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基础速测(二) 词汇运用+完成句子 ‎(限时:15分钟)‎ Ⅰ.词汇运用 A)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。‎ once a month; success; fall behind; take care of;terrible; closed; chopsticks;‎ the most expensive; on business ‎1.Simon works hard all the time so he won't         . ‎ ‎2.This is         watch in the shop. I can't afford it. ‎ ‎3.Amy goes to the reading club         . ‎ ‎4.It's our duty to         our parents when they are old. ‎ ‎5.A       earthquake hit Nepal on April 25, 2015 and many people gave a helping hand. ‎ ‎6.My father has gone to Hong Kong       . He will stay there for two weeks. ‎ ‎7.The local government     the factories which caused water pollution in that areA.‎ ‎8.Those Western students in our school try to use         when they have meals. ‎ B)根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎9.Sandy was     (able) to move the heavy box. She had to ask her father for help. ‎ ‎10.The elephant is     (heavy) among all the animals in this zoo.  ‎ ‎11.My classmate Amy       (go) abroad for further education already. ‎ ‎12.The little boy was clever enough to work out the Maths problem     (easy). ‎ ‎13.Today is my grandpa's     (ninety) birthday. Let's go to his home to celebrate.  ‎ ‎14.    (wolf) are in danger now because of the loss of their living areas. ‎ ‎15.    (write) down your names and check your student numbers again, please.  ‎ Ⅱ. 完成句子 根据所给中文意思,用英语完成下列各句。‎ ‎16.我同意你的看法。我认为星座是世界上最有趣的事情之一。‎ I         you, and I think the         is one of the most interesting things in the world. ‎ ‎17.昨天晚饭后大卫独自一人在家,因此他别无选择,只能自己洗碗。‎ 3‎ Yesterday David stayed at home alone after supper, so he         but        ‎ himself. ‎ ‎18.要想处于领先地位,你们必须严格要求自己。‎ In order to         , you must         yourselves.  ‎ ‎19.当孩子们演讲费劲的时候,不应该嘲笑他们。‎ When the children have         speeches, they shouldn't         . ‎ ‎20.自从米莉参加了歌唱竞赛的选拔以来,她在唱歌方面取得了更大的进步。‎ Millie         in singing since she         the singing competition. ‎ ‎21.上个周末,直到复习了所有英语单词之后,丹尼尔才去购物。‎ Daniel         until he        all the English words last weekend. ‎ ‎22.很多和他们同龄的学生不确定如何处理这个问题。‎ Many students         are not sure how         the problem. ‎ ‎23.在采取行动之前,你得再三斟酌要做的事。‎ You have         about what to do before you         . ‎ ‎24.污染问题以前没人重视。但现在大家都愿意助一臂之力。‎ The problem of pollution used to         by nobody. But now everybody is willing to give         .  ‎ ‎25.当地震发生时,人们开始四处逃散。‎ When the earthquake    , people began to run         . ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 3‎ Ⅰ.A)1.fall behind 2.the most expensive ‎3.once a month 4.take care of ‎5.terrible 6.on business ‎7.closed 8.chopsticks B)9.unable 10.the heaviest ‎11.has gone 12.easily 13.ninetieth ‎ ‎14.Wolves 15.Write Ⅱ.16.agree with; star sign ‎ ‎17.had no choice; to do/wash the dishes ‎18.take the lead; be strict with ‎19.difficulty (in) making; be laughed at ‎20.has made greater progress; tried out for ‎21.didn't go shopping; went over ‎22.of their age; to deal with ‎23.to think twice; take action/do something/act ‎ ‎24.be paid no attention to; a helping hand/some help ‎25.happened; in all directions ‎ 3‎

