备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点41 短文填空之杂糅型填空 (学生版)

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备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点41 短文填空之杂糅型填空 (学生版)

考点 41 短文填空之杂糅型填空 杂糅型短文填空是指文章中有多种提示类型,如英语单词、汉语意思、音标或者不给提示词等。这种 题型主要考查考生的整体阅读能力、语言知识的运用能力、逻辑思维能力和书面表达能力,特别是单词和 短语的拼写能力。 A Take a verb and put it together with a preposition (usually), and you have a two-word verb (or phrasal verb) ___36___ has a totally different meaning from the two individual words. I was still upset ___37___ my boss had turned down my request for a raise the day before. I was thinking about it as I tried to start my old car. But the engine wouldn't turn over. I got out and just as I turned around I saw my dog ___38___(run) after a rabbit. I shouted at him to stop, but he wouldn't. "Has everything turned against me?" I wondered as I ran after him. Just as I caught up to him, he turned away and raced in the other ___39___(direct). So I turned back to my car and tried to start it once ___40___(many). Luckily this time it actually started. I decided I would have to turn to my mechanic ___41___(see) what was wrong. Just as I turned into the parking lot of the automobile repair shop, my car ___42___(die). It turned out that a new battery ___43___(need). Later that night as I turned in ___44___ my dog beside me, I make ____45____ decision. I decide I wasn't going to stop trying to get that raise! B Life is better with clean hands Having clean hands is important because people often use their hands to touch their eyes, noses and mouths. Touching these areas _____46_____ (give) germs (细菌) the chance to go into the body. “Washing hands is an important lifetime habit for _____47_____ (stay) healthy,” doctors say. Cleaning your hands is one of the best and also the _____48_____ (easy) ways to protect yourself from getting sick. But it takes more than just placing your hands under running water for a few _____49_____ (second). How can you make sure you are washing your hands _____50_____ (correct)? Here are five easy steps you can take to wash your hands. ● Wet your hands _____51_____warm water. ● Lather up (起泡沫) with soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands,_____52_____ your fingers, and under your nails (指甲). ● Rub (搓揉) your hands for _____53_____ least 20 seconds-about the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" song twice. ● Wash your hands _____54_____ (good) under warm, running water. ● Dry your hands with a clean towel (毛巾). You should always wash your hands before _____55_____ after eating, after using the toilet, after returning home, after touching animals We hope you can have the habit of hand washing. C Thangga(唐卡)is a special kind of painting. It ___36___(find) only in Tibet, China now. It has a long history ___37___started from the Tang Dynasty (唐朝). Thangga paintings show Tibetan people's lives. In recent years, Thangga paintings have caught the public's attention. At the same time, the Chinese government has also tried hard ___38___(protect)the art. ___39___color of Thangga paintings looks wonderful and special. Because of the special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists, the paints (颜料)used in Thangga are different ___40___other ones. They are made from minerals (矿物质) like gold and silver, as well as some plants. The paints were made by hand. The beautiful colors could last for ___41___(hundred) of years. However, with the development of technology, people now use ___42___(cheap)and more easily made chemicals to make Thangga paints. The traditional paints ___43___(take) a lot of work and they were made in many secret ways. Later people stopped making the paints ___44___forgot about them. So the old skills were ____45____(complete) lost. It's a pity that the traditional Thangga paintings are difficult to find now. D Stacey Truman works in the dinning hall of Kingston Elementary School in Virginia, the USA. Recently, she has r___56___ a lot of letters. In the letters she was praised for her practice of writing messages of hope on bananas. Early each morning, when students are still at h___57___, Truman ___58___(坐下) at her desk and picks up a banana. Actually, 60 bananas or more. Then Truman writes messages of hope on each banana, such as "Your future is bright." and "Never ___59___(放弃)". While doing that, she's very patient. Truman ___60___(过去经常……) do this for her kids. Then she decided that the kids at Kingston might be i___61___ in the idea as well. "Although the banana peels might be ___62___(扔掉) after lunch, the messages will ___63___[ri'mein] long after school is over. That's ___64___ most valuable thing. The w___65___ on the banana peels can help students have more courage," said Sharon Shewbridge, the headmaster of Kingston. So far, it has become very popular among kids. Kids