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初中英语笔记大全 ‎ l This is the key to the door .这是开门的钥匙。‎ l call sb. = phone sb. = ring sb. up please give me a call .请打电话给我 l family指家庭时是单数,谓语动词用“is”,family指家人时是复数,谓语动词用“are”。‎ l of表示无生命物体的所有格,s表示有生命物体的所有格。有生命物体的所有格也可以用of,但有生命物体后要加“s”。‎ l 以副词there或here开头的句子常要倒装,以示强调。‎ l What’s your name, please? = Could you tell me your name, please? = May I have your name, please?‎ l Nice to meet you. = Glad to meet you. = Pleased to meet you.‎ l 写启示的方法:‎ ‎1.启示的主题;2.描述细节;3.留下联系方式。‎ l 表示惊讶、忧伤、微怒、失望等,可以用dear作感叹词。‎ l 名词如果有数量词修饰它,使用谓语动词适应看他的数量词,如:‎ ‎ ‎ l get to somewhere (get home除外)到达……‎ l l 肯定:Let+宾语(人称代词的宾格或名词)+ V原型+……‎ 否定:Don’t let +宾语+V原型+……/Let + 宾语 + not + V原型+……‎ l have表示“有”时才可以用来提问或写成否定“haven’t”。‎ l l 联系动词 be动词 ‎+ adj.作表语 感官动词 look 看 sound 听 smell 闻 taste 尝 fell 触 l 反身代词:‎ myself(我自己) yourself(你自己) himself(他自己) herself(她自己) itself(它自己) ourselves(我们自己) yourselves(你们自己) themselves(他们自己)‎ l How much + be + 商品?(答:It’s/They’re……) = What is the price of……?(答:It ’s……)‎ l cent 美分 One dollar =100 cents l other(两者中的另一个) another(三者中的另一个)‎ l 越接近物品本身性质的形容词越靠近物品,如:big blue hat l 帮助某人做某事 help sb. (to) do sth.‎ help sb. with sth.‎ with the help (n.) of sb. e.g. He studies math well, with the help of teacher.‎ l 一般将来时的一般形式:主语+will+动词原形+……‎ l Can I help you? = What can I do for you? = (Is there) anything I can do for you?‎ l welcome a.受欢迎的 v.欢迎 n.欢迎 get a warm welcome 得到热烈欢迎 l be动词不加动词原形 l ‎“hundred,thousand”与基数词一起表示具体数字时不加“s”。‎ hundreds of 上百 thousands of 上千 l buy sth. for sb. = buy sb.(间接宾语) sth.(直接宾语) 为某人买某物 l any body 在肯定句中表示任何人,在否定句和疑问句中不是。‎ l for表示动词的对象或接受者,表示用途,表示目的,表示等价交换或标注价格,表示时间持续多久,表示距离,表示理由或原因。‎ l ‎ ‎ each强调两者或两者以上的每一个,强调个体 ‎+第三人称单数 every强调三者或三者以上的每一个,强调整体 There are many trees on each side of the road There are many trees on both sides of the road l the price is low(high) 价格低(高)‎ l 也 also 放在be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实意动词之前 either 放在句末(疑问句、否定句)‎ too 放在句末(肯定句)‎ l on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的早晨 l when……?‎ 答不用具体时间 what time……?‎ 答要用具体时间 l 比赛 contest 和智力或知识有关的竞赛 game match 有计划预先安排好的比赛 l 持续一段时间的节日一般用“festival”.‎ l a kind of 一种 many kind of 许多种 all kinds of 各种各样 l kind of ……有几分……如:The elephants are kind of cute.‎ l 含有think的宾语从句中如果从句中有否定,要否定前移,如:She doesn’t think they are boring.(她认为他们不无聊)‎ l 问:How are you?‎ 答:I’m fine. (我很好。)/Just so so.(一般般。)‎ l 表示时间、价格、距离的名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。如:Two dollars is enough(足够)。‎ l 怎么判断双音节单词中第一个音节是开音节还是闭音节:双音节单词中的两个元音是两个音节的中心,元音是由元音字母或元音字母组合发出的音,因此,首先找到单词中的两个元音字母或元音字母组合,两个中心就清楚了。两个中心之间的辅音字母(不是字母组合)则分别划归两个音节,第一个音节即为闭音节,如果两个中心之间的辅音字母为双写字母(包括“r”),分别划归前后,第一个音节按闭音节读音。如:‎ paper /’peipə/ (pa为开音节) member /’membə/ (mem为闭音节) happy /’hæpi/ (hap为闭音节) sorry /’sɔri/ (sor为闭音节) certainly /’sə:tnil/‎ l I am sorry. I can’t go with you. (对不起。我不能和你一起去。)‎ l Thanks. / Thank you. / Thank you very much. / Thank a lot. / Many thanks.‎ l You are welcome. / That’s OK. / That’s all right.‎ l It’s my pleasure. / With pleasure. (这是我的荣幸。)‎ l make friend with sb. (和……交朋友)‎ l Thanks for + n. / v.ing = Thanks sb. for + n. / v.ing l below 在……下方(非正下方)‎ 反义词:above 在……上面(非正上方,没有接触面)‎ under 在……下面(正下方)‎ 反义词:on(有接触面),over(没有接触面)在……上面(正上方)‎ l keep + sth. + adj. 使某物保持某状态。‎ keep + adj. 保持某状态。‎ l 表示请求、建议、希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句用“some”。‎ l 问:Let……‎ 答:OK. / All right. / That’s a good idea. / That sounds good. / Sorry.‎ l sport用来修饰名词要变为sports。‎ l play + the + 乐器 Erhu除外 l be动词后叫表语,修饰名词叫定语,修饰动词叫状语,前后两词对等叫同位语。‎ l 人民币和日元变复数不变,其他要。‎ l be good with sb. = get on well with sb. 与某人相处的很好 l 问:How often does Rick run on weekend?‎ 答:Rick usually runs on weekend.‎ l always(总是)usually(通常)often(经常)sometime(有时)seldom(很少)never(从不)‎ l 频度副词放在be动词或助动词之后,实意动词或行为动词之前。‎ l 感叹句:‎ What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + (主) + (谓) !‎ 如:What beautiful flowers they are!‎ How + adj. /adv. + (主) + (谓) !‎ 如:How beautiful the flowers are!‎ l Can you think what his job is? 含有宾语从句的复合句,宾语从句的从句必须是陈述句。‎ l Start to do sth. 开始做某事 l be famous for…… 因……出名 l 忙于某事 be busy doing sth.‎ be busy with sth.‎ l 对某人某事严格 be strict with sb.‎ be strict in sth. / doing sth.‎ l l for + 时间段……做某事持续多久 l 问:How long do you have volleyball?‎ 答:I have volleyball for two hours.‎ l ask sb. some questions. 问某人一些问题 ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 l no =not any l because不和so同时使用,although(尽管)不和but同时使用。‎ l little 修饰不可数名词 几乎没有(否定)‎ a little 有一些(肯定)‎ few 修饰可数名词 几乎没有(否定)‎ a few 有一些(肯定)‎ l either:两者中的任何一个都行。‎ neither:两者中的任何一个都不。‎ l 用“may”提问的句子回答用can/can ‘ t或must / mustn’ t;用“can”提问的句子回答用can/can’t;用“must”提问的句子回答用need/needn’t.‎ 如:1. May I park my car here?‎ ‎ Yes, you can / must. / No, you can’t / mustn’t.‎ ‎ 2. Can I watch TV?‎ ‎ Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.‎ ‎ 3. Must I clean the classroom this morning?‎ ‎ Yes, you need. / No, you needn’t.‎ l be afraid of doing sth. / be afraid of sth. 害怕做某事/某物 l be fond of = like l make a continuation to sth. 对……有贡献 l do well in = be good at 擅长……‎ l 比较级 + and + 比较级 越来越……‎ l give back = return 归还 l 法国人单数:Frenchman/Frenchwoman 英国人单数:Englishman/Englishwoman Chinese和Japanese单复数同形 l in the world 在世界上 all over the world / around the world / the whole word 全世界 l in the school 在学校里 in school 在学校学习 l outside 在……外面 outside the gate to the park 在公园门外 l turning 转角 l go down + …… 沿着 …… 路走 go straight down + …… 沿着 …… 路直走 l enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun l take a walk = go for a walk = have a walk l the beginning of ……的开始 at the beginning of 强调在……开始的那一刻 in the beginning 起初,一开始 from the beginning 开始时 from beginning to end 从开始到结束 l visit + 地点、参观某地 a visit to + 地点、参观某地 l have fun doing sth. 做……很开心 l 地点 + is a great place to do sth. ……是一个做……的地方 l be busy with sth. 忙于某事 l the way to ……去……的路 on the way to + 地点 在去……的路上 on one’s way to + 地点 某人在去……的路上 on my way to home 在我回家的路上 l l l l 主语 + hope(that) + 从句 主语 + hope + to do sth.‎ l live on ……靠……为生 l l pay 金钱 to sb. for sth. ‎ 为了某物付钱给某人 pay 金钱 to sb. = pay sb. 金钱 pay sb.‎ 付钱给某人 l between 两者之间 among 三者或三者以上之间 l l Why not do sth. ? 表建议:为什么不做……呢?‎ Why don’t you do sth. ? 表疑问:你为什么不要……?‎ l l 如:People like this kind of animals, because they’re kind of cute.‎ l in the south of 在……南部 l asleep 睡着的 adj. fall asleep 入睡 be asleep 正睡着 l be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 l don’t forget to do sth. 不要忘记做某事 l tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不去做某事 l l 介词 + doing sth.‎ l would like to do sth. 想要做某事 l Which place do you live in = Where do you live ?‎ l Isn’t he cute ? 否定疑问句 l Sam wants to play basketball, doesn’t he ? 翻译疑问句 l Why not do sth. ? = Why don’t you do sth. ?‎ l practice doing sth. 练习做某事 l use sth. to do sth.‎ l 比较级中的代词用that , 如:The map of Beijing is better than that of Tianjin.‎ l said to oneself 自言自语 l be careful not to do sth. 小心别做某事 l do one’s best 尽某人的全力 l l be satisfied with…… 对……满意 l be full of 满是……‎ l l 条件状语从句:主语为将来时,从句为一般现在时。如:We’ll have a sports meeting if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.