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中考英语总复习练习 (9A-Unit1-Unit8)+(9B-Unit1-Unit2),精品资料 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit1) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1. Li Dazhao was one of the (先驱)of the Chinese revolution(革命). 2. The (演讲)will be given at the end of this month. 3. When will the bridge (连接)the two sides of the river be built? 4. A rainbow (出现)in the sky after the heavy rain yesterday afternoon. 5. Mr Kith often helps me with my lessons when I'm (缺席的)from school. 6. How wonderful! It's a much (生动的)concert than we expected. 7. Please tell me the (总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it. 8. You should depend on yourself. It's you who make the final (决定). 9. To get good grades in the exam, we should avoid (粗心). 10. Every weekend, a (固定的)group of volunteers came to Grandma Li's home to offer some help last year. 11. Janice is really an organized girl and she always keeps her things in . 12.—I think people should manage time more wisely. What about you? —I with you. Time is short. 13.—Why don't you carry on with your work —We can't up with any new ideas. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1. Go downstairs, stand in line on the playground as soon as possible. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( )2. There are many new shops on side of the street. A. either B. all C. every D. both ( )3.— Jim Rose watched the prince's wedding on TV yesterday. —What a pity! They missed the excitement. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor ( )4.—Must I turn off the gas after cooking? —Of course. You can never be careful with that. A. enough B. so C. very D. too ( )5.—My daughter made me very angry this morning. She broke the bowl. —Really? You were too this time. Everybody makes mistakes. A. impolite B. powerful C. practical D. impatient ( )6.—How was Robert's cooking? —Oh, pretty good. I was quite . A. admired B. interested C. impressed D. encouraged ( )7. You had better not devote your free time to . Read some books you like instead. A. play such boring games B. playing such boring games C. play so bored games D. playing so boring games ( )8. Father nodded his head to show that he me. A. angry with B. proud of C. laughed at D. agreed with ( )9. Not only John but also I interested in watching action films. A. are B. is C. be D. am ( )10. Though my math is very weak, I told myself . A. don't lose heart B. don't get lost C. not to give up D. not fall behind ( )11. There were no other ways we could come up with him happy at that time. A. to make B. making C. to be made D. to making ( )12.―Mr Liu, must we bring some water to the park? ―No, you . Drinking water is offered there. A. shouldn′t B. mustn′t C. needn′t D. can′t ( )13. The restaurant is nice and the food is good, I still prefer to eat at home. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( )14. The English teacher is to spend much time things to us. A. patient enough; explain B. enough patient; explaining C. enough patient;explain D. patient enough; explaining ( )15. In our school there are 1,580 students . A. of all B. after all C. at all D. in all ( )16. Daniel is one of the modest students in our class. He never . A. shows off B. gets off C. turns up D. runs away ( )17. The thing I want to know is not whether you fail or not, whether you try your best or not. A. who; but B. whom; and C. that;but D. that;and ( )18. Much more attention should when we take exams. A. pay to B. be paid C. be paid to D. pay ( )19. ―Can you tell me ?―He's lively and active. A. what does he like B. what he is like C. what he likes D. what is he like ( )20. ―Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my report. ― . But I have one suggestion. A. That's a good idea B. I agree with you C. It looks fine to me D. Check it first 三、完形填空(10 分) Will you put others' needs before your own? What 1 will you get if you do? Here is an expenence of mine. It was a wet day and I had a hard time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood.What's more, I went out without breakfast and I left my 2 at home. So I couldn't get lunch and was terribly hungry. When I finished my work, I 3 to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy dinner. Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my 4 meal of the day at 5:00 p.m. As I was halfway home, my wife told me by phone that a friends of ours was in 5 and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said, "I will get him 6 I get the meal." But my mouth said, "All right, I'll give him a ride." He jumped into the car with a smile on his face and repeated how grateful he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the 7 stopped him from making that journey. Traffic was a 8 . A drive to his home normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes. Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a 9 friend of mine. But, in fact, he is a friend of a friend. I wonder if I will ever see this person again but I feel glad I was there when he needed me.So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you 10 more about others. ( )1. A. help B. feeling C. change D. reward ( )2. A. keys B. glasses C. wallet D. notebook ( )3. A. called B. wanted C. tried D. remembered ( )4. A. hot B. first C. simple D. free ( )5. A. trouble B. danger C. fear D. treatment ( )6. A. since B. after C. before D. when ( )7. A. rain B. time C. work D. traffic ( )8. A. view B. stop C. joy D. mess ( )9. A. new B. lovely C. close D. common ( )10. A. learn B. worry C. care D. talk 四、阅读理解(20 分) Is advertisement really necessary? Billions of dollars are spent on it every year, so it must be important. After all, it′s a busy world. You have to advertise(做广告)to get people's attention to sell products! Not every company thinks that way, however. The NO-AD company doesn't advertise in traditional ways. It sells its products by word of mouth. In this way, they can save money and keep costs down, which makes their products cheaper for customers. "Word-of-mouth advertising" happens when one person tells another about a good experience with a product or service. That next person then tells another friend, family member, or colleague(同事). And so a chain of information is created. Usually, advertisers talk about how good their product is. Although they say things like, "Studies show that our product is the best." or "Everyone loves this product," It can sound unconvincing. It's much more believable to hear about a product from a family, member or friend who has used it and liked it. Our loved ones' opinions are very important to us, so we often listen to their advice about a product. Word-of-mouth advertising has other advantages, too. It's cost-effective (after all, it's free) and a company doesn't have to create a complex(复杂的)business plan to do it. Here is some advice for small businesses about word-of-mouth advertising.  Be prepared to talk about your company at any time. You never know who you will meet. Always carry business cards.  Only say good things about your company. Don't say bad things about your competition.  Help other companies by recommending people to them. The more you help others, the more good luck will come back to you…and that's good business. ( )1. Why do some companies spend lots of money on advertisements? A. To attract people to their products. B. To make the environment beautiful. C. To tell people the names of their companies. D. To make their products very useful. ( )2. In the picture, by saying, "I always buy it…", the speaker probably means to . A.sell the product to her relative B. tell her customer about the service C. buy the product for her colleague D. recommend the product to her friend ( )3. What does the underlined word "unconvincing" in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. uncomfortable B. unimportant C. unbelievable D. unusual ( )4. What might NO-AD companies do according to the passage? A. Create complex business plans. B. Say bad things about other companies. C. Improve their products and service all the time. D. Help other companies by wishing them good luck. ( )5. The writer's main purpose of writing the passage is . A. to tell us to care more about advertisements B. to introduce some information about NO-AD C. to show us how to sell products by advertising on TV D. to make us believe there is no need to make advertisements Tim Berners-Lee is not the most famous inventor in the world. However, his invention has changed our lives. He was born in London, England in 1955. When he was a small boy, Tim was interested in playing with electrical things. He studied science at Oxford University. He made his first computer from an old television at the age of 21. Tim started working on early computers. At that time, they were much bigger than now. He worked in England then Switzerland. Tim was really interested in two things, computers and how the brain works. How could the brain connect so many facts so quickly? He had to work with people all over the world. They shared information about computers. It was hard to manage all the information. He answered the same questions again and again. took a lot of time. It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland to share information. Tim also forgot things easily. Could a computer work like a brain? Could it “talk” to other computers? There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) all by himself. This had a special language that helped computers talk to each other on the Internet. When people wanted to share information with others, they used the World Wide Web. The Internet grew quickly after that. Tim Berners-Lee doesn’t think he did anything special. He says that all of the ideas about the Internet were already there. All he did was to put them together. He says that many other people worked together to make the Internet what it is today. Most inventors want to become rich. But Tim gave away the World Wide Web for nothing. He now works in America. He helps people share technology and wants the Internet to be free for everyone to use. Maybe he is the most important but least famous inventor in the world today! ( )6. What was Tim Berners-Lee interested in? A. Looking for jobs in different cities. B. Talking to people around the world. C. Studying how to connect computers. D. Exploring how to improve memory. ( )7. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refers to “__________”. A. Working on early computers B. Connecting different facts together C. Travelling to the office in Switzerland D. Repeating the answers to the same questions ( )8. Why is Tim Berners-Lee one of the most important men in the world? A. He made information sharing on the Internet possible. B. He made the first computer when he was 21 years old. C. He helped people understand better how the brain works. D. He invented the Internet and made it free for everyone to use. ( )9. In what order did the following events take place? a. Tim worked in England. b. Tim worked in Switzerland. c. Tim made his first computer. d. Tim invented the World Wide Web. e. Tim studied science at Oxford University. A. c – e – d – a - b B. e – b – a – c - d C. c – d – a – e - b D. e – c – a – b - d ( )10. What does the writer think of Tim Berners-Lee? A. He is not famous because he is not rich. B. He has changed our lives and he is great. C. He did nothing special but make people a good life. D. He has made great achievements in memory research. 五、句子翻译(14 分) 1.爸爸的车如此干净,简直就像新的一样。 2.在处理这个难题之前,你得三思。 3.那些工作高标准的工人赢得了老板的高度赞扬。 4.我们最好能想出新办法来解决污染问题。 5.李雷和我都没有受邀参加这次的聚会。 6.琳达总是使她的卧室保持井然有序。 7.昨天他的作品没有得到任何关注。