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1 小卷速测(九) 完形+阅读 B+D (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ. 完形填空 After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days, I was 1 to wait tables on my own. All went 2 that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily 3 the tables not far from the kitchen. 4 , I still felt a little hard to carry the heavy trays(托盘). Before I knew it, the 5 was full of people. I moved slowly, 6 every step. I remember how happy I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables. It looked different from the one I was 7 on. It had nice handles(手柄), which made it 8 to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to believe I was a natural at this job. Then, an old man came to me and said,“Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved 9 you work. It seems your tray stand has been very 10 to you, but we are getting ready to 11 now, and my wife needs her 12 back.” At first his 13 did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then I got it. I had set my trays on his wife's orthopedic walker(助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was on fire. I wanted to get into a hole and 14 . Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just described, I have learned to be more 15 and not to be too sure of myself. ( )1.A.promised B.invited C.allowed D.advised ( )2.A.well B.quickly C.safely D.wrong ( )3.A.left B.given C.brought D.shown ( )4.A.Therefore B.However C.Otherwise D.Finally ( )5.A.kitchen B.street C.restaurant D.table ( )6.A.minding B.changing C.taking D.saving ( )7.A.fixed B.trained C.led D.waited ( )8.A.slower B.lighter C.quieter D.easier ( )9.A.letting B.making C.watching D.having ( )10.A.useful B.familiar C.unusual D.interesting 2 ( )11.A.rest B.order C.eat D.leave ( )12.A.bag B.walker C.tray D.coat ( )13.A.idea B.praise C.message D.need ( )14.A.lie B.hide C.defend D.stay ( )15.A.careful B.patient C.honest D.lively Ⅱ. 阅读理解 Passage 1 Two strangers came to a village in the evening. They came to the leader of that village and asked for a place to live for the night. The leader said they could stay in the house for strangers. But they were also told about the old custom in the village—people kill the man who snores(打 鼾). The two strangers went to the house. They had a good supper there and then they went to sleep. They slept well. One hour passed. Two hours passed. Then one of them began to snore, “Vo, vo, vo…” The other stranger heard the snoring. He thought,“The people will hear the snoring and kill him.” The stranger wanted to save the man. He thought for a while and then began to sing. He sang very well. The people didn't hear the snoring. They listened to the song. Then they began to dance. Some of them sang the song together with the stranger and danced to the music. Men, women and even the leader sang and danced. That entire night one stranger snored, one stranger sang, and all the other people sang and danced. In the morning the strangers came to the leader to say goodbye and express their thanks for all he had done. The leader gave them a small bag of money and said, “I give this money to both of you. We had a good time with you. Thank you very much.” The strangers left the village. But along the way they began to quarrel. The one who snored wanted more money. He said, “I must have the bigger part. Why did you sing that song last night? Because I snored.” The man who sang had his reason, too. He said that without him the man who snored might have got killed. They quarreled and quarreled and couldn't decide on anything. Can you? 1.What did the old custom require the two strangers to do? ( ) A.Avoid snoring while sleeping. B.Sing for the villagers during the night. C.Stop strangers from coming to the village. 