who b___66___ lunches from home are also coming to school with talking bananas from their parents. When the Dole fruit company heard about Truman's efforts, they decided to give bananas ___67___ the school, 540 bananas ___68___(总共,合计)-one for every student. At the same time, Truman got some help from parents ___69___ friends. Together they came up ___70___ sayings and wrote them on each banana. "I want them to have a good day in their school life," Truman said. E In her Facebook post, Alesha Nemecbek writes how her 85-year-old Papa Joe still remembers to show love, affection, and attention to his wife by doing little things for her. ____51____his memory not being as ___52___(good) as in his younger years, Joe still remembers all of his wife's favorite things and ____53____ (try) to surprise her with them. Nemechek concludes her post by ____54____ (encourage) people to take this story as a lesson on how it is important ____55____ (keep) "intentional(有意的)". ___56___ (move) by their long-lasting relationship, Nemechek often shares little things about her ____57____(grandparent) relationship. Recently, she wrote about asking Papa Joe:"What's the one thing you've done in your life that you're most proud _____58_____? " And he responded by saying:"Marrying your grandmother! " The elderly often teach us important life lessons. All of the _____59_____(wise) they collected through life can help us see things that are truly important in life, such as showing affection to our loved ones. Some of the younger people often take _____60_____ closest ones, including their significant others for granted, and they have a lot to learn from some of those who have managed to keep their relationship strong and fulfilling for decades. A【2020•湖北省宜昌市】 综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确,每个 空只能填一个词。 Last week my husband and I took a trip to visit friends and go skiing(滑雪). During my time as a p___31___ , I had flown over these huge mountains many times, admiring the shiny, snow-covered mountain tops from above. However, until last week, I never visited ___32___ at ground level. The first day we went skiing, we d___33___ into the mountains. Soon we followed the roads along the sides of mountains to the ski places. There we parked our car, I p___34___ on my skis(滑雪板)and went ahead to the lift. As I rode the lift even higher up the mountain, I watched the people b___35___ move along the snow. At the top of the lift everything was so amazing and beautiful. I was ___36___(站) on the mountain top, which was circled by more snow-covered mountains-it seemed that I had moved into a ___37___(明信片). I took a moment to reflect on the ___38___(自然的) beauty around me. It was valuable, not strong, and easily broken! Now, I’m back home thinking about the things which I experienced on that mountain top. It reminds me ___39___ important the environment protecting is! Protecting our environment will make people ____40____ able to experience the same beauty in the future. So let’s take action together to lead to a better future. B【2020•孝感市】 阅读短文,在空白处填入适当的词,或根据音标及首字母提示填词,或根据括号内所给词的正确形式填空, 每空一词。 We experienced a special period in 2020. Xu Yi, a middle school student from Hubei, told something ___49___ (interest) to us. Let's check out his story and resolution for the new term. When Xu Yi was learning English as ___50___ exchange student in the UK, his English friend ___51___ (invite) him to take a Chinese culture course. Then, at 9:30 a.m. the next day, it finally came. He followed the friend to the classroom and was welcomed ___52___ her classmates. They gave him presents, which moved and excited him. The lesson was about an ancient Chinese character (字体) called Xiaozhuan. The teacher ___53___ (clear) explained it from its history to development, how it worked in society and why it was so popular in Qin Dynasty. She also taught the differences between Xiaozhuan ___54___ the modern Chinese character. On the one hand, Xu Yi takes pride in Chinese culture. On the o___55___ hand, it's a shame that he knows almost nothing about it. As the culture reaches the world, the Chinese should study more about it. As a senior high school student, he is going to read as many ___56___ (book) as possible to open his mind. He hopes every Chinese person will love and ___57___ /'vælju:/ Chinese culture. After all, everyone is responsible for building and keeping it. C【2020•荆门市】 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过 3 个单词)。 