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) Team spirit means the willingness of people to work together and help each other as part of a team. With this spirit , people try hard to make their team the best of all, Everyone has experienced team spirit one way or another, whether they were part of a team or saw a group of people cheer for their favourite player. There are different kinds of team spirit. One kind is the connection between a team of people because their efforts and cooperation(合作)are necessary in reaching a particular goal. Another kind is when a group of people support a person or a team. Another is people's natural love for and pride in their country, when a whole nation cheer for its country in competitions. Team spirit can also be seen in the workplace or in some activities. Team spirit creates various good influence. It creates friendship and trust between people who may not get along when they don t nave such team sport. There may also be bad influence. Too great team spirit may cause arguments or fights with other team members. Some people don't understand team spirit properly. They think team spirit means having to become an official member of an organization, team or fan club. In fact,team spirit can be built anywhere-between friends, coworkers or even between two people sitting next to each other. You don't have to be wearing the team spirit clothes. Anyone can show team spirit just by showing support for the goal. 1. Where can team spirit be built? 2. Which kind of team spirit in the passage do you have in your group work in class? 3. Do you think team spirit is important? Why? 七、书面表达(17 分) 假如你是学生会主席张华,即将初中毕业。你写信给校长推荐谢虹为下一届学生会主席。 要点如下:1.学习上已经远远超过同学们,但从不炫耀; 2.不介意做额外的工作,经常想出有价值的建议; 3.每天按时上交作业,经常帮助同学们的学业; 4.上周她建议我们考试前劳逸结合,并多吃蔬菜水果; 5.…… Dear principal, I am writing to recommend Xie Hong as the next chairperson of the Students' Union. I think she will be an excellent chairperson because she has many good personal qualities. I think Xie Hong has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. I hope you will agree with me! 参考答案 一、1. pioneers 2.speech 3. connecting 4. appeared 5. absent 6. livelier 7. main 8. decision 9. carelessness 10. fixed 11. order 12. Agree 13. come 二、1―5 AADDD 6―10 CBDDC 11―15 ACBDD 16―20 ACBBC 三、1―5 BCABA 6―10 BADCC 四、1―5 ADCCB 6―10 CDADB 五、1. Dad's car is so clean that it looks as good as new. 2. You have to think twice before dealing with the hard problem. 3. Those workers who worked to high standards won high praise from their boss. 4. We'd better come up with a new way to solve/ deal with the pollution (problem). 5. Neither Li Lei nor I was invited was invited to (take part in) the party. 6. Linda always keeps her bedroom in good order. 7. No attention was paid to his work yesterday. 六、1. Anywhere. 2. Connection between a team of people. 3. Yes. Because it may helps us get along well with other people. 七、Dear principal, I am writing to recommend Xie Hong as the next chairperson of Students′ Union. I think she will be an excellent chairperson because she has many good personal qualities. She has gone far beyond her classmates in study, but she never shows off. She doesn't mind doing extra work. She often comes up with valuable advice. She hands in her homework on time every day. She often helps the classmates with their schoolwork. Last week she advised us to achieve a balance between schoolwork and rest before exams and eat more fruit and vegetables. She often encourages us not to give up easily. And she always works as a good team leader. I think Xie Hong has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. I hope you will agree with me! Yours sincerely Zhang Hua 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit2) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1.How long has your father (从事,执业) as a teacher in this school? 2.I haven't decided (是否)to go travelling by air or by train? 3.I think my car (需要,要求) to be repaired. It can't be started. 4.Different people have different (感受)about this story. 5.Our life is (必定地)better than it was twenty years ago, but most of us are not as happy as before. 6.Some valuable books about (古代的)China have been lost in the fire. 7.Bob is a good student with many good (个人的) qualities. 8.A true friend should share not only happiness but also (悲伤)with you. 9. There is more than one (关系)between the two kinds of colours. 10. I'd love to join you in the camping, but I've (允诺)to go cycling with John. 11.—The show is on, Paul. Come to enjoy it! —No, thanks. I rather finish reading the book in my bedroom. 12.—She seems unhappy. What can we do to her up? —Singing a song for her. She likes music. 13.—Mum, Lucy said my dress was so ugly! Was she right? —No, honey. She was just with envy. 二、单项填空((20 分) ( )1. Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province, is ancient city with a long history. A. the; a B. a; the C. the; an D./;the ( )2. I know I've promised to take you home, but I won't finish my work until 10. A. that B. if C. why D. how ( )3. Premier Li Keqiang said we should a government which makes people feel convenient(方便的)all the time. A. create B. produce C. invent D. discover ( )4. This pair of jeans looks nice Sandy because she looks nice blue. A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in ( )5. Jim is always forgetful. Please remember to remind him the important interview he won't miss it. A. about; because of B. of ; in order to C. about; because D. of ; so that ( )6. What colour do you think you feel calm? A. to make B. making C. make D. makes ( )7. Paul felt stressed before the English exam. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a little bit D. a bit little ( )8. When you have problems, strong colours may you. A. be of some help to B. helpful to C. of helpful to D. help to ( )9. Our English teacher says learning English action, or we will get nothing. A. reduces B. refuses C. requires D. realizes ( )10. I often doubt he says. A. whether should I believe what B. whether to believe what C. if to believe that D. that to believe that ( )11. You are supposed to drinking, you will get sick. A. give up; or B. stop; so C. give in; or D. go on; so ( )12. We should be honest and not copy answers in the exam. A. nobody else B. someone else's C. anybody else's D. anybody else ( )13. We are wondering there will tomorrow or not. A. if; be rainy B. whether; have rain C. that; have rain D. whether: be rain ( )14. The boy is often heard in the music room. A. practise singing B. practised singing C. to practise singing D. practise to sing ( )15. The Greens prefer to the countryside their holiday. A. to go; to spend B. going; spending C. going; to spending D. to go; spend ( )16. ―How will you spend the coming National Day? ―I haven't decided. I am wondering during the holiday. A. where am I going to spend B.whether it was going to be sunny C. if my mother will give meextra homework D. who will I invite to have a trip with me ( )17. Tom fell very late last night, so he feels in class today. A. asleep; asleep B. sleepy; sleepy C. asleep; sleepy D. sleepy; asleep ( )18. I'm afraid of horrible films. I′d rather action films. A. watching; watching B. watching; watch C. watch; watching D. watch; watch ( )19. The book shows us in Beijing in the past. A. what everyday life was like B. what was everyday life like C. how everyday life was like D. how was everyday life like ( )20. ―I'd like to go on an outing this Sunday. Would you like to join me? ―Why not? A. I couldn't agree more. B. Are you sure? C. Really? D. It's going to rain. 三、完形填空((10 分) When Charles Lee handed me the small red notebook in 1974, he changed my life. "While travelling, you should keep notes on the things you see and do. 1 , you will forget them some day," he explained. I took his 2 . I wrote in the notebook every day during the homestay and back to university. I recorded weekend trips, my professors and ideas about my life and future. When I wrote, I wondered about my 3 and purpose. Who would read this? Was I recording events and ideas just as a reminder to memory, or was there some larger purpose for this 4 exercise? I got a big picture for the task. I was recording events, thoughts, words that were important to my life. I 5 a future me sitting down to read the pages. I wondered what it would feel like to read those words later. I filled the notebook Charles gave me. Then another and another. Recently, I decided to look through my notebooks in the past 44 years. Charles had been 6 . I remembered the big events, but on each page were details I had 7 . I always picked up the writing when it felt important. I often wrote at school 8 my students were writing. I wanted to pass on the notebook Charles had green me. These writings formed a continuous(连续的) 9 between my past, present, and future through events in my life. It took several long evenings to read through my notebooks. As I read. I suddenly realized they are a gift to the 10 me―I am now the person I was writing to throughout those years. ( )1. A. So B. Instead C. Moreover D. Otherwise ( )2. A. donation B. reward C. advice D. promise ( )3. A. listeners B. readers C. students D. professors ( )4. A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly ( )5. A. imagined B. remembered C. enjoyed D. expected ( )6. A. patient B. serious C. right D. wrong ( )7. A. forgotten B. avoided C. kept D. improved ( )8. A. when B. until C. before D. after ( )9. A. production B. connection C. instruction D. situation ( )10. A. late B. past C. present D. future 四、阅读理解(20 分) When your dream is to become a football player, nothing should get in your way―even if you have no feet. Gabriel Muniz, an 11-year-old Brazil kid, was born without feet. Although his family thought he would have serious difficulties living a normal life, he started walking before he was one year old. His mother would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, but he never fell. It took him a while to make the jump from walking to playing football, but he did make it. And, in fact, there's nothing he loved more than playing football. In his school, the skillful youngster is not only the best player in his school team but also the captain of his gym. He knows that his disability means he'll never be able to play for a professional football team. So Gabriel is hoping that football will one day become a Paralympics( 残 疾 人 奥 运 会 的)sport. He proved to everyone there he could go head to head with any other boy. Watching him play is unbelievable. He was fast and he got a big bag of tricks―he was very skilled and he did everything he could to copy his idol Messi so much that he was invited to go to Spain to meet his idol Messi and show his talent in the Barcelona Football Club. His coach says he is proving the disability only exists(存在)inside our heads and he is challenging the social norms. ( )1. What's wrong with Gabriel Muniz? A. He was born without feet. B. He can't see and hear anything. C. He often argues with his partners. D. He always gives trouble to his family. ( )2. According to the passage we can know that Gabriel Muniz . A. thinks others look down upon him B. is a professional football player C. prefers playing for a club D. is a skillful football player ( )3. In the passage the underlined word "norms" probably means" ". A. disadvantages B. habits C. rules D. progress ( )4. Which of the following is not true according to the text? A. The boy's family was surprised he could walk well. B. The boy wants to play football in the Paralympics. C. The boy has too much difficulty living a normal life. D. The society has noticed the boy's hard work and talent. ( )5. What is the best title of the passage? A. The Power of the Dream B. The Most Popular Sports C. A Disabled Boy and His Idol D. Practice Makes Perfect Ray Charles, a black singer and pianist of the USA. He had won 12 Grammy Awards ( 格 莱 美 奖 ) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world. Many musicians called him simply “the Genius” (天才). Ray Charles was born into a poor family, without a father. When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight. By the age of 7 he was completely blind. He had already been learning the piano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future. All his life, Charles remembered her saying: “Do it right, or don’t do it at all.” Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children. There the teachers also encouraged him to study music. Sadly, while he was still at school, his mother died. He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organized a group of players. He sang, played the piano and wrote music. He made many classical CDs with famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles. In 2003 a film of his life Ray was made. The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Foxx. The film director brought Foxx to meet Charles. After they had been playing together for two hours, Charles, then aged 73, jumped up and said: “He’s the one ... he can do it.” A year later Charles died aged 74. The film of his life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles’ music will live on. ( )6. What can we learn from Ray’s childhood story? A. His father died when he was 5 years old. B. He started to go blind at the age of 7. C. He was born in a rich musician family. D. He started to learn the piano at the age of 6. ( )7. Ray Charles’ mother encouraged him to play music because ______. A. his father was a musician as well B. because it would help him get used to being blind C. it was a good way for a blind person to get money D. his teacher thought he was a genius ( )8. Ray Charles went to a school for ______. A. normal children B. deaf and blind children C. talented children only D. children without parents ( )9. Ray Charles thought that Jamie Foxx ______. A. was the right person to play him in the film B. was a good film maker C. was the wrong person to play him in the film D. was a good director ( )10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Becoming a musician. B. Childhood story. C. The film of Ray’s life. D. Master of many styles. 五、完成句子(14 分) 1.现在,很多年轻人很容易受到网上信息的影响。 2.据说这个男孩在自我控制方面有很大的困难。 3.这张照片使我想起了去年在农场的开心生活。 4.明早请提醒我按时起床。 5.他建议今晚熬夜完成这项工作。 6.他情绪低落。我不知道是否有人可以让他振作起来。 He is in a bad mood. 7.他宁愿睡觉也不愿陪妈妈购物。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) World Sleep Day, organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the WorldAssociation of Sleep Medicine since 2008,is held on March 21 every year. The aim of World Sleep Day is to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep.Events involving discussions, presentations of educational materials and exhibitions take place around the world and online. Sleep quality plays a key role in people's health. Researchers say that there are a lot of advantages if we always get enough sleep. We canbe smarter, thinner, healthier andmore cheerful. Also we're to have better skin,better memories and longer lives. When you loseeven one hour of sleep for any reason, it will influence your performance the next day. In general , adults are thought to need at least eight hours of sleep a night , but a recentsurvey found that , on workdays, only21%of them really get a full eight hours of sleep,andanother2l%get less than six. For teenagers, a healthy amountis about eight to nine hoursper night. However, about 80% of high school students don'tget enough sleep because oftheir schoolwork or some bad habits. 27%of people throughout the world have sleep problems. Now thereareover 80 kindsof sleep disorders, and most people know little about their danger. So, forourgood life andwork, it's necessary for us to realize the importance of sleep and try to have agood sleep. 1.How long has World Sleep Day been celebrated so far? 2.Why don't most high school students have enough sleep? 3.Do you have enough sleep every night? What suggestions do you have to make our sleep better? 七、书面表达(17 分) 根据所给材料写一篇 90 词左右的文章。第四点加以合理发挥,说说你的观点。 你的好朋友张琪,与你成为好友已经三年多; 自信,不怕当众发言;活泼,积极参加活动; 最喜欢橙色,因为橙色可以带来快乐; 最近要考试了,压力很大,晚上睡不好觉,你建议…... ( 1-2 点,跟颜色有关) 参考答案 一、1. practiced 2. whether 3. requires/ needs 4. feelings 5. certainly 6. ancient 7. personal 8. sadness 9. relationship 10. promised 11. would 12. cheer 13. green 二、1―5 CAAAD 6―10 DCACB 11―15 ACDCA 16―20 CCBAA 三、1―5 DCBAA 6―10 CAABC 四、1―5 ADCCA 6―10 DCBAC 五、1. Many young people are easily influenced by the information on the Internet now. 2. It's said that the boy has much difficulty controlling himself. 3. This photo reminds me of the happy life on the farm fast year. 4. Please remind me to get up on time tomorrow morning. 5. He suggests staying up late to finish the job. 6. I don't know if/ whether anyone can cheer him up. 7. He would rather sleep than go shopping/ shop with Mom; He prefers sleeping to going shopping/ shopping with Mom; He prefers to sleep rather than go shopping/ shop with Mom. 六、1. For ten years. 2. Because of their schoolwork or some bad habits. 3. Yes./ No. We can listen to some soft music and drink a glass of milk before going to bed./ Don't stay up late at night. 七、 Zhang Qi is my good friend. We have been friends for over three years. He is very confident and is never afraid of speaking in front of many people. He is also lively. He always takes an active part in all kinds of activities. His favourite colour is orange because it can bring him joy. The exam is coming, so he feels very stressed. He can't sleep well at night. I advise him to sleep in a blue room so that he can feel calm and peaceful. In this way, he can fall asleep easily. 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit3) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1. Simon has a habit of being (醒着)at night,worrying about things. 2. (也许)they have been here before, or they can't know the place so well. 3.Your (建议)seem to be of great help to me. I will take them. 4. Do you know the (原因)of the accident? 5. A scream broke the (寂静)of the night. 6. We have reasons to believe that (进步)can be made through our effort. 7. He seems to be very (担心的).Do you know what's the matter with him? 8. Can you (想象)what our school will be like in 20 years? 9. The letter "b" is not (发音)in the word "climb". 10. For me, friendship seems more (宝贵的)and I feel comfortable being with my friends. 11. to the traffic law, people under 18 can't get a driving license. 12. —What did you do last night? You seem so sleepy. —I up late to see the basketball game. 13.—Thank you so much. I can't imagine how I could finish this task without you. —Don't it. I just did what I should. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1. Never the people in trouble. We should try to help them instead. A. laugh at B. agree with C. care about D. worry about ( )2.—What's the of her sadness? She is usually a cheerful girl. —It's the death of her loved cat. A. reason B. idea C. cause D. mistake ( )3. Fred loved Maths, but believe it or not, he passed the last exam. A. only B. easily C. almost D. hardly ( )4. It was so late at night, but the lights were still in my parents' bedroom. A. open B. closed C. on D. off ( )5 .Your son just has a cold, Madam. There is nothing . A. worried B. to worry C. to be worried D. to worry about ( )6. share you photos in the USA with us? A. How about B. Why not C. Why not you D. Would you like ( )7. They had no choice but more people part in charity activities. A. encourage; to take B. to encourage; to take C. to encourage; take D. encourage; take ( )8.—Thank you for your on my plan for the summer holiday. —You're welcome. I hope they are worth . A. advice; to take B. suggestions; taking C. advice; taking D. suggestions; to take ( )9. We must ourselves and our work. A. strict in; with B. be strict in; with C. be strict with; in D. strict with; in ( )10. that the old man has a lot of money. A. It seemed B. He seemed C. It seems D. He seems ( )11.—Have you prepared for your coming entrance exam well yet? —Not really. I'm still my lessons carefully. A. catching up with B. going over C. getting on with D. insisting on ( )12. I never doubt . A. if he can deal with these problems B. whether can he deal with these problems C. whether he can deal with these problems or not D. that he can deal with these problems ( )13. The young wine to some countries. A. isn't allowed buying B. isn't allowed to buy C. doesn't allowed buying D. are not allowed to buy ( )14. The maths problem is difficult. Can you ? A. do with it B. work it out C. deal it with D. work out it ( )15. The accident that yesterday in a few days. A. was happened; has dealt with B. happened; will be dealt with C. has happened; dealt with D. happened; has been dealt with ( )16. Reading is a good way you remember what you've read. A. aloud; which to help B.loudly; helps C. loudly: which help D. aloud; to help ( )17. I really don't know . A. what to do with B. how shall I do it C. how to deal with it D. what shall I do with it ( )18.―How much homework has your cousin finished? ― at all. He has sat there the whole morning, doing . A. Not; nothing B. None; nothing C. No one; nothing D. Nothing; none ( )19. ―Peter is not himself these days. ―Well, could you tell me ? A. how is he feeling now B. why was he so unhappy C. what is wrong with him D. that something worried him ( )20. ―Thank you for telling me about it. ― . A.With pleasure B. That′s right C. Of course not D. Don't mention it 三、完形填空(10 分) After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer, I noticed a Post-it note stuck to my monitor(显示器).It read, "Don't turn on your computer. You stayed up until midnight doing your homework last night―Mom." I 1 the note into the wastebasket. " Why do they 2 ?" I thought. "They're never here anyway." Right after high school started, I almost lost contact with my parents. With all their business 3 , they asked the neighbors to watch over me. Of course, the neighbors didn't do such a(an) 4 job, as they had kids of their own. The only communication between me and my parents was through Post-it notes. After spending about eight hours away from home, I usually came home to find the house 5 empty. It made me sad. I would come home from school to be welcomed by 6 , to talk to no one and to be watched over by my netgritiors. That was why I started 7 more clubs and staying after school more often so I didn't have to feel so lonely. Luckily, at school, my friends were there for me. They were all there to give me a 8 or talk with me when I wanted to talk. I felt great when I was at school. Yet, something was still 9 ―my parents. Now I realize that nobody can take the place of my parents. I wish that they would be there at home, waiting for me to come back from school. There are too many things my parents don't know about me.I wish that they actually had a(n) 10 to understand me. I want them to understand that they're my parents and I'm their kid and I need them. ( )1. A. showed B. threw C. led D. pulled ( )2. A. check B. know C. care D. speak ( )3. A. designs B. dreams C. taps D. partners ( )4. A. free B. easy C. careless D. good ( )5. A. suddenly B. especially C. completely D. necessarily ( )6. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody ( )7. A, creating B. joining C. finding D. serving ( )8. A. hand B. wish C. suggestion D. reason ( )9. A. surprising B. missing C. exciting D. amazing ( )10. A. excuse B. chance C. task D. place 四、阅读理解(20 分) If you ever get the feeling that you're on your own, Then spare a thought for Don Sammons. The small town of Buford in Wyoming is a single-Populated area, as the 60-year-old is the only man living there. But even though the town is 8,000 feet up a cold mountain, he says he doesn't feel lonely and he runs a petrol station and convenience shop. Mr. Sammons left Los Angeles with his wife and bought the tiny town with six buildings to get away from their busy lifestyle. When the couple moved in, there were seven people living in Buford working for a railroad that passed nearby, but they all moved away to bigger towns by the mid-1990s. Then his wife died 15 years ago and his son, now aged 26, moved to Colorado three years ago. So that left Mr. Sammons in Buford on his own. He gets about 1,000 visitors a day to the village during the summer, but this drops to around100 during the winter, in which the winds often blow at 70 mph. Mr. Sammons turned a school house, which was operated (运营)between1905 and 1962, into his office and made another old store built in 1895 into a four-car-garage. He lives in a three-bedroom small wooden house and enjoys 200 yards to his workplace. "I'm the king of the castle here," he said. Buford was formed in 1866 to protect workers to build a railroad. It was once home to 2,000 people, most of whom were foreign migrant(移民)rail workers, and a post office was built in 1880. The town was named Buford after Civil War general John Buford following the opening. The town was sold to a private buyer by the railroad company in 1970 and Mr. Sammons arrived with his wife ten years later after working in the moving business in California. ( )1. When did Mr. Sammons buy the town Buford? A. In 1970. B. In 1980. C. In 1990 D. In 2000. ( )2. Mr. Sammons bought the town with the main purpose of . A. making money by doing business B. opening up the tourism industry C. leading a peaceful and quiet life D. avoid being bothered by other people ( )3. The text is mainly about . A. Don Sammons' daily life B. the history of a small town C. the cultural custom of a town D. an old town and its only resident(居民) ( )4. Which one is the right order of the following events about the town of Buford? a. A post office was built here. b. All rail workers left the town. c. Many foreign migrant rail workers work here d. A school house was operated here. e. A store was built here. A. c-a-e-b-d B. c-e-a-d-b C. c-a-d-e-b D. c-a-e-d-b ( )5. According to the text,Don Sammons . A. has many friends who come to see him every summer B. sometimes feels lonely because his son is away C. lives alone but feels satisfied with his life in the town D. is used to the warm weather in winter in the town We often face the following situations in our daily life:  The woman next door plays her piano after 12 o’clock at night.  