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湖南广益实验中学 余奕汶 补全对话 专题复习 做好补全对话的关键: 做题重场景,巧用上下文 补全对话 = 场景句型 + 上下文判断 A: Hello, Jack. 1._________________________________ ? B: I am going to see Lisa tomorrow. She’s in hospital. A: 2. _____________________________________________? B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt. A: 3. _______________________. Is there anything serious? B: Yes. There is something wrong with her leg. A: 4. _________________________ ? B: Sure. Let’s go together. A: When and where shall we meet? B: We’ll meet at the gate of our school at eight o’ clock tomorrow morning. A: OK. 5. __________________________? B: What about taking a bus? A: Good idea. What are you going to do tomorrow What’s wrong with her I am sorry to hear that Can I go to see her with you How will/ shall we get there Tips 特殊疑问词的判定及特殊疑问句的构成 Tips 上下句时态一致 / What happened to her Tips 问答要自然,恰当。符合英美习惯。 Tips 注意一般疑问句的问答 Tips 注意标点符号的暗示 小试牛刀 特殊疑问词的判定和特殊疑问句的构成; 上下时态保持一致; 问答自然、恰当;符合英美习惯; 注意一般疑问句的问答; 重视标点符号的暗示。 一定要记住呦 ! 答题技巧 补全对话常考的场景: 看病 2. 购物 3. 打电话 4. 讨论计划 5. 问路和指路 6. 其他 看病 See a doctor ___________________________________________? I have a fever/ headache/ cold… 2. _____________________________? Yes, it’s a little high. 3. ______________________________? For 3 days./ Since 3 days ago. 4. When did it start? __________________. ( 三天前 ) 5. _________________________? I am feeling much better / even worse now. 6. _______________? No , nothing serious. 常用问答 What’s wrong / the matter / the trouble with you Have you taken your temperature How long have you been like this Three days ago How are you feeling now Is it serious 7. ______________________________? You’d better have a rest. 8. ___________________________________? Take this medicine three times a day. 常用问答 What should I do How often should I take the medicine Doctor: Good morning! 1.______________________? Tom: Tom. Doctor: 2. _________________________? Tom: I’m not feeling well. I have a toothache and I can’t eat anything. Doctor: 3. _____________________? Tom : The day before yesterday. Doctor: Let me examine you. Open your month and say “Ah”, please. Tom: Ah… 4. _____________________? Doctor: No, nothing serious. Just stop eating candies and take some medicine. Tom: 5. ____________________________________? Doctor: Twice a day. Tom: Thank you. What’s your name When did it start What’s wrong with you 实战演练 2013 湘潭真题改编 Is it serious How often should I take the medicine 购物 go shopping ____________________? Yes , please./ No , thanks. 2. ____________________? I’d like to buy a sweater. 3. _____________________________________? Black. 4. ________________________? Size M. 5. _________________? It’s 200 yuan. 6. 你能给我一件大一点的吗? __________________________? 常用问答 Can I help you What can I do for you What color do you like/ want What size do you like/ want How much is it Can you show me a bigger one 7. 我能试穿吗? ________________? 8. 能便宜一点吗? ____________________? 9. 你有便宜点的吗? ________________________? 10. 我将会买下他们。 _______________. 常用问答 Can I try it on Can it be cheaper Do you have a cheaper one I’ll take them A:  What can I do for you? B: 1. ________________________. A: A scarf? Who would you like to buy it for? B: 2. ________________________. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I’d like to buy her a present. A: I see. What color does your mother like? B: 3. _____________. A: Oh, your mother has a very nice taste. Red scarves look beautiful. Come this way. 4. ___________________? B: It feels soft and smooth. I like it. 5. _______________? A: Only 150 yuan. It’s cheap. B: OK. I’ll take it. I want to buy a scarf For my mother She likes red How about this one How much is it 实战演练 2014 湘潭真题 打电话 make a phone call 1. 打扰了,我能跟 Tom 通话吗? __________________________________? 是的,我是 Tom 。 / 不好意思,他不在。 __________________________. __________________________. 2. 你是谁? ___________________? 你是 Tom 吗? ___________________? 3. 请保持通话,他马上就来。 _______________________________. 4. 你能为我捎个口信吗? ________________________________? 5. 我能留个口信吗? __________________________________? 常用问答 Excuse me, may I speak to Tom Yes, this is Tom speaking Sorry, he is not in Who is that (speaking) Is that Tom (speaking) Hold on please, he is coming soon Can you take a message for me Can I leave a message 此场景常与其他场景结合来考察。 M : Hello , who is that speaking? W:1 __________________________. M: Hi, Mary. W: Hi, Jim. You didn’t come to school yesterday. 2__________________________? M: I was hurt in a car accident. W: 3_______________________. Is it serious? M: Nothing serious. W: Did you see a doctor? M: Of course. W:4 _________________________________? M: The doctor asked me to stay in bed for one or two days. W: Take care of yourself. When are you going to school? M: 5________________________. I am afraid I will miss more lessons. W: Don’t worry. I will help you . M: Thank you. W: You are welcome. This is Mary speaking What’s wrong with you I am sorry to hear that What did the doctor ask you to do I am not sure 实战演练 2012 长沙真题 讨论计划 talk about plans 1. _________________________________? I’m going to see a movie this weekend. 2. _______________________________? Sure, I’d love/ like to. I’d love to, but I have to do my homework. 3. _____________________________? Let’s get there by bike. 4. _____________________________? I went there with my parents. 