‎ l It’s (形式主语) + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.(主语) 做某事怎么样。‎ 如:It’s important for him to play the piano . 弹钢琴对他很重要。‎ It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth. (adj.应为sb.的本身性质)‎ 如:It’s kind of you to help me. 你帮助了我,你真好。‎ l go across the bridge 过桥 l in + 时间段(将来时)多久后 l l What does she do ? = What’s she? = What’s her job?‎ l l 如:I hope I can visit Hong Kong sometime.‎ l l l talk to / with sb. 与某人交谈 l l be out 外出 l l waitress 女服务员 l l be late for…… 做……迟到了 l l learn by oneself = teach oneself 自学 l l l show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.‎ l lately 最近 l l thanks for + n. / 动名词 l 表语一般放在be动词后,定语一般放在名词前。‎ l be with sb. 与某人在一起 l l 描述头发:漂亮 + 长短 + 形状 + 颜色 描述人的长相:have / has + …… hair / eyes / ears / mouth / nose …… is / am / are + tall / short / thin / heavy / good-looking / of medium height ……‎ l strong的反义词:weak 虚弱的 l love to do sth. 喜爱做某事 l wear 用进行时态时表示短时间内的状态。‎ 如:Miss Li is wearing a new dress today. 李老师今天穿着一件新裙子。‎ l popular 流行;受欢迎的 pop 流行 l l kind of = a little bit + adj. / adv. = a little bit of + n.‎ l l 多个形容词修饰名词时,顺序为:限定词(the;a……) 数词 描绘词 (大小、长短、形状、新旧、颜色) 出处 材料性质、类别 名词 ‎ l l l l outgoing 外向的 l What fine weather it is ! = How fine the weather is !‎ l l l round the world 全世界 l junk food 垃圾食物 l l be on a visit (n.) to …… = visit (v.) ……‎ l stay + adj. 保持……‎ l l l be angry with sb.‎ l l most of …… ……中的大多数 l l l He doesn’t want to do anything. = He wants to do nothing.‎ l Help oneself to sth. 受……欢迎 l play a joke on sb. 和某人开玩笑 l dress sb. 为某人穿衣打扮 l 动词原型及其过去式 l to + v.(不定式)‎ l another + n.(单) | |‎ l l It’s time for sb. to do sth.‎ l be worry (adj.) about (担心……) = worry (v.) about l l l so……that 如此……以致 l discuss with sb. sth.‎ l l l as soon as 一 …… 就 l Stand sth.‎ l Maybe adv.‎ l exercise (v.) = do exercise (n.) / do sports l l l How often How many How much How long 时间多久 How far 距离多远 How soon 多快 例:How soon will you come back ? In two days.‎ How many times 多少次 l result for do sth.‎ l want sb. to do sth.‎ l l Thanks for doing sth.‎ l l l be different from 与……不同 l look after = take care of 照顾(重视)‎ l l style 风格、方式 l l l the old 老人 l kind person 热心人 l the same as 与……一样 l kind of = a little (bit)‎ l keep in good healthy = keep healthy l make a plan for 为……做计划 l although = though 让步状语从句:虽然、尽管 l l l be good at sth. / doing sth.‎ l advice (un.) 建议 a piece of advice.‎ l l lots of = a lot of l l l l certainly 当然 l sound like + 名词 / 名词词组 l l want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 = would like sb. to do sth.‎ l l hope表示有可能实现的愿望。hope to do sth.希望去做某事;hope + that从句(that可以省略)。另外,hope后面+so表示“希望如此”;hope not表示“希望不是这样。wish表示的愿望有点难实现。wish to do sth.希望做某事;wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事;wish that从句,从句所表示的希望一般是不可能实现的,故用虚拟语气。‎ l l l l Need sth. / to do sth.‎ l Be good for sth. / doing sth.‎ l get 变得 l l be …… with sth.‎ l l western 西方的 l 形式主语→It’s + adj. to do sth.‎ l improve 提高 l have a pain in the + 身体部位 l 名词修饰名词:①修饰词总为单数 ‎ ②woman man 跟着所修饰词单复数变化 ‎ ③sport 作为修饰词总为复数 l there be + 主语 + doing sth.‎ l if:条件状语从句,用一般现在时表将来时。‎ l l 不擅长:be weak is 擅长:be good at l Angry with sb. about sb. 为某事生某人的气。‎ l for表目的,例:We come here for vacation.‎ l l 将来时:1. will + v.(原)‎ ‎2. be going to do sth.‎ ‎ 3. 用现在进行时表将来时 l l sb. pay 钱 for sth.‎ l l go away 离开 l Have a good time = Enjoy yourself l send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.‎ l show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.‎ l l l think (过去式:thought) :think about sth. / doing sth. 思考……‎ l think of :想起 l decide (决定) to do sth. / on sth. / on doing sth.‎ l 在某大洲中心in:Greece is in Europe.(European欧洲的)‎ l leave somewhere 离开某地 —————— leave for somewhere 离开去某地 l plan→planned→planning l natural 自然的 l finish doing sth. 完成某事 l hope to do sth. / 从句 l l I can’t wait to do sth. 我迫不及待想做某事 l the number of ……的数量 l depend on 依赖于 l in the mountain 在山区 l l keep + 宾语 + adj.(宾补)‎ l l decide to do sth. / on sth. /on doing sth.‎ l 宾语从句:陈述句语序 l get to = reach = arrive in / at l Would / Will you please + v(原)‎ l sit at the table 用餐 l the final(adj. 最后的) exam 期末考试 l How 提问方式方法 l l 地 + is + 距离 + (away) from B地 ‎△有具体距离不再用far It’s + 距离 + from A to B 划线部分提问:‎ It’s ten kilometres from my home to school.‎ How far is it from your home to school ?‎ l It take sb.……to do sth. 例:It takes him about 10 minutes to ride to the station.‎ l ride 车程 :An hour’s bus ride will take you there.‎ l l final = at last =in the end l not all (部分否定)并非所有:Not all students are here.‎ l l l l a lot / far / much 用来修饰比较级表示差别程度大,差别程度小用 a bit / a little l l What do you think of ? = How do you like ?‎ l need(实义动词) + sth. / to do sth.‎ l the number of ……的数量,谓动用单数(is)The number of the students is 100.‎ l worry(v.)‎ l invite (v.) → invitation (n.)‎ l l l discuss sth. 讨论某事 l l l l on one’s way to : 谁在前往……的路上 by the way : 顺便提一下 in……ways : 方面 Excuse , you’re in my way : 你挡到我了 l l l l enjoy doing sth.‎ l be good at = as …… as l l l l l on the farm : 在农场上 l take part in = join in l like helping others l however = but l l make sb. adj. (宾补)‎ l lie→lying l another + 数字 + 复数名词 l by plane = by air l break→broke→broken l be + 过去分词 → 被动语态 l l healthy→healthier l l l l would like to do sth.‎ l You’d better do sth. / not do sth.‎ l view [vju:] n. 观点 l face to face 面对面 l another在做形容词时意为“又一个,再一个,另外的”,其后可以接可数名词的单数或复数。如:I have another two books to read.‎ l another ,the other ,others ,the others ① another既可作形容词又可作代词,泛指“再一个,又一个”,表示“总数为三个或三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指,可以单独使用;作定语时,修饰可数名词单数,其前不加冠词。‎ 如:This dress is dirty ,please change another one for me.‎ ② the other表示“两个中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为两个;它可以单独使用,也可用the other + 可数名词单数。‎ 如:His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse.‎ ③ others用于泛指一些人或事物中其他的,可单独使用或用other + 可数名词复数来代替。注意others后面不可直接加名词。‎ 如:Some students like English and other students (others) like physics.‎ ④ the others指一定范围内其余所有的人或物,表示特指。‎ 如:This dictionary is better than the others.‎ l 形容词、副词的比较级 1. 比较级的定义 大多数形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更……”,用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更……”。比较级前面一般用much ,even ,a little修饰。‎ 2. 比较级的构成 (1) 规则变化 ① 单音节和部分双音节的形容词或副词一般在词尾加er 如:calm—calmer tall—taller smart—smarter ② 以字母e结尾的直接在词尾加r 如:nice—nicer fine—finer large—larger ③ 以辅音+y结尾的词,变y为i,再加er 如:early—earlier happy—happier busy—busier ④ 以重读闭音节的单个辅音字母结尾的词,双写辅音字母,再加er 如:big—bigger thin—thinner hot—hotter ① 多音节或部分双音节的形容词在原级前面加more 如:popular—more popular important—more important (1) 不规则变化 少数形容词、副词的比较级变化是不规则的:good—better bad/ill—worse many/much—more little—less far—farther/further old—older/elder 1. 比较级的用法 (1) 当两个人或事物(A和B)进行比较时,我们需要用到形容词或副词的原级或比较级。‎ ① 表达“A和B一样”,用as……as的结构。‎ 公式:A + be动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B ‎ A + 实义动词 + as + 副词原级 + as + B 如:I am as tall as you.‎ ‎ He runs as fast as I.‎ ② 表达“A不如B”用not as/so…as的结构。‎ 公式:A + be动词的否定形式 + as + 形容词原级 + as +B ‎ A + 助动词的否定形式 + 动词 + as + 副词原级 + as + B 如:I am not as tall as you.‎ ‎ He doesn’t run as fast as I.‎ ③ 表达“A大于B”用“比较级+than”的结构 公式:A + be动词 + 形容词比较级 + than + B ‎ A + 实义动词 + 副词比较级 + than + B 如:I am taller than you.