For many people around the world, the third Sunday in June is a day to respect their fathers. It is Father's Day and ____36____(celebrate)Father's important role in the family. Father is just ____37____ important to a child as Mother is. For daughters, Father is the first man they admire, while for sons, Father is an idol(偶像)and the ____38____(strong)man in their life. The idea of celebrating Father's Day ____39____(give) by Sonora Smart Dodd of Washington in 1909. She wanted a special day to honor(纪念)her father William Smart, his wife died ____40____ she was giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left ____41____(raise)the newborn and his other five children only by himself. After Sonora became an adult, she understood the strength and selflessness(无私)her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The first Father's Day was celebrated ____42____ June 19, 1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that the then USA President Lyndon Johnson officially made the third Sunday of June Father's Day. In 1972, the then USA President Richard Nixon made ____43____ a national holiday. Over the years, the idea of celebrating Father's Day on the third Sunday of June ____44____ (spread)across the world. Celebrating the day gives people a chance to express their love and thanks to their fathers. Celebrating the day also makes fathers feel that their contributions are acknowledged(认可)by their children and _____45_____(social). D【2020•黄冈市】 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(每空不超过三个词) Hometown Feelings Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays___45___(million) of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Among these is Zhong Wei,a 46-year-old husband and father. He___46___(live) in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. With a hard job in a factory, he doesn't find much time to visit his hometown. "I used___47___ (return) home at least once a year, but I haven’t been back for three years now." He says Many people like Zhong Wei are___48___(interest) in how their hometowns have changed. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared. ___49___many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help. "I noticed that's true of my hometown," adds Zhong Wei. "Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school___50___the mid-20th century. But now the buildings are___51___(real) old. I hear they're going to build a new school there." Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same. According to Zhong Wei, ___52___, some things will never change. "In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place.Most of the children in my time___53___(like) to play together under that big tree, especially during the summer holidays. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet____54____(memory) in our hearts." E【2020•湖北省天门、仙桃、潜江、江汉油田】 A long time ago, a father was old and sick. He did not have much time to live, and he wanted 21. (give) his sons a good lesson before he died. Recently, he noticed that his sons 22. (fight) among themselves and seemed unable to agree on anything. The old man feared what would happen after his 23. (die). He was afraid that his sons would begin to argue. “They will disagree about everything,” He thought. “Soon they 24. (be) enemies, each going his own direction.” He called his sons together in his room. “Bring 25. (I) a bundle (束) of stick,” he asked his servant (仆人). Soon enough, a thick bundle of sticks arrived, tied 26.(close) together. One by one, he gave the bundle to each son, and asked him to break the bundle. One son after another pulled and twisted (拧) with all of his strength (力量), 27. the sticks would not break. The old man smiled and ordered his servant to untie the bundle of sticks. He handed one stick to each son and said, “Now break the stick.” Of course, the single stick 28. (break) in two easily. The old father looked at his sons. “Do you understand this lesson?” he asked. Each son, being intelligent, 29. (understand) the meaning at once. Alone, it is easy for one of them to be harmed. But together, they are strong and can’t be harmed even 30. great forces (势力). That’s the meaning of the sticking together. In unity, there is great strength. F【2020•襄阳市】 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在短文空白处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、通顺, 并将所填单词填写在答题卡上相应的题号后。 Scientists have long wondered how Australia’s koalas get enough water to live. A new study p____51____ an answer. The lead writer of the new report on koalas is Valentina Mella of the University of Sydney. It was earlier t____52____ , she explains, that the animals got most of the water they needed in the leaves they ate. In the wild, koalas get water from the plant leaves they eat. But they also get it from water r____53____ down from the trees during it rains. Mella and other scientists w____54____ koalas in the wild every year. They find that koalas are a____55____ at night. They live in trees and depend on them for food, drinking and also for resting places. Koalas spend most of the time high up in the trees. They eat lots of leaves. An adult koala n____56____ eats between 0.5 