19年中考英语真题 分类 专题16-3 阅读理解(说明文)(第02期)(原卷版)

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19年中考英语真题 分类 专题16-3 阅读理解(说明文)(第02期)(原卷版)

‎2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 ‎(一)【2019 • 江西省中考】‎ Everyone faces challenges in their life, but some are more important than others. Daniel Kish had serious problems with his eyes when he was born. And doctors took away both of his eyes before he was fourteen months old. ‎ Soon after, however, he started to do an amazing thing. He started to make clicking(咔塔) sounds with his tongue(舌头) to help him move around. Much like a bat(蝙幅), he now moves about using sonar(声呐). He is so good at it that he can ride a bicycle in traffic. He and his group, World Access for the Blind, teach others how to use sonar. In this interview with National Geographic, Kish explains how the process works.‎ How does sonar work?‎ ‎"When I make a clicking sound, it makes sound waves. These waves reflect(反射) off surfaces all around and return to my ears. My brain then processes the sounds into images(图像). It’s like having a conversation with the environment When you click, what do you see in your mind?‎ ‎"Each click is like a camera flash. I make a 3D image of the things around me for hundreds of feet in every direction."‎ What is it like riding a bike using sonar?‎ ‎"It’s exciting and enjoyable but requires a lot of focus. I click up to two times per second,, much more than I usually do."‎ Is it dangerous to move around the world in this way?‎ ‎"Much of the world lives in fear of things that we mostly imagine. I have a habit of climbing anything and everything, but I never broke a bone(骨头) as a kid."‎ How challenging is it to teach people to use sonar?‎ ‎"Many students are surprised how quickly results come. Seeing isn’t in the eyes, it’ s in the mind."‎ ‎1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?‎ A. Kish explains how sonar works.‎ B. Kish teaches people how to use sonar.‎ C. Kish started to move around using sonar.‎ D. Kish is good at riding a bicycle in traffic.‎ ‎2. How does sonar work? Choose the right order. ‎ a. The sound waves reflect off surfaces. ‎ b. The person makes a clicking sound. ‎ c. The brain makes images with the sounds. ‎ d. The sound waves reach the persons ears.‎ A. b-a-c-d B. b-d-a-c C. a-b-d-c D. b-a-d-c ‎3. What can we know about Kish from the passage?‎ A. He always challenges himself bravely.‎ B. He lives in fear of things that he imagines.‎ C. He became blind when he was 14 years old.‎ D. He broke his bone when climbing as a child.‎ ‎4. What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. How Sonar Works.‎ B. Riding a Bike Using Sonar.‎ C. Seeing with the Mind.‎ D. How the Blind Move Around.‎ ‎(二)【2019 • 天津市中考】‎ There are many ways to help improve your health like eating healthy food. Taking exercise and getting medical help. But the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health is just to sleep eight hours or more every night. The general sleeping rule is that the younger you are, the longer sleep you need. But regardless of(不管)age, some people need to sleep more while for some a few hours is enough.‎ The problem with sleep is that more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived. Having less sleep not only makes people feel tired but also causes accidents. In the United States alone, sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year. Also sleep problems can cause medical problems such as high blood pressure(血压).‎ Why are so many people sleep-deprived? Part of the reasons may be cultural. In the American culture, people put a higher value on work than on sleep. In fact, people who sleep a lot are usually seen as "lazy". Also, you can sometimes hear some people say proudly that they don’t have much time to sleep. they only sleep four or five hours a ‎ night. It seems that the less you sleep, the more work you’ll do.‎ How do we teach these people to learn the value of sleep? Perhaps they may listen to the advice of Dr. James Maas an expert(专家) in sleep. He says , "Sleep is like a credit (信用卡) card. When you sleep less. you are only borrowing time. You always have to pay it back. The more hours you don’t sleep, the more hours you should t sleep to ‘pay back’ the hours on your ‘sleepcredit card.’"‎ For those who value work more than sleep, they should listen to what a famous person once said. "Don’t think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the night. That is a foolish(愚蠢的) idea which is held by people who have no imagination. You will be able to do more."‎ ‎5. According to the writer, the easiest and cheapest way to improve health is to .‎ A. eat healthy food every day B. take excrcisc as much as possible C. get medical help whenever necessary D. sleep eight hours or more every night ‎6. What does "slecep-deprived" mean in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Having a good sleep. B. Excited about sleep.‎ C. Having less sleep. D. Interested in sleep.‎ ‎7. According to Dr. James Maas, what is sleep like?‎ A. An hour. B. A report.‎ C. A credit card. D. A piece of paper.