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高分速测(五) 完形填空+阅读理解B+任务阅读 ‎(限时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.[2019·扬州一模]完形填空 More than 95 per cent of people in the world have phones today, according to the United Nations. People use 1  to make phone calls and send messages to communicate with others. Now we  2  write letters. But a TV show, LettersAlive(《见字如面》), is 3 back this old habit. ‎ LettersAlive gets its  4  from a UK programme with a similar name. They have something in common. The shows both invite famous actors and actresses, 5  there are no funny jokes or different competitions. Instead, it is just one person reading a letter. Since it was on in December, LettersAlive has been  6  praised. ‎ The letters were written by people from different  7  in his tory. For example, once they read a letter written by the famous writer Xiao Hong to her brother who is younger than her in 1941. ‎ The letter shows that Xiao Hong  8  her brother so much and had great hopes for his future. ‎ ‎“Every letter opens 9 world for us,” said Guan Zhengwen, the director of the TV show. ‎ It seems that we can  10 the real lives and feelings of the writers.  11 , many people said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to today's TV. ‎ Apart from LettersAlive, some other  12  TV shows have also been accepted by Chinese audience. They  13 ChinesePoetryConference《中国诗词大会》,a classical Chinese poetry competition, and Readers, a programme that  14  people to read poems and articles they like or wrote. “This means that our audience are not only looking for entertainment like gossip(八卦) and eye catching games,” reported ChinaDaily. Cultural  15  and true feelings are the keys to winning praise. ‎ ‎1.A.computers B.TVs C.radios D.phones ‎2.A.often B.always C.hardly D.never ‎3.A.returning B.getting C.bringing D.taking ‎4.A.idea B.book C.letter D.news 6‎ ‎5.A.and B.but C.because D.or ‎6.A.wildly B.carefully C.clearly D.widely ‎7.A.grades B.times C.classes D.families ‎8.A.thought B.treated C.missed D.praised ‎9.A.the other B.other C.others D.another ‎10.A.make B.pass C.experience D.get ‎11.A.Anyway B.But C.Otherwise D.So ‎12.A.traditional B.cultural C.fashionable D.humorous ‎13.A.include B.have C.say D.report ‎14.A.invite B.inviting C.invited D.invites ‎15.A.price B.cost C.values D.worth ‎                 ‎ Ⅱ.[2020·原创]阅读理解 From red apples and yellow lemons to blueberries and green melons, fruit comes in many different colours. Why do different kinds of fruit have so many colours?‎ According to Lu Wei from the Chinese Academy of Science, fruit colours actually come from their different pigments(色素), such as red or yellow carotenoid(类胡萝卜素) and blue or purple anthocyanin(花青素). These pigments appear in different amounts, depending on the fruit's environment. This causes the fruit to turn a certain colour.‎ To find out how environment affects fruit colours, Chinese scientists studied more than 280 ‎ 6‎ different fruit colours, including white, red, blue, purple and black.‎ They found that red fruit tends to grow in cooler places. And instead of just growing in one place, you can find them growing in many places around the world. Blue and purple fruit mostly grows in warm places. These fruits tend to grow a lot in just one specific area. The scientists also found that the closer the fruit is to the equator(赤道), the darker its colour will be.‎ Animals have also had an impact on the evolution(进化) of fruit colours. Animals eat fruit and drop the seeds in other places later. This helps the fruit spread and grow in different places. Therefore, in order to attract animals, some fruits develop certain colours that are easy for animals to see.‎ However, animals see colours in different ways. Fruit needs to develop colours that are suited to animals' visual abilities. For example, birds can see red more easily than humans. Therefore, there tends to be more red fruit in areas where birds live. The lemurs(狐猴) of Madagascar are red-green colour-blind. Many yellow fruit can be found in their habitats(栖息地), as they can easily see this colour.‎ ‎1.You are more likely to find blue and purple fruit in     places. ‎ A.cooler B.warmer C.higher D.lower ‎2.Some fruits develop certain colours to     . ‎ A.scare animals away B.absorb more sunlight C.attract animals to eat them D.protect themselves ‎3.What do we know from the passage?‎ A.Dark fruit tends to grow close to the equator.‎ B.Green fruit tends to grow in cool places.‎ C.Humans can see red more easily than birds.‎ D.Lemurs are colour-blind and can't see any colours.‎ ‎4.Which of the following factors have influenced the evolution of fruit colours?‎ a.environment b.pigment c.animals d.humans' visual abilities A.ad B.bc 6‎ C.ac D.bd Ⅲ.[2020·原创]任务阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。‎ What can help us when we fail?‎ ‎·Don't criticize(批评) yourself for trying and never stop trying.‎ A baby learns to walk not by walking, but by falling. He doesn't give up until he learns to walk. If you really want to do something new, don't give up trying and you will be successful. Sometimes, you may feel upset because you don't make much progress. But if you give up, your progress will come to an end.‎ ‎·Understand the power of optimism(乐观).‎ Optimism can open you up to more possibilities than usual. To be optimistic means to believe something good will always happen. Kids don't ask whether they can do something or not, because they know they can.‎ ‎·Learn to depend on yourself first, then others.‎ Those who are independent(独立的) can deal with problems and stress more easily than those who aren't. Becoming more independent is easier than it sounds—become your own best friend, and do everything that you can possibly do for yourself.‎ ‎·Don't look back.‎ Adults spend too much of their lives looking back. There's nothing back there to see. A baby wouldn't learn to walk if all he did was looking behind himself while trying to move forward. Spend just 10 per cent more of your time looking forward and you'll find yourself in a better situation.‎ Failure is a part of life since the earliest moment of life. It's a normal and natural part of life that is neither bad nor good—it's just how we learn. So the question isn't whether you want to fail or not, but how quickly you can accept your failure. Just learn something from it, and try again.‎ Things to do when you fail Don't make your-self stop trying If you keep trying, you can 1.     in doing something new and make much 2.    .  ‎ Know what optimism 3.    ‎ If you keep optimistic, you will have more possibilities and you will be 4.     by something good. ‎ 6‎ Depend more on yourself ‎ Problems and stress can be 5.     with easily by independent people, and you should be more 6.     to be independent. ‎ Look 7. ‎ You just use 10 percent more of your time to look forward for a better 8.    . ‎ Conclusion It's normal and natural to 9.     in our life. Failure is just our 10.    of learning, so we should learn from it and never stop trying. ‎ 6‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1—5 DCCAB 6—10 DBCDC ‎ ‎11—15 ABADC Ⅱ.1—4 BCAC Ⅲ.1.succeed 2.progress 3.means ‎ ‎4.followed 5.dealt 6.confident ‎ ‎7.forward 8.situation 9.fail 10.way 6‎