3 D.Don't allow making any noise while sleeping. 2.How did the other stranger feel when one stranger started snoring? ( ) A.Upset. B.Calm. C.Worried. D.Angry. 3.Why did one stranger start singing while the other was snoring? ( ) A.To wake him up. B.To draw the leader's attention. C.To encourage the villagers to dance. D.To keep the snoring from being heard. 4.The main reason the two strangers began to quarrel was . ( ) A.neither of them knew what had happened B.they both thought the other one put them in danger C.neither of them wanted the other one to get the money D.both of them wanted to get the bigger part of the money Passage 2 A POWWOW is a large social gathering of Native American tribes(部落) and individuals. Every year, hundreds of powwows happen on Native American reservations(美洲原住民居留地) and in other locations across the nation from March through August. Powwows are lively occasions that include tribal dance and dance competitions, drumming, singing, Indian foods, art, crafts, educational events and presentations. Despite the festive atmosphere, powwows are also spiritual occasions that include rituals, blessings, and respectful protocol(礼仪). These are times for Native Americans to strengthen ties of culture, community and tradition, and to celebrate heritage and history. The word “pow-wow” comes from an Algonquin Indian word “pau-wau” or “pauau”, which means tribal spiritual leaders and their religious and healing ceremonies. The ceremonies usually included dancing and rituals, which were sometimes seen by early European explorers. Because they did not understand Indian culture or ceremonies, they thought a “pow-wow”,—their mispronunciation of the Indian word—was any tribal gathering or event. Finally the word became commonly used, even among Native Americans. Now, the word “powwow”and the event itself have come to symbolize the spirit and continuity of Native American cultures and people. Until the 20th century, non-Indians usually did not take part in powwows. But today, powwows are public events and open to all, providing an opportunity for Native Americans to share their 4 culture and traditions. Non-Indians can enjoy the festivities, try new foods such as “Indian fry bread”, purchase beautiful handmade goods like jewelry of silver and turquoise, finely crafted drums and flutes, pottery, painted gourds, and traditional clothing. They can join some events and dances such Round Dance or Blanket Dance. And they can learn about the rich heritage and present day lives of America's first inhabitants. 5.People can take part in powwows except in .( ) A.April B.May C.August D.October 6.According to the passage, what of the following about “powwow” is not true? ( ) A.It is a big event of Native American tribes and individuals. B.It is held only on Native American reservations. C.It is not only a lively occasion but also a spiritual one. D.It is a way for Native Americans to celebrate history. 7.Why does the word “pow-wow” mean tribal event? ( ) A.Because the early explorers don't know the culture and misused. B.Because it is an Algonquin Indian word “pau-wau”. C.Because tribal leaders order people to use the word. D.Because it means the spirit of Native American cultures. 8.What is the purpose of the passage? ( ) A.To introduce the occasion powwows. B.To call on people to take part in powwows. C.To ask people to protect powwows. D.To present the lives of Native Americans. 