‎ ‎ He runs faster than I.‎ (2) 关于形容词、副词比较级的更多用法 ① 比较级前面可以加上表示“优劣程度”的词或短语,意思是“更……”,“……得……”。常见词有much ,a little ,even ,a lot ,a great deal等。‎ 如:He is much taller than I.‎ ‎ I jump a little higher than he.‎ ① 比较级前面可以加上表示具体数量差别的结构,表示具体“大多少”,“长多少”,“短多少”等。‎ 如:I am two years older than he.‎ ‎ This building is 20 meters higher than that one.‎ ② 表示“越来越……”‎ 比较级 + and + 比较级(单音节词);more and more + 原级(多音节词)‎ 如:It is getting warmer and warmer.‎ He is running faster and faster.‎ Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.‎ ③ 表示“越……就越……”;the+比较级…,the+比较级…‎ 如:The more ,the better ‎ The more careful you are ,the fewer mistakes you will make.‎ ④ the+比较级…of the two…表示两个当中较……的一个 如:The taller of the two boys is my brothers.‎ 1. 运用形容词、副词比较级应当注意的问题 (1) 按语法规则,than后面的人称代词应当用主格,但口语当中有时会用宾格代替主格。‎ 如:He is more careful than I (me).‎ (2) 只有同类的事物才能比较 如:Her bag is bigger than mine.‎ ‎ ≠Her bag is bigger than I.‎ The weather of Kun Ming is much better than that of Shenyang.‎ ‎ ≠The weather of Kun Ming is much better than Shenyang.‎ 2. 加er的双音节词大多以y、ow、er、ple、ble结尾 3. 由词根+前缀/后缀形成的形容词+more l 一般现在时 一般现在时是指经常发生的动作或存在的状态,其谓语动词用原形,当主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词有三单变化。‎ 1. 一般现在时态的句型:‎ (1) 动词为be动词时:主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + 其他部分 否定句在be动词后面加not;一般疑问句把be动词提到句首。‎ (2) 动词为行为动词时:‎ 一般现在时态的肯定句:‎ ① 主语+动词原形+其他成分 ② 主语(第三人称单数)+动词s/es+其他成分 一般现在时态的否定句 ① 主语+don’t+动词原形+其他成分 ② 主语(第三人称单数)+doesn’t+动词原形+其他成分 一般现在时态的一般疑问句 ① Do+主语+动词原形+其他成分?‎ ② Does+主语(第三人称单数)+动词原形+其他成分?‎ 一般现在时态的一般疑问句 特殊疑问句+一般疑问句?‎ 1. 动词第三人称单数的变化 (1) 直接加s,如:look—looks sleep—sleeps (2) 在字母s,x,ch,sh,o后加es,如:watch—watches go—goes (3) 辅音字母加y结尾的词变y为i再加es,如:study—studies cry—cries 注意:一般现在时态的特殊疑问句 ‎ —What does he do on weekend ?‎ ‎ —He watches TV .‎ l l l as for sth. / doing sth.‎ l l l l l Pour sth / sth for sb. / sb. sth.‎ l The rain poured down yesterday. 昨晚倾盆大雨。‎ l l Two teaspoons of honey.‎ l should + v.(原)‎ l taste(系v.) + adj.(表)‎ l l l add sth. to sth.‎ 黑人 英雄 爱吃 番茄 土豆 Negroes Heroes Tomatoes Potatoes 名词复数加es l l l on (the) top l l l l l there be : ①就近原则 ②不出现there have l lay(产卵)→laid l journey 陆地的旅行 l l l l l l prize 奖品奖金 争夺物;值得竞争的目标;〔口语〕极好的东西。‎ l buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.‎ l l have fun = have a good time = enjoy doing sth.‎ l all day long 一整天 l l be born l competition做不可数名词时表示竞争,做可数名词时表示竞赛。‎ l l help sb. (to) do sth.‎ l place of interest 名胜古迹 l I will never 我不会忘记 l have fun doing sth.‎ l l make history 创纪录 l l take off 起飞、脱掉 l happen 发生 :sth. happen to sb.‎ take a class = have a class l on …… day off l 一般过去式的时间状语都是明显表示过去的。如:yesterday, last night(week/year), in + 过去的年份(如:in 1998),…ago(如:three tears ago), just now 等等。‎ l record /’rekɔ:d/ n.‎ hold / keep the record break the record set the new word record record /r i’kɔ:d/ v.‎ What are you recording in your book?‎ l start doing sth. = start to do sth.‎ l it says 据说 l too……to My brother is too young to go to school.‎ so……that My brother is so young that he can’t go to school.‎ l play for 为……而战 l hiccupping l create→creative l l love→lovely可爱的→loving慈爱的 l l Osaka [əu’sa:kə, ˌəusa:’ka:] 大阪 l take part in = join in 参加活动(join:加入某组织或团体)‎ l l admire 羡慕 v.t I admire her story.‎ I admire him for his discovery.‎ l see sb. do sth.‎ l l learn sth. / to do sth.‎ l stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做的事 l practice doing sth.‎ l l We won’t go shopping if it is rain tomorrow. 条件或时间状语用一般现在时 l see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正做某事 l to后面加v.原 l major in l l decide→decision l l What adj. n. 主 谓 l be late for school l move to some where l l Let’s……shall we?‎ Let us……will you?‎ l what was wrote 更糟糕的是 l l hold→held l at the same time 同时 l that+定语从句 l be rich 变得富有 l l l l British 不列颠 l see sb. doing sth.‎ l foreign(外国的)→foreigner(外国人)‎ l l l l l l over = more than l May / Could I do sth.‎ l I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。‎ agree with sb.‎ agree to do sth.‎ l leave one’s job 辞职 l l l down town (adv.) 城市市区 l keep: ① keep fit (体型上)/ keep healthy {keep adj.}‎ ‎ ② keep doing sth.‎ ① keep sb. / sth. adj.(宾补)‎ 例:Keep the food cool.‎ ① keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 l l of 一般用来赞扬或批评 It is adj. of sb.‎ l once 曾经 l l give sb. a ride 顺便搭一程 get a ride 搭便车 l l start doing sth.‎ l sports start l l living room = sitting room l take out the trash [U]‎ l women’s singles player 女单选手 l plan for the l l be like(介) 像……‎ l have better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事 l l one of adj.(最高级)n.(pl.)‎ l borrow sth from sb. 向某人接某物 Lend sth. for sb. / Lend sb. sth. 借给某人某物 l what for = why l invite sb. to do sth.‎ l in front of —— behind in the front of —— at the back of l rise 升上來(主動) The sun rise in the east.‎ raise 把……升上來 We raise our national flag every Monday.‎ l Detective 偵探 l Have great meaning 重要的 Great 重大的 l Such a little girl. So little a girl. 不可數或複數名詞用such l Have sth done.讓某物被做某事 Have the computer repaired.讓電腦被修理 l fall of = fall down from l disappointing、disappoint、disappointed 失望的 l ‎(on與this)+ weekend 不能同時使用 l Chemistry [‘kemistri] n.化學 l Chance [ʧæns] n. 機會 l If ‎+‎ 條件狀語從句 ‎+‎ 主句 一般現在表將來 將來 l The adj. 一類人 l Pass(v.)= v.+ past(介)‎ l nationality adj.‎ country n.‎ l How is going 最近好嗎 l Have a hard time with sth. / doing sth.‎ l bad—worse—worst l 主句 從句 現在時 任何事態 He thinks his father will go to Shanghai.‎ 過去時 過去某個事態 l had + 過去分詞 : 過去完成時 l 即時轉述 Ben told me it was going to rain today.‎ 過後轉述 Ben told me it was going to rain that day l hope hope to do sth.‎ hope + 從句 l Broccoli 花椰菜 l Get adj. 變得 l Hurry up 抓緊時間 l half → halves l when 賓語從句 時間狀語從句用一般現在表將來 l organize → organization l half of them ≠ half them half of the class = half the class l compare with 比較 to 比喻 l It’s adj. to do sth.‎ l Marks 分數 l Mount Qomolanma 珠穆朗瑪峰 l Everyone except (Karen and Michael)is going to visit the museum. 就遠原則 l Destroy[di’strɔi] v. 破壞 l you are a excellent skater 你 是 一個 優秀的 滑雪者 l go→gone be→been l blow up 引爆 l Have / has been doing sth. :現在完成時 l I think he is a good student,isn’t it 前肯后否 前否后肯 I don’t think he is a good student,is it l 賓語從句 反義疑問句 主語 第一人稱 反義疑問句與從句保持疑問 第二三人稱 主句保持一致 l dangerous animal 對人危險的動物 animal in dangerous 陷入危險的動物 l 現在過去完成時是過去做做做到現在 l De Gaulle 戴高樂 l Make a living(by)doing sth. 靠什麽謀生 l seem adj.‎ seem like n.‎ l mad at 生氣 mad about 瘋狂 l One of adj.(最高級) n.(pl.)‎ l It’s time for sth.‎ l 一、概念 ‎ 直接引述别人的话,叫“直接引语”。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫“间接英语”。间接英语在多数的情况下构成宾语从句。直接引语一般前后要加括号,所引用的话前常用逗号,而不是冒号,引号内直接引语的第一个单词首字母要大些。例如:‎ ‎ John said,“I like reading the story.”‎ ‎ John said that he liked reading the story.‎ 二、直接引语变间接英语 ‎ 1.陈述句 ‎ 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that(在口语中that可省略),从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要相应变化。‎ (1) 人称的变化 He said to me,“I broke your CD player.”‎ He told me that he had broken my CD player.”‎ (2) 事态的变化 如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句时态则无需变化。如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去式,从句的谓语动词要做相应的变化。