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1 小卷速测(三) 完形+阅读 B+C (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ. 完形填空 It started four years ago. My wife often saw a 1 man near her workplace. It was the week before New Year's Day and she said she wanted to 2 him a new coat. His coat was torn and very old. We didn't have a lot of 3 ; really we were a step away from being homeless ourselves most months at that time, 4 we tried to help when we could. We talked and found a 5 to get some money together to buy him a coat. I thought since we were giving him a piece of 6 , we could find out what else he might need. We decided to fill a backpack with 7 things: a toothbrush, soap, a hat, gloves, some food and a greeting card. We didn't have money to exchange 8 for birthdays or festivals in many years. But I knew it felt wonderful to have someone 9 you at special days and I was always a little embarrassed when 10 asked, “What did you get for your birthday?” It 11 made my wife feel bad that she couldn't afford to give me anything and I felt the same. So I would 12 and say she bought me this thing or that. But that year we could tell the 13 that we helped others instead and that's exactly what happened. People asked and we said what we did. They wanted to give a 14 the following year and we made 10 backpacks,15 the year after, and this year more. It's incredible. I still can't afford to give my wife some gifts to open on festivals, but the 15 we feel makes up for it ten times! ( )1.A.sick B.homeless C.sleepy D.young ( )2.A.show B.make C.buy D.lend ( )3.A.money B.power C.time D.trouble ( )4.A.and B.or C.so D.but ( )5.A.way B.skill C.partner D.request ( )6.A.work B.result C.luck D.clothing ( )7.A.useful B.valuable C.powerful D.beautiful ( )8.A.rules B.gifts C.opinions D.thanks ( )9.A.depending on B.working for C.thinking of D.belonging to ( )10.A.friends B.families C.strangers D.children 2 ( )11.A.finally B.gradually C.never D.always ( )12.A.promise B.lie C.discuss D.disagree ( )13.A.detail B.benefit C.fact D.decision ( )14.A.pack B.plan C.right D.hand ( )15.A.peace B.sadness C.attitude D.joy Ⅱ. 阅读理解 Passage 1 [2020·原创] POP singer Peng Tan has tasted the joys of being at the top of the world. He has also experienced life's lows too. This has taught him that having a clear picture of oneself is the key to everything. “I grew overconfident at the top of my career, and I began to lose faith when things turned against me,” he said. “Then I realized that dreams will only come true if I put myself in the right place.” He has made his several albums, such as Teen Spirit, Ocean and so on after he went solo(独唱) from the rock band Dada. As the name of Teen Spirit suggests, the album is about his experiences and memories in his youth. “The teenage years is a special restless period in life, with lots of doubt, nervousness with wise and foolish ideas together,” said Peng. When younger, he first dreamed of being a painter, until one day the singing of Cui Jian ignited(点燃) his passion for rock music. In 1996, he became the lead singer in the band Dada, which he set up with his classmates from junior school. Soon, they topped the music charts(排行榜) and got lots of prizes. However, the good days didn't last. The band broke up. Peng became upset and began doubting his own ability. He then went to the Beijing Pop Festival and saw his favorite foreign band, Super Grass. This changed everything. “I almost went mad when I heard them singing,” he said. “Light fell on the lead singer's excited face. Suddenly I realized who I wanted to be like.” After that, he was back on track(重回正轨) and found his confidence. He knew he had the talent and couldn't help making a record quickly. Soon after, he was given the chance. “When you adjust your position well in life, opportunities will come to you naturally,” he said. 1.Teen Spirit is about Peng's . ( ) A.stories in his youth B.dream of the rock music C.confidence for the job D.love towards the life 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( ) 3 A.Peng became depressed because the band broke up. B.Nobody has a special period during the teenage years except Peng. C.Before the foreign band's show, Peng realized who he wanted to be like. D.Peng made several albums, and then he set up the band Dada with his classmates. 