5. ________________________________? Let’s meet at the school gate at 9 o’clock. 6. I will have an exam tomorrow. _____________________. 重视表示建议的句型 常用问答 What are you going to do this weekend Would you like to come to my party/… How will/ shall we go there Who did you go with When and where shall we meet Good luck to you 7. I am going to take a trip in Beijing. ______________________________________! 8.______________________________? I will stay there for two weeks. 8. 为什么不骑单车呢? _____________________________? ______________________________? 9. 去看电影怎么样? ______________________________? 重视表示建议的句型 常用问答 Have fun/ Have a good time/ Enjoy yourself Why not ride a bike Why don’t you/ we/… ride a bike How/ What about go to see a movie How long will you stay there A: Hello, Betty. 1. _________________________________? B: I visited my uncle last summer holiday. He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city. A: 2.____________________________________? B: I stayed there for a week. 3.__________________________________? A: No. I haven’t. But I am going to spend a holiday there. B: You’d better go to Dalian in summer. So you can enjoy swimming in the sea. A: 4.______________________________. I will go there this summer vacation. B: 5.______________________________? A: By plane. What did you do last summer holiday How long did you stay there Have you ever been there before Sound great/ Good idea How will you go there 实战演练 2013 长沙真题改编 问路指路 1. 打扰一下,邮局在哪里? ________________________________________? 能请你告诉我怎样能到达邮局吗? ________________________________________? 能请你告诉我去邮局的路吗? ________________________________________? 当然,沿着这条街走,在第二个路口左拐。邮局在 你右手边。 _____________________________________________ _______________________________________. 不好意思,我是新来的。 ______________________________________. 2._______________________________? Yes, there is a post office near here. 常用问答 Excuse me, where is the post office Could you please tell me how to get to the… Could you please tell me the way to the … Sure, go along the street, turn left at the second crossing. The post office is on your right Sorry, I am new here./ I’m a stranger here Is there a post office near here 3. ____________________? About five minutes’ drive./ 2 kilometers. 4. ___________________________? You can get there by bus. 5.______________________? It takes about 20 minutes. 6. ________________________? Yes, you can walk there. 7. ________________________? You can take bus No.2. 8. ____________________________? No, it’s not far from here. 常用问答 How far is it How can I get there How long does it take Can I walk there Which bus can I take Is it far from here A: Excuse me, I want to go to the National Palace Museum. 1. _________________? B: You can get there by bus. A: 2.____________________________________? B: Bus No. 102. A: 3. ________________________? B: Only 5 minutes’ drive. It’s not far from here. A: Thank you. It’s very nice of you. It’s my first time here. B: 4. ____________________________? A: I like it very much. It has lots of modern buildings. B: Oh, your bus is coming. A: 5.____________________________. B: You’re welcome. Goodbye. How can I get there Which bus should/ can I take How long does it take How do you like it Thank you 实战演练 2014 鄂州真题改编 其他句型 others (1)_________________________________________? I am from Changsha. (2)________________________________________? I speak (He speaks) Chinese. (3)_________________________________________? He is a doctor. (4)_________________________________________? I want to be an engineer. (5)_________________________________________? I was born in 1998. (6)_________________________________________? He is tall and with short black hair. 常用问答 Where are you from/ Where do you come from What language do you/ does he speak What is he/ What does he do/ What’s his job What do you want to be When were you born What does he look like (7) I was hurt in a car accident. ______________________________________. (8)______________________________________? ______________________________________? ______________________________________? Changsha is a beautiful city. (9)_____________________________________? He is very outgoing. (10)______________________________________? ______________________________________ ? It’s rainy/ sunny/... (11) _________________________________? Today is June,3rd. 常用问答 I’m sorry to hear that What do you think of Changsha/ How do you like Changsha/ What do you feel about Changsha? How is the weather What is he like What’s the weather like What is the date today (12) _____________________________________? Today is Thursday. (13) 去爬山怎么样? ______________________________? 好主意 / 听起来不错。 _______________/_______________. 我同意你的想法。 ____________________________. (14). _______________________________? I lived in Changsha. (15). How’s it going? ____________________________________________. (16). ___________________________________? I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. 常用问答 What day is it today What about going to the mountains That’s a good idea I agree with you Where did you live That sounds good Pretty good/ Not bad/ Just so so/ Terrible/ … What were you doing at this time yesterday A: Do you know the earthquake in China not long ago? B: 1._____________________. But I only know a little about the earthquake. A: Many people died and got hurt in the earthquake. B: 2.