The family across the street never cleans up their yard. The rubbish blows into your yard.  The man next door always parks his car in front of your drive. Have things like this ever happened to you? If so, you may ask yourself, “Who are these people? Why are they doing these things to me?” These days, many people don’t know their neighbors. Sometimes we share a friendly smile or say hello, but lots of people don’t even know their neighbor’s names! When you don’t know someone, it’s easy to be angry when something has happened that you think is unfair. You think, “Maybe they like to make me angry, “or “Maybe they do it on purpose.” Believe it or not, your neighbors probably don’t mean to irritate(激怒)you. Often, they don’t even know that they’re making you feel angry. So before you take unusual steps to fix the problem, you should discuss it with them first. When you move towards your neighbors, you should talk to them in a friendly manner. Praise their children to make them feel good. Then explain the situation. And if you can think of a simple way to solve the problem, suggest it. If talking doesn’t work, ask another person to help. This person can listen to both sides of the story and help you and your neighbor solve the situation. Finally, sometimes it’s a good idea to avoid the problem. Depending on the problem, it might be best to just stay out of your neighbor’s way. ( )6. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing paragraphs 1&2? A. To ask some questions. B. To lead in the subjects. C. To list some situations D. To tell some stories. ( )7. You should talk about the problem with your neighbors first because ________. A. they often say hello or smile to you B. you do not know what they are called C. they probably don’t plan to make you unhappy D. they will take unusual steps to solve the problem ( )8. When talking with your neighbors, you can make them have a good feeling by _______. A. praising their children B. explaining the problem C. shaking hands with them D. making friends with them ( )9. The best way to solve the problem sometimes is to ________. A. ask another person for help B. turn a blind eye to it. C. tell the story to your friend D. let your neighbor get out of the way ( )10. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Ways to deal with neighbors B. Problems caused by neighbors C. Situations we may face every day D. Reasons why we become angry at neighbors 五、句子翻译(14 分) 1.因为坏天气,除了在家看电视我们别无选择。 2.这次考试前你最好复习一下你所学的内容。 3.整日工作没有休息简直要把我逼疯了。 4.他昨天想出的那些建议值得采纳。 5.她都不知该和谁分担她的忧愁。 6.我想知遣这么小的小孩是否能解决这个问题。 7.为什么你父母要对你的课业如此严格? 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) Letter A Young people are always told that they should make the most of their time and that they will never be as free again. So, my question is-why fill up all this free timewith housework? Parents expect their children to get good grades, be good at sports, and be popular with other kids.However, there is not enough time in theday to do these things and then dohousework as well. It's not fair to expect teenagers to give up their valuable time todo boring housework. Parents' jobs are inthe workplace. Their children's jobs are atschool. The only difference is that parents get paid and children don't. Parents say that they make their kids do housework to teach them responsibility( 责 任 ).But this is just atrick. Parents trick their kids into doing housework because they are lazy. Yours, Overloaded Letter B Both parents and children have jobs. The parents' jobs are to go to work to make money. The children's jobs are to go toschool. But we all get hungry. Someone has to cook the meals and clean up later. We all wear clothes that get dirty. Someone has to wash them, iron them, and put them away. Children work from 9 to 4. Parents work from 8 until 6. Sure, after 4 o'clock,children have homework too. But after 6, parents have housework too. They have todo the shopping, go to the bank, pay the bills, and help their kids with their own homework! I think it's only fair that teenagers help a bit at home. They might not like it, but it's good for them. It teaches them how to look after themselves. This is really useful When. Sincerely, Overworked 1.How are parents jobs different from children's jobs according to Letter A? 2.What can be filled in the blank at the end of Letter B? 3.Do you think the students should help the parents with housework at home? Why or why not? 七、书面表达(17 分) 假设你是 Susan,最近因好友 Linda 的事而苦恼。你写信给另一好友 Jack 以求建议。内 容要点:1. Linda 曾经努力用功,可最近变了许多。 2.上周末她向父母要钱买书,而最终却把钱全都花在了时装上。 3.她还花大量的时间…… 4.她的成绩也越来越差。你已劝说她多次,可她不听。 5.如果她父母…… Dear Jack, I am writing to you for advice about my good friend Linda. What should I do as a friend? May I have your advice, please? Yours, Susan 参考答案 一、1. awake 2. Perhaps 3. suggestions 4. cause(s) 5. silence 6. progress 7.worried 8. imagine 9. pronounced 10. valuable 11. According 12. stayed 13. mention 二、1―5 ACDCD 6―10 BBBCC 11―15 BDDBB 16―20 DCBCD 三、1―5 BCCDC 6―10 DBABB 四、1―5 BCDDC 6―10 BCABA 五、1. We had no choice but to watch TV at home because of the bad weather. 2. You'd better go over what you have learned before the exam. 3. Working all day long without rest almost drives me mad. 4. The suggestions he came up with yesterday are worth taking. 5. She doesn't know who to share her worries with/ who she can share her worries with. 6. I wonder if/ whether such a little child can deal with the problem. 7. Why are your parents so strict (with you) in your schoolwork? 六、1. Parents get paid but children don't. 2. they leave home to go to college or to live on their own 3. Yes. Because I think doing housework can make us more organized. No. Because we have much homework to do so there's little time for the housework. 七、Dear Jack, I am writing to you for advice about my good friend Linda. She used to be a hard-working girl. But recently, she has changed a lot. Last weekend, she asked her parents for money to buy books, but is fact she spent all of the money on some modern clothes. She also spend, a lot of time playing computer games with boys. She is getting poorer and poorer at study. I have talked with her about it several times, but she refused to listen. If her parents know about it, they will be angry with her. What should do as a friend? May I have your advice, please? Yours, Susan 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit5) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1. Don't forget to call me (今晚)when you get there. 2. What they have imported from Japan is of no (价值)at all! 3. Which kind of (乐器)would you like to learn in your spare time? 4. My dream home is in the (中心的)part of the city so it's easy for me to go shopping. 5. What the poor family could serve was (一般的)vegetable soup. 6. (尽管)I tried my best to catch the thief, I failed at last. 7. We all hope that there will be (持久的)peace all over the world. 8. John never dreamed of being a great (音乐家)when he was young. 9. We all think Li Qiang's brave act is well worth (赞扬). 10. The scientist has been (颁奖)with a number of awards because of his inventions. 11. I like music which uses guitars a lot and talks about cowboys' lives. 12.—How do you know the tall guy? —From the TV. He is for his singing skills. 13.—What art do you like best? —Literature. I think reading is really good for us. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1.—Kate has won the first prize in the writing competition. — pleasant surprise she gave her teacher! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a ( )2. It is known all that Xi'an is famous Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑). A. to; as B. to; for C. for; for D. with;as ( )3. Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A. makes up B. sets up C. takes up D. picks up ( )4. This kind of suit will be sold for$600,which is far more than its real . A. cost B. price C. value D. money ( )5.—How shall we go to the theatre? — there is no bus here, let's take a taxi. A. While B. Since C. Though D. Because of ( )6. time goes by, China is getting stronger and stronger. A. Until B. While C. As D. Because ( )7.—You don't seem to be quite yourself today. What's wrong? —Oh, I've got a cold. Nothing serious, . A. yet B. though C. indeed D. anyway ( )8. After he finished his homework, he some stories. A. went on reading B. went on to read C. continued on reading D. continued reading ( )9.―We are often encouraged by our teacher more friends but I find it difficult. ―Your teacher's idea is right. The more friends you make, you will be. A. to make; happier B. making; happier C. to make; the happier D. making; the happier ( )10.―Have you heard about Tan Dun? ―Yes, I have. He is a great composer and best known winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. A. for B. as C. with D. of ( )11. Today it's normal for married women to go out for work, but it was in the past. A. common B. more common C. less common D. the most common ( )12. Many of us are made what we are not . A. doing; interested in B. doing; interesting C. to do; interested D. to do; interested in ( )13. It's that Mr Li sailed across the world alone within 130 days. A. amazing; successful B. amazed; successfully C. amazing; successfully D. amazed: successful ( )14.― will you stay here? ―For . A. How long: one and a half hours B. How soon; one hour and a half C. How soon; one and half hours D. How long; one hour and half ( )15. The song played a Western style a guitar is beautiful. A. by; in B. in; with C. in; by D. by; with ( )16. The music by Tan Dun sounds . A. was written; wonderful B. written; wonderfully C. was written; wonderfully D. written; wonderful ( )17. ―How long do you think the bad weather will ?―I've no idea. A. appear B. last C. change D. discover ( )18. Mr Green was with the medal his great achievements in this field. A. presented; because of B. protected; because C. prepared;because of D. provided; because ( )19.―How soon will you start your journey? ―I'm not sure. I haven't decided . A. when shall I ask the boss for leave B. where I will go to spend the holiday C. whether I would go by train or by plane D. who could invite me to go ( )20. ―I hope that I can work here, but I guess I'll just have to go home and wait. ― and thanks for coming today. A. Come on B. Take care C. Congratulations D. Good luck 三、完形填空(10 分) Everyone strongly hopes for success. What is important for success? It is generally accepted that confidence, effort and 1 are the main factors(因素)leading to success.Ronaldo said he believed he was a better player than Messi in a(an) 2 published in Spanish sports paper on Sunday. Talking about his achievements of his career, Ronaldo showed 3 . Ronaldo was also asked about Messi, who is seen 4 his biggest enemy and the best player in the world. "Whether you are number one or not is a question of small difference. For example, whether you win titles(头衔)in a match or not is not so important. 