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第一篇 教材考点梳理 第 16 课时 Unit8 ( 八下 ) 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.power →       ( adj .)  · 形容词 2.wise →      ( adv. )  3.serious →       ( adv. )  4.different →       ( n. ) 差异   5.careless →       ( n. ) 粗心   →       ( adv. ) 粗心地   6.simple →      ( adv. ) 简单地 ; 仅仅 ; 简直 powerful   wisely   seriously difference carelessness carelessly   simply 词汇拓展 · 动词 7.pollute →       ( n. )  →       ( adj. ) 污染的 8.recycle →       ( n. ) 回收利用 9.punish →       ( n. ) 处罚 , 惩罚 10.harm →       ( adj. ) 有害的 →       ( adj. ) 无害的 11.dig →       ( 现在分词 )  →     ( 过去式 )  →     ( 过去分词 )  12.allow →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  pollution polluted recycling   punishment harmful harmless digging dug dug   allowed allowed 短 语 归 纳 · 动词短语 1.         导致严重的空气污染 2.        植树   3.         过绿色生活   4.         产生污染   5.         对 …… 有影响   6.         做错事   7.          处理 , 处置   8.         听起来像   9.         开车送某人去上学 10.        使某人生病   11.         有做某事的机会   12.        做调查   13.        刷牙   cause serious air pollution   plant trees live a green life   produce pollution make a difference to sth/sb   do something wrong deal/do with   sound like drive sb to school make sb ill   have a chance to do sth do a survey   brush teeth 短语归纳 14.         双面使用纸张   15.         扔掉   16.         依靠 , 指望   17.         减少污染   · 名词短语 18.         越来越多的家庭 19.          最大的问题之一 20.         更多的生物   21.         自然资源 22.         一份关于学生日常习惯的调查   use both sides of the paper   throw away depend on/upon   reduce pollution more and more families one of the biggest problems more living things   natural resources a survey on students' daily habits 短语归纳 · 介词短语 23.      在使用中   · 其他短语 24.         被分成   25.         不被允许做某事 26.         被警察罚款   27.        一个也没有剩下   28.         少于   29.         对 …… 有害   in use   be separated into be not allowed to do sth   be fined by the police none left   less/fewer than   be harmful to… 佳句诵读 · 环境保护 1. Pollution has become a serious problem all around the world. 污染已经变成全世界一个严肃问题。 2. Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world. 污染是当今世界最大的难题之一。 3. We should try our best to protect the environment. 我们应该尽我们最大的努力来保护环境。 4. Air pollution is harmful to our health. 空气污染对我们的健康有害。 佳句诵读 5.It is time for us to take proper actions to protect our environment. 是我们采取适当的措施来保护环境的时候了。 6.It's wise for people to choose public transport or ride bicycles. 对人们来说选择公共交通或骑自行车是明智的。 7. If we work together, we can make the world a better place. 如果我们齐心协力 , 我们可以让世界变得更好。 8. Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth. 按照这几个小步骤 , 地球会因你有很大变化。 语法链接 被动语态 (Ⅱ) —— 一般将来时的被动语态。 [ 详见 P127, 语法专题 ( 十 )] 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ harm vt. & n. 伤害 , 损害 【 题 1 】 (1)Drinking alcohol( 白酒 )can be      the brain. So people in China aren't allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18.  A.good at B.good with C.harmful to D.thirsty for (2)In this way, we can reduce the      of pollution.  A.hurt B.harm C.danger D.loss 【 题 2 】 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 According to the scientific research, staying up late is very   (harm) to our health.  C B harmful 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 harm 的形容词形式是 harmful, 意为“有害的”。 do harm to … =be harmful to … , 意为“对 …… 有害”。 The medicine did not harm him. Instead, it saved his life. 这种药没有伤害他 , 相反 , 却救了他的命。 It wouldn't do him any harm to work a bit harder. 工作再努力点儿对他没什么害处。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ allow v. 允许 ; 准许 【 题 3 】 (1)Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed      alone here.  A.to swim B.swimming C.swim D.swam (2)My mother doesn't allow me      outside too late on school nights.  A.stayed B.stay C.staying D.to stay (3)Look! They don't allow      here. So let's find another place to park.  A.parks B.to park C.park D.parking A D D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ separate/divide 【 题 4 】 (1)The birthday cake was      into four pieces, so each of us could have one.  A.separated B.divided C.taken D.made (2)Look, there is a big farm. A fence      the cows from the pigs.   A.contacts B.leaves C.separates D.divides B C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性及意义 用法 separate v . 