___________________. Where did it happen? A: It happened in Ya’an, Sichuan Province. B: 3.__________________________? A: It happened on April 20 th , 2013. B: 4.________________________? A: We should try our best to help them. B: 5._____________________________. Yes, I do I’m sorry to hear that When did it happen What should we do 终极挑战 一、 2013 衡阳真题 Sure/ I think so/ I agree with you A: Hi, Tina. What are you going to do this weekend? B: 1._____________________. A: A concert? What kind of concert is it? B: A piano concert. It is held for charity. A: 2. ________________________________? B: Yes, there are many famous musicians, such as Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist. 3.__________________________? A: Certainly, I’d like to. Li Yundi is my favorite musician. 4.______________________? B: 120 yuan. A: Oh, it’s so dear. I can’t afford it. I am going to a concert Are there many famous musicians Would you like to go with me How much is the ticket 终极挑战 二、 2014 孝感真题 B: I don’t have so much money, either. I plan to sell newspapers to raise money. A: 5._______________________________. Can I join you? B: No problem. That sounds good/ That’s a good idea 终极挑战 二、 2014 孝感真题 A: How’s it going, Amy? B: 1. _______________. My math has improved a lot and I got a good mark in the last exam. A: Good news. 2._________________________? B: I’m reading a passage about Michelle Obama, the US First Lady. A: 3. ________________________? B: I think she is successful, hard-working and energetic. A: I think so. Have you heard that she visited China in March? B: 4. ____________________. A: How did you get the news? Pretty good What are you doing What do you think of her Yes, I have 终极挑战 三、 2014 长沙真题 B: I got in on the Internet. By the way, you looked so tired. What did you do last night? A: I just stayed at home, watching the 2014 World Cup until the early morning. B: Sounds great.5. _________________________________? A: I like Messi best, one of the most popular football players in the world. B: He is really amazing! What a pity! I missed last night’s matches. Who is your favorite football player 终极挑战 三、 2014 长沙真题 1. Remember the sentence patterns. 2. Finish the exercises on Learning outline. Seasons in the sun Goodbye to you my trusted friend . We've known each _ 1 _ since we were nine or ten together we've climbed hills _ 2 _ trees , learned of love and a-b-c`s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend it's hard to die. When all the birds are _ 3 _ in the sky . Now that the spring is in the air. Pretty girls are everywhere think of me and I'll be there. We had joy we had fun .We had seasons in the sun, but the hills that we climb.Were just seasons out of time … ( ) A. other B. another C .the other D. others ( ) A. or B. and C. but D. so ( ) A. saying B. talking C. singing D. speaking A B C Seasons in the sun Goodbye to you my trusted friend . We've known each other since we were nine or ten together we've climbed hills and trees , learned of love and a-b-c`s Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend it's hard to die. When all the birds are singing in the sky . Now that the spring is in the air. Pretty girls are everywhere think of me and I'll be there . We had joy we had fun .We had seasons in the sun, but the hills that we climb .Were just seasons out of time … How to Do Cloze Tests? 一、考纲要求与说明 完形填空属于 阅读理解 的一种类型。它用于测试考生的综合语言能力。考查目的是 语篇 意义理解的 连贯性 和运用语言的 准确性 。它更注重文章内容本身的 完整性、 情节发展的 逻辑性 及前后语境相呼应的 统一性 的综合性考查。 二、完形填空的命题原理 一篇文章有其 主题思想 ,篇章结构,行文逻辑关系及语言特色,即使挖去一些词语,仍可通过对剩余部分的内容所作的 分析与判断 ,准确 推知 挖空的词语。 Brief Introduction 中考完形填空解读 : 完形填空的内容及特点 : 测试考生的阅读能力、知识水平、写作能力和策略能力。完形填空首句不挖空,帮助进入语境。 考试内容 : 涉及词法、句法惯用法、情景及生活常识等。 考试形式通常 : 一篇 300 — 330 词的短文剧本、书信、电子邮件、网上对话等大多数学生熟悉的文章。体裁以记叙文、说明文为主。 中考 ( 完形填空 ) 解读 : 完型填空的结构 : 重庆初中毕业生学习考试(英语)试卷完型填空部分2015年的题型和分值分布。见下图: 完型填空结构及分值分布 题型 三 题号 40 —5 0 分值 15 中考 ( 完形填空 ) 解读 : 2014 年的完形填空的测试内容 时间 动词 名词 形容词 短语 连词 代词 副词 20 14 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 choose classroom the same laugh at be good for because and them brightly 上下文语境 表层信息寻找 … She liked her job and her manager always praised 31 for the work... A . her B. him C. you D. me √ Tip 1 : Tip 1 :上下文语境 … her manager always praised her for the work … He told Karen that everyone was 32 with her … A. wrong B. strict C. angry D. pleased √ 推断 Tip 2 : 惯用法 固定搭配 …“ I thought I asked you to write an interesting speech that would last 41 twenty minutes ” he began … A. in B. for C. by D. to √ Tip 2 : 惯用法 词语辨析 … The beginning was interesting , but by the second half people 42 and left , it was so boring... A. got back B. got off C. got up D. got on √ Tip 3 : 语法分析 句 法 … Karen asked the manager some questions about 36 should be in the speech , … A. who B. when C. what D. where √ Tip 4 : 知识背景 New York has more population than 1 in America. In 1970 , its population was about 8,000,000 … A. any city B. any other city C. other cities D. any others 跨学科知识 √ Tip 5 : 生活常识 … She worked on it all night and in the morning she gave it to the manager. The manager 38 her and rushed off to the meeting with the speech … A. thanked B. helped C. saved D. stopped √ In New York, on a Friday night, a young artist stood at the gate of a train station. He was playing his _ 16 _. His music was so great that many people put money into his hat. The next day ,the young artist came to the same place, and played the violin as usual. 