‎ 直接引语转换成间接引语时的时态变化 例句 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时一般过去时 He said,“I’m afraid I can’t finish the work”‎ He said that he was afraid he couldn’t finish the work.‎ 现在进行时过去进行时 He said,“I’m using a pen.”‎ He said that he was using a pen.‎ She said,“I’ve not heart She said that she had not 现在完成时过去完成时 ‎ from him since May.”‎ ‎ heart from him since May.‎ 一般过去时过去完成时 He said,“I came to help you.”‎ He said that he had come to help me.‎ 过去完成时不变 He said,“I had finished my homework before supper.”‎ He said that he had finished his homework before supper.‎ 一般将来时过去将来时 She said,“I’ll do it after class.”‎ She said that she would do it after class.‎ (1) 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化 直接引语转换成间接引语的变化 例句 直接引语 间接引语 this→that She said,“I’ll finish the work this morning.”‎ She said that she would finish the work that morning.‎ these→those He said,“These books are mine.”‎ He said that those books were his.‎ now→then He said,“It’s nine o’clock now.”‎ He said that it was nine o’clock then.‎ today→that day He said,“I haven’t seen her today.”‎ He said that he hadn’t seen her that day.‎ yesterday→the day before She said,“I went there yesterday.”‎ She said that she had gone there the day before.‎ tomorrow→the next/ following day She said,“I’ll go there tomorrow.”‎ She said that she would go there the next / following day.‎ ago→before She said ,“He left ten minutes ago.”‎ She said that he had left ten minutes before.‎ here→there He said,“My sister was here one week before.”‎ He said that his sister had been there one week before.‎ come→go She said,“I’ll come here this evening.”‎ She said that she would go there that evening.‎ (2) 直接引语变间接引语时态不变的几种情况 1) 直接引语所述的是客观真理 1) 直接引语中有确切的时间状语 2) 直接引语是过去完成时 3) 直接引语是过去进行时 4) 直接引语是经常发生的习惯性的动作 5) 直接引语所述的内容是个事实 2. 疑问句 直接引语如果是疑问句,变为间接引语时,要把疑问句语序改为陈述句语序(主语在谓语的前面),句末用句号,主语的人称时态和状语等也要做相应的变化。‎ l true a. truth n.‎ l steal → stole 偷 l little 一些(不可数)‎ 小 l please v.‎ 使某人满意;请 pleased a.‎ 对什么满意 pleasant 令人满意的 l Chinese Japanese fish deer sheep :CN单复数同形 l Would like to do sth.‎ l Hold v. 保存;包含;涵盖 l I collected shells when I was ten.‎ 一般过去时 I have collected shells since I was ten.‎ 现在完成时 I have been collecting shells since I was ten.‎ 现在完成进行时 现在完成时要用since加在过去时间前 l Candy wrapper 糖纸 l Theatre 剧院;戏,戏剧;〔集合词〕(某一国、某一作家的)戏剧作品,戏剧文学。‎ l Since加时间点 for加一段时间 l collect v.‎ collector collection n.‎ l Send [send] 送;寄(强调不当面给); 打发;派;遣;放;投;掷;射 l Probably [‘prɒbəbli] ad. 通常位置:实意动词之前:情态、助、be动词之后,语气比perhaps[pə’hæps][pə’ræps]、maybe[‘meibi:]强 l The 比较级 the 比较级 …… 越……就越……‎ l I am certain = I am sure l run → ran → run run out of 用尽 l store ‎[stɔ:r]‎ v. 积蓄,贮藏;储备;把…存入仓库,把…交给栈房 n.=stop l room [ru:m][rum] 【UN】 场所,席位,地位,空间;余地,余裕;机会;室,房间 l run out of:主语是人 run out:主语是物 l apply for :申请;请求 (apply for a position 求职)‎ Everyone wants to apply for the job.‎ He applied to the headmaster([‘hedmæstə] 校长) for the job.‎ l Write in English 用英语写 l Another前面不能加定冠词the l since five years ago for five years l in pairs :成对 l Europe n.‎ European [ju:rə’pi:ən] a.&n. ‎ l Although、though:让步状语从句,不与but连用 l Else [els] 通常修饰不定代词疑问代词 l certain [‘sə:tn] → certainly [‘sə:tnli] ‎ ‎〔口语〕〔回答语〕当然,自然可以;不错,的确是那样,的确是的 l ADVICE 1. advice [əd’vais] (E) n. 忠告,意见 take(give) one’s advice 接受(给予)忠告或建议 ‎ ‎[语法] advice是不可数名词:‎ 一条建议(忠告)‎ 误:an advice 正:a piece of advice 2. advise [əd’vaiz] (E) v. 忠告,劝说,劝说;(I) v. 通知(=inform)‎ advise sb.‎ not to do sth.‎ 劝说某人不要做某事 against doing sth.‎ advise sd. of sth. 向某人通知某事 (搭配同类inform[in’fɔ:rm])‎ ‎[辨异]“劝说”(advise)不一定“说服”(persuade)‎ adviser, advisor [əd’vaizə] n. 忠告者,建议者,顾问 3. 忠告advise就是使人(ad-)明白,看见(-vise)的意思,‎ (1) vise=vis=看 previse [pri’vaiz] v. 先见,预知,警告 pre=before 看在前面即是预知 supervise [‘su:pəvaiz] v. 监督;管理 super=over 高高在上地看既是监督 revise [ri:vaiz] v. 校订,改订 re=again 再看一遍加以校订 (2) ad=使,ad加在动词前,起加强语气的作用 admit [əd’mit] v. (mit=send送) 允许进入 adopt [ə’dɒpt] v. (opt=选择) 接纳,收养 触类旁通 ——advice与advise类易混词类比记忆 辨别规则~se [z] —— ~ce [s] (名清动浊)‎ choose [ʧu:z]‎ ‎(E) v. 选择,挑选 ‎(I) n. 甘愿(+to do)‎ ‎——choice [ʧɔis]‎ ‎(E) v. 选择,选择机会 ‎ (A) n. 入选者,精华 devise [di’vaiz]‎ ‎(I) v. 设计(机器),想出(方法),作出(计划)‎ ‎——device [di’vais]‎ ‎(A) n. 设备,装置 ‎(A) n. 设计,方法 l by the way 顺便提一下 on one’s way 前往某地的路 in one’s way 挡住了某人的路 no way 不 in this / that way 通过这样、那样的方式 in some way 在某些方面 l organize [‘ɔ:rgənaiz] v.‎ organized [‘ ɔ:rgənaizd] a.‎ organization [ɔ:rgəni’zei∫n] n.‎ l keep silence 保持沉默 l province [‘prɒvins] 省,州;〔pl.〕 地区,地方; 〔the provinces〕 乡下 l be + 过去分词:被动语态 l many years ago l It [it] is a. for [fɔ:r] [fə] sb. to do sth.‎ l Thanks to 多亏 l recently [‘ri:snt] 新近的;近来的;近代的 l AGRICULTURE 1. agriculture [‘ægrikʌlʧə] (E) n. 农业 2. ‎“农业”离不开“耕田、种地”,‎ agriculture原意即为“耕耘天地”‎ (1) agriculture→agr(田地)‎ agronomy [ə’grɒnəmi] [nomy(法则,…学)] n. 农学 ‎[联想] astronomy n. 天文学;economy n. 经济 acre [‘eikə] (A) n. 英亩,田地(acre是agr的变体,[k]与[g]‎ 清浊辅音交替)‎ acreage [‘eikəridʒ][‘eikridʒ] n. 项目数,土地面积 (1) agriculture→cult(ure)(耕耘)‎ cultivate [‘kʌltəveit] (I) v. 耕作,栽培,养殖→(A) v. (喻)教养,教化 cultivate one’s land 耕种田地 roses 培养玫瑰 one’s 修心养性 culture [‘kʌlʧə] n. 栽培,养殖→(I) n. (喻)教养,修养(I) n. 文化,精神文明 the culture of roses 玫瑰栽培 mind and body 身心修养 ‎[辨异] civilization [sivli’zei∫n] 主要指物质文明;culture主要指精神文明。‎ l wonder [‘wʌndə] 惊奇,惊异,惊叹;不可思议,奇异,奇妙;奇异的事情[东西],奇 迹;奇观;奇才 l ALLY 1. ally [ə’lai][‘ælai] (E) v. 结盟,联盟,联合 ‎[派生]‎ ally n. (同)盟国,同盟者(具体名词)‎ alliance n. 同盟,联盟(抽象名词)‎ the Allies (一战)协约国,(二战)同盟国 2. alloy [‘ælɔi] [ally(结合)的同源异体词] n. 合金 3. rally [‘ræli] [r(e-)(再度,重新)+ally(结合)] (A) v. 纠正,集合,团结 (A) n. 集合,集会,大会 a mass rally 群众大会 知rally渊源可易记:rally蕴含着“重新结合到一起”之义:v. 重新聚集,重整旗鼓;n. 再举,复原 The tired solders rallied and drove the enemy back.疲惫的士兵重整旗鼓,打退了敌人的进攻。‎ l ‎△mind would you mind doing sth? / not do sth?‎ 表示同意:No,not at all / Certainly not / Of course not 表示不同意:Sorry,but + 理由 Mind (not) doing sth.‎ mind one’s doing sth.‎ l clothing [‘kləuðiŋ] n. (集合词)衣服,衣类;被服 l order [‘ɔ:rdə] n. 〔常 pl.〕命令;训令;指挥,号令;次序,顺序;整齐;‎ l do / wash the dishes l Could you please (not) do sth? (圆形我还正方形呢)‎ l in加一段时间用将来时 l task [ta:sk] n. (派定的)工作,任务,功课;艰苦的工作,苦差使 l Have you thought of the solution to the problem?‎ l annoy [ə’nɔi] 惹恼,打搅;使烦恼 annoyed 感到生气 annoying 令人生气的 l at a meeting 在见面会 at work 在工作 l break [breik] 毁坏,弄坏,损坏,毁损 → broke → broken l l AMONG,MIX 1. among [ə’mʌŋ] prep. 在(多数)之中,在…中间;一般指“在三者或三者以上之中”‎ 2. between表示“在两者之间”,因为其中蕴含着two(twenty)‎ among表示“在三者(以上)之间”,因为其中隐含ming(群体,混合)。‎ mingle [‘miŋgl] (A) v. 混合,加入 (-le表示反复动作) ‎ e.g.:with mingle feelings 百感交集 ‎(a)I found him among the crowd. 我在人群中发现了他。‎ ‎(b)He mingled in (with) the crowd. 他混入人去中 commingle [kə’miŋgl] [com-=together] v. 混合,搀合 intermingle [intə’miŋgl] [inter-(相互)] v. 交杂,混合 1. mix [miks] (E) v. 混合,搀合 → (I) v. 混淆,搞混 mix up (I) 混合,混淆,搞糊涂 译:当油和水混合时,它们容易看出来。‎ 误:When oil and water mix,they are easy to tell apart.‎ 正:When oil and water mingle,they are easy to tell apart.‎ ‎(承上b句)他混入(mingle)人群中,我们仍能在人群中(among)发现他。mingle与mix不同就在于:多种事物mingle后,各事物仍然保持其个性,而且可以区别或辨别出来;各种东西mix后,就不可区分。故水与油不相mix,但可以mingle。‎ 1. admix [əd’miks][æd’miks] v. 混合,搀合 (with sth.)‎ commix [kə’miks] v. 混合,混杂 (= mix together)‎ intermix [intə’miks] v. 交杂,混合 smiles intermixed with tears 含泪的微笑 mixture [‘miksʧə] (I) n. 