3.The purpose of the passage is to . ( ) A.encourage more people to enjoy and support the rock music B.let us know how successful the singer Peng Tan is C.tell us to put ourselves in the right place and adjust well in life D.show us the first dream is important, don't adjust the position easily 4.What can we infer from Peng's words and experiences? ( ) A.He stops singing. B.He becomes unconfident. C.His confidence changes everything. D.He comes back with a new attitude. Passage 2 Don't be too surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days. It might be one of Baidu's self-driving cars. Last month, Baidu was presented with a license to test its self-driving cars on open roads in Beijing. China Daily reported. Self-driving cars have been in development since 2010, when Google announced that it was making such cars. After that, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu started working to produce and test their own self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are expected to change the way we get around. They are safer and more environmentally friendly than regular cars. They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily. But self-driving cars have their own shortcomings as well. In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer(激光棒) at the car's sensors(感应器) while it was moving. The car thought by mistake that the laser beam(波束) was in its way and slowed down or changed direction. Shortcomings like this could be used by people to trick self-driving cars, according to the Guardian. The software that it is used to help the cars travel in the right direction may not be safe enough, reported Live Science. It may go wrong. When we use our computers or smartphones, they sometimes go wrong without any reason. But if this happened to a self-driving car, the results could 4 be terrible. It is hopeful that improvement to the software could be a way to work out this problem. 5.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? ( ) A.Self-driving cars for disabled people. B.Tips for riding in self-driving cars. C.Advantages of self-driving cars. D.Reasons for testing self-driving cars. 6.When sensing an obstacle(障碍) in the road, self-driving cars will . ( ) A.attack it with a laser beam B.slow down or change direction C.crash into it to get past it D.stop and move around it 7.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?( ) A.The laser pointer. B.The sensor. C.The self-driving car. D.The street. 8.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? ( ) A.Self-driving cars will be used as taxis in Beijing in the future. B.Traveling in self-driving cars can always be safe. C.Traveling in self-driving cars may make people more relaxed. D.Researchers have found ways to solve the problems self-driving cars have. 5 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者和妻子在自己生活极其不宽裕的情况下帮助了一个无家可归的 人,后来他们的善举得到了其他人的响应,越来越多的人加入到帮助他人的行列中来。 1.B 考查形容词辨析。根据第一段“really we were a step away from being homeless ourselves most months at that time”可知,当时大部分时间,我们离无家可归的日子也仅是一步之遥。所以断定他是一个无 家可归的人。 2.C 考查动词辨析。根据第一段“His coat was torn and very old.”和第二段第一句“…together to buy him a coat” 可知。 3.A 考查名词辨析。空格后提示他们离无家可归也是一步之遥,提示他们生活很困难。 4.D 考查并列连词辨析。前后句是转折关系,虽然他们自己很贫困,但是他们仍然要尽力帮助。 5.A 考查名词辨析。根据上文“We didn't have a lot of 3 ;really we were a step away from being homeless ourselves most months at that time”可知,他们生活很贫穷,要给这个人买衣服,他们需要想办 法筹钱。 6.D 考查名词辨析。根据前面“buy him a coat” 可知。 7.A 考查形容词辨析。从后面罗列的东西“a toothbrush, soap, a hat, gloves, some food and a greeting card”可知,这些东西都是普通但常有用的东西。 8.B 考查名词辨析。根据文中第三段“What did you get for your birthday?”和最后一段第一句“I still can't afford to give my wife some gifts to open on festivals.”可知。 9.C 考查动词短语辨析。 depend on 取决于,依靠; work for 为……工作;think of 想起;belong to 属于; 作者认为在节日这样特殊的日子里有人想着自己,给自己送礼物是一件非常美妙的事。 10.A 考查名词辨析。根据问题“What did you get for your birthday?”推断“朋友”更为恰当。 11.D 考查副词辨析。根据上文蕴含的情感可知,没有能力给丈夫送礼物总是让妻子感到内疚。 12.B 考查动词辨析。上一句说妻子没有能力给丈夫送礼物,这一句说丈夫收到妻子送的礼物可知丈夫在说谎。 13.C 考查名词辨析。由从句“that we helped others instead”及“and that's exactly what happened” 可知空格处应为“事实(fact)”。 14.D 考查名词辨析。下文说到人们准备的背包越来越多,可知其他人得知这件事后都想伸出援手“give a hand”。 15.D 考查名词辨析。 peace 和平,安静;sadness 悲伤;attitude 态度;joy 快乐。由空格前后可知“我虽然 不能给妻子买节日礼物,但帮助他人带来的愉悦可以弥补没有礼物的遗憾”,故选 D。 Ⅱ.Passage 1 [主旨大意] 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了流行歌手彭坦的事业遇到低谷时,如何正确地定位自 己重新找回自信的励志故事。 6 1.A 细节理解题。由第二段“As the name of Teen Spirit suggests…”可知。 2.C 3.C 写作意图题。本文通过彭坦的经历和他的感悟号召大家要认清自己,摆正自己的位置对一生的发展很重 要。第一段和最后一段的最后一句都表明了这一点。 4.D Passage 2 [主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文,讲述了无人驾驶汽车的出现和现在存在的缺陷。 5.C 细节理解题。根据文章中“They are safer and more environmentally friendly than regular cars. They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.” 可知,它们比普通汽车更安全、更环保。它们可以消除驾驶的压力,让残疾人或盲人更容易走动。故选 C。 6.B 细节理解题。根据文章中“In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer at the car's sensors…The car thought by mistake that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed direction.”可知选 B。 7.C 代词指代题。根据文章中“researchers pointed a laser pointer at the car's sensors while it was moving.”可知选 C。 8.C 推理判断题。A 选项文中没提到。B 选项中根据文章提到无人车的弊端,故错误。D 选项根据文中“It is hopeful that improvement to the software could be a way to work out this problem.”可知错误。故 选 C。