16. A. piano B. guitar C. violin D. sax √ 表层信息寻找 Answers key words tips My mother often asked me , “ What is the most important part of the body? ” I thought sound was very important to us as humans , so I said . “ My 17 , Mommy . ” She said , “ No . Many people are deaf (聋的) … 17. A. ears B. eyes C. body D. head √ 上下文推理判断 Answers key words tips All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of 32 ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. 32. A. all B. none C. some D. both √ 知识背景 Answers key words tips 【2009 · 温州 】 It is reported that some people 40 rubbish out of the windows. It is dangerous because falling objects may hurt others. 40. A pull B put C throw D take √ 生活常识 Answers key words tips Steps of Cloze Tests ( 完形填空的解题步骤 ) 1 、 跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意 3 、 复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案 2 、 瞻前顾后, 运用策略, 寻找答案 Tips: 1 、 上下文联系 法 ( 复现 …… ) 2 、 惯用法 ( 词语辨析 固定搭配 …… ) 3 、 语法分析 4 、 知识背景 5 、 生活常识 Steps: 1 、跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意 2 、瞻前顾后,运用策略,寻找答案 3 、复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案 How to do cloze 体裁? When ? Who ? Where ? Step 1: Step 1 : Read-through (通读全文、掌握大意、 划出关键词) It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding — Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the   31   quickly. A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and asked politely   32 our parents were at home.    Without thinking, my brother said, “ No. ” Then the man asked if we would like to   33 some story books. I refused him. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed the door very   34   and came into our house. He took out a   35   and ordered me to tie up( 绑 ) my brother ’ s hands with a rope. I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie   36   easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked   37   of us in the kitchen.    Step 2 : Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、运用策略、找出答案) 31 . A . window    B . door     C . book     D . fridge √ 上下文语境 32 . A . if       B . why     C . when    D . how √ 推断 33 . A lend     B . borrow    C . sell      D . buy 34 . A . politely    B . slowly   C . hard    D . quietly √ √ 上下文 推断 Answers key words tips Step 1 : Read-though (通读全文、掌握大意、 划出关键词) It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding — Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the   31   quickly. A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and asked politely   32 our parents were at home.    Without thinking, my brother said, “ No. ” Then the man asked if we would like to   33 some story books. I refused him. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed the door very   34   and came into our house. He took out a   35   and ordered me to tie up( 绑 ) my brother ’ s hands with a rope. I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie   36   easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked   37   of us in the kitchen.    Step 2 : Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、运用策略、找出答案) √ 35 . A . book    B . knife     C . gift   D . pen 36 . A . himself   B . myself    C . herself   D . themselves 37 . A . none    B . neither    C . both   D . all 推断 √ 上下文 √ 理解与运用 Answers key words tips Step 2 : Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、运用策略、找出答案) Soon, he went upstairs to   38   money. I taught my brother to untie the rope on his   39   . He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police,   40   the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man   41   to lock the kitchen window. We got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the   42   pay phone to call the police.    Soon   43   came to our house and the man was caught. By that time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were   44   that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from   45   the door to strangers. I learnt a lesson on safety. 38 . A. look at   B. look after    C. look like    D. look for 39 . A. feet    B. hands     C. neck       D. legs 40 . A. and    B. so       C. or        D. but 41 . A. wanted    B. remembered C. forgot D. tried 42 . A. farthest    B. nearest     C. largest    D. smallest 43 . A. my friends B. the police C. the neighbors D. my parents 44 . A. glad     B. angry      C. sad    D. sorry 45 . A. cleaning   B. closing    C. locking      D. opening √ 词语辨析 √ 上下文语境 √ 推断 √ 推断与辨析 √ 常识 √ 上下文 √ 常识与推断 √ 常识与上下文 Answers key words tips Step 3: Re-read and check (复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案) 1 、 语法和习惯用法在上下文中是否符合逻辑 ; 2 、 上下句的衔接是否连贯 ; 3 、 整体结构、语义及逻辑是否一致 . Tips: How to check answers? 【 牛刀小试,我也来出题 】 小组合作:请每 4 位同学一组,模仿再挖空 4 个单词, 出一道 10 分的完整的完形填空题,并逐 个说明下面内容: Answers key words tips 1.Finish off making the cloze. 2. 完成复习导引 P76 (一)(二) . Cloze tests are interesting and challenging , though difficult. 英语 第 2 讲 七年级 ( 上 )Units 6 - 9 1 . healthy ( adj. ) → _______ ( n .) 健康 2 . really( ad v .)→ _____ ( adj .) 真的→ _____ ( adj . 同义词 ) 真的 3 . fat( adj .)→ _____ ( adj . 反义词 ) 瘦的 4 . good/well→ ______ ( 比较级 )→ _____ ( 最高级 ) 5 . buy( v .)→ ________ ( 现在分词 )→ ________ ( 过去式 ) 购买 6 . sell( v .)→ _____ ( n .) 特价销售;出售 7 . favorite( adj .)