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句子的种类 ‎【句子的种类】‎ 简单句通常只由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成,按句子功能一般分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。‎ ‎【简单句的基本句型】‎ 类型 例句备注 例句备注 主语+谓语(不及物动词)‎ We study hard.我们努力学习。‎ 某些不及物动词加特定介词后可带宾语,如listen to等。‎ 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 I like apples.我喜欢苹果。‎ 宾语为代词时,要用宾格代词。‎ 主语+系动词+表语 The girl is kind.这个女孩很友好。‎ 表语多为名词或形容词,系动词look,taste,smell等后面常跟形容词作表语。‎ 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语 She bought me a card.她给我买了一张卡片。‎ 常见的此类动词:give,buy,show,pass等。‎ 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语 He made the baby cry.他把这个婴儿弄哭了。‎ 常见的此类动词:make,keep,let,see,hear,notice等。‎ ‎【考点训练1】‎ ‎1.My younger brother is smart and I have already taught ________ (he) some English.‎ ‎2.The orange tastes ______ (good/well).‎ ‎3.Loud music always makes me _____ (want) to dance.‎ 答案:him good want ‎【陈述句】‎ 12‎ 类型 用途 例句 肯定句 肯定的陈述,表示 “是如此”。‎ They usually go to school by bike.他们经常骑自行车去上学。‎ 否定句 否定的陈述,表示“不是如此”。‎ They won’t go to the park tomorrow.他们明天不去公园。‎ 注意:否定句是在be动词、助动词或情态动词后加not,常用缩略形式,要注意人称、时态的一致。‎ ‎【考点训练2】‎ ‎1.I woke up early in the morning.(改为否定句)‎ I ____________ up early in the morning.‎ ‎2.Carrots are grown all over the world.(改为否定句)‎ Carrots ______________all over the world.‎ ‎3.They have gone to Africa.(改为否定句)‎ They __________________ to Africa.‎ 答案:didn’t wake aren’t grown haven’t gone ‎【疑问句】‎ 类型 用途 句型 例句 12‎ 一般 疑问句 询问一件事或情况是否属实。‎ ‎1.be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语+表语/动词原形/分词?‎ ‎2.答语:Yes,代词+be动词/助动词/情态动词;‎ No,代词+be动词/助动词/情态动词+not ‎—Are you a student?你是学生吗?‎ ‎—Yes,I am./No,I’m not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。‎ 特殊 疑问句 针对句子某一具体成分提问。‎ 特殊疑问词+谓语/一般疑问句?—‎ What are you doing?你在做什么?‎ ‎—I am reading a book.我在看书。‎ 选择 疑问句 提供两种或两种以上的情况供选择。‎ ‎1.一般疑问句+or+另一个选择项?‎ ‎2.特殊疑问句+选择项+or+另一个选择项?‎ ‎—Do you like English or math?你喜欢英语还是数学?‎ ‎—English.英语。‎ 反意 疑问句 由“陈述句+简短问句”构成,表示问话者欲对陈述句部分进行证实。‎ ‎1.肯定陈述句+否定的简短问句?‎ ‎2.否定陈述句+肯定的简短问句?‎ ‎—Emily has been to Japan twice,hasn’t she?埃米莉去过两次日本了,对吗?‎ ‎—No,she hasn’t.不,她没去过。‎ ‎◆常见疑问词(组)及其用法 12‎ 疑问词 用法 备注 who 询问身份 whose询 问“所有者”‎ 意为“谁的”‎ which 询问特定的人或物 what 询问具体信息(电话号码、地址等)‎ 还可询问职业、日期 when 询问时间 where 询问地点、位置 why 询问原因 常用because从句来回答。‎ how 询问方式(怎样)‎ 常用来询问交通方式;‎ 答语中出现by+v.ing时,一般用how来提问。‎ ‎【考点训练3】‎ ‎1.—____ you ever ____ to Shanghai?‎ ‎—Yes,I went there last year. ( )‎ 12‎ A.Are;going B.Do;go C.Did;go D.Have;been ‎2.—___ are you going to England? ‎ ‎—To visit my uncle.He lives there with his family.‎ ‎( )‎ A.What B.When C.Why D.How ‎3.—Do you like listening to country music or rock music?‎ ‎—____.It brings me pleasure. ( )‎ A.Yes,I do B.No,I don’t C.I like music D.Country music ‎4.David never fights with his classmates,____? ‎ ‎( )‎ ‎ A.does he B.doesn’t he C.is he D.isn’t he 答案:DCDA 祈使句 祈使句表示请求、命令、劝告、叮嘱、号召、建议等。‎ 类型 结构 例句 肯定 祈使句 动词原形+其他 Come in,please.请进。‎ Let+宾语+动词原形+其他 Let’s go!我们走吧!‎ 12‎ Be+表语+其他。‎ Be careful,please.请小心 否定 祈使句 Don’t+动词原形+其他 Don’t do that again!不要再那样做。‎ No+名词/动名词+其他 No parking here!这儿禁止停车!‎ ‎【考点训练4】‎ ‎1.____ me the truth,or I’ll be angry. ( )‎ A.Telling B.To tell C.Told D.Tell ‎2.—____ late for school again,Tim!‎ ‎—Sorry,I promise that I ____. ( )‎ A.Don’t;won’t B.Don’t be;won’t C.Don’t be;don’t D.Don’t;will ‎3.____ the baby cry. ( )‎ A.Not let B.Let not C.Don’t let D.No let 答案:D BC 感叹句 感叹句是表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤、哀伤等强烈感情的句子。通常由What或How引导,What后以名词为中心,How后以形容词或副词为中心,句末常用感叹号。 ‎ 类型 结构 例句 What 型 What+a/an+形容词+可数名词的单数形式(+主语+谓语)!‎ What a beautiful girl she is!她是多么漂亮的女孩啊!‎ 12‎ What+形容词+可数名词的复数形式/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!‎ What important jobs they have done!他们做了多么重要的工作啊!‎ What sweet water it is!多么甜的水啊!‎ How 型 How+形容词+a/an+可数名词的单数形式(+主语+谓语)!‎ How beautiful a picture it is!多么漂亮的一幅画啊!‎ How+形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)!‎ How cute the dog is!这只狗多么可爱啊!‎ How+主语+谓语!