‎ ‎8. What do the words of the famous person mean in Paragragh 5?‎ A. Sleeping during the night is foolish.‎ B. Sleeping during the night is helpful.‎ C. People have no courage.‎ D. People always do less work.‎ ‎9. What is the best title of the passage’?‎ A. The Value of Sleep B. The Value of Study C. The Ways of Eating Less D. The Ways of Making Money ‎(三)【2019 • 江苏省苏州市】‎ Every day there is less and less space on Earth for rubbish. Yet every day we make more and more rubbish. What can we do? We can recycle some of our rubbish. Recycling means that the rubbish will be made into something that can be used again.‎ Recycling helps Earth. And it saves space in rubbish dumps. Half of everything that we put into landfills could be recycled instead. In fact, most things made of paper, metal, glass and plastic can be recycled.‎ Paper can be broken into small pieces and made into new paper. Steel and aluminum cans(金属雄)can be melted down(熔化)and made into new cans. The same is true of glass bottles. This can be done over and over again. Recycling doesn’t take as much energy as making these things the first time. So we can use less of Earth’s fuel resources.‎ Plastic can be melted down, too. Then it can be formed into park benches, playgrounds and so on. Some people call plastic the "wood" of the future. Things made of plastic will last about 400 years-even if they stay outside in the weather. No wood can do that!‎ ‎10. The underlined word "landfills" in Paragraph 2 probably means _____________.‎ A. bench factories B. places for rubbish C. green mountains D. recycling centres ‎11. According to the passage, what happens last to the can?‎ A. The can is put into a recycling bin. B. The can is melted down and reused.‎ C. A steel can gets filled with corn. D. A person uses the corn in the can.‎ ‎12. What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A. Cans should be melted down.‎ B. Old newspapers can be reused.‎ C. We can build benches that last 400 years.‎ D. We should recycle everything that we can.‎ ‎(四)【2019 • 浙江省宁波市】‎ Big data(数据) is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program. The computer program looks for different kinds of answers or patterns in the data. Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources, such as information that comes from schools, social media sites, companies and governments. One set of data can have people’s names and addresses. Another set can have what they like, where they go to school, and how much time they spend on the computer Big data can be used in many ways. The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains. This information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Some schools use big data to understand which children may need extra help in class. The teacher can then give certain students more help or support so those students can succeed in school. Companies use big data, too. It helps them understand who buys their products. For example, one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice cream.‎ Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.‎ How can big data be used for good and bad things? It is because the computer programs used to look at big data and understand it are written by people. People think a certain way. Because they think a certain way, they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.‎ ‎13. This reading is about _____________.‎ A. what big data is and how it is used B. what schools and hospitals people like C. where important data is collected and stored D. how big data is controlled by governments and companies ‎14. One company uses weather information to _____________.‎ A. help children in need B. know when people will visit the hospital C. find out who tides the bus or train D. understand when people will need ice cream ‎15. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _____________.‎ A. big data can be used for good reasons B. we can use big data in a number of ways C. big data can be used for both good and bad reasons D. we can use big data to prevent babies from getting sick ‎16. The overall tone(总基调) of this reading is _____________.‎ A. sad and personal B. personal and scientific C. informative but silly D. scientific and informative ‎(五)【2019 • 四川省乐山市】‎ When he was nine years old, American boy Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws(吸管) do Americans use every day?‎ He quickly learned there wasn’t a simple answer. The boy tried to work it out himself. Through lots of research, Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of reducing plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2011.‎ Cress started the project in his hometown – Burlington, Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent.‎ For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban ( 禁 止 ) plastic straws.‎ Plastic pollution has been one of the most serious problems today. According to scientists, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Plastic straws are especially terrible. They make it easy for people to get comfortable with single-use plastics.