→_____ . .. _____ ( 同义短语 ) 8 . music( n .)→ _________ ( n .) 音乐家→ ________ ( adj .) 音乐的 9 . happy( adj .)→ ____ ( 反义词 )→ ___________ ( n .) 高兴 health real true thin better best buying bought sale like best musician musical sad happiness 10 . busy( adj .)→ _________ ( n .) 生意;商业→ _______ ( adj . 反义词 ) 空闲的 11 . art( n .)→ _____ ( n .) 艺术家 12 . useful( adj .)→ _______ ( adj . 反义词 ) 无用的 business free artist useless 1 . ____________  思考;思索 2 . have... ___________  早餐吃 3 . ____ sb.____ sth.  询问某人某事 4 . ___________  饮食习惯 5 . _____________ . .. ?  …… 多少钱? 6 . a ________  一双 7 . ___________ . .. ?  …… 多大年纪? 8 . ___________  学校郊游 9 . ___________  英语测试 10 . ___________  艺术节 think about for breakfast ask for eating habits Ho w much pair of Ho w old school trip English test art festi v al soccer ball 11 . ___________  足球 12 . _________  无疑;肯定 13 . ___ a ______ price  以优惠的价格 14 . ____________  在周末 15 . Have ________________ ! 过得愉快! 16 . _______ subject  最喜爱的学科 17 . from... ____ . ..  从 …… 到 …… for sure at good on w eekends a good time/day fa v orite to 1 . — ___________ salad ?你喜欢沙拉吗? — Yes , I ___ . /No , I ____ .是的 , 我喜欢。 / 不 , 我不喜欢。 2 . He ___________________ .他不喜欢蔬菜。 3 . — _______________ the hat ?这顶帽子多少钱? — It's five dollars.5 美元。 4 . — _______ is _____________birthday ?你父亲的生日是什么时候? — _____ birthday is on _______3rd.3 月 3 日。 5 . ______ do you like _____________ ?你早餐喜欢吃什么? 6 . I don ‘ t ______________ .我不想变胖。 7 . _______________ .给你。 Do you like do don't doesn't like v egetables Ho w much is When your father's His March What for breakfast w ant to be fat Here you are 8 . — ___________ you ?我能帮你吗? — Yes , _______ .好的 , 谢谢。 9 . _____ girls , we have skirts ____ purple _____ only $20. 对于女孩 , 我们有紫色的裙子仅售 20 美元。 10 . I'll _____ it. 我买下了。 11 . — ______ your _______ subject ?你最喜欢的学科是什么? — My favorite subject is P . E. 我最喜欢体育。 — _____ do you like P . E. ?你为什么喜欢体育? — Because it's fun. 因为它有趣。 12 . — _____is your geography class ?你的地理课在什么时候? — It's ___________ and _______ .在星期一和星期五。 Can I help please For in for take What's fa v orite Why When on Monday Friday 1 . 时间介词 in/on/at( 见学生用书 P113)( 见本书 P135) 2 . 可数名词与不可数名词 ( 见学生用书 P109)( 见本书 P131) 3 . 基数词和序数词 ( 见学生用书 P116)( 见本书 P138 ~ 139) 4 . 名词所有格 ( 见学生用书 P110)( 见本书 P132) 5 . 特殊疑问句 ( 见学生用书 P136)( 见本书 P158) 时间介词 1 . —I'm afraid that we can't catch the early bus. —Don't worry.The next one will come __ __ only 5 minutes. (2015 , 本溪 , 5 题 ) A . in      B . after     C . for      D . at 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。 “ in +时间段 ” 表示 “ 多长时间以后 ” , 句子用一般将来时。根据题中 The next one w ill come 可知 , 是 “ 五分钟后 ” 。故选 A 。 A 2 . Maria is leaving for France soon by air.She will arrive __ __ Paris ________ the morning of August 8th. ( 2015 , 营 口 , 7 题 ) A . at ; in B . in ; on C . in ; in D . at ; on 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。 arri v e in +大地点 , arri v e at +小地点 , 巴黎是大地点 , 因此用 in ;表示具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上时 , 用介词 on 。故选 B 。 B 3 . Chinese students usually begin the summer vacation __ __ July and schools usually start ________ September 1st. ( 2015 , 鞍山 , 2 题 ) A . in ; on B . in ; in C . on ; in D . on ; on 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。表示时间时 , in 后常接年、月、上午、下午、晚上、白天、季节、世纪等。 on 后常接某日、星期几、某日的朝夕、节日等。第一空表达 “ 在七月 ” ;第二空表达 “ 在九月一日 ” 。故选 A 。 A 4 . We can be thankful every day , not just __ __ Thanksgiving Day. (2014 , 盘锦 , 4 题 ) A . on B . in C . to D . by 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。题干意为:我们每天都能感恩 , 而不仅仅是在感恩节那天。 on 用在具体的某天前; in +一段时间; to 不能加时间; by +时间点。感恩节为具体的某天 , 故选 A 。 A 5 . I often go to the cinema with my parents __ __ Saturdays. (2014 , 大 连 , 2 题 ) A . at B . by C . on D . in 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。句意为:在周六的时候 , 我常常和我的父母一起去看电影。在具体的某一天前要用介词 on 。故选 C 。 C 6 . — Did your mother come back __ __ a rainy night? — Yeah , that's right. (2013 , 鞍山 , 31 题 ) A . at B . on C . in D . by 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。句意为: “ 你妈妈是在一个雨夜回来的吗? ”“ 是的 , 没错。 ” at 用于具体时刻前; on 用于具体某一天或者某一天的上午、下午或晚上等之前; in 用于年、月份或者季节等之前; by 意为 “ 通过 …… 方式 ” 。根据句中 a rainy night 可知为具体某一天的晚上 , 故应用介词 on , 故选 B 。 B 7 . In America , people start celebrating the New Year __ __ 31st December. ( 2013 , 大 连 , 2 题 ) A . in B . at C . on D . for 【 解析 】 本题考查介词辨析。句意为:在美国 , 人们在 12 月 31 号开始庆祝新年。 in 后接世纪、年、季节、月份和泛指的上下午晚上等; at 后接具体的时刻; on 指具体到某一天或某天的上下午或晚上; for 后接一段时间 , 故选 C 。 C 8 . Li Yundi , the wellknown pianist , began to learn the piano __ __ the age of 7. ( 2013 , 葫芦 岛 , 32 题 ) A . in B . on C . at D . for 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。句意为:著名的钢琴家李云迪在七岁时开始学弹钢琴。 in “ 在 …… 里 ” , 也可用于年、月份前; on “ 在 …… 上面 ” 也可用于具体某一天前; at 用于具体时刻前; for “ 为了 …… ” 。 at the age of +数字 , 为固定搭配 , 表示 “ 在 …… 岁时 ” , 故选 C 。 C 9 . —Mum , how soon will my father be back? —He will be back __ __ three days. A . for B . after C . in D . at 【 解析 】 本题考查介词的用法。句意为: “ 妈妈 , 爸爸多久回来? ”“ 他三天后回来。 ” after 和 at 后面都跟时间点 , 故排除; for 和 in 后面都可以跟一段时间 , 但 for 用于完成时态的句子中 , 故排除; in 用于将来时态的句子中。故选 C 。 C 名词所有格 10 . 219 Park is about __ __ walk from here.You'd better take a bus. (2015 , 鞍山 , 14 题 ) A . 50 minute B . 50 minutes' C . 50 minutes D . 50 minute's 【 解析 】 本题考查名词的所有格。根据题意可知 , 从这儿到 219 公园步行大约为 50 分钟。 50 分钟是复数形式 , 以 s 结尾的复数名词所有格在后面直接加 “ ' ” 。 B 11 . — How far is your cousin's home from here? — It's about two __ __ drive. (2013 , 朝阳 , 15 题 ) A . hour's B . hours C . hours' D . hour 【 解析 】 本题考查名词所有格的用法。