‎ How time flies!时间过得多么快啊!‎ ‎【考点训练5】‎ ‎1.The weather is very hot.(改为感叹句)‎ ‎__________ the weather is!‎ ‎2.What surprising news it is!(改为同义句)‎ ‎________________ the news is!‎ ‎3.How delicious the food is!(改为同义句)‎ ‎________________ food it is!‎ ‎4.They are running fast.(改为感叹句)‎ ‎______________ they are running!‎ ‎5.I have read a very interesting book.(改为感叹句)‎ ‎______________ interesting book I have read!‎ 答案:How hot How surprising What delicious How fast What an ‎ There be句型 There be句型表示“某地或某时有某人或某物”,there是引导词,没有实际意义,句中的be与离它最近的名词在数方面保持一致。‎ ‎1.There be句型的常用结构 12‎ 时态 结构 例句 一般 现在时 There is/are+sb./sth.+地点状语 There is a pen on the desk.桌上有一支钢笔。‎ 一般 过去时 There was/were+sb./sth.+地点状语/表示过去的时间状语 There were many people in the theater last night.昨晚剧院里有很多人。‎ 一般 将来时 There will be(is/are going to be)+sb./sth.+地点状语/表示将来的时间状语 There is going to be a basketball match next Friday.下周五将有一场篮球比赛。‎ 与情态 动词连用 There+情态动词+be+sb./sth.+地点状语/时间状语 There must be some cute animals in the zoo.动物园里一定有一些可爱的动物。‎ ‎2.There be句型的句式变化 句式 变化规则 例句 12‎ 否定句 一般是在be动词(或助动词)后面加not。‎ There isn’t any water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水。一般 疑问句 一般是把be动词提前到句首。—‎ Are there many people in the park on weekends?周末公园里有很多人吗?‎ ‎—Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.是的,有。/不,没有。‎ ‎【考点训练6】‎ ‎1.—Is there a watermelon on the table? ‎ ‎—_____. ( )‎ A.Yes,there is B.Yes,it is C.No,there is D.No,it isn’t ‎2.There ____ a football match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. ( )‎ A.is going to be B.are going to be C.is going to have D.will have ‎3.There ___ some juice in the glass just now. ‎ ‎( )‎ A.is B.are C.was D.were 答案:AAC ‎ 【倒装句】‎ 初中阶段对于倒装句的考查主要集中在对so与neither/nor引导的倒装句的辨析。‎ 12‎ 结构 说明 例句 So+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 表示与上文提到的肯定情况相同。‎ I like reading English,and so does he.我喜欢读英语,他也喜欢。‎ Neither/Nor +be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 表示与上文提到的否定情况相同。‎ You won’t go,and neither shall I.你不去,我也不去。‎ 注意:当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时,不用倒装结构;意为“的确如此”。如:‎ ‎—He is a good actor.他是个好演员。‎ ‎—So he is.的确如此。‎ ‎【考点训练7】‎ ‎1.—What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a single word!‎ ‎—____.He’s from India,so I guess it’s Hindi.‎ ‎ ( )‎ A.Neither I can B.Neither can I C.So I can D.So can I ‎2.—I think you are different now.‎ ‎—Of course,times have changed and____. ‎ ‎( )‎ A.so have I B.so I have C.neither have I D.neither I have 答案 B A ‎【考题热身】‎ ‎1.(2017·毕节)— ______ have you felt like this?‎ 12‎ ‎—Three days. ( )‎ A.How long B.How often C.How much D.How many ‎2.(2017·毕节)There ____ some students on the playground. ( )‎ A.is B.have C.has D.are ‎3.(2017·黔东南)—Sandy likes English best.She reads the texts every day.‎ ‎—_______. ( )‎ A.So does Jim B.So Jim does C.So Jim is D.So is Jim ‎4.(2017·黔东南)Your mother is very busy.She hardly does morning exercises,_____? ( )‎ A.isn’t she B.does she C.doesn’t she D.is she ‎5.(2017·烟台)—_____?‎ ‎—She is of medium height with blue eyes. ‎ ‎( )‎ A.How is Rita B.What does Rita like C.What does Rita look like D.How do you like Rita ‎6.(2017·南京)—Excuse me,but can you tell me where the nearest bank is?‎ ‎—Just ___ going for two more blocks and you’ll see it. ( )‎ A.keep B.to keep C.keeping D.keeps ‎7.(2017·长春)—The final exam is over.Will you stay at home or visit your grandparents?‎ ‎—_____.I miss them very much. ( )‎ A.Yes,I will B.I’ll stay at home 12‎ C.No,I won’t D.I’ll visit my grandparents ‎8.(2017·重庆B卷)___ bad day! It’s raining hard.We have to stay at home. ( ) ‎ A.How a B.What a C.How D.What ‎9.(2017·广东)—Is there any outdoor learning in your school?‎ ‎—____.We learn outdoors once or twice every month. ( )‎ A.Yes,there is B.No,there isn’t C.Yes,it is D.No,it isn’t ‎10.(2017·东营)____ exciting it is! Our country put her first homemade aircraft carrier(国产航空母舰) in the water on April 26 in Dalian. ( )‎ A.How B.What C.How an D.What an 答案:ADABCADBAA 12‎