and 0.8 kg of leaves a day, Koalas sleep about 20 hours a day. Mella notes that a koala usually spends 98% of its ____57____ in trees. She also notes that the only time they come down to the ground is to d____58____ another tree with better leaves. In fact, the word “koala” means “no drink” in the ____59____ language. Koalas did not go down onto the ground very often. So it was considered that they had no need to drink water. The koalas’ living e____60____ is getting worse now because the fires from September 2019 to January 2020 in Australia have burned about 30% of the forests where they live. G(2020 •怀化市) 第一节 综合填空 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词) Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can____41____(help) to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future____42____they are boring, but robots will never get bored. Scientists are now____43____(try) to make robots look like humans and do____44____same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe it will be____45____(difficulty) to make them really think like a human. Scientists also believe that there will be____46____(many) robots in the future. These new robots will have many different____47____(shape). Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.____48____India, scientists make robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, ____49____(this) snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed____50____(possible) 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future. H(2020 •遵义市) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 In the US, the ____41____ (sixteen) birthday is special. People usually have ____42____ (importance) celebrations for teenagers. That is ____43____ the party is their first step to be an adult. Some of the parties are very big celebrations and cost a lot of money. Everyone ____44____ (wear) beautiful clothes. These parties ____45____ (hold) in hotels and there are even music group playing. People usually give gifts ____46____ the sixteen-year-olds. Some gifts can be very expensive. The young people enjoy ____47____ (they) at the party with singing and dancing. However, other parties are simpler and people just have them at home. Sometimes ____48____ (family) celebrate them in other ways, such as going on a special trip together, watching ____49____ interesting movie or eating a big meal in a nice restaurant. How do you plan _____50_____(celebrate) your birthday? I(2020 •河北省) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain. We had to stay at home, and I___41___(feel)quite bored. Mum got___42___idea. She suggested teaching me to make dumplings. I thought it could be fun, so I said OK. Mum cut the meat and cabbages into small pieces___43___(quick).Then she showed me___44___ to mix them with salt and oil. “Mixing is the most important of all the___45___(step),” she said. I also made some other preparations with her help. When everything was ready, dad came back home ___46___his office. Together the three of___47___(we)wrapped(包)the dumplings. At last, we___48___(cook) them. They were so delicious that I ate-___49___(many) than twenty. That was the ___50___(one)time I learnt to make dumplings. It was enjoyable! A(2020 •福建省泉州市初中毕业班质量检测(二模)) 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求 所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Guangdong, who saved many people's lives in 2003. SARS broke ___61___in Guangdong that year. Later, it spread ___62___/əˈkrɒs/ China and other parts of the world.___63___(hundred) of patients even died from the disease. Many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was ___64___of it. But Zhong was brave enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the___65___/ kɔːz/of the disease. And with his way of treating, many patients___66___(begin) to get better. Zhong finally won people's trust. In early 2020, a disease called Novel Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19)hit Wuhan. It spread ___67___(quick)around and tens of thousands of Chinese people fell ill. Zhong led his team to Wuhan to fight the ___68___(ill). Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients with COVID-19. He advised people to wear masks, wash hands often, stay at home and not to go to crowded places. Zhong likes sports and could still play basketball when he was 67.Now, at the ___69___of 84, he still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors. We think Zhong is a ____70____/ˈhɪərəʊ/and a fighter, but he says, "I am just a doctor." B(2020 •浙江省杭州市江干区中考一模) Easter is coming in a few days and it is the time for a day of fun, energy and happiness. Games and interesting ______36______(activity) are necessary for the occasion and enthusiasts(狂热者)have shared many new ideas to make the celebration more interesting. Here we share one of_____37_____(interesting) Easter games for kids to make the get-together with cousins and friends memorable. _____38_____ name of the game is The Egg Drop. This is a really exciting game you can try for the whole day to cheer up the people ______39______ are in low spirits. After all, such active games can turn on the mood of a circle of people and fill up ______40______ laughter. In this activity, you are supposed _____41_____(drop) the egg from a particular height to the floor and one who manages to keep the egg unbroken wins. Does it sound ______42______(surprise)? Are you thinking how can an egg survive(生 存)a fall? But you don't need to worry as you can cushion(缓冲)it to prevent a break on fall. You will _____43_____(give) a few items like tapes, cotton, cardboard, newspaper etc. Your job is to use the materials ______44______(wise) to build good cushion support for the egg to keep it unbroken on falling. _____45_____ parents are looking for ways to make the teens fall in love with Easter, then don't hesitate(犹 豫)to share the activity with them. You can also share it with classmates or friends. C(2020 •浙江省宁波市慈溪市中考一模) "Olyvia, love is simple. You don't have to do much to make someone happy." That was what my mother said to me when I was a child. More ___61___ a year ago, my good friend Kaylee told me about her unforgettable trip to Gary, a small town on Lake Michigan southeast of Chicago. After ___62___ (hear) Kaylee's story, I decided to go there myself. When I told my parents about the decision, they didn't agree ___63___ first. They said I didn't know much about the place. They were worried that it was not safe for me to go there. Thankfully, after I ___64___ (explain) my plan to them in detail, they said yes. When our group arrived in Gary, I noticed ___65___ different the town was from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town. Houses were built on small hills. Many of them had ___66___ (break) doors or windows. As part of our volunteering, my job was to help the local people to repair their houses. The work days were long and tiring, ___67___ it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day. The people there were also different. They seemed ___68___ (enjoy) every moment in life. The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and was there when someone needed help. A little thing would make them happy. I couldn't find ___69___ (word) to describe their joy when the kids received an ice﹣cream, a ball or even a kiss. I am so glad that I had this life﹣changing experience. I truly learned ___70___ meaning of what my mother said. You don't need to do much to make a difference to others' lives. D(2020 •福建省龙岩市九年级学业(升学)质量检查(二模)) Traditional Chinese Medicine is an important part of Chinese culture.For thousands _____61_____years,it has made great contributions to the development of Chinese nation and the health of Chinese people.Nowadays,both Traditional Chinese Medicine_____62_____ western medicine are being used to cure(治疗)_____63_____ (patient)all around the world. According to the ____64____/ˈsɜːveɪ/data.TCM is used by 75% of the areas in China. Great successes have been made in many areas through TCM cure.As for a serious stomachache,there is____65____ need to have an operation (手术).All you need to do is to drink a cup of TCM soup,while the western way____66____(take) more time and money.What's more,most operations _____67_____/ˈkæri /some risk. Reportedly,more than 3100 ___68___(medicine)workers from over 630 TCM hospitals across China have been sent to support Hubei Province in the fight against COVID—19.TCM has been used in ____69____(treat) 60,107 confirmed cases(确诊)in China,or 85.2 percent of the total. I think in the_____70_____ /ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/,TCM will be the mainstream in the healh services in China. E(2020 •河北省九年级中考摸底英语试题) Once upon a time, the colors of the world started to argue. Green said, “______41______(clear)I am the most important. I was ______42______(choose)for grass, trees and leaves. W______43______ me, all animals would die.” Blue interrupted, “It is the water that is the basis(基础)of life and drawn up ______44______ the clouds from the deep sea.” Yellow smiled, “The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, and the stars are yellow. Every time you look at sunflowers, ______45______ whole world starts to smile.” Purple, indigo(靛蓝), red and orange could s______46______ it no longer. They also shouted out: we are the most important. ______47______(Sudden)rain started to pour down. The colors were ______48______(frighten)and came close to one another for comfort. The colors united and joined hands. A rainbow ______49______(appear)in the sky. The rainbow is a s_______50_______ of hope for tomorrow and lets us remember to appreciate one another.