句意为 “ 你表哥家离这儿有多远? ”“ 大约两小时的车程 ” 。两小时的车程 , t w o hours' dri v e 为固定表达。故选 C 。 C 12 . —Is your home far from school ? (2013 , 丹 东 , 23 题 ) — Not very far.It's only five __ __ walk. A . minute's B . minute C . minutes D . minutes' 【 解析 】 本题考查名词的所有格。句意为:你家离学校远吗?不远 , 仅五分钟的路程。名词复数的所有格 , 规则的直接在名词复数的后面加 ' , 故选 D 。 D 特殊疑问句 13 . — __ __ is the price of the nice watch? —You can pay 200 dollars ________ it on sale. ( 2014 , 营 口 , 12 题 ) A . What ; for B . How much ; on C . How much ; for D . What ; on 【 解析 】 本题考查疑问词。这里问价格 , 后面出现了 price , 因此用 w hat 提问;答句中 pay for 意为 “ 为 …… 买单 , 付钱 ” 。故选 A 。 A 14 . —Betty , __ __ do you start celebrating New Year in America? — On December 31st. ( 2014 , 大 连 , 4 题 ) A . when B . where C . why D . how 【 解析 】 本题考查特殊疑问词的辨析。由 On December 31st. 我们可以判断出是对时间进行提问 , 故用 w hen 。 A 15 . —__ __ is the boy with a pair of glasses? —My brother , John. (2013 , 大 连 , 13 题 ) A . How B . Who C . Where D . What 【 解析 】 本题考查特殊疑问词的辨析。句意为: “ 戴眼镜的那个男孩是谁? ”“ 我弟弟 , 约翰。 ” ho w 如何 , 问方式; w ho 谁 , 问身份; w here 何处 , 问地点; w hat 什么。根据答语可知是询问对方是谁。故选 B 。 B 词汇类 16 . —Mm...Your pizza __ __ so nice. —Thanks ! Would you like to try some ? (2015 , 大 连 , 3 题 ) A . smells B . feels C . sounds D . tastes 【 解析 】 本题考查感官动词。根据下文 Would you like to try some ?可判断上文是说闻起来不错 , smell 意为 “ 闻起来 ” ; feel 意为 “ 感觉起来 ” ; sound 意为 “ 听起来 ” ; taste 意为 “ 尝起来 ” 。故选 A 。 A 17 . What a beautiful song ! It __ __ so sweet. (2015 , 抚顺 , 9 题 ) A . feels B . sounds C . tastes D . smells 【 解析 】 本题考查感观动词词义辨析。 feel 意为 “ 摸起来 ” ; sound 意为 “ 听起来 ” ; taste 意为 “ 尝起来 ” ; smell 意为 “ 闻起来 ” 。关键词是 song ,句意为:歌声听起来很甜美。故选 B 。 B 18 . —Dinner is ready.Help yourself , please! — Wow ! It __ __ delicious.You are really good at cooking. (2015 , 丹 东 , 35 题 ) A . gets B . sounds C . tastes D . turns 【 解析 】 本题考查感官动词。根据上文 dinner 可知饭是尝起来美味 , taste 意为 “ 尝起来 ” , 故选 C 。 C 19 . Mom , what are you cooking now ? It __ __ so nice. (2015 , 葫芦 岛 , 6 题 ) A . smells B . feels C . sounds D . tastes 【 解析 】 本题考查感观动词词义辨析。 smell 意为 “ 闻起来 ” ; feel 意为 “ 感觉起来 ” ; sound 意为 “ 听起来 ” ; taste 意为 “ 尝起来 ” 。句意为:妈妈 , 你在做什么呀?闻起来好香。故选 A 。 A 20 . My cousin likes reading.I often buy __ __ for his birthday. (2015 , 大 连 , 4 题 ) A . candies B . toys C . stamps D . books 【 解析 】 本题考查名词词义辨析。根据上文 likes reading 可知喜欢读书 , 那就应该是买书。 candy 意为 “ 糖果 ” ; toy 意为 “ 玩具 ” ; stamp 意为 “ 邮票 ” ; book 意为 “ 书 ” 。故选 D 。 D 21 . I want sweet milk.Put some __ __ in my cup , please. (2015 , 朝阳 , 22 题 ) A . soap B . soup C . sugar D . salt 【 解析 】 本题考查名词词义辨析。根据上文 s w eet milk ( 甜牛奶 ) 可判断加的是糖。 soap 意为 “ 肥皂 ” ; soup 意为 “ 汤 ” ; salt 意为 “ 盐 ” ; sugar 意为 “ 糖 ” 。故选 C 。 C 22 . Dora __ __ funny with her mother's dress on. (2014 , 辽 阳 , 5 题 ) A . tastes B . smells C . looks D . sounds 【 解析 】 本题考查系动词辨析。选项中 , taste 意为 “ 尝起来 ” ; smells 意为 “ 闻起来 ” ; looks 意为 “ 看起来 ” ; sounds 意为 “ 听起来 ” 。根据句意 , 应该是 “ Dora 穿上妈妈的衣服看起来很有趣 ” 。故选 C 。 C 23 . The boys in my class are interested in __ __ , especially ball games. (2014 , 大 连 , 3 题 ) A . music B . science C . art D . sports 【 解析 】 本题考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我们班的男孩子都喜欢运动 , 尤其是球类 ( 运动 ) 。故选 D 。 D 基数词与序数词 24 . —Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the nearest railway station? — Sorry , I don't know.I'm new.This is my ____ time here. (2015 , 丹 东 , 24 题 ) A . one B . once C . first D . two 【 解析 】 本题考查序数词的用法。根据上文 I'm ne w 可知也是第一次来这 , my first time 表示 “ 第一次 ” 。故选 C 。 C 25 . I'm satisfied with my __ __ shopping on line. (2015 , 锦 州 , 1 题 ) A . one B . the one C . the first D . first 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的用法。根据题意可知应填序数词 , 表示 “ 第一 ” , 前面有形容词性物主代词 my 修饰 , 因此不必加 the 。故选 D 。 D 26 . Father's Day is on the __ __ Sunday in June.It's on June 21st this year. ( 2015 , 营 口 , 4 题 ) A . first B . second C . third D . fourth 【 解析 】 本题考查序数词的用法。根据 It's on June 21st this year. 可知今年的父亲节在 6 月 21 日 , 根据日期可判断时间是六月的第三个星期日。故选 C 。 C 27 . Han Hong has helped __ __ poor children since 2000. ( 2015 , 鞍山 , 16 题 ) A . four hundreds B . hundreds of C . hundreds D . hundred of 【 解析 】 本题考查 hundred 的用法。当 hundred 前面有具体数词修饰时 , 不能加 s ;当表示不确定的数目时用复数 , 而且要与 of 连用。故选 B 。此外 thousand , million 和 billion 的用法与 hundred 相同。 B 28 . —Do you know that Mrs.Obama came to China with her mother and two daughters ? (2014 , 丹 东 , 35 题 ) — Yes.And it is their __ __ visit to China. A . one B . first C . the first D . once 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的用法。句意为: “ 你知道奥巴马夫人和她的母亲及她的两个女儿来中国吗? ”“ 是的 , 这是她们第一次来访中国。 ” 第一次 , 用序数词 first 。故选 B 。 B 29 . —How many students are there in this school? —There are __ __ students in this school.________ of them are foreign students. (2014 , 营 口 , 8 题 ) A . two thousands ; Two fifth B . two thousand ; Two fifth C . two thousands ; Two fifths D . two thousand ; Two fifths 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的用法。 thousand 前有具体数量时 , thousand 不加 s , 后面跟名词 , 如 t w o thousand students ;当前面无具体数量时 , thousand 加 s 后加 of 连接名词 , 如 thousands of students 。分数在英语中通常是借助于基数词和序数词来共同表达的 , 其中基数词表示分子 , 序数词表示分母 , 如果分子大于一 , 分母要用复数 , 如 t w o fifths 。故选 D 。 D 30 . Father's Day is on the __ __ Sunday in June.I bought ________ shirts for my father as presents this year. (2014 , 锦 州 , 5 题 ) A . three ; two B . three ; second C . third ; second D . third ; two 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的辨析。