‎ After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has since spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws.‎ ‎"Focusing(聚焦) on straws is one simple step we all could take," Cress says. "And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too."‎ ‎17. When did Milo Cress start to care about the problem of straws?‎ A. Ten years ago. B. In the year 2011. C. In the year that he was 9.‎ ‎18. Cress started the Be Straw Free project in order to _____________.‎ A. get a good score in science at his school B. encourage people to reduce plastic waste C. become a famous person in his hometown ‎19. What did Cress ask a restaurant in Burlington to do?‎ A. Stop offering straws to its customers.‎ B. Prevent people from using straws to drink.‎ C. Count the number of straws it uses every day.‎ ‎20. Plastic straws are especially terrible because _____________.‎ A. they are the most serious problem today B. scientists pay little attention to their influence C. they help people get used to using single-use plastics ‎21. Over the years, Cress has _____________.‎ ‎① spread his project across the United States ‎② asked Seattle to completely ban plastic bags ‎③ counted the plastic straws in the ocean every year ‎④ spoken to teens around the world about plastic waste A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ①④‎ ‎(六)【2019 • 湖南省郴州市】‎ In today’s world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to people’s health. However, not all the people know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and that is harmful to human health, too. ‎ People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf. Today, scientists believe that 10% of the workers in Britain are becoming deaf because of the noise where they work. Many of the workers who print newspapers and who weave cloth(织布)become deaf. Plenty of people living near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old persons, because these young people like to listen to pop music and most of pop music is a kind of noise. Besides, noise which is produced by jet planes or machines will make people’s life difficult and unpleasant. It can make people ill or even drive them mad.‎ It is said that a continuous noise of more than 85 decibels(分贝)can cause deafness. Now the governments in many countries have made laws to control noise and make it less than 85 decibels.‎ In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollution problems.‎ ‎22. Scientists believe 10% of the workers _____________ are becoming deaf because of their noisy workplaces.‎ A. in America B. in China C. in Britain ‎23. _____________ will probably become deaf.‎ A. Workers who print newspapers B. People who live far from airports C. Students who like listening to soft music ‎24. According to the passage, noise from jet planes or machines can _____________.‎ A. make people sleepy B. drive people mad C. cause people to die ‎25. The underlined word "continuous" means _____________ in Chinese.‎ A. 正常的 B. 持续的 C. 清晰的 ‎26. What’s the best title of this passage?‎ A. Air Pollution B. Water Pollution C. Noise Pollution ‎(七)【2019 • 浙江省杭州市】‎ ‎ Smile Train is a charity (慈善团体) that helps the millions of children around the world, who suffer from a facial defect (缺陷). The defect happens when a baby’s top lip or mouth doesn’t form properly before birth. Eating and drinking is very difficult for these babies. The charity provides free operations, which give these children a new smile, and with it, new hope and a new beginning.‎ Children with the defect need all the help. Although many sufferers are accepted by their families, sadly, others are not. In some countries, children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the operations. The good news is that the operation is not difficult. It takes less than an hour and costs the family nothing. The charity raises money and finds the right medical volunteers to perform the operations.‎ A Smile Train doctor from the UK said, "Each child who has the operation is given a second chance at life. After years of staying at home, the children can finally go to school and be happy. Every year I perform hundreds of operations free of cost through Smile Train. Some of the stories I have heard are quite surprising. One newborn baby girl was found abandoned on a train. Luckily for her, she was found and adopted (收养) by a passenger. This lady then heard about Smile Train and brought the baby to our hospital. I did the operation and gave hope to the family. Experienced doctors like me share our skills with local doctors. In this way we make sure that these operations will always be available."‎ ‎27. Smile Train is a charity which _____________.‎ A. provides food and medical care for poor children B. raises money for all the doctors working in the UK C. offers free medical help to children with the facial defect.‎ D. gives children without parents new hope and a new beginning.‎ ‎28. The underlined word "abandoned" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____________.‎ A. given up B. dressed up C. called up D. brought up ‎29. What did the doctor from the UK think of his volunteer work?