混合,混合物 l ANT 1. ant [ænt] (E) n. 蚂蚁 2. antenna [æn’tenə] (A) n. (蚂蚁)触电 → (电视,无线电)天线 ‎[内在联系]你看!“天线”不正形似于蚂蚁的“触角”‎ ‎[英美差异]‎ l stand [stænd] v. 坚持;耐,忍耐;忍受;顶住,接受 l Sth. annoy [ə’nɔi] sb.‎ l warn [wɔ:rn] v. 警戒,警告;训诫,告诫;预先通知,预告 l happen / take place 沒有被動語態 l Get adj.‎ l behave [bi’heiv] v. 处身,行为,做人,举止,表现;(机器等)开动,运转 behaviour [bi’heivjə] n. 行为,品行;举止,态度,举动,表现,行动 l take care (not) to do sth. 注意(不)做某事。‎ l social [‘səu∫əl] adj. 社会的,社会上的;交际的,社交的;喜欢交际的;合群的 l normal [‘nɔ:rml] adj. 正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。正规的,标准的。‎ l ‎☭ polite [pə’lait] adj. 有礼貌的;殷勤的;斯文的;文雅的;有教养的。‎ ‎☭ impolite [impə’lait] adj. 没礼貌的,失礼的,粗鲁的。‎ ‎☭ politely adv.‎ l at first 首先、一开始 l keep 宾 adj.‎ l all the time 总是,一直 l body[‘bɒdi] language[‘læŋgwidʒ] 肢体语言 l l Try not to do sth. 尽量不做某事 l sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 l join the line 排好队 l culture [‘kʌlʧə] n. 教养;修养;磨练。文化,(精神)文明。培养菌,培养组织。‎ l in Europe 在欧洲 Britain is a European country.‎ l It’s better to do sth.‎ l even if(即使) = although[ɔ:l’ðəu] = though[ðəu]‎ l You’d better keep your voice down.‎ l situation [sit∫u’ei∫n] n. (房屋建筑等的)地点,位置;场所。形势,局面。‎ l Break the rule (of…)‎ l put out 扑灭;熄灭 l Asian [‘eiʒn][‘ei∫n] adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的。 n. 亚洲人。‎ l common [‘kɒmən] adj. 共通的,共同的,共有的。公众的;公共的。‎ l in public places 公共地方 l l Cut in front of you in line. 插队插在你前面。‎ l allow sb. to do sth.‎ l have a break 休息 l try to do sth. 尽力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事 l Be late to sth. Be late for doing sth.‎ l run → ran → run l take off 起飞、脱下 l almost [‘ɔ:lməust][ɔ:l’məust] adv. 差不多,几乎,将近,快要。‎ l to one’s surprise l asleep [ə’sle:p] adj. & adv. 睡着,睡熟。长眠,已死。发呆,不活泼。‎ l make up 组成 l APPEAR 1. appear [ə’pi:r] (E) v. 出现,出场,问世;(E) v. 好像是,仿佛 2. appearance [ə’pi:rəns] (appear的名词) (I) n. 出现,出场,问世 make an appearance 出面,出场;(I) n. 外表,外观 judge by appearance 从外表上判断 apparent [ə’pærənt] (appear的形容词) (I) adj. 明显的;(A) adj. 外表的;貌似的 more apparent than real 表面而非实际 ‎[派生] apparently adv. 显然;宛然,俨然,似乎 l ARCTIC 1. arctic [‘a:ktik][‘a:tik] a. 北极的;北极圈的;the Arctic 北极(北极在地球仪看来是圆弧的一个端点,故arctic指北极) arc,arch→圆弧,统治 2. arc [a:k] n. v. 弧 3. arch n. v. 拱,拱门(洞) The Arch of Triumph 凯旋门 4. monarch [‘mɒnərk] n. 君主。 [词源] 古之君王在圆弧形的宫殿中执政。mon→mono→single 单一 5. Antarctic [ən’ta:ktik] a. 南极的;the Antarctic 南极 ant-→anti,相反,相对 l l make sb. do sth.‎ l l fish单复数同形 l hear sb. doing sth.‎ 看到某人正在做某事 hear sb. do sth.‎ 看到某人做过某事 l perfect [pə’fekt] adj.完美的;理想的;纯粹的。熟练的,精通的 (in)。‎ l buy sb. sth.‎ buy sth. for sb.‎ l composition [kɒmpə’zi∫n] n. 编制;结构,构造,组成,组织;成分;合成物。‎ l congratulation [kəngræʧə’lei∫n] n. 祝贺;〔pl.〕祝词,贺辞。‎ l How / What about sth. / doing sth.‎ l too…to…‎ She’s too big to sleep in the house.‎ so…that…‎ She’s so big that she can’t sleep in the house.‎ l trendy [‘trendi] adj. ‎ l Why don’t you v.(原型)‎ l get sth. for sb.‎ get sb. sth.‎ l ARMY 1. army [‘a:mi] (E) n. 军队,军 → (I) n. 大群 an army of ants the three services (三军): army 陆军 navy 海军 air forces 空军 1. army (军队) → arm(军器,武器)‎ ‎[词源] army 原意即“持武器的人群”‎ arm [a:m] (I) v. 武装,装备 [与arm (手臂) 异源]‎ armed to teeth 武装到牙齿 ‎[词源] 所谓“武装到牙齿”原是“一个人两手各执一把刀,牙齿上还咬着一把刀”。‎ They went into the examination room, armed to teeth with pens, pencils and rulers.‎ disarm [dis’a:m] v. 解除武器,裁军 armour [‘a:mə] n. 盔甲,装甲 a suit of armour ‎[派生] armoured adj. 装甲的;armoury n. 军械库 arms (I) n. 武器,武装 arms and ammunition [æmjə’ni∫n] 武器弹药 alarm [ə’la:m] (“To (the) arms”(拿起武器,准备战斗)之缩略) (I) n. 警报 a fire alarm 火警,an alarm bell 闹钟;(I) v. 惊动,惊恐; (A) n. 惊恐,惊慌 l while [wail] 一段时间;一会儿;(所需、所费的)功夫。‎ l Sth. cost (sb.) some money.‎ l not …… at all 一点也不 l asleep adj. 表语或后置定语 → fall asleep → sleepy a. 瞌睡的;嗜睡的。‎ l through [θru:] ad. & a. 穿过,通过,经历;从头到尾,完全,全部;到最后,到底,彻底;透;完毕。直通的,直达的。〔英国〕(电话)接通;〔美国〕通话完毕。‎ l rather than :ア.I’d call her hail black rather than brown.‎ ‎ イ.It’s you rather than me who will go there.‎ ‎ ウ.She is an actress rather than a singer.‎ ‎ エ.She likes singing rather than dancing.‎ ‎ オ.I decided to write a letter rather than (to) make a call.‎ l too many n. [C] (pl.)‎ too much n. [U]‎ much too a.‎ l interest ‎[‘intrəst]‎ n. 利益。爱好。‎ I have an interest in learning English.‎ v. 使发生兴趣。‎ Sing English song interests me a lot.‎ interested be interested in sth. / doing sth.‎ take an interest in 对……感兴趣 l modest [‘mɒdəst] a. 淑静的,贞节的;有节制的,适度的,适中的;不大的。‎ l Jurassic Period [dʒu’ræsik] [‘pi:ri:əd] 侏罗纪 l Sweden n. 瑞典 Swede [swi:d] n. 瑞典人 l improve [im’pru:v] v. 改良,改善,增进。利用,活用。增高(土地等的)价值。‎ l as a.(原) / ad.(原) as l It takes sb. to do sth.‎ Sth. cost sb. some money.‎ Sb. pays some money for sth.‎ Sb. spend on sth.‎ ‎(in) doing sth.‎ l enter = go into = take park in l l advantage [əd’væntidʒ] [CN] 利益,好处。优点,优越性,有利方面;优势。‎ l hear from sb. 收到某人来信 hear from sb.’s letter.(收到某人信的来信)‎ l suggest [sə’dʒest] 建议,提议,提出(计划等)。暗示,绕着弯儿讲。‎ suggest sth. / doing sth. / 从句 / to do sth.‎ l make friends with 与谁谁交友 l native speaker of English 以英语为母语的人 l encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 l 现在完成时不直接跟时间连用 l quite a good = a very good l by heart 用心 l Have / Make sth. done 使某物被……‎ l satisfy [‘sætəsfai] v. 使满足,使果腹;达到(要求)。令人满意。‎ l learn about 了解 l six months earlier 提前六个月 six months ago 六个月前 l instead [in’sted] ad. 代替,顶替。‎ l contest n. & v. 竞争,争论。竞赛,比赛。争夺(胜败,土地等)。‎ l Tom is a bad student.‎ So he is 表赞同 So is Mary 表另一个也是要倒装 l have / has been to 去过 l borrow sth. from sb.‎ lend sth. to sb.‎ l yet [jet] ad. 仍 用法 在现在完成时的句子中,already常用于肯定句,yet常用于否定句和疑问句,但yet还有其他用法。 1. 用于否定句中,意思是“还、尚、迄今、到那时”。‎ l just [dʒʌst] a. 刚才; 仅仅,只是; 正好; 刚要 l already [ɔ:l’redi,’ɔ:lredi] ad. 〔表示现在或过去某时发生的事实〕已经,早已。‎ l ever ad. 〔表示否定、疑问和比较〕曾经,这以前。‎ l so far 到目前为止(常用于现在完成时)‎ l you’d better (not) do sth.‎ l rather than 平行对比 l 不规则动词表 be 是(am, is)‎ was,‎ been are were been bear 忍受 bore borne, born beat 击打 beat beaten become 变成 became become begin 开始 began begun babysit babysat babysat blow 吹 blew blown break 断开 broke broken bring 带来 brought brought build 建筑 built built buy 买 bought bought can 能 could ‎-‎ catch 抓住 caught caught choose 选择 chose chosen come 来 came come cost 价值 cost cost cut 切 cut cut deal 处理 dealt dealt dig 挖洞 dug dug do 做 did done draw 画 drew drawn dream 做梦 dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt drink 喝 drank drunk drive 驾车 drove driven eat 吃 ate eaten fall 落下 fell fallen feed 喂 fed fed feel 感觉 felt felt fight 打架 fought fought find 找寻 found found fly:飞 flew flown forget 忘记 forgot forgotten, forgot freeze 冷冻 froze frozen flee 逃跑 fled fled get 得到 got got, gotten give 给予 gave given go 去 went gone grow 成长 grew grown hang: 挂 吊死 ‎ hung hanged ‎ hung hanged have/has 有 had had hear 听 heard heard hit 打 hit hit hold 拿住 held held hurt 伤害 hurt hurt keep 保持 kept kept know 知道 knew known lay 放置 laid laid lead 带领 led led lie 躺;位于 说谎 lay lied lain lied learn 学习 learnt, learned learnt, learned leave 离开 left left lend 借出 lent lent let 让 let let lose 丢失 lost lost make 做 made made may 可以 might ‎-‎ mean 意思是 meant meant meet 见面 met met mistake 弄错 mistook mistaken misunderstand 误会 misunderstood misunderstood overcome 克服 overcame overcome oversleep 睡过头 overslept overslept overspend 过度使用 overspent overspent pay 付出 paid paid put 放 put put read 读 read read rebuild 重建 rebuilt rebuilt retell 重述 retold retold ride 骑 rode ridden ring 响 rang rung rise 升起 rose risen run 跑 ran run say 说 said said see 看见 saw seen sell 卖 sold sold send 送 sent sent set 设置 set set shake 摇晃 shook shaken shall 将 should ‎-‎ shine 照耀 shone, shined shone, shined shoot 射击 shot shot show 展示 showed shown, showed shut 关闭 shut shut sing 唱歌 sang sung sink 下沉 sank sunk sit 坐 sat sat sleep 睡觉 slept slept smell 闻 smelt, smelled smelt, smelled speak 讲话 spoke spoken spell 拼写 spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spend 花钱 spent spent stand 站立 stood stood steal 偷窃 stole stolen sweep 打扫 swept swept swim 游泳 swam swum take 拿到 took taken teach 教 taught taught tell 讲述 told told think 思考 thought thought throw 投掷 threw thrown understand 理解 understood understood wake 醒;叫醒 woke woken, waked wear 穿着 wore worn will 意愿 would ‎-‎ win 获胜 won won write 写 wrote written l the 比较级 the 比较级 越 就越 l interested of sth. / doing sth.