句意为:父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。今年我给我的父亲买了两件衬衫作为礼物。结合语境可知本句中前一空用序数词作定语 , 后一空用基数词作定语 , 故选 D 。 D 31 . — How old is your son? — __ __ . We had a surprise party for his ________ birthday last Saturday. (2013 , 朝阳 , 11 题 ) A . Twelve ; twelve B . Twelfth ; twelfth C . Twelfth ; twelve D . Twelve ; twelfth 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的辨析。句意为: “ 你儿子多大了? ”“ 12 岁。上个星期六我们给了他一个惊喜 , 为他举办了十二岁的生日派对。 ” 表达年龄应该用基数词 , 用 t w el v e , 表达第十二个应该用序数词 t w elfth 。故选 D 。 D 32 . —When did you start to collect stamps? —I got my __ __ stamp when I was ________ years old. (2013 , 丹 东 , 38 题 ) A . one ; seven B . one ; seventh C . first ; seventh D . first ; seven 【 解析 】 本题考查数词的用法。句意为: “ 你什么时间开始集邮的? ”“ 在我 7 岁时 , 我得到了我的第一枚邮票。 ” 第一个空是 one 的序数词 first , 因为前面有物主代词 my 修饰 , 第二个空填基数词 , 表示年龄 , 故选 D 。 D 不可数名词与可数名词 33 . —Would you like something to drink? —Yes.__ __ , please ! (2015 , 锦 州 , 6 题 ) A . Apples B . Tomatoes C . Beef D . Coffee 【 解析 】 本题考查名词词义辨析。 something to drink 意为 “ 一些喝的东西 ” , 由此可知答案为 D 。 D 34 . There is some __ __ in the fridge. (2014 , 锦 州 , 1 题 ) A . tomatoes B . eggs C . apple D . beef 【 解析 】 本题考查名词的数。 tomatoes 西红柿; eggs 鸡蛋; apple 苹果; beef 牛肉。句意为:冰箱里有一些 ________ 。根据系动词 is 可知本句主语是单数名词 , 或者不可数名词 , some 除了可以修饰可数名词外 , 还可以修饰不可数名词 , 不可以修饰单数名词。故选 D 。 D 35 . — Mum , I am hungry.May I have some __ __ ? —Of course.But don't eat too much. (2013 , 朝阳 , 3 题 ) A . bread B . noodle C . dumpling D . hamburger 【 解析 】 本题考查名词单复数辨析。句意为 “ 妈妈 , 我饿了 , 我能吃一些 ________ 吗? ”“ 当然可以 , 但是不要吃太多。 ” bread 面包 , 不可数名词; noodle 面条 , 可数名词; dumpling 饺子 , 可数名词; hamburger 汉堡包 , 可数名词。句中 “ some ” 之后应该接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式 , 故选 A 。 A 36 . — What would you like? — I'd like some __ __ noodles. (2013 , 鞍山 , 26 题 ) A . beef and tomatoes B . beefs and tomato C . beef and tomato D . beefs and tomatoes 【 解析 】 本题考查名词作定语。句意为: “ 你想要点什么? ”“ 我想要一些 ________ 面。 ” 牛肉 beef 为不可数名词 , 没有复数形式;西红柿 tomato 为可数名词 , 复数形式为 tomatoes , 名词作定语修饰名词时 , 一般情况下 , 作定语的名词用单数 , 故应选 C 。 C 37 . There are some __ __ in our school.We all like them. (2013 , 盘锦 , 1 题 ) A . apple tree B . apples tree C . apples trees D . apple trees 【 解析 】 本题考查复合名词复数的用法。句意为:我们学校有一些 ________ , 我们都很喜欢它们。复合名词前面的名词是 man , w oman , 变复数时 , 构成复合名词的两个名词都要变成复数形式 , 如: a man teacher — men teachers ;如果是其他词 , 变复数时 , 只需把后面的名词变成复数形式 , 如 an orange tree — orange trees 。 “ 苹果树 ” 属于第二种情况 , 故选 D 。 D 38 . —Would you like some __ __ ? —Yes , a little , please. (2013 , 营 口 , 5 题 ) A . vegetables B . carrot C . tomato D . meat 【 解析 】 本题考查名词词义辨析。句意为: “ 你想要来一些 ________ 吗? ”“ 是的 , 请来一点。 ” v egetables 蔬菜; carrot 胡萝卜; tomato 番茄; meat 肉。 little 修饰不可数名词。前三个选项均为可数名词 , 只有最后一个为不可数名词。故选 D 。 D ► need 【 典例在线 】 I need help. 我需要帮助。 I need to buy a pen. 我需要 买 一支 钢 笔。 Her bike needs repairing./Her bike needs to be repaired. 她的自行 车 需要修理。 — Must I do the work at once ?我必 须马 上做 这项 工作 吗 ? — No , you needn't./No , you don't have to. 不 , 没必要。 【 拓展精析 】 need 意为 “ 需要 ” , 作行为动词 , 常用结构如下: need sth. 需要某物; need to do sth. 需要做某事 sth.need doing = sth.need to be done 某事需要被做 need 作情态动词 , 通常用于否定句或疑问句中 , 后接动词原形 , 无人称、时态和数的变化。 needn't 作为 “ Must... ? ” 句式的否定回答 , 相当于 not...have to 。 need 还可作名词 , 意为 “ 需要 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 1)Lisa is a little poor at Chinese.I think she needs __ __ it every day. (2015 , 抚顺 模 拟 ) A . practise to speak     B . to practise speaking C . practise speaking D . to practise to speak 2) — Must I clean the classroom right now? — __ __ . You can do it after class. A . Yes , you must B . No , you can't C . Yes , you may D . No , you needn't B D ► help 【 典例在线 】 She often helps me with my English. 她 经 常帮助我学 习 英 语 。 I want some help. 我想要一些帮助。 【 拓展精析 】 help 作动词 , 意为 “ 帮助 ” , 常用于以下结构: help sb.with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 help sb.do sth. 帮助某人做某事 can't help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 help oneself (to sth.) 随便吃 …… help sb. = give sb.a hand/do sb.a favor 帮助某人 help 作名词 , 为不可数名词 , 其形容词形式为 helpful “ 有帮助的 ” , helpless “ 无助的 ” 。 with one's help/with the help of sb. 意为 “ 在某人的帮助下 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 3 ) Linda is not good at Chinese , but she passed the exam __ __ the help of her classmates. (2015 , 辽 阳模 拟 ) A . with     B . under     C . on      D . for 4)It was such a funny show that people couldn't help __ __ again and again. ( 2015 , 锦 州八中模 拟 ) A . laugh B . to laugh C . laughing D . laughed A C ► buy 【 典例在线 】 I need some money to buy gifts for my family. 我需要 钱给 我的家人 买 礼物。 I often buy school things from the shop near our school. 我 经 常在学校附近的商店里 买 文具。 【 拓展精析 】 buy 动词 , 意为 “ 买 ” , 反义词为 sell 。 相关词组: buy sth.for sb. = buy sb.sth. 为某人买某物 , 相当于 get sth.for sb. ; buy sth.from sp. 从某地买某物。 注意: buy 为瞬间性动词 , 其相对应的持续性动词为 have 。 【 活学活用 】 5 ) Mary wanted to __ __ a tie ________ her boy friend as his birthday present. ( 2015 , 丹 东 模 拟 ) A . buy ; to   B . give ; for   C . buy ; for   D . give ; / C ► How much are these socks ?这些袜子多少钱? 【 典例在线 】 — How much is the book ? 这 本 书 多少 钱 ? — It's fifteen yuan.15 元。 — How much milk do you want to buy ?你想要 买 多少牛奶? — Three bottles. 三瓶。 【 拓展精析 】 How much 意为 “ 多少钱 ” , 常用来询问物品的价格 , 相当于 What's the price of...? How much 还可以用来询问不可数名词的量; How many 用于询问可数名词的量。 【 活学活用 】 1) — __ __ did you pay for the book? —Only nine dollars. A . How many B . How much C . How long D . How often 2) — Jenny , I need some yogurt. — OK , Mum.