‎ A. Dangerous. B. Surprising. C. Relaxing. D. Valuable.‎ ‎30. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.‎ A. children with the facial defect are becoming more ashamed than before B. more doctors are trained to help children with the facial defect C. fewer baby boys with the facial defect are operated on than girls D. doctors in Smile Train are always well paid for doing the operations ‎(八)【2019 • 浙江省杭州市】‎ A myth is something that is not correct, but many people believe. There are a lot of myths about the human brain.‎ One of the biggest myths is that we only use 10 percent of our brains. The next part of the myth is that if we can learn to use the rest of our brains, then we’ll be much smarter. People say this all the time, but it’s absolutely not true! The truth is that although we don’t know everything about the human brain, we know that each part of it has an important function (功能) . Modern scientists think the "10 percent myth" ridiculous (荒谬的) . ‎ The other most popular myth is about being "right brained" or "left brained". According to this myth, people who use the right side of their brains are more artistic and creative. People who use the left side of their brains are better at math and science. This is as popular as the 10 percent myth, and it’s also wrong. In 2013, a study at an American university examined the right brain and left brain myth. According to the study, we use both sides of our brains equally (相等地). " ‎ It’s true that we use different parts of our brains for different things. We use our left side for language more, and our right side when we need to pay attention. But there is no evidence (证据) that creative people use the right side more or that scientific people use the left side more.‎ We’ve talked about myths, so let’s look at a few interesting facts about the brain. First of all, the brain feels no pain. Second, about 75 percent of the brain is made of water. It’s also the fattest organ in your body. Here’s another interesting fact about the brain. Around the time you turn 18 years old, it stops growing.‎ ‎31. The underlined word "This" in Paragraph 3 refers to ______________.‎ A. the left brain myth B. the right brain and left brain myth C. the use of human brains D. the study of an American university ‎32. According to the facts mentioned in the passage, _____________ may use the left brain more.‎ A. Robert, who is learning English B. Kate, who is drawing pictures C. Jenny, who is designing clothes D. Jacob, who is doing research ‎33. Which of the following is TRUE about the human brain?‎ A. It is growing all life long. B. The right side is used more by artists.‎ C. Some parts of it are not used at all. D. Three quarters of it is made of water.‎ ‎34. The passage mainly tells about _____________.‎ A. the growing of the brain B. different functions of the brain C. right brain and left brain D. myths and facts about the brain ‎(九)【2019 • 山东省济宁市】‎ In a rainforest there are tall trees. The top of these trees is called the canopy. Scientists want to learn about the canopy. They want to learn about everything that lives there. But it has not been easy to get to the canopy.‎ Meg is an American biologist, ecologist, explorer, writer, educator, and public speaker. Since she knows a lot about trees, she is sometimes called Canopy Meg. Meg has always liked trees. When she was a child, she made tree houses. Now, she has climbed to the top of trees all over the world and does great research, so she has got a nickname called "Einstein of the treetops."‎ Walkways in the rainforest were Meg’s idea. Now, they are used by many people. A walkway is like a bridge that goes between the trees. It is safe and it doesn’t harm the trees. A walkway, however, cannon help scientists reach the top.‎ One way to reach the top is by a light raft filled with air. It has a huge net on it. A hot air balloon drops the raft onto the trees. Scientists can stand on the raft and look into the trees.‎ A tower crane is also a good way to get to the top. It can go above the tree tops. It can go all the way down to the ground, too. Scientists are learning about life in the canopy. They have learned there are millions of insects that are eating leaves in these treetops.‎ Meg’s job is to keep finding out more. She wants to help find the secrets of treetops. There are still millions of ‎ animals that no one has seen. Many of them are in the treetops.‎ ‎35. What do scientists go to the treetops for?‎ A. To build walkways there. B. To learn about the rainforest.‎ C. To study living things there. D. To look at the things far away.‎ ‎36. Why is Meg called "Einstein of the treetops?‎ A. Because she has always liked trees.‎ B. Because she made tree houses in her childhood C. Because she is an American biologist and explorer.‎ D. Because she does great scientific research on treetops ‎37. How many ways of getting to the treetops are mentioned in the passage?‎ A. One B. Two. C. Three. D. Four ‎38. Which picture does a walkway look like?‎ A. B. ‎ C. D. ‎