‎ l attract v. [ə’trækt] 吸引。引诱,诱惑。‎ attraction n. [ə’træk∫ən] 引,吸引;引力。引人注意的东西;有趣的东西。‎ l see sb. doing sth.‎ 看见某人正做某事 see sb. do sth.‎ 看见某人做(整个过程)‎ l mean v. & a. [mi:n] 意,有…的意思,意思是…。卑鄙的;自私的。‎ l normal [‘nɔ:rml] a. 正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。额定的,规定的。‎ l in fact 事实上 l probably 可能性最大 perhaps 可能性居中 maybe 可能性最小 l hear of / about 听说 l character [‘kærəktə] n. 性格,品格;特性,性状,特征;【生物学】形质。‎ l fun [fʌn] n. 嬉戏,娱乐,玩笑,兴趣。 have fun ‎ a. 有趣的,奇妙的。供娱乐用的,为玩玩用的。‎ l It’s a. to do sth.‎ l become [bi’kʌm] 短暂性动词 I’ve become a singer.‎ l for + 一段时间 since + 过去时间点 l 非延续性动词若与一段时间连用,要转为延续性动词 l have a probably (in) doing sth. 做某事很困难 any ‎+‎ probably no some l all over the world = all around the world l such as 一般列举多个例子,其后多加名词 for example 其后多用逗号隔开 l brave [breiv] a. 勇敢的。华丽的,漂亮的。 v. 冒 (风雨、危险等),抵抗;不顾。‎ l get the job 得到工作 l 强调句:was …… who ;it’s …… that l 几分之几:分子用基数词,分母用序数词 :one third l sth. seem a. seem [si:m] v. 好像;似乎;好像是。看来好像。‎ l start doing sth. = start to do sth.‎ l be close to 靠近 l nature [‘neiʧə] n. 自然(现象),大自然;自然界;自然力;天理,道理。‎ natural [‘næʧərəl, ‘næʧrəl] a. 自然界的;关于自然界的。野生的。‎ l make sb. do sth.‎ l 相对于过去时间已经做某事用过去完成时 l in the past / last 一段时间:用现在完成时 l 现在完成时不与过去的时间连用 l typhoon [tai’fu:n] n. 台风。‎ l Are you interested in English? be interested in sth. / doing sth.‎ Do you take an interest in English? take an interest in sth. / doing sth.‎ l end up 结束 The party usually end up with a song.‎ l go on 进行;参加 l province [‘prɒvins] n. 省,州;〔pl.〕 地区,地方; 〔the provinces〕 乡下。‎ l population [,pɒpjə’lei∫n] 人口 整体:谓:单 个体:谓:复 ‎ 用large small 修饰 l The classroom needs cleaning every day.‎ to be cleaned.‎ l death [deθ] n. 死,死亡。褫夺公权。死状,死法;惨死;死因。绝灭,消灭。‎ l as a./ad.(原级) as a./ad.(原级) not as / so a./ad.(原级) as a./ad.(原级)‎ l Where there is a will ,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。‎ l on board 在船上(在甲板上)‎ l huge [hju:dʒ] a. 巨大的,庞大的,极大的。a huge gate 【美剧】门票的巨大收入。‎ l fear [fiə] n. 恐怖,畏惧。忧虑,担心,顾虑,不安。(对神的)敬畏。‎ l have a hard time with sth.‎ doing sth.‎ l come along 出现 l make if (for sb.) to do sth.‎ l be sure of sth. / doing sth. 对……有把握 l be part of…… ……中的一部分 l show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.‎ l stop from (sb.) doing sth. 阻止(某人)做某事 l a bit = a bit of + n.‎ l be动词加过去分词表被动语态 l it is said → it’s said 据说 l remember do sth.‎ l rise [raiz] v. 上升,升起;起立,立起〔口语说 stand up〕,耸起;增大;‎ rise → rose → risen l take turn to do sth. / doing sth. 轮流做某事 l 过去某个准确时间点用过去进行时 l 当陈述部分有few little never seldom hardly neither none 等否定词时,后半部分用肯定。‎ l 当陈述句有前后缀变否定的词如 dislike unhappy 等后半部分仍旧用否定 l 反义疑问句:①确认信息②留下话尾给别人说 结构:前否后肯,前肯后肯 陈述句/祈使句,( )?‎ 附加疑问句:类似于一般疑问句 人称时态与主句保持一致 人称需要用代词:Mary is a bad girl , isn’t she?‎ 回答:按事实回答 l 祈使句的附加疑问句 Let’s …… , shall we?‎ 其他祈使句用will you? (include “Let us”)‎ l make sure to do sth. / of sth. / about sth. 弄清楚,查明,确认 l across从表面经过 through 从内部穿过 past 穿过走过 l feel like 感觉起来像 + 名词/代词/动名词 l just:现在完成时 just now:过去时 l show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.‎ l why not do sth. ‎ l let sb. do sth.‎ l clear [kliə] a. (水等)清澈的,透明的;(天气等)晴朗的,明净的,爽朗的;‎ l suggest doing sth.‎ l make progress in …… doing sth.‎ l a large number = many l keep [ki: p] v. 拿着,保持;防守;履行;庆祝,过 (节) ,过(年),举行 (仪式)。‎ l in a word 简言之;一言以蔽之 l It’s adj.‎ of (多指本质)‎ sb. to do sth.‎ for(多指会对其产生什么影响)‎ l for [fɔ:r] 前置词 〔表示目标、去向〕向,往。 连接词 因为。‎ l mind doing sth.‎ l finish doing sth.‎ l would like to do sth.‎ l l similar [ ‘simələ ] a. & n. 近似的,相似的,類似的 (to) ;相似物。‎ l 肯定:as …… as …… 否定:not so / as …… as ……‎ l find + 賓 adj.(賓補)‎ l get over it / them l found …… was difficult l power cut 停電 l by the end of 在……之前;到……為止 l 過去的過去:had + 過去分詞 l What to do / I can do l forget to do sth.‎ 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth.‎ 忘记做过某事 l 时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来 l go across = cross l kick [ kik ] v. 踢。解雇。急冲,突跳。反对,反抗;发牢骚。〔俚语〕死。‎ l work hard on …… 在……方面努力 l achieve [ ə’ʧi:v ] v. 完成,做到;获得(胜利等);达到(目的),实现。‎ l pick up sb. 接某人回来 l sth. surprise sb.‎ l Columbus [ kə’lʌmbəs ] 哥伦布〔地名,美国俄亥俄州首府〕。‎ l believe sb.‎ 相信某人的话 believe in sb.‎ 信任某人 l awake、asleep 只能作后置定语或表语 l as long as 只要 l absolutely [ ‘æbsəˌlu:tli, ˌæbsə’lu:tli ] ad. 完全地。确实地。独裁地。‎ l make great progress l be interested in take / show an interesting in l ideal [ ai’di:əl ] a. & n. 理想的,典型的。不切实际的。理想;典型;理想数。‎ l ATMOSPHERE 1. atmosphere [‘ætməˌsfi:r] (E) n. 大气,大气层 (I) n. 空气 2. atmosphere(大气层)→sphere(球,圈)‎ sphere [sfiə] (I) n. [圈→] 范围,领域 a sphere of influence 势力范围 cube ‎[kju:b]‎ prism ‎[‘prizəm]‎ cylinder ‎[‘silində]‎ pyramid ‎[‘pirəmid]‎ sphere 立方 棱柱 圆柱 棱锥 球体 spherical [‘sferəkl] (A) a. 球形的,球面的 hemisphere [‘hemiˌsfi:r] [hemi-(半) +sphere] (A) n. 半球 the North Hemisphere 北半球 l suggest doing sth.‎ l Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 l has fallen asleep / is asleep / is sleeping l buy sth. for 钱 pay 钱 for sth.‎ l be full of= be filled with 前者是主系表结构,full为形容词满的,后者为被动语态,fill为充满的意思。‎ full of 前要加be动词 The room is full of people = The room is filled with people.‎ fill sth. with sth. 用……把……充满 Fill the bottle with water.‎ l ATTEND/ATTENTION 1. attend [ə’tend] (E) v. (1) 出席,参加;(2) 照料,护理 attend the meeting 出席会议 the patient 照料病人 2. attendant(照料)→‎ attendant [ə’tendənt] (A) n. 侍者;护理员;服务员,值班员 tend [tend] [attend(2)之略] (I) v. 照料,看护 ‎ tend the patient = attend the patient 现代英语中spend的过去分词是spent 拉丁语中attendere的过去分词是attentus attention [ə’ten∫n] [attend的名词] (A) n. 照料,治疗 The patient received attention of the hospital.‎ 1. attention [ə’ten∫n] (E) n. 注意,注意力;(E) n. 立正 pay attention to (E) 注意。‎ 2. 由此知彼,attend照料→attention照料 由彼知此,attention注意→attend(?)‎ attend [ə’tend] (I) v. 注意留心,专心于(+to) attend to one’s business attentive [ə’tentiv] [attend的形容词] (I) adj. 注意的,留心的 attend to what he says 注意听他讲 pay attention to what he says be attentive to what he says l BALL 1. ball [bɔ:l] (E) n. 球,球状物 2. ball(球)→大小不分的“球”‎ balloon [bə’lu:n] [ball+ -oon (“大”);大球→] (I) n. 气球 ballot [‘bælət] [ball+ -ot (表示“小”)] n. (1) [原义]投票用的小纸球→(2)投票纸,选票,投票;vi. (秘密) 投票 bullet [‘bulət] [bull(ball的变体) +et(表示“小”);小球→] (I) n. 子弹,枪弹(古时的子弹就是沙粒状的小球)‎ 3. ball(球)→体育上的主要球类 baseball [‘beisˌbɔ:l] [base(基础)+ball] (A) n. 