__ __ do you need? A . How much B . How many C . How often D . How long B A ► When is your birthday ?你的生日是什么时候? 【 典例在线 】 — When/What time do you go to school ?你什么 时 候去上学? — I go to school at 7 o'clock. 我七点 钟 去上学。 — When was your brother born ?你哥哥什么 时 候出生的? — He was born on April 3 , 1979. 他出生于 1979 年 4 月 3 日。 【 拓展精析 】 这是一个由 when 引导的特殊疑问句 , when 意为 “ 什么时候 ” 。提问时间的疑问词还有 what time , 但二者有一些异同之处: what time 常用来提问钟点;而 when 除了可以提问钟点外 , 还可以询问日期、月份、年份等。在提问钟点时两者可以换用 , 其他场合则不可以。 【 活学活用 】 3 ) — __ __ did you visit the Space Museum? —Two months ago. A . When B . Where C . What D . Which 4) — __ __ is it now? — It's 8 o'clock. A . When B . What C . What time D . How A C ► and , but , or 【 典例在线 】 I like singing and dancing. 我喜 欢 唱歌和跳舞。 He works hard but can't get good grades. 他学 习 很努力 , 但是没能取得好成 绩 。 Does your mother like boys or girls ?你的母 亲 喜 欢 男孩 还 是女孩? Hurry up , or you'll be late. 快点儿 , 否 则 你要 迟 到了。 【 拓展精析 】 三者都为并列连词。 and 表示 “ 和;同;又 ” , 多用于肯定句 , 连接意思相近的两部分; but 表示 “ 但是 ” , 多用于否定句 , 连接意思相反的两部分; or 表示 “ 或者 ” , 多用于否定句、疑问句中 , 也可用于并列句中 , 表示 “ 否则 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 1)Eat healthy food , __ __ you will feel better. (2013 , 葫芦 岛 ) A . or B . so C . and D . but 2)He doesn't want salad , apples __ __ chicken. A . so B . also C . and D . or 3)I love fruit , __ __ I don't love vegetables. A . but B . and C . so D . for C D A ► at , on , in 【 典例在线 】 We get up at six o'clock. 我 们 六点起床。 On Teachers' Day , I sent my English teacher a card. 在教 师节 那天 , 我送 给 我的英 语 老 师 一 张贺 卡。 We have a long holiday in July and August. 在七、八月份我 们 有一个 长 假期。 【 拓展精析 】 三者都是介词。 at 用于某时刻、饭点、某些节日和年龄前 , 如: at work 在工作 , at lunch 在午饭时间 , at the age of... 在 …… 岁时 , at Christmas 在圣诞节。 on 用于星期和具体日期前 , 如: on Monday 在星期一 , on March 8th 在三月八号。 in 用于一天中的部分时间段 , 也可用于月份 , 季节和年份前。如: in summer 在夏天 , in 1996 在 1996 年。 注意:当 morning/afternoon/evening 有前置定语或后置定语限定时 , 要用 on 。如: on Sunday morning , on the morning of October 1st 。 【 活学活用 】 4)The accident happened ____ a warm spring morning. 5)School starts ____ March. 6)He often does homework ____ the evening. 7)I will get up ____ six thirty tomorrow. 8)He went to Beijing ____ the age of 8. on in in at at ► take , bring , carry , get 【 典例在线 】 Bring your math book here.Take the English book to your brother. 把你的数学 书 拿来 , 把 这 本英 语书 拿 给 你弟弟。 He has gone to get water. 他取水去了。 Let me carry the box for you. 让 我替你拿 这 个箱 子吧。 【 拓展精析 】 这四个动词都有 “ 拿 ” 和 “ 带 ” 的意思 , 但含义有所不同。 take 意为 “ 带走 ” , 常与 there , away 等词连用 , 常用结构有 take sb./sth.to sp. , 表示 “ 带某人 / 某物去某地 ” 。 bring 意为 “ 拿来 ” , 常与 here 连用。 get 意为 “ 得到;拿;买 ” 。 carry 意为 “ 搬运 ” , 不强调方向 , 带有负重的意思。 【 活学活用 】 9 ) Don't forget to _______ your ID card here next time. 10)The school bus ______us to school every day. 11)Please _____ some water for the young trees. 12)It's polite to let the woman who is _________a baby have your seat. bring takes get carrying 一、单项选择。 1 . The earthquake happened __ __ April 16 , 2014. (2015 , 阜新模 拟 ) A . in B . on C . at D . for 2 . My birthday is on May __ __ . A . fifteen B . fifty C . fifteenth D . fiftieth 3 . — What's the __ __ of this sweater? — It's 20 dollars. A . price B . color C . under D . number B C A 4 . — How much __ __ the sweater? — ________ 25 dollars. A . does ; It B . are ; They C . are ; They're D . is ; It's 5 . — What's your favorite fruit? — __ __ . A . Red B . Science C . Subject D . Apples D D 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6 . 考试之后 , 咱们放松一下吧。 (2015 , 辽 阳模 拟 ) ____________ after exam. 7 . 你可以以很优惠的价格买到这些裤子。 You can buy these pants __________________ . 8 . 我们每年三月植树。 (2015 , 盘锦 模 拟 ) We plant trees ____________ every year. Let's relax at v ery good prices in March 9 . 我想给我妹妹买一双鞋。 I w ant to buy a pair of shoes for my sister./I w ant to buy my sister a pair of shoes. 10 . 早餐你想吃些什么? (2015 , 铁 岭模 拟 ) What w ould you like for breakfast? 便条的写作 便条是一种简单的书信 , 主要是为了尽快把较新的信息、通知、要求或活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常用的便条有借条、请假条、留言条等。便条内容要求简单易懂 , 能够说明问题即可。 一、便条的格式: 1 . 日期:一般写在右上角 , 通常只需写星期几或具体时间。 2 . 称呼:称呼写在第二行 , 要左起顶格写。语气可亲切 , 如 Dear John 等。 3 . 正文:正文要另起一行 , 用词要通俗易懂。若有事请假 , 或向别人借东西等 , 语气要委婉。 4 . 签名:位置在正文右下角。 二、常用句型: 1 . I came to see you but you happened to be out. 我来看你 , 你碰巧不在。 2 . Please give me a reply. 请 尽快回复我。 3 . I'm sorry I . .. 我很抱歉 , 我 …… 4 . Please give me a leave for... 请给 我 …… 假期。 5 . I have to ask you for...day(s) off. 我不得不向你 请 …… 天的假。 6 . I'll go back as soon as possible. 我会尽快回来。 三、写作典例。 ( 一 ) 假如你是李立 , 你的同学王明邀请你这个星期天去参加她的生日聚会 , 但你因要跟父母去看望生病的姑姑而不能去。请给王明写一个 30 - 40 词的便条。 【 范文欣赏 】 Dear Wang Ming , Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.But I am sorry that I can't go to the party because I must visit my aunt with my parents this Sunday.She is ill in hospital.I hope you will have a good time. Yours , Li Li ( 二 ) ( 2014 , 龙东 ) 假如你叫 Bill , 昨天游泳后患了感冒 , 今天 (2014 年 6 月 12 日 ) 早上觉得头疼。妈妈给你量了体温后 , 发现你发烧 , 便带你去看医生。医生说你需要卧床休息两天 , 特向老师请假。请给老师写一张请假条。 【 范文欣赏 】 June 12th , 2014 Dear Mrs.White , I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.I've caught a cold because I swam yesterday. This morning I had a headache.After taking my temperature , my mother found that I had a high fever.Immediately she took me to see a doctor , who advised me to stay in bed for 2 days.Now I am writing to you to ask for 2 days' sick leave. With best wishes. Your student , Bill