5 some people may consider Messi to be the best, I think that I am." Ronaldo said that boos(嘘声)didn't make him sad, but had the 6 influence." I need an enemy. It's part of the game and I have been booed since I was 18 or 19. It's not a problem. It 7 me to practice harder," he said. Ronaldo insisted that hard work was important to be a 8 player, though at times he feels a great pain for his training, saying a body "was not used" to training hard and playing twice a week. But no pain, no 9 . He said he had changed his life to make sure he was in top condition, adding that 10 he would go out, but now he goes home to rest to be better prepared for the following date. "Football is my life. It's what I loves most," he explained. ( )1. A. lovers B. friends C. relatives D. enemies ( )2. A. interview B. talk C. story D. speech ( )3. A. luck B. pride C. surprise D. happiness ( )4. A. to B. as C. in D. for ( )5. A. Although B. Unless C. Even D. Since ( )6. A. funny B. side C. opposite D. bad ( )7. A. wants B. causes C. encourages D. draws ( )8. A. clever B. fast C. top D. famous ( )9. A. score B. result C. progress D. gain ( )10. A. in the past B. at the moment C. in the future D. from now on 四、阅读理解(20 分) Rubbish sorting(分类)probably doesn't sound like much fun. But there is a new mobile game that may change your opinion about it, and you might even learn something while you play it―Meet Sortee. Meet Sortee is a puzzle game developed by Flow Studio, a UK company. It makes you think deeply about everyday objects and their meanings. The rule of the game is quite simple. Two bins are placed on either side of the screen.Each of the bins has a label(标签) next to it and the label explains what it is for. When an object, such as a car or an apple, appears on the screen, you need to decide which bin it should be sorted into and then send it there by moving your finger. The game seems easy enough at first. But as you move on to more levels, it gets harder. The number of bins increases to three or four and the time given gets shorter. You need to think and move faster. That can be really difficult. There are 400 objects in total and more than 100 bins in the game. The more objects you correctly sort, the more game coins you can get. It's a bit like working in a rubbish recycling center, but it has no bad smell. You can download the free game from Apple's app store (苹果软件下载中心), but it only lets you play the first few levels. If you want to open the next 40 levels, you need to pay 6 yuan for the full game. ( )1. The passage is probably taken from . A. a postcard B. a newspaper C. a comic book D. a novel ( )2. Of the following, which order is right according to the third paragraph? ① An object appears on the screen. ② You send it by moving your finger. ③Twobins are placed oneither side of the screen. ④You decide which bin tosort the object into. A.④③①② B.①④③② C.③①④② D.③②④① ( )3. Which of the following can we infer(推断)from the passage? A.You can play the full game for free. B. You can play the full game easily. C.There are only 2 bins in each level. D.There are over 40levels m the game. ( )4. The writer of the passage thinks. A. the rule of the game is quite difficult B. rubbish sorting in the game is boring C. the rubbish smells good in a rubbish recycling center D. the game can help people learn about rubbish sorting ( )5. What's the best title of the passage? A. A Mobile Game. B. Rubbish Sorting. C. Apple's App Store. D. A Recycling Center. Have you ever got your lunch, but not known where to sit? You don't want to sit alone. But you are not sure who would be friendly and let you sit with them. To solve the problem, Natalie Hampton, 16, made an app called Sit Wzih Us. It makes finding friends in the school canteen(食堂) very easy. Natalie is from Sherman Oaks, California, US. The free app went online on Sep. 9. Students can sign up as "ambassadors"(大使) for a club. Then they can post "open lunch" events to invite others to join in. Natalie got the idea to create the app after she ate alone her whole seventh grade year. The experience made her feel sad and she was even bullied (欺负). She changed schools because of that. People may want to know why you don't just ask to sit down. Natalie said the app stops kids from being rejected in front of others. "This way it's very private. It's through the phone. No one else has to know. And you know that you're not going to be rejected once you get to the table," she told NPR. So far, the app works well. "I had my first club meeting, and everyone was very excited. People are already posting open lunches at my school. So I'm very excited," Natalie told NPR. ( )6. Natalie Hampton made an app to solve the problem of_______. A. having no idea when to have lunch B. having no friends to go out with C. feeling lonely without friends at school D. having no friends to have lunch with ( )7. Natalie Hampton once changed her school because__________. A. she ate her lunch alone for a year and was bullied B. she didn't like the food in the school canteen C. she was not welcomed in her class D. she has more friends in the new school ( )8. What does the underlined word "rejected" in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese? A. 嘲笑 B. 惩罚 C. 拒绝 D. 戏弄 ( )9. According to the passage, we can learn that ________. A. we can get free lunch at school with the app B. we can share the lunch pictures on the app C. we need to pay some money to use the app D. we can easily find someone to sit with during lunch time ( )10. Which word can be used to describe Natalie Hampton most? A. Brave. B. Creative. C. Kind. D. Polite 五、翻译句子(14 分) 1.他最为人知的是为无家可归的孩子提供住所。 2.这首曲子是由一名美国黑人创作的。 3.因为在学习上取得了进步,我受到了老师的表扬。 4.我们的英语老师总是鼓励我们课后尽可能地说英语。 5.艾米具有写作的天赋。 6.大家高度评价了张华的勇敢行为。 7.他的建议对我们很有价值。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) Daniel isn't doing well at school,and he is very busy. Every week, he has drum lessons, tennis lessons, chess club and swimming meets. Not surprisingly, he stays up late finishing his homework. Daniel's mum is worried because Daniel always feels stressed and he doesn't know why. Daniel isn't suffering(遭受)from low confidence. He is suffering from having too much to do. Keep in mind that school is your child's most important activity. If your child has too many outside activities, this constant running from one thing to the next gets in the way of school success. Help them choose two or three things they love doing. Three is enough. When they have too much to do, kids often appear to have emotional( 情 绪 的 ) problems, learning problems, poor study skills or poor working habits. As a matter of fact, they just don't have time to do their homework, play or relax. It seems as if these kids are trying to squeeze(挤 出)school into their busy schedules. Kids always do better at school and in everyday life if they aren't stressed out or too tired. When kids are stressed out,parents need to help check the amount of work and activities in and out of school. It's a parent's job to protect their kids from having too much to do. 1.Why does Daniel always feel stressed? 2.How can Daniel's parents help him? 3.Do you often feel stressed or tired in and out of school? Why or why not? 七、书面表达(17 分) 请根据下列提示,写一篇 90 词左右的文章,介绍你的好友王明。 1.王明是我最好的朋友。业余时间他喜欢绘画和阅读,他也痴迷于音乐。 2.父母很不支持他,但是他没有放弃梦想。 3.起初,他的音乐只在网络上受欢迎。现在越来越多的人开始了解他。 4.他很有音乐天赋,这就是他能成名的原因。 5.他写了许多年轻人喜欢的歌曲。他靠着不懈的努力,终于实现了梦想。 参考答案 一、1. tonight 2. value 3. instrument 4. central 5. common 6. Though/ Although 7. lasting 8. musician 9. praising 10. presented11. country 12. famous/known 13. form 二、1―5 ABACB 6―10 CBBCA 11―15 CDCAB 16―20 DBABD 三、1―5 DABBA 6―10 CCCDA 四、1―5 BCDDA 6―10 DACDB 五、1. He is best known/ famous for providing homeless children with home, 2. The music was made up by an African American. 3. I was praised by the teacher because I made progress in study. 4. Our English teacher always encourages us to speak English as much/ often as possible after class. 5. Amy has a gift for writing. 6. People thought highly of Zhang Hua's brave act. 7. His suggestion is of great value to us/ is very valuable to us. 六、1. Because he is suffering from having too much to do. 2. They can protect him from having too much to do. 3. Yes. Because I can't get along with my classmates./ Because I can't balance my schoolwork and my hobbies./Because I have too much homework to do. No. Because my teachers and my parents often give me some advice and help me in my life. 七、 Wang Ming is my best friend. In his spare time, he likes drawing and reading. He is also crazy about music. His parents don't support him, but he doesn't give up his dream. In the beginning, his music was popular only on the Internet. Now more and more people begin to know about him. He has great musical talent. That's why he has become famous. He has written many favourite songs for the young people. His dream has come true because of his hard work. 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit6) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1.Here's a list of the most famous (导演)names. 2.The river turned green after too much (废料)was put into it. 3.Can you tell us how many (亚洲的)tigers there are in the zoo? 4.The programme (报道)different sports, such as basketball and football. 5.Ma Yun is always considered as one of the world's (富有的)men. 6.You can learn a lot about (真实生活的)events from these reports. 7.It's (傻的;愚蠢的)of you not to forgive others for their mistakes. 8.The teacher asked us to make a (对话)with the words on the blackboard. 9.All the students are looking forward to the (即将来临的)New Year's Eve. 10.There is an (最新的)style of this year's fashion. 11.—Can I get some medicine for my heart disease? —I'm afraid you can't you show me a doctor's note. 12.—Where are these flowers from? —From my music .They told me they loved my music very much. 13.—What programme do you like best? —The show. There are always famous people talking about their lives on these shows. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1. I watched a documentary last night,so I feel tired now. A. 4-hours B.4-hours' C.4-hour's D. 4-hour ( )2. The most beautiful and modern clothes for women this winter were shown in the fashion show. A. newest B. up-to-date C. late D. new ( )3. I am very busy this Sunday, I will go to the folk concert with you. A. When B. Until C. Unless D. If ( )4. waste of time it is to watch so many ads on TV! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )5.—Listen, it's too noisy in the teachers' office. —Go and see they have finished correcting the papers yet. A. though B. unless C. if D. until ( )6. The TV station will begin to programmes tonight. A. send away B. send for C. send out D. send up ( )7. A book show in Shanghai last month. A.was happened B. was held C. was taken place D. has taken place ( )8. My friend, Tom, me for an hour yesterday. A. keep; wait B. keeping; waited C. kept; waiting D. keeps; to wait ( )9. The professcr's speech between children and their parents. A. covered the problems B. covered the questions C. including the problems D. including the questions ( )10. Let's vote our favourite super boy the Internet. A. on; over B. for; in C. to; on D. for; on ( )11. Ann saw a man sunglasses the building and go upstairs. A. with; enter B. in; to enter C. wear; entering D. with; entered ( )12. I will be angry invited to the party. A. as I am B. if I am C. unless I am not D. if I am not ( )13. people think that Charlie is the perfect person the main role in the film. A. A number of; for B. A number of ; to C. The number of; for D. Numbers of; with ( )14. I wonder if he next month. If he , I will show him around my university. A. comes; will come B. will come; comes C. will come; will come D. comes; comes ( )15. We are covering these girl′s wonderful performance . A. alive; live B. lively; alive C. lively; live D. alive; living ( )16. you invite Tom to the party? He at home now. A. Why don't; may be B. Why not; may C. What about; maybe D. Why don't;maybe ( )17. Students must TV because it's bad for their eyes. A. be stopped to watch B. be stopped from watching C. stop to watch D. stop from watching ( )18. If I am wanted on the telephone, ask him to leave a . A. message B. letter C. diary D. sentence ( )19. If the government pay attention to the safety of food, our health in danger. A. isn't; is B. isn't; will be C. doesn't; will be D. won't; is ( )20.