5 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.[主旨大意]这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己一次让人尴尬的经历。刚刚在饭店做服务员时,有一天饭店 客人很多,作者感到有点应付不了。但是这时她突然发现了一个托盘架,这个托盘架给了她很大帮助,让她做起 事来得心应手,她甚至感到自己天生就是做这工作的人。但是正当她得意时却被人提醒她用的是别人的助步器。 1.C 考查动词辨析。A.许诺;B.邀请;C.允许;D.建议。前句提到跟随一位有经验的服务员干了几天,所以应该 是允许自己独自为顾客服务了。所以正确答案是 C。 2.A 考查副词辨析。A.好地,顺利地;B.迅速;C.安全地;D.错误地。从下文的叙述可知在周末出了一点小状况, 所以推测第一周应该“一切都很顺利。”所以 A 选项正确。All went well that first week。 3.B 考查动词辨析。 A.离开;B.给;C.带来;D.展示。由句意可知“我”有幸被给机会在离厨房不远的一张桌 子边服务。所以应用 given,其他动词不合语境。 4.B 考查副词辨析。A.因此;B.然而;C.否则;D.最后。前句话说“我”负责的桌子离厨房不远,而下句“I still felt a little hard”可知尽管给了“我”这样一个机会,但“我”仍感到有点吃力,前后句是转折关 系,故用 however。 5.C 考查名词辨析。A.厨房;B.街道;C.饭店;D.桌子。故事讲述作者在饭店里当服务员时的一次经历,自然是 饭店挤满了顾客, 所以 C 选项正确。 6.A 考查动词辨析。A.介意,留意;B.改变;C.带走;D.挽救。前文提到饭店里挤满了顾客,而且作者又是新手, 从情理推测作者应该是慢慢移动步子,所以用“留意,当心”每一步。 所以 A 选项正确。 7.B 考查动词辨析。A.修理;B.训练;C.带领;D.等候。从常识可知新员工在正式上岗前要经过学习培训,所以 答案应为 B 选项。 8.D 考查形容词辨析。A.更慢;B.更轻;C.更安静;D.更容易。从前句话中的 handles 可以推测这个作者认为 的“托盘架”应该是很容易转动,故选 D 项。 9.C 考查动词辨析。A.让;B.制作;C.观看;D.吃喝。从词的用法判断,make/let/have sb. do sth.意思为“让 某人做某事”;而 watch sb. do sth.意思为“看着某人做某事”,从语境判断 C 选项正确。 10.A 考查形容词辨析。A.有用的;B.类似的;C.不寻常的;D.有趣的。从上文可知作者有了这个“托盘架”的 帮助,做起工作很轻松,所以这个“托盘架”对于作者是有用的。A 选项正确。 11.D 考查动词辨析。 A.休息;B.命令;C.吃;D.离开。从语境可知顾客就餐后,应该是要离开了。 12.B 考查名词辨析。A.包;B.助步器; C 托盘;D.大衣。从下文 I had set my trays on his wife's orthopedic walker.可知作者认为的托盘架是老人的助步器,所以 B 选项正确。 13.C 考查名词辨析。A.主意;B.赞赏;C.信息;D.需要。从后句话“What was he talking about!” Then I got it.中的 then 可以判断作者开始没有明白他的意思,后来才明白了。故正确答案为选项 C。 14.B 考查动词辨析。A.说谎;B.隐藏;C.防御;D.停留。从该句前部分 I wanted to get into a hole 可知自 6 己当时因尴尬而真想找个洞藏起来,故选 B 项。 15.A 考查形容词辨析。A.仔细的;B.耐心的;C.诚实的;D.活泼的。从作者所描述的内容可知,她的那次失误 是因为自己不仔细造成的,所以她要从错误中吸取教训,认真做事,不要对自己太自信。故选 A。 Ⅱ.Passage 1 [主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述的是两个陌生人来到一个睡觉不让打鼾的村子过夜 的经过。第二天两个人离开时因为想得到更多的钱而争吵。 1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The leader said they could stay in the house for strangers. But they were also told about the old custom in the village—people kill the man who snores(打鼾).” 可知,旧习俗要求两个陌生人睡觉时不要打呼噜。故选 A。 2.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Then one of them began to snore, ‘Vo, vo, vo…’ The other stranger heard the snoring. He thought, ‘The people will hear the snoring and kill him.’ The stranger wanted to save the man. He thought for a while and then began to sing.”可知,当一个陌生人开始打呼噜时, 另一个陌生人“担忧”。故选 C。 3.D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The stranger wanted to save the man. He thought for a while and then began to sing. He sang very well. The people didn't hear the snoring. They listened to the song.”可知,一个陌生人开始唱歌,目的是为了不让别人听到鼾声。故选 D。 4.D 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,两个陌生人开始争吵的主要原因是他们都想要得到更多的钱。故选 D。 Passage 2 [主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文,介绍了美洲原住民的传统聚会 powwows。 5.D 细节理解题。根据文中第一段“Every year, hundreds of powwows happen on Native American reservations and in other locations across the nation from March through August.”可知,powwows 在每年的 3 月到 8 月举行。故选 D。 6.B 细节理解题。根据文中第一段“Every year, hundreds of powwows happen on Native American reservations and in other locations across the nation from March through August.”可知人们除了 在美洲原住民居留地举行 powwows 外,还可以在美国的其他地方举行。故选 B。 7.A 细节理解题。根据文中第二段“Because they did not understand Indian culture or ceremonies, they thought a ‘pow-wow’—their mispronunciation of the Indian word—was any tribal gathering or event. Finally the word became commonly used, even among Native Americans.”可知,早期的欧洲探险家不了 解文化,误认为 powwow 是部落聚会,后来这个词被广泛使用。故选 A。 8.A 推理判断题。本文只是介绍了美洲原住民的传统聚会 powwows。读者并不能从字里行间推测出其他的意 图。故选 A。

