初中英语九年级全册Unit4Iusedtobeafrai课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit4Iusedtobeafrai课件 人教新目标版

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 第五课时 Section B (2a2f) ►seldom意为“不常;很少”,为频度副词。seldom在句中表示否定的含 义,故构成反意疑问句时,应用肯定的简短问句。 ►influence既可作动词,又可作名词,意为“影响”。 【拓展】have a great influence on对……有巨大的影响 give a good influence to sb.给某人良好的影响 under the influence of在……的影响下 ►fail动词,意为“不及格;失败;未能(做到)”,其反义词为succeed,常 用于以下结构中: fail in在某方面失败 fail to do sth.做某事失败 fail (in) doing sth.做某事失败 【拓展】fail作“(考试)不及格”之意讲时,相当于not pass。 ►absent形容词,意为“不在;缺席”,其反义词为present,常用于结构be absent from中,意为“缺席……”。 【拓展】absence名词,意为“缺席”。 ►proud形容词,意为“自豪的;骄傲的”。常用短语:be proud of,意为 “为……而感到骄傲”。其同义短语为take pride in。 【拓展】pride是名词,意为“自豪;骄傲”。 ►are always thinking of 是be always doing sth.结构,该结构意为“总是做某 事”,常表达说话人的某种情绪,如赞扬、不满、责备等。 eg:They are always studying hard.他们总是很努力学习。(表示赞扬) He is always making some mistakes.他总是在犯错误。(表示责备) ►重点词组归纳 make a decision做决定 in person亲身;亲自 even though即使;尽管 take care of照顾 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1.Don't let them ______________(影响) your decision.Just do it as you like. 2.None of the students in the class is __________(缺席) today. 3.He studied very hard and passed his __________________(考试). 4.We take ________(自豪) in the prosperity (繁荣昌盛) of our country. 5.This pair of shoes is ______________(确切地) what I want. influenc e absent examination pride exactly 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.His parents pay ________(much) attention to him than before. 7.The boy is too young to dress ____________(him). 8.The doctor advised me ___________(eat) healthily and exercise a lot. 9.Have you got used to ____________(ride) a bike to school? 10.Tom and Mike's grandpa is Mr.Brown,so they are Mr.Brown's _________________(grandson). more himself to eat riding grandsons 三、单项选择。 11.(南京中考)—Would you like some green tea? —No, thanks.I ________ drink green tea.It hurts my stomach.                       A.almost B.seldom C.only D.still 12.Now the transportation is convenient.It's only a ________ ride from here to Beijing.(原创题) A.two hours train B.twohourstrain C.twohour train D.twohour trains B C 13.For his health, the doctor advised him ________ up smoking. A.give B.giving C.to give D.for giving 14.If you don't work hard for most of the year and then work hard for only a few days before the exam,you will probably ________. A.succeed B.finish C.fail D.pass 15.My father spends much money on books,________ he's not rich.(易错题) A.but B.because C.even though D.unless C C C 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16.由于你不在会上,所以我们在你不在的情况下做了决定。 Since you weren't at the meeting, we __________________without you. 17.不要担心,我能照顾我自己。 Don't worry.I can _____________________myself. 18.因为身体状况不佳,他可能不能亲自来了。 He may not be able to come __________________because of his poor health. made a decision take care of in person 19.吉姆在网球赛中取胜,他的父母以他为傲。 Jim won the tennis match.His parents were _________________him. 20.去年,怀特夫妇把儿子送到一所寄宿学校。 The Whites sent their son to _______________________last year. proud of a boarding school