―I'll give you 500 for the coat. ― ! A. Done B. That's right C. Well done D. Not at all 三、完形填空(10 分) How old was I? I can't remember. Maybe I was only 10. It was the first 1 without my father. He left me to fill that sad place in my mother's heart. It was the Christmas when I stopped being a 2 and tried to play Father Christmas myself. I really wanted to make it happy and bright again. Mom first saw the coat at Tobias, a nice 3 shop in our town's little shopping mall. It was dark green. And it was a long, heavy, wool dress coat. "I need a new coat." Mom smiled before the mirror. She looked good in any clothes, 4 this coat suited her much better. She looked at the 5 , then hung the coat back on the rack, standing there once more to 6 the smooth brush of wool. Eighty-seven dollars. But I decided to buy it for her. As we moved on 7 the mall, I found some excuse to return and asked one of the Tobias ladies to 8 the coat. I helped clean every yard in our neighbourhood―some yards twice, and soon I got the coat. The store ladies helped me put it in their biggest 9 with bright blue paper and thick silver ribbon(丝 带).I don't remember how I got it home, but I can still feel the wonderful excitement and pride that filled me. I would imagine the big space which the box would take up under our tree. Here it was―joy, peace and 10 ―all in the box, waiting for Mom′s surprise. surprise. ( )1. A. Easter B. Christmas C. Halloween D. Thanksgiving ( )2. A. child B. son C. student D. teacher ( )3. A. children's B. women's C. girl's D. men's ( )4. A. though B. or C. for D. and ( )5. A. price B. design C. color D. material ( )6. A. taste B. feel C. sound D. smell ( )7. A. through B. over C. past D. across ( )8. A. sell B. send C. keep D. wash ( )9. A. tank B.basket C. bag D. box ( )10. A. courage B. confidence C. love D. honesty 四、阅读理解(20 分) The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world, the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East. Merchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk, of course.They also carried and traded other things like spices(香料), cloth, jewels and gold. Along and around these ancient paths, have come many fascinating(迷人的)and mysterious stories. It is said that Roman soldiers( 战 士 )who lost a war travelled through central Asia. They decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villages. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the legend(传说)of the blond-haired, blue-eyed tribes(部落)of China was started. Some historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country Israel. They were prisoners(俘虏)of war almost 2800 years ago. People say that these people travelled along the Silk Road. They kept their Jewish way of life for a longer time. During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas. It included people and trading goods from different areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures. In modern times, the old Silk Road routes are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples. ( )1. It is clear that . A. the Silk Road was divided into Europe, Africa and Asia B. roman soldiers would like to travel along the Silk Road C. people could travel to different countries along the Silk Road D. people shared only silk on the Silk Road ( )2. The underlined word "Merchants" in the passage probably means A. customers B. businessmen C. soldiers D. teachers ( )3. According to the passage, . A. the Silk Road began with the wars B. the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers in China C. people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago D. people from Israel were not included among people on the Silk Road ( )4. The old Silk Road routes are still used because. A. there are many old stories about them B. the historians and scientists think highly of them C. China will make good use of the Silk Road again . D. people cart keep on travelling and trading along them ( )5. The best title for the passage can be. A. Stories along the Silk Road B. Silk Road Museum C. Trade for Silk D. The West and the Far Fast As an English, I can speak three languages—English, German and French, so do you think the British people are very good language learners? The fact is that they aren’t. Some statistics (数据) from the survey done by the European Commission (欧盟委员会) showed that 62% of the British people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more. From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe. And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-spoken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. That’s why my people don’t think it is necessary to learn a foreign language. In Britain, students are not required to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only an option at school. In UK schools it is common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why don’t students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think it is more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history. To solve this situation, the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices. Changing the British attitude (态度) to learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try! ( )6. Which country does the writer come from? A. America. B. China. C. Britain. D. Egypt. ( )7. Which of the following about the British people is true? A. They are good language learners. B. 62% of them speak two or more languages. C. They are famous for speaking foreign languages. D. More than half of them only speak English ( )8. According to the passage, students in Britain prefer to learn _____. A. science or German B. history or German C. science or history D. German or French ( )9. In Paragraph 4, “an option” means _____. A. a choice B. a game C. a mistake D. a conversation ( )10. What is the best title of the passage? A. Speaking English B. Foreign Language Learning in UK C. Schools in UK D. Young English Learners 五、句子翻译(14 分) 1.今晚将现场直播那场篮球比赛。 2.除非你是个音乐迷,否则你可能会觉得这场音乐会有点乏味。 3.我刚刚看到三个男人正从大楼出来,手里拿着枪。 4.如果你仔细观看的话,你会发现他导演的那部电影很值得一看。 5.这部纪录片帮助我们近距离观察了野生动物的生活。 6.昨晚那位经理被发现死在了他的办公室。 7.和他交谈简直就是浪费时间。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people's lives. But,there is a heated discussion on whether television does good or harm nowadays. Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the moatrecent developments in politics and science, and offers different kinds of programs which are both instructive( 增 长 知 识 的 )and exciting. The most distant( 远 的 )countries, the strangestcustoms and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room or house. However, some people insist that television is bad rather than good. They say that it hasbrought about many serious problems. The major one is its influence on young people.Children are now so used to getting their information and entertainment from television thattheir ability to read and write as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Evenworse than that, vulgar( 庸 俗 的 )advertisements and poor programs may develop their badtastes, shape their view points badly towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be destroyed. In a word,television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever influence it has, one point is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is putthat decides its value to society. 1.What are people discussing nowadays? 2.What decides the value of television to society according to the passage? 3.Do you like to watch TV? What's your opinion(观点)about television? 七、书面表达(17 分) 现代科技的发展已给人们带来了很多便利。请根据以下要点,写一篇短文。 要点:1.过去,人们习惯看报纸和听收音机来知道最新的消息。 2.现在,许多节目都是现场直播。随着因特网的发展,…… 3.人们已意识到了这些变化,因为它们给我们带来了很多好处。 4.相信在将来,…… Modern science and technology is developing very fast. 参考答案 一、1. directors' 2. waste 3. Asian 4. covers 5. richest 6. real-life 7. silly 8. dialogue 9. coming 10. up-to-date 11. unless 12. fans 13. chat 二、1―5 DBCBC 6―10 CBCAD 11―15 ADABC l6―20 ABACA 三、1―5 BABDA 6―10 BACDC 四、1―5 CIBCDA 6―10 CDCA B 五、1. The basketball match will be covered live tonight. 2. You may/ might find this concert a liitle/ a bit/ a little bit boring unless you are a music fan. 3. I saw three men coming out of the building with guns in their hands just now. 4. If you watch carefully, you'll find the film directed by him is well worth seeing. 5. The documentary helps us take a close look at the life of wild animals. 6. The manager was found dead in his office last night. 7. Talking with him is as good as/ simply a waste of time. 六、1. Whether television does good or harm. 2. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. 3. Yes./ No.Television has both advantages and disadvantages./ Television in itself is neither good nor bad./ Watching too much TV will influence the students' study. 七、 Modern science and technology is developing very fast. In the past, people were used to reading newspapers and listening to the radio to know the latest information. But now many programs are covered live. With the development of the Internet, people can know what is happening in every corner of the world at any time. Many people have realized these changes, because these changes have brought us many advantages. I am sure in the future all the industries will become better and people will live a happier life. 中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit8) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1. I believe your phone is (某处)in the room. 2. If you go to Xi'an, you'll find the places there more wonderful than we've commonly (料想). 3. My elder sister stayed (单身的)until she was 30 years old. 4. The soldier was (受伤)in the war but he still continued to fight. 5. He owns a lot of (财富)and is one of the richest men in the world. 6. There are usually many (夫妇)walking around the park. 7. Tom, your (不整洁的)bedroom needs to be cleaned. 8. The child (说谎)to the teacher about his reason for being late. 9. The president's behaviour has made him many (敌人)in recent years. 10. There are usually two people (保卫)at the gate of our neighbourhood. 11.一 Why are you in such a ? 一 The weekly meeting! I'm already late! 12.一 How are your new friends? Are they nice? 一 Pretty nice! I get with them very well. 13.一 How's your trip in California? 一 Terrible. Someone into our room and stole my money when we were out. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1. Anyone any information about the case should contact the police 110. A. of, on B. with, on C. with, at D. for, at ( )2. The doctor must always passing on the disease to his family. A. lead to B. guar against C. care about D. go beyond ( )3. Not everyone knew about the singer, and some even thought she was nobody, but she to be a great singer and won a lot of fans over. A. turned on B. turned off C. turned to D. turned out ( )4. Being blind is something most people can't imagine. A. that B. what C. where D. how ( )5. David was charged robbing a bank. In fact, he wasn't guilty it. A. of; with B. of ; of C. with; of D. with; with ( )6. Tom was seen in the street this morning and I told him . A. playing; don't do so B. playing; not to do so C. play; to do so D. play; don't do so ( )7. is very important and we need to be careful to keen ourselves . A. Safe; safe B. Safety; safety C. Safety; safe D. Safe; safety ( )8. On their journey around the world, the Greens met with lots of things and persons interested them. A. who B. that C. which D. what ( )9. What a day! The car I just now seems to go wrong again. A. have repaired B. have it repaired C. had repaired D. had it repaired ( )10. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. A. that B. which C. when D. who ( )11. I left my keys in the house but I can't find them . A. anywhere: everywhere B. somewhere; anywhere C. somewhere; everywhere D. everywhere; ariywhere ( )12. People didn't know during the night. A. what was happened B. what the murder happened C. what happened D. how the murder has happened ( )13. It's reported that more than one person on the beach. A. murdered B. was murdered C. were murdered D. murders ( )14. The couple their bags with their clothes. A. are busyfilling B. is busy filling C. are busy to fill D. is busy to fill ( )15. Mr Brown's house last night. Something was lost. A. broke into B. was breaking into C. was broken into D. was broke into ( )16. Most of us found Bob. A. it difficult to get on with B. it is difficult to get on with C. that difficult to get on with D. that is difficult to get on with ( )17. My pen . I have looked for it everywhere but still it. A. got lost;don't find B. is missing; don't find C. have got lost;haven't found D. is missing; haven't found ( )18. ―Can you tell me Li Yan will get the first prize again in the competition? ―Yes, I′m sure. She is the top student we all admire. A. what;which B. whether; that C. when;whether D. that; which ( )19. ―Do you know everybody came to the club? ―No, I don't know the one you had a long talk with. A. that; / B. whose; that C. that; which D. /; whom ( )20. ―My necklace is gone. ― . A. That's all right B. Never mind C. I'm sorry to hear that D. You're welcome 三、完形填空(10 分) Recently, I felt like I reached very low point in life. My relationships weren't good, I wasn't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to 1 . My life seemed to be full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed 2 to me. I wasn′t sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but I didn′t know who or what would 3 that. During these days. I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight. I had no 4 but to tell my dad. He 5 the book The Secret. I immediately bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm 6 quite a stubborn person, but the influence on my mood after finishing the book was obvious(明显的).Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and quick 7 in my life before. In fact, the book's message was very 8 ―think positively(积极地).The book had many success stories about how people were able to make money, soul mates( 心 灵伙 伴 ) and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to thank 9 in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work 10 I believe these people's success stories. Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness. ( )1. A. take care of B. come up with C. look down D. look forward to ( )2. A. helpful B. colourful C. peaceful D. powerful ( )3. A. serve B. offer C. answer D. prevent ( )4. A. problem B. choice C. need D. doubt ( )5. A. borrowed B. collected C. returned D. recommended ( )6. A. always B. mainly C. finally D. seldom ( )7. A. breath B. notice C. surprise D. change ( )8. A. hard B. interesting C. simple D. boring ( )9. A. everything B. nothing C. none D. anything ( )10. A. until B. when C. unless D. before 四、阅读理解(18 分) Some plants can produce bad smell to protect themselves. Also some plants have thorns(刺) as roses. The leaves of some plants can change colour. Some plants can eat insects! Lots of animals try to eat plants. But some plants have their ways of fighting back. For example, thistles(奶蓟草), roses, and many other plants are covered with sharp thorns.When a big animal tries to bite them, it hurts! It can be quite cold in late winter―too cold for most flowers to grow. But some plants can make their own heat Take a skunk cabbage(臭菘).That's the name of a plant that blooms(开花)earlier than most other North American flowers. As the flower bud grows, it sometimes makes enough heat to melt(融化)its way through snow and even ice! The heat also helps the flower give off a smell like meat which has gone bad. And this attracts many insects that have come out early. The flies go inside the flower for food. Ha-ha, it's a trick! There's no food. But while a fly is in there, it gets covered with pollen(花粉).Then it may spread this pollen to the next skunk cabbage. Fooled you twice, little fly! When an antelope(羚羊)or another large animal eats the leaves of an African acacia(金合 欢)tree, the tree may call out a warning. How? It may talk with gas! First the tree sends some chemicals into its leaves to make them taste bad. But it also rnay send a special gas out through its leaves. As the gas drifts to other acacia trees, it "tells" those trees, "Look out, hungry animals are coming !" Then the other trees start sending the chemicals into their leaves. Soon, the antelope finds the first tree's leaves too terrible to eat. And when it moves to the next tree, and the next, and the next, it finds that their leaves taste too bad. The antelope may have to walk more than 50 yards away to find a tree it can eat! ( )1. How does a thistle protect itself? A. Its leaves can change colour. B. It can grow right up through the hard road. C. Its sharp thorns can hurt big animals. D. Its leaves are not delicious at all. ( )2. The skunk cabbage can give off a smell like bad meat in order to . A. melt the snow and even ice B. attrart insects to spread pollen from flower to flower C. kill the`flies going inside the flower D. fool the flies twice for fun ( )3. Which is the right order of the following statements? a. The leaves of the acacta tree give away a special gas. b. The antelope comes to eat the leaves of the acacia tree. c.The other trees also make their leaves not good to eat. d.The antelope goes away after trying leaves of the next tree. A. b-a-c-d B. c-d-a-b C. b-c-a-d D. a-c-b-d ( )4. In what way does the writer tell us how plants-can protect themselves? A. By using a few numbers. B. By telling stories one after another. C. By following the order of time. D. By giving examples. ( )5. The passage is mainly about . A. the importance of protecting forests B. the balance between animals and plants C. the ways of plants fighting against enemies D. the relationship between plants and animals Could the students from less developed areas in central and western China get the same educational chances as those in big cities in the east? Could the children in poor rural (农村) areas develop as well as those in rich cities? Maybe the answers were “No” in the past. But now, China is trying to change the situation. In order to help rural students grow taller and stronger, China’s Nutrition (营养) Improvement Program started in 2011. According to the program, a lot more money was spent improving students’ meals. More than 36 million students from 134,000 primary and junior high schools in poor rural areas have benefited from the program. They are provided with healthy food like eggs and milk from Monday to Friday at school. And the result of a survey shows that the students in those areas are much taller and stronger than before. It is true that there were differences between less developed areas and developed areas in education before. Recently, The Guideline for Popularizing High School Education (2017-2020) has come out. According to the guideline, above 90% students from all over the country will go to high schools by 2020. What’s more, the schools in central and western areas will get more support to improve their education. Students from rural and poor areas also get more chances to receive higher education. A special college program makes it possible for more students from those areas to go to key (重点 的) colleges and universities. The number will be increased by 10% in 2017. With the guideline and the programs, we can expect a fairer and more balanced (均衡的) education in the future. ( )6. The number of 134,000 in Paragraph 2 is the number of _______ in poor rural areas. A. the key schools B. the poor students C. the key colleges and universities D. the primary and junior high schools ( )7. The underlined word “benefited” in Paragraph 2 means _______ in Chinese. A. 逃离 B. 获益 C. 受害 D. 赚钱 ( )8. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best? (=Para.(自然段) 1 =Para. 2 =Para. 3 =Para. 4 =Para. 5) A. ;; B. ;; C. ;; D. ;; ( )9. After reading the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________. A. Liu Xi, a student from Chongqing, can go to any high school if she wants to B. Li Mei, a student from a western rural school, can get a bag of milk every day C. Hu Jia, a 12-year-old rural student, will more easily receive high school education D. Han Lei, a student from Beijing, will have few chances to go to key universities 五、句子翻译(14 分) 1.你能告诉我你和你的同学相处融洽吗? 2.没有人知道他以什么谋生。 3.我们应该知道如何提防身边任何可能的危险。 4.这就是昨天强行闯人银行的那个男人。 5.这个看起来贫穷的男人结果证明是我们的老板。 6.他坚持说自己和这次的火灾没有任何关系。 7.她如此匆忙以至于把钥匙忘在了家里。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) Ma Yun became one of the richest men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock( 股 票 )market in 2014 with a value of around £140 billion-the largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him on the way to success. Ma made his first trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After searching for "beer",he saw that no results came up about China. "Then he searched for "China" and still saw no results. He decided to set up a Chinese website-the seen for Alibaba was sown(播种). Ma said he was refused many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and few companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times. It was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager because of limited resources. However, he found that he could learn English well by giving tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it for nine years. Ma said that tourists opened up a new world for him because everything they said and did was so different from what he had been taught at school and by his parents. Ma's hero is Forest Clump who never gives up. When he made a speech about his success at Davos(达沃斯论坛)in 2015. Ma said, "Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get. " 1. How did Ma Yun learn English well when he was a teenager? 2. What does Ma Yun mean by saying "Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"? 3. Do you think Ma Yun is great? What can you learn from his story? 七、书面表达(19 分) 根据下面提示,写一篇 90 词左右的短文,描述一起谋杀案件。 1.昨晚 11 点到 12 点之间,人民路上发生了一起谋杀案,被害者是一名司机,四十多岁 2.案发时,有人听到被害者求救。受害人受了刀伤,流血过多而死。 3.警方已经悬赏五万元,以获取重要线索。 4.如果你有任何信息,请拨打 110 和警方联系。 参考答案 一、1. somewhere 2. supposed 3. single 4. wounded 5. wealth 6. couples 7. untidy 8. lied 9. enemies 10. guarding 1l. hurry 12. along/on 13. broke 二、1―5 BBDAC 6―10 BCBCA 11―15 BCBAC 16―20 ADBAC 三、1―5 DABBD 6―10 AIDCAB 四、1―5 CBADC 6―9 DBCC 五、1. Can you tell me if/ whether you get along/ on (well) with your classmates? 2. No one knows what he does for a living. 3. We should know how to guard against any possible danger around us. 4. This is the man who broke into the bank yesterday. 5. The man who looked poor turned out to be our boss. 6. He insisted that he had nothing to do with the fire this time. 7. She was in such a hurry that she left her keys at home. 六、1. By giving tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. 2. We shouldn't give up./We should keep trying different things. 3. Yes. We should not give up when we are refused./Keep trying and one day we can achieve success. 七、 Last night, a murder took place between eleven and twelve on Renmin Road. A driver was murdered. He was in his forties. At the time of the crime, someone heard him shouting for help. The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result. So far, the police have offered a reward of 50,000 yuan for important clues. If you have any information, please call/ contact the police on 110. 中考英语总复习练习(9B Unit1) 一、词汇检测(13 分) l.The theatre is about three (四分之一)full. The film is very interesting. 2.Mr Li walked into the bedroom and (悬挂)his coat on the wall. 3. New York is in the (东部)part of the USA. It's a busy and great city. 4. Farmers are encouraged to use (技术)as a tool to develop agriculture. 5. My little cat Mimi was found (躺)in the sun when I walked past. 6. Some people prefer (日本的)food as it's delicious. 7. In the old times, most people thought the (形状)of the earth was flat. 8. The park is (东南方)of our school, so we always play in it after school. 9. The standard of your work has fallen from the (水平)we expect from you. 10. It's said that there will be an (地下的)shopping centre in our town. 11. People in China, as everyone knows, use instead of forks and knives while eating. 12. 一 Do you have any friends? 一 Yes. They taught me Hindi. 13. 