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语法专题(三) 数 词 第二篇 语法专题突破 考点一 基数词 1. 基数词的基本形式 (1)1—12独立成词,需逐个记忆。 (2)13—19的基数词以-teen结尾。尤其要注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的 正确拼写。 (3)表示“整十”的基数词(20—90)都以-ty结尾。其中要特别注意twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty, ninety的正确拼写。 (4)hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前有具体数字时,不能加-s,也不 与of连用; 无具体数字时,要加-s,且与of连用。 2. 基数词的其他表达形式 (1)21—99的写法是在十位和个位中间加连字符号“-”。 36—thirty-six 97—ninety-seven (2)101—999的构成是百位和十位之间(若十位为零,则在百位和个位之间)用 and连接。 601—six hundred and one 755—seven hundred and fifty-five (3)四位数或者四位数以上的基数词的拼写规律:从右往左每三位加一个逗号, 第一个逗号读作thousand(千),第二个逗号读作million(百万),第三个逗号读作 billion(十亿)。 94,295—ninety-four thousand two hundred and ninety-five (4)“基数词-单数名词”相当于复合形容词,只能作定语,用于表示时间、距离 等。 a ten-minute walk 步行10分钟的路程 (5)“基数词+more”与“another+基数词”意义相同,表示“再……;另外……”。 two more days=another two days 另外两天 考点二 序数词 构成 说明 例词 规则 变化 大多数序数词由“基数词+-th”构成 four—fourth 以y结尾的整十基数词变序数词,要变y为 ie,再加-th thirty—thirtieth fifty—fiftieth 20以上的非整十基数词变序数词,要将末 位数改成序数词,其他位数仍用基数词 thirty-one—thirty-first 不规则 变化 少数序数词的构成属于特殊情况,需要特 殊记忆 one—first two—second three—third five—fifth eight—eighth nine—ninth twelve—twelfth 【巧学妙记】 基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th; 一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母t, d, d(first, second, third); 8去t(eighth), 9去e(ninth), ve要用f替(fifth, twelfth); 遇y变ie,然后再加-th; 遇到“几十几”,只变个位就可以。 考点三 数词的表达方式 March 12, 2020 2020年3月12日 one third 三分之一   two thirds 三分之二 five (o'clock) 5点钟 five past seven 7点5分 twenty to eight 7点40分 Page 62/the sixty-second page 第62页 in the 1970s 在20世纪70年代 in his forties 在他四十多岁时 考点四 数词的注意事项 1. hundred, thousand, million前有基数词修饰时,表示确数,其后不加“-s”, 也不与of连用;但表示“数百、数千、数百万”这样的概数时,后面加“-s”,并 与of连用。 There are two hundred people in the hall. 大厅里有200人。 Thousands of people go to the beach every year. 每年有成千上万的人到海滩去。 Millions of people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day. 每天世界上有数百万人在收发邮件。 2. 序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词the;但如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或 an,则表示“再一;又一”;当序数词前有物主代词时,不需加the。 We've tried it twice. Must we try it a third time? 我们已经试过两次了。我们必须再试一次(第三次)吗? 3. 以下复合形容词中的名词要用单数形式。 (1)基数词-名词(单数) two-hour drive 两小时的车程 (2)基数词-名词(单数)-形容词 an 8-year-old boy 一个8岁的男孩 对 接 中 考 专 练 Ⅰ.单项选择 1. [2019·宿迁]Wu Dajing, a     Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup last year. A.25-years-old B.25 year old C.25-year-old D.25 years old 2. [2017·宿迁]—Mum,     of my classmates     glasses. —Oh, my God. You need to protect your eyes well. A.three-fourths; wears B.three-fourth; wear C.three-fourth; wears D.three-fourths; wear C D 对 接 中 考 专 练 语 法 专 题 训 练 3. Every year,     books are donated to the children in poor areas. A.million B.millions C.millions of D.million of 4. More than two     trees are planted in our neighborhood every year. A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred of 5. —How old is your daughter? —    .We had a special party for her     birthday last Sunday. A.Nine; nine B.Nine; ninth C.Ninth; nine D.Ninth; ninth C A B 对 接 中 考 专 练 6. —Excuse me, Mary. Can you read “198” in English? —Yes, of course.    . A.One hundred ninety-eight B.One hundred nine eight C.One hundred and ninety-eight D.One hundred ninety and eight 7. —How do you say “1:57” in English? —It's    . A.three past two B.fifty-seven past one C.three to one D.three to two 8. Christmas Day is on     of December. A.twenty-five B.the twenty-five C.twenty-fifth D.the twenty-fifth C D D 对 接 中 考 专 练 Ⅱ.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Peter got a model ship from his uncle on his     (ten) birthday. 2. The young couple like kids very much and plan to have a   (two) baby. 3. Peter and his wife live on the      (seven) floor and they go up and down by lift. 4. They live on the    (five) floor. 5. December is the     (twelve) month of a year. tenth second seventh fifth twelfth 对 接 中 考 专 练 6.      (hundred) of people come here to read books on weekends. 7. Three     (four) of the students in our class like basketball. 8. Father's Day is on the    (three) Sunday of June. 9. In the     (eight) picture, you can see many young trees. 10. The lady became very famous in her    (forty). Hundreds fourths third eighth forties