垒球,棒球 basketball [‘bæskətˌbɔ:l] [basket(篮)+ball(球)] (E) n. 篮球 football [‘futˌbɔ:l] [foot(足)+ball(球)] (E) n. 足球 volleyball [‘vɒli:ˌbɔ:l] [volley(齐射)+ball(球)] (E) n. 排球 ‎[归类记忆法] (1) 球类前不用冠词;(2)“打(踢)”球常用动词play。‎ 比赛:game,match ‎ 如football等含有单词“ball”的球类比赛常用game,不用match。诸如tennis(网球),boxing(拳击),wrestling(摔跤)等比赛用match。‎ 4. ball [bɔ:l] (I) n. 舞会 (比dance豪华的舞会)‎ l homesick [‘həumˌsik] a. 想家的,患怀乡病的。‎ l kind to you l hurry [‘hə:ri] n. 匆忙。vt. 催促,使加快。vi. 赶急,赶快,仓促。‎ l skill [skil] n. 技巧,技艺,技能。vi. 起作用;有助于;有影响。‎ l mail idea 主要内容 l advise (v.) sb. to do sth.‎ a piece of advice (n.).‎ l be confident of 对……自信 l treat [tri:t] vt. 对待,待遇;vi. 款待,请客;‎ l waste [weist] a. 荒芜的,不毛的,荒废了的;vt. 糟蹋,浪费。vi. 消耗;‎ l The more care you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.‎ l far, a lot, much, a bit, a little 修饰比较级 l as if(好像) + 句子 l Buy / Make sth. for sb.‎ l until + 一般现在时表将来 l sometimes sometime some times some time 有时 某时 几次,几倍 一段时间 l It is said that (据说) + 从句 l have fun doing sth.‎ l be / get excited about sth. / doing sth.‎ l end up with sth. 以……结束 l begin with sth.‎ l make mistakes in ……‎ l another 三者以上的另一个 l 宾语从句判断标准:时态,连接词,语序 l Why not join us?‎ l end up doing sth.‎ l The window is bright,who has cleaned it?‎ l 情态动词后加动词原形 l by + 交通工具(单)‎ l no one 用于人不指物 l suggest doing sth. ‎ l repeat [ri’pi:t] n. 再说,再做,重演;vt. 重做。vi. .重复说[做] 。‎ l join in = take part in l by doing sth. 通过做某事 l not……at all 一点也不 l have trouble doing sth. 做某事有困难 l by:在……旁边:by the lake 不迟于:he will be all right by supper time.by常用于过去完成时。靠,用:the monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail.被,由:English is spoken by many people. by the way. by one’s self.‎ l make made made ① make 制作 a sentence / poem ‎ ② make a phone call / a decision / a plan ③ make the bed make money make faces make a mistake make friends ④ make it 成功了 ⑤ make it 8 o’clock 约定八点 l boring 修饰物 e.g.:excite / exciting bored 修饰人的心理 interesting: she is an interesting woman l differently ad.‎ different a.‎ difference n.‎ l by通过方法手段 有形with无形by 语言单位材料in 特征方面与方式 心情成语惯用in in用某种材料或某种语言 with用工具或人体部位 l find sth. a. for sb. to do sth.‎ find it a.‎ find that + 句子 l She often keeps practicing speaking English.‎ l practice doing sth.‎ l difference 不同点[CN] 区别[UN]‎ l realize sth. 实现,实行 l feel + adj. The clothes fell soft. 衣服感觉很软 l add (that) + 句子 add sth. to / on ……‎ l speak / talk / laugh loud l worry……about Don’t worry l realize sth. / 句子 l be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 担心……‎ I’m afraid so / not (婉转的拒绝)‎ l also 行前系后 I can also speak English well.‎ l have trouble doing sth.‎ l secret of doing sth. 做什么事的秘诀 l to begin with 一开始 l deal with = do with = solve I don’t know how to deal with problem.‎ I don’t know what to do with the problem.‎ l Unless you work hard, you won’t catch up with others.‎ l positive ['pɒzətiv] a. 确实的,明确的;有自信的;十足的,纯粹的。‎ l 时间、距离、金钱、看成一个整体 Two years goes by.‎ l last [la:st] vi. 继续;持久,耐久,经久。‎ l complain about sb. / sth.‎ l l magician [mə'dʒi∫n] n. 魔法师,妖道,术士;魔术家,变戏法的人。‎ l it’s one’s duty to do sth.‎ l The TV play ended up with a sad ending.电视剧以悲剧结尾。‎ l used to do sth.‎ 过去常常做某事 be / get used to doing sth.‎ 习惯于做某事 I’m used to dealing with the matters of this kind.‎ be used to do sth.‎ 被用来做某事 1. There used to be a football field before the war.战争前这有片足球场。‎ 2. He used to live here,didn't he?‎ 3. They are used to the hard work here.‎ 4. Miss Lin didn't use to be thin l hit→hit→hit drop vi.&vt. 垂直落下 fall vi. 跌倒 l couple ['kʌpl] n. 一双。夫妇,夫妻,一对舞伴。‎ l cause [kɔ:z] n. 原因,起因;缘故,理由,根据,动机。不能用于被动语态 l l pay attention to doing sth.‎ l Take sb. to some place 带某人到某地 take sb. home 带某人回家 l chat [ʧæt] n. 闲谈,聊天。鸣禽。 chat with sb. 与人家闲聊 chat room 聊天室 l on the internet 在网上 l in the last few years 近几年 l with 短语作伴随短语She goes to school with nothing in her school bag.‎ l take pride in sth. / doing sth. = be proud of sth. / doing sth.‎ l can / can’t / could / couldn’t afford to sth. / sth. 花得起,买得起 l attention please 立正 “May I have your attention”“通知,通知”‎ l cause [kɔ:z] n. 原因,起因;缘故,理由,根据,动机。‎ The heavy rain caused the river rise.‎ l spend time with sb. 与谁共度时光 l Sb. spends time / money (in) doing sth.‎ l as……as possible l give up smoking 戒烟 l make sb. do sth.‎ l It is kind of you. 人本身的性质用of It is good for you to kill him. 描述事件用for l tie sth. to sth. 把某物绑在某物上 l enemy ['enəmi] n. 敌人,仇敌;〔集合词〕敌军,敌舰;敌机;敌国。危害物;大害。‎ l seem + adj. e.g. he seems ill.‎ seem to do sth. He seems to be nervous.‎ It seems / seemed that + 句子 l get into trouble 陷入麻烦 l be done (vt.)‎ is / are done was / were done 情态动词 done will be done l get / have sth. done 请某人做某事、使某事完成 He got / had hair cut yesterday.‎ l agree with sb.‎ to do sth.‎ on sth.‎ 达成共识 in doing sth.‎ l instead of doing sth.‎ l concentrate on doing sth. / sth. 全神贯注 l volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 l succeed in doing sth.成功做某事 l point at 指向近物 point to 指向远物 l so + 助v. + 主语 (倒装) 主语也一样 so + 主语 + 助v. 确实如此 l yet 用于否定句和疑问句 already 用于肯定句 l fair in doing sth.‎ l learn sth. from sb. 向某人学习什么 Everyone has strong point ,we should learn from each other.‎ l have an opportunity to do sth. 有机会做某事 l reply :vi. & vt. 回答;答复 ① make no reply 没有回音 ② reply to sb. 回答某人 reply 作为及物动词时后面只能加所说的话 reply nothing he replied that he would go.‎ l teach sb. sth. teach sb. to do sth. teach sb. how to do sth.‎ l succeed [sək'si:d] vi. & vt. 继…之后,继续;成功,获得成效;使成功。‎ l I achieved my dream at last. = My dream came true at last.‎ l only + 从句/状语从句放句首要倒装 only + 状(从句) + 系v. / 助v. / 情v. + 主语 + v.原 l have a change to do sth. / to do sth.‎ l a + 序数词 表示:又一再一 l go out 熄灭 l go over 复习 l might 可以, 可能。用在情态动词或虚拟语气中 l needn’t do sth. = don’t have to do sth.‎ l What if …… ? 如果……怎么办 l BRING HERE  TAKE THERE Who has taken away today’s newspaper?‎ Go and get some water.‎ Can you fetch me some water?‎ l If they had left earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the airplane.与过去事实相反 If it should rain tomorrow, what would you do? 与将来时时刻能相反 l rather do sth. than do sth.‎ l be confident of sb. / sth. 对某人某事有自信 l dare to do sth. 敢于做某事 dare not do sth. 不敢做某事 l permit [pə'mit] vi.&vt. 许可,准许,放任;使可能。允许,容许 (of)。‎ permit sb. to do sth. = allow sb. to do sth.‎ l be friends with sb.‎ l introduce vt. 引导,带领。介绍。使开始经验[体验]。引进。提出(议案等)。‎ introduce oneself 自我介绍 It’s my honour to introduce my teacher to everyone.‎ l invited sb. to do sth.‎ l not in the slightest = not at all l plenty of 許多的 後可加可數名詞亦可加不可數名詞 l would / had rather do sth. than do sth. would rather not do sth.不愿做某事 would do sth. rather than do sth.‎ l prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do sth.‎ 比起B更喜欢A 喜欢做某事 l stomach ['stʌmək] n.&vt. 胃。胃口,食欲;消化。忍耐,忍受。 stomachs l The money is mine the rest is yours. the rest of 其余的 Some foot has been eaten up ,and the rest of food in the ice-box has gone bad.‎ l let sb. down 让某人失望 l company ['kʌmpəni] {U} n. 交际,交往;做伴;伴侣;朋友;来客。‎ in the company of 在谁的陪伴下 l offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. = provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 提供给某人某物 l have experience (in) doing sth.‎ l worst of all 最糟糕的是 l another day 改天 the other day 前几天 l keep sb. doing sth.