked. ( 合并为一句 ) who could give him a hand what they are looking for who was going to Guiyang when they will arrive He taught me how I could play the game. when you can come back He asked if you liked to make friends with Bob. 8.What will they do? Could you tell me. (合并为一句) Could you tell me what they will do. 完成句子 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. I really didn’t know when he ______ ( come ) here . 2. Yesterday Mr. Li told me that light ______ (travel) faster than sound. 3. Could you tell me if the plane______ (take) off already? 4. Mr. Li told me he _________ (be) to America twice. 5. Can you tell us how you ______ (do) it yesterday? came travels has taken had been did 单项选择: 1.Yesterday ,Tom asked his mom if Teachers` Day ____ on September 10 .   A . was     B . is     C . will be    D . has been 2.When I was five years old, I knew that the earth ____round the sun.   A . goes    B . go   C . went   D . will go 3. I would like to tell Tom that he ______the exam .   A . pass   B . had passed   C . has passed   D . will pass 4. -- Could you tell me______? --He ____ to the zoo.   A . where is Bob , has been    B . where was Bob , has been   C . where Bob is , has gone    D , where Bob was , has gone 6. We hear he ______ abroad last week .   A . goes    B . have gone    C . will go    D . went B A C C D 考点四: 反义疑问句以及 it 作形式宾语 1 . I don`t think Jane is wrong , ___?   A . isn`t she   B . is she   C . do I   D . don`t I 2 . You believe he will help you , _____?   A . do you   B . don`t you   C .w ill he   D . won’t he 3 . I thought that she disliked studying math , ___?   A . didn`t she   B . did she   C . did I    D . didn’t I 4 . We find ___important that we have fruit every day .   A . that    B . this    C . it    D . what 5 . You can`t imagine ___when they met me . A . she was how excited B . how excited she was   C . how excited was she   D . how she was excited B B A C B The end ! PK 中考 英语 湖南 教材整理复习篇 九年级全一册 九年级(全一册) Units3~4 Units3~4 PK 中考英语 中考考点清单 类别 考点要求 词汇 拓展 方向 ( n .) _________ → 直接的 ( adj .)_________ → 间接的 ( adj .) __________ 有礼貌的 ( adj .)_________ → 有礼貌地 ( adv .) ________ → 不礼貌的 ; 粗鲁的 ( adj .)_______________ 中心 ( n .) _________ → 中心的 ( adj .)_________ 建议 ( v .) _________ → 建议 ( n .) ________ direction indirect direct impolite politely polite center suggest suggestion central 中 考 考 点 清 单 类别 考点要求 单词速记 1. 邮票;印章 ( n .) __________ 2. 拐角;角落 ( n .) ________ 3. 礼貌地;客气地 ( adv .)________ 4. 正确的;恰当的( adj . ) __________ 5. 便利的 ; 方便的 ( adj .) ____________ 6. 采访 ; 面试 ( v .) ________ 7. 得分 ; 进球 ( n.&v .)_________ stamp politely corner correct interview convenient score 中 考 考 点 清 单 PK 中考英语 类别 考点要求 短语梳理 1. 最初 __________________ 购物中心 ________________ 3 .吃东西的好地方 ________________ 4. 路过 ; 经过 _____________ 5 .开始从事做某事 ________________ 6. 时常 ; 有时 ____________________ 7. 应对 ; 处理 _______________ 8. 亲身 ; 亲自 ___________________ shopping center at first pass by a good place to eat take up doing sth. from time to time in person deal with 中 考 考 点 清 单 类别 考点要求 句型再现 1. 打扰一下,你能够告诉我如何到书店吗? Excuse me, could you please tell me ____________ _ the bookstore? 2. 然而,学会如何使用适当的语言很重要。 H owever, ____________________how to use proper language. 3 . 你过去个子矮 , 对吗 ? Y ou _______ ________ be short,_______ you? how to get to it is important to learn used to didn’t 中 考 考 点 清 单 类别 考点要求 句型再现 4. 你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗? Can you tell me ________________ a good place ________ ? 5. 当你去参观外国时,知道怎样有礼貌地求助非常重要。 When you visit a foreign country, ________________ know ___________________ politely. where there's to eat it is important to how to ask for help 中 考 考 点 清 单 语 法 重 温 知 识 要 点 清 单 1. 带 where 、 why 等疑问词的 宾语从句 2.used to 句型 中考考点讲解 中考考点讲解之 考点单词讲解 suggest 的用法 suggest 作及物动词 , 意为“建议;提议”,其名词形式为 suggestion 。 ( 1 ) suggest 后接名词、动名词或宾语从句作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。 He suggested going shopping on Sunday. 他建议星期天去购物。 He suggested that they would go shopping on Sunday. 他建议他们星期天去购物。 ( 2 )如果接双宾语,间接宾语前必须加介词。 She suggested a good way to me. 她给我提出了一个 ( 解决问题的 ) 好办法。 ( 3 ) suggest 还可以表示“暗示;表明”,当表示这个意思时, suggest+that 从句中不能使用虚拟语气,而是使用陈述语气,即:该用什么时态就用什么时态,只是要注意和主句 suggest 的时态对应即可。 2. helpful adj . 有用的;有帮助的 helpful 常用于“ be helpful for” 结构,意为“对 …… 有帮助”。 The computer is helpful for our English study. 电脑对我们的英语学习非常有帮助。 help n. & v. 帮助 (1)help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人 ( 做 ) 某事 (2)help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 (3)help oneself 请自便 (4)help (sb.) out 帮助 ( 某人 ) 摆脱困境 (5)with the help of… 在 …… 的帮助下 中考考点讲解之 考点单词讲解 考点 词性 用法 pride 名词 意为 “ 自豪;骄傲 ” ,常用短语 take pride in “ 为 …… 感到自豪 ” 。 proud 形容词 意为 “ 自豪的;骄傲的 ” ,常用短语 be proud of “ 为 …… 骄傲 ” 。 考点分类讲练之 考点单词辨析 1. 辨析: proud 与 pride ① Tom is the pride of his parents and they are always proud of him. 汤姆是父母的骄傲 , 他们总是为他感到自豪。 ② I take pride in my work. 我为自己的工作感到骄傲。 考点分类讲练之 考点短语辨析 考点 用法 deal with 常与 how 连用,意为“处理;解决;对待”,强调处理问题的方式、方法 do with 一般与 what 连用,意为“处置;处理;对待;利用”,侧重于对事物的利用 1. 辨析: deal with 与 do with ① Don’t worry. I know how to deal with it. 别担心 , 我知道如何处理这件事。 ② I don’t know what to do with all the food that’s left over. 我不知道怎么处理所有这些剩饭剩菜。 Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? 你能告诉我哪里有好吃的东西吗 ? 此句中的动词不定式 to eat 作 a good place 的后置定语 , 修饰名词 place 。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰词后,如果它与被修饰的名词或代词有逻辑上的动宾关系,且不定式的动词为不及物动词时,应加相应的介词。 I have too many things to do. 我要做的事太多了。 Give me some paper to write on. 给我一些写字的纸。 中考考点讲解之 考点句型 复习效果自测 1. Tom, would you please ________ the box? It's for your sister. A. not open     B. don't open C. not to open Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan, because it's ________ island. A. so beautiful B. a such beautiful C. such a beautiful A C 3. ( 2017 年天津改编) Helping others makes us very _______. A. lonely B. proud C. lazy 4. In our school library there ________ a number of books on science, and the number of them ________ growing larger and larger. A. are; is B. is; are C. have; are B A 高分作文指导 “ 节日庆典”是日常生活中的常见话题,也是中考热门考点之一。 节日庆典有非常明显的文化意识,反映不同民族的风俗习惯。节日庆典 包括民族节日、宗教节日以及个人喜庆节日等。其中民族节日多为春节、 元旦、端午节等,宗教节日有圣诞节,个人喜庆节日有生日、毕业典礼 等。 中考题目可能以图片的形式表现节日的盛况,要求考生进行描述; 还可能让考生描述自己的节假日如何安排,如何有意义地度过节假日; 或者要求考生对节日相关物品进行描述,如饺子的制作等;可能还需要 考生对中西方节日进行对比描述等。 话 题 分 析 节 日 庆 典 常 用 表 达 词 汇 节日庆典 : birthday; graduation; Christmas Day ; the Spring Festival; the Mid -Autumn Day ; Father’s Day ; Mother’s Day ; Thanks-giving Day ; April Fool’s Day; Children’s Day; Teachers’ Day; New Year’s Day; the Dragon Boat Festival ; Christmas ;Easter 庆祝活动 : celebrate ; have a party ; enjoy ; have a good time; have fun; invite ;join; take part in; hold; get ready for ; dance; sing 常 用 表 达 句型 1. We eat moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Day. 2. We went to the mountains for vacation. 3. People get together on New Year's Eve and have a big meal. 4. They held a party to celebrate the birth of Christ. 5. April Fools ' Day is a day to play jokes on others. 6. My birthday is on May 5. 典例精析 假如你是李华,你写电子邮件给外国朋友 Tom ,介绍有关中国春节的情况。词数 80~100 。 电子邮件应包括以下要点: 1. 春节是中国最重要的节日; 2. 春节一般在一月或二月; 3. 大年三十夜,家庭成员聚在一起吃年夜饭; 4. 年饭后,人们通常看春节联欢晚会的电视节目; 5. 晚上,我们还会放鞭炮等; 6. 春节期间,爷爷、奶奶、父母等长辈给我们发装有压岁钱的红包。 参考词汇: on the eve of … 在 …… 的前夕 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1. 要求介绍有关中国春节的情况,因此体裁为说明文。 2. 根据要点提示可知,邮件要包括:春节的时间及其活动。可根据自己的实际情况适当发挥。 3. 本文是谈论自己国家过春节的情况,写作时用第一人称。介绍日常的状况,使用一般现在时。 思路点拨 Dear Tom, Thank you very much for your e-mail. Let me tell you something about the Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. It is always in January or February. On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and then have a big dinner. After dinner, people like to watch TV. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. We like to let off fireworks at night. They are really wonderful. During the Spring Festival , we get presents of money in red packets from our grandparents, parents , aunts and uncles. We always have a good time . Welcome co our country. Yours Li Hua 写作示范 Thank you