分开 , 隔开 侧重表示把原来在一起或靠近的事物分隔开。 separate … from …把……与分隔开来 adj. 分开 的 , 分离的 separate bedrooms 独立卧室 divide v . 分开 指一个整体分开。 divide … into …把……与……分开 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 图解助记 】 divide 分割开   separate 分离开 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ alive/living/lively/live 【 题 5 】 选用方框内的单词填空。 (1)Books for children should be written in a      style.  (2)The fish we caught yesterday is still      .   (3)The CCTV Spring Festival Gala is a great performance show that is covered      at the Lunar New Year's Eve.  (4)His uncle makes a      as a driver.   lively   living   alive   live lively alive live living 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义 用法 alive 形容词 活着的 , 在世 的 通常只作表语或后置定语 keep alive 活着 living 形容词 活着的 ; 有 生命的 living things 生物 the living 活着的人 名词 生计 make a living 谋生 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 lively 形容词 有生气的 , 生机勃勃的 make his class lively 使他的课生动 live 动词 活着 , 生活 , 居住 live in sp 居住在某处 形容词或 副词 现场直播 be covered live 现场直播 (续表) 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ run out/run out of 【 题 6 】 (1) — The oil on the Earth will      one day.  — I think so. We should make good use of it. A.find out B.work out C.give out D.run out (2)They   their food and water seven days   later, but they were far from the village. They didn't know what to do. A.run after B.run out C.take care of D.run out of D D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 run out 意为“用完” , 不及物动词短语 , 无被动形式 , 主语一般为物 run out of 意为“用完” , 及物动词短语 , 表主动含义 , 主语一般是人 , 相当于 use up 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花光了。 He is always running out of money before payday. 他总是发工资的日子还没到就把钱花完了。 【 拓展 】 run out of 还有“从 …… 跑出”的意思。 Class is over.The students run out of the classroom. 下课了 , 学生们从教室里跑了出来。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空 , 其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 1.[ 2019 · 徐州模拟 ]The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never         .  2. [2019 · 徐州二模 ]Remember that everyone can do something to make a         .  3. People have         too many trees to make desks, chairs, chopsticks and so on.  empty   run out   cut down   difference   run out of harmful cut down run out   difference 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 4. A little wine will not be         to your health.Just don't drink too much.  5. There is an         bottle on the road.Everyone should be careful.   Ⅱ. 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 6. [2018 · 徐州 ]I bought the computer      (simple)because it was cheap.   7. [2015 · 徐州 ]We should use our pocket money      (wise).   8. We shouldn't take these game shows too       (serious) while watching them.  harmful   empty simply   wisely   seriously 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 9. The two pictures have some       (different), but we can't find them.  10. Reading on mobile phones is (harm) to your eyes. 11. Daniel did the exercises too (care) and it made his teacher very angry. 12. Teenagers should be allowed       (make)their own decisions.  13. Education is one of the most       (power) ways to enrich our mind.  14. I saw him and his daughter      (dig) in the garden when I passed.  differences   harmful   carelessly to make   powerful   digging Ⅲ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。 15. You will be heavily p      if you don't obey these rules.  16. You will be f      if you are found breaking the traffic rules.  17. The Chinese company Huawei is always trying to p      the best smartphones all by itself.   18. It is very important for us to f      a good habit of reading.   19. Much energy will be saved if the waste is r      .  20. Water is very important to l      things.  随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 unished   ined   roduce orm   eused   iving 21. More and more families own cars and this c      worse air pollution.  22. The s      shows that three fifths of the students in the school wear glasses.  23. Can you d      these old newspapers into different groups?  24. By riding bicycles, we can r      air pollution.    随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 auses   urvey   ivide educe