‎ l volunteer to do sth.‎ l truth [tru:θ] n. 真理;真实;真相,诚实,老实。精确度。‎ l though [ðəu] ad. 可是,但是,然而,不过还是;话虽这样说。‎ l hide sth. from sb. 把某物藏起来不让某人看到 l refuse ['refju:s] vt. 拒绝,谢绝,不肯(承认、服从等);拒婚〔主指女子拒绝男子〕。‎ l hurt vt. 某人受伤,常用于被动语态 He was badly hurt. I hurt myself.‎ vi. 伤口疼痛 My leg hurts.‎ hurt (vt.) = injure ,injure 指伤势较重,hurt 可表感情创伤 hurt my heart wound [waund] n. 伤,负伤,创伤;损害,损伤;屈辱;苦痛;a wound solder pain [pein] n. 痛,疼痛;产痛,阵痛。费心,苦心; have a pain in 身体部位 l work out 解决;算出 l make up 组成;化妆;百分比 l pick sth. up l put on 举起;张贴 put off 推迟 l tongue [tʌŋ] n. 舌;口条〔食用的牛舌等〕。口才,说法;语言;国语;方言;国民。‎ l much + 比较级 l sth. belong to sb. 宾 sth. must belong to sb.‎ sth. must be sb.‎ l At one’s appointment. It snowed all day but stop snowing during that night.‎ l anxious ['æŋk∫əs] a. 忧虑的,焦急的。切望的,急想。使人不安的。‎ be anxious for / about sb. / sth. = be worried about 担心某事或某人 on the anxious seat 坐立不安 l It’s a. + 句子 句子为真正主语 l may :允许 否定:mustn’t l ability [ə'biləti] n.能力,技能;〔pl.〕 才,才能,才干。 不行:disability l She dropped the bottle onto the floor.‎ l have to do sth. = must to do sth.‎ l 情态动词后加动词原形 l READING MAKES A FULL MAN 阅读使人充实 l strange [streindʒ] a. 古怪的,陌生的;异乡的,strange fish 〔口语〕怪人。‎ l these days 最近;近几天 l like 像 unlike 不像 l an ocean of ;(in) oceans of 极多的 l escape from / out of = run away l l sth. run out sb. run out of sth.‎ sth. be used up sb. use up sth.‎ By this time he had used up his saving.‎ l 情态动词 + be + ving 表示对正在进行的情况进行推测 At this moment our teacher may be correcting our examination paper.‎ 情态动词 + have + 动词的过去分词 表示对过去的推测 The road is wet ,it must have rained last night.‎ l drop [drɒp] n. 滴;液滴,滴剂;微量,耳坠;降落;(物价)下跌,落差;‎ A pin could be heard to drop. 一根针落在地上也听得见,寂静之极。‎ Drop down from the tree.‎ They saw sth. drop out of his pocket.‎ ‎(价格、温度)下降 风声变弱 Price dropped / rised A drop of water l Could you please (not) do sth?‎ l Might 有“规劝”的意思。You might pay more attention to spoken English.‎ l chase [ʧeis] vi.&vt. 追随,追逐。寻觅。驱除。chase a cat out of the garden l pretend to do sth. 假装做某事。 pretend that + 句子 l attempt to do sth. 企图做某事 ‎ Don't attempt to do so many things in such a short time.‎ l all alone 独立 She is sitting all along in the hall.‎ l get on / off the bus / ship / plane get into the car get out of the car l All that = what l lift [lift] vi. vt. 使升起,鼓舞。搬运;拔起;消散。水涨船高,‎ l be made to do sth.‎ l fall off = fall down from l Jim dislikes people who talk much but never do anything.‎ l turn it off turn it on turn it up turn it down l fill with 装满 l have experience (in) doing sth.‎ l found it a. to do sth.‎ l sink→sank→sunk [siŋk] vi. 沉没。沉入地平线下;沮丧,跌落,渗下,退落。‎ l lyrics 多用复数 l prefer sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do sth.‎ l l take sb. home l remind sb. of…… 让某人记起…… This song reminds him of his mother.‎ l who / that 在定语从句中谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一致 I prefer shoes that are cool.‎ I have a friend who plays sports.‎ l 当关系代词在句中作宾语时关系代词可省略。‎ l We are trying to help those children who lost their parents in Yushu, Qinghai Province.‎ l Zhang Jun did win the first prize in yesterday’s competition.‎ 张军的确赢了昨天的比赛 l as usual 像平常那样 l be sure that + 句子 be sure of /about sth. 对某事确信,有把握 make sure that + 句子 make sure of sth.‎ l In his eyes, whatever I did was wrong. 在他眼里我做什么都是错的。‎ l wherever = no matter where whoever = no matter who.‎ l Can you stand the cat?‎ I can’t stand to wait the bus.‎ l fellow ['feləu] n. 同伴,伴侣;匹敌者,对手;‎ l He was lucky enough to catch the bus.‎ l suit sb. 着重于颜色,色料方面的适合 That’s a nice blouse, it suits you prefer.‎ fit sb. 用于衣着鞋帽形状大小方面的合适 The shoes don't fit you.‎ l expect [ik'spekt] vt. 期待,预期,预料 expect sb. to do sth.‎ expect to do sth.‎ They expect to finish the work by Friday.‎ l increase vi.&vt. Production生产 can be increased greatly.‎ l It’s a. to sb.‎ It’s a. for sb. to do sth.‎ l 当先行词one of 复数名词在定语从句中做主语时,定语从句谓语动词用复数形式。若先行词为the (only) one of + 复数名词在定语从句中做主语时定语从句谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。‎ l 先行词代表人或物在定语从句中做定语时用关系代词 He lives in a house whose windows face south。‎ l 当先行词代表物时下列情况只能用that 而不用 which 一、 先行词为all / little / much / everything / something / anything / none / the one 等不定代词时 二、 先行词有only / all / any / little / few / no / very 等修饰词时 三、 先行词是序数词或有序数词修饰,形容词最高级或有形容词最高级修饰时 四、 有两个先行词一个指人一个指物 五、 主句是特殊疑问句疑问词为who 或 which时。‎ l stay away from = keep away from l finding ['faindiŋ] n. 发现;发现的东西。〔 pl.〕结论;研究结果;常用复数 l in which为非限定性定语从句,先行词为survey。‎ l so that 以便,为了。He worked so that everything would be ready in time.‎ l l be filled with = be full of l Thousands of years has passed 几千年过去了 l else修饰疑问句what,who,which,when,where,how等不定代词something,everything l As the old saying goes, he who never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.‎ 俗话说得好:不到长城非好汉 l l close [ kləus ]‎ 1. vt. 关(窗等),闭(眼等);盖(盖子等);锁闭,封闭,塞,隔绝。‎ 2. a. 关闭着的,密闭的。秘密的。窄狭的,紧密的;严丝合缝的,吻合的。‎ 3. ad. 精密地,细密地,紧密地。秘密地。接近,密接;亲密地。‎ l pack vt. 包,把…打包,包装,把…包成一捆;〔美国〕把…装罐头。‎ l customer [ 'kʌstəmə ] n. 主顾,客户,(打交道的)人,〔美口〕观众,听众。‎ l take a trip = have / make a trip be on a trip 在旅行 be on a visit to 在参观 l mind (not) doing sth. Would you mind my sitting here?‎ l a. / ad. enough (for sb.) / to do sth.‎ ‎(not) a. / ad. enough (for sb.) to do sth.‎ l leave为短暂性动词,不与一段时间连用。‎ l marry短暂性 → married延续性 l dream of doing sth.‎ l according to sth. 根据……‎ l quite a few = many l be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事 be unwilling to do sth. 不乐意做某事 l fantastic [ fæn'tæstik ] a. 空想的,异想天开的。奇异的,古怪的。‎ l consider + n. / doing sth. 考虑……‎ l a piece of information ask for information on sth.‎ a man of wide information 见多识广 l continue sth. / to do sth. = go on to sth. 继续做某事 l We can see through the glass 看过沙漠 l 介词on表示状态,方法等,意思是:“进行中,在……中,……状态。”‎ l trek [trek] vi.〔南非英语〕 (坐牛车)旅行; pay attention to doing sth.‎ l so a. that + 句子 such + n. + 句子 l do harm to sb. 伤害某人 l give out = hand out 分发 l Can’t help doing sth. = can’t stop doing sth. I cannot help thinking so.‎ l sign [sain] 记号,信号,表示。广告(牌)。形迹 l not only …… but also Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but also I get to spend time doing what I love to do.‎ l 动词加介词:say hello to 其后必须带宾语,都要放在介词之后 l put sth to good / bad use 善于、不善于利用某物 l help sb. out 使某人脱离困境 l be able to do sth. 能够做某事(可用于任何时态)be unable to do sth.‎ l l fix sth. up = repair = fasten [ 'fæsn ] 上紧,扣紧(钮子等)。‎ l fill A with B 用A充满B be full of = be fill with l support [ sə'pɔ:rt ] vt. 维护。赞助。维持。激励。忍耐。‎ l be used for sth. / doing sth.‎ l run out of 时间、精力、钱、物 l broadcast [ 'brɔ:dˌkæst ] 撒播的;广泛散布的。广播的。撒播。广播节目。‎ l work out 被证明;结果是 work it out 算出来 l make it a.‎ l appeal [ ə'pi:l ] 呼吁;要求。‎ l Be careful of the glass broken by the cat.‎ l divide sth. into sth.‎ l on time 准时 in time 及时 l make it 成功了 l convince sb. 使某人相信 l set off 出发 引爆 衬托 set about sth. 开始,着手 set out 出发 l clerk 个体 stuff 整体 (职员)‎ l dress up as 穿得像 dress sb. 给谁穿衣服 l in order to 为了 l I live right here. right 在此表强调 l This sign SAYS “NO PHOTOES”‎ l It is better to do sth. 最好做某事 l be similar to 像……‎ l l marry (to) sb. 与某人结婚 a marring man 一个盼望结婚的人 a married man 已婚 l or not 用whether ‎ 更多精品资料和视频,尽在索罗学院!‎ 索罗学院:http://www.7suoluo.com/‎