一 What's the of China 一 More than 1.3 billion in 2017. It will he larger this year. 二、单项填空(20 分) ( )1. The doctor advised Mary strongly to take a rest,but didn't help. A. what B. which C. it D. one ( )2.一 Would you like to go riding with me tomorrow? 一 Sure, I'm busy. A. since B. when C. until D. unless ( )3.一 Have you got any books on English grammar? I want to borrow . 一 Yes, here you are. But you must return it by Friday. A. it B. one C. some D. that ( )4. An average(平均)of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making the driest year since California became a state in 1850. A. each B. it C. this D. one ( )5.一 Look at the clouds, so beautiful! 一 Wow, so many different , horses, sheep, flowers... A. sizes B. shapes C. colors D. styles ( )6. of the news written in English on the Internet. A. Three quarters; are B. Three quarters; is C. Three fourths; are D. Three fourth; is ( )7.一 Which country would you like to after you visit Korea? —Thailand. A. arrive B. get C. leave for D. arrive at ( )8. The White House is a beautiful build a big garden and many trees. A. has B. which have C. have D. with ( )9. , we met Lucy. A. On the way school B. In the way back to school C. On the way to school D. On the way back to here ( )10. His friends found him everything that happened. A. it's necessary to tell B. that necessary telling C. it necessary to tell D. necessary to tell ( )11. Shanghai lies the east of China and the north-east of Guangdong. A. in; in B. to; to C. to; in D. in; to ( )12. Shanghai is not only famous its beauty but also famous an international city. A. for; for B. as; as C. for; as D. as; for ( )13. The experts think that India's population may be than China's 2020. A. much; by B. more; in C. larger; by D.larger; on ( )14. ―Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean? ―Yes, but it needs to go the clouds for hours. A. across; through B. through; over C. across; across D. over; in ( )15. of them felt very tired but quite happy after sports meeting. A. Everyone; a two days B. Every one; the two days C. Every one; a two-day D. None; a two day ( )16. I think important we should learn English well. A. is; that B. it; that C. it's; what D. it; what ( )17. The Smiths are considering to Hainan because they the cold weather here. A. flying; aren't used to B. not flying; don't use to C. not to fly; didn't use to D. to fly; aren't used to ( )18. It was such a day that I felt so . A. tiring; tired B. tiring; tiring C. tired; tired D. tired; tiring ( )19. There are many shops on side of the street and they until midnight every day. A. both; are open B. either; aren't closed C. either; are closed D. both; aren't closed ( )20. ―Hi Linda. I felt so nervous about tomorrow's test. ― . You can pass it. A. take it easy B. Congratulations C. Have a good time D. Help yourself 三、完形填空(10 分) Years ago, while I lived in England, part of my college task was to help the children with special needs. I was chosen to work in a school with disabled children. The teacher asked me to 1 Nancy, a ten-year-old girl. One of her hands could not move. At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement 2 she was able to put on her own coat. But I saw more in her. She had always wanted to put a string(线) 3 the hole of a key. For the 5 years Nancy was in the school, the teachers always 4 to help her, but always ended up doing all the work for her. I knew Nancy could do 5 , So I encouraged her to do something herself. At first Nancy often failed and got very 6 . Sometimes I wanted to give up too. However, after a week Nancy was able to do 7 she had wanted to alone for so many years. Her teachers cried 8 when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement. Disabled people should 9 be told they can't do this or that. With just some encouragement they can do it. I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves 10 telling them they can't. Something is so small, but it can make a difference. ( )1. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look over ( )2. A. before B. through C. if D. until ( )3. A. through B. across C. over D. into ( )4. A, failed B. refused C. agreed D. tried ( )5. A. less B. more C. nothing D. anything ( )6. A. excited B. pleased C. unsafe D. unhappy ( )7. A. which B. that C. what D. how ( )8. A. in danger B. in fear C. with care D. with joy ( )9. A. never B. always C. often D. sometimes ( )10. A, instead of B, because C. together with D. more than 四、阅读理解(18 分) Believe it or not, going to school is not a legal(法定的)requirement in the United States. It is a legal requirement that all kids should be educated, though. When parents believe they can give their kids a better education―or have other reasons for not wanting to send their kids to a local school―they may choose home schooling. However, if a kid hates school, home schooling is probably not the escape(逃避)he is looking for. Home schooled students can learn just as much as they would in regular school if they and their parents work hard to cover all the necessary subjects and experiences necessary. Parents who home school usually have higher levels of education than parents who do not. They already have the skills to educate themselves about teaching their kids. Parents who home school have to be able to put the time and skill into not just teaching, but also researching lesson plans and resources. So they have to know how to find the information necessary to teach their kids. State schools often provide home-schooling parents with a course, books and materials and places to meet. Some state schools will point parents to other resources for brushing up on forgotten subjects. Or parents may receive continuing education at local colleges or universities. ( )1. According to American law, . A. all kids shall go to school B. all kids must receive education C. home schooling parents shall receive continuing education D. state schools must give support to home-schooling parents ( )2. According to the text, most home-schooling parents . A. are short of money B. dislike schools C. used to work as teachers D. are well-educated ( )3. Which of the following is NOT true about parents who home school? A. They should have enough time. B. They should have some skills in teaching. C. They have to be able to know lesson plans and resources. D. They must receive special courses at the university. ( )4. The underlined phrase "brushing up on" means . A.复习 B.改变 C.选择 D.讨论 ( )5. What can be inferred from the text? A. Home schooled kids learn fewer. B. Home schooled kids spend less time studying. C. Being a home schooling parent needs a lot of effort. D. Home schooling will replace(代替)school education. It was already 8:30 in the morning. Lin Tao, a 14-year-old schoolboy, still didn’t show up at school. He was often later for school! The teacher called his father and got to know he played computer games online late the night before and couldn’t get up that morning. In fact, he had played online games since the age of 11. He almost dropped out of school last year. Lin Tao is not alone. Information from China Internet Center shows that the number of teenage Internet users in China had been about 170 million by the end of December, 2016. Many of them, like Lin Tao, spend too much time playing computer game online. To deal with this problem, the Chinese government worked out a draft regulation (法规草案) in January this year. According to the regulation, players need to use their own ID cards to play online games. game companies will control teenagers’ online game time. They will not be able to play online games between 12:00 at night and 8:00 in the morning. If they are still playing during the time, the game companies will lock them out. Many people think that the regulation can surely better protect Chinese young game players online, while others doubt whether it can successful stop them from playing games too much. “More and more people come to know that playing online games too much not only brings teenagers healthy and study problems, but also makes them depressed (沮丧的) and lonely, ” Tong Xiaojun, a director from a university, told CCTV. We need support from the whole society to solve the problem.” ( )6. Which of the following is TRUE about Lin Tao? A. He had a fight with his father. B. He dropped out of school. C. He often arrive later for school. D. He started playing games at 14. ( )7. Under the regulation, players need to if they want to play online games. A. talk with their parents B. pay for them C. call the game companies D. use their own ID cards ( )8. According to the regulation, teenagers will not be able to play online game at _____. A. 8:00 pm B. 11:00 pm C. 6:00 am D. 9:00 am ( )9. We can learn from the passage that ______. A. not many young people have the same problem as Lin Tao in China B. it is impossible to control teenagers’ online game time C. The game companies will offer teenager prizes if they play well D. everyone should play a part in controlling teenagers’ online game time 五、完成句子(14 分) 1.这张书桌占据了我的卧室太多的空间。 2.她常常梦想能观看升国旗仪式。 3.你知道哪个国家是世界上第二大人口大国吗? 4.我发现和当地人交流很困难。 5.南京是一座古城,位于长江两岸。 6.这家旅店为顾客提供高水准的服务。 7.位于古城中心的这条街道以各种小吃而闻名。 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) Dear Helen, Thanks for your last letter. Yes, I'm enjoying myself on my exchange program in France. It's even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family are really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldn't believe how quickly my French has improved! I'm feeling very comfortable when speaking French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn't make me worried as it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really not the same as the way they are at home. For example, you shouldn't put your bread on your plate. You should put it on the table! I thought that was very strange at first, but now I'm used to it. You shouldn't eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit!(You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.)Another thing is that it is very rude to say you're full. If you don't want any more food, you should just say, "It was delicious. " Also, it's rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows(肘部),on the table. I have to say. I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm gradually(渐渐地)getting used to things and don't find them so strange any more. I'll write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope you're having a good school year. Yours, Li Ying 1. How does Li Ying feel while she is speaking French now? 2.When can Li Ying eat things with her hands there? 3.Do you want to take part in this exchange programs Why or why not? 七、书面表达(19 分) 请写一篇 90 词左右的短文,介绍一下中国的特别行政区一香港。 1.被誉为“东方明珠”( the Oriental Pearl),坐落于中国南部: 2.面积 1,104 平方千米,人口七百多万; 3.人们讲粤语(Cantonese)、普通话和英语; 4.旅游胜地,迪斯尼乐园和海洋公园适合带孩子的家庭旅游; 5.购物天堂,可以买到来自全世界的商品。 如果你去那儿旅游,……(请发挥 1-2 点) 参考答案 一、1. quarters 2. hung 3. eastern 4. technology 5. lying 6. Japanese 7. shape 8. south-east 9. level 10. underground 11. chopsticks 12. Indian 13. population 二、1―5 CDBBB 6―10 BCDCC 11―15 DCCAC 16―20 BAABA 三、1―5 ACADB 6―10 DCDAA 四、1―5 BDDAC 6―9 CDCD 五、1. The desk takes up too much space in my bedroom. 2. She always dreams of watching the raising of the national flag. 3. Do you know which country has the second largest population in the world? 4. I found it (was) hard to communicate with the local people. 5. Nanjing is an ancient city which lies on both sides/ the two sides/ either side of Changjiang River. 6. The hotel provides a high level of service for the customers/ provides the customers with a high level of service. 7. The street (which/ that is) in the middle of the ancient city is famous for different kinds of snacks. 六、1. Very comfortable. 2. She can eat things with her hands when she has bread. 3. Yes. Because I want to learn the language/ improve the language/ learn the culture/ make friends/ visit the famous places. No. Because I'm afraid I won't get used to the life there/ I can't get along well with my host family. 七、 Hong Kong is called the Oriental Pearl by many people. It lies in the south of China. It is about 1,104 square kilometers in size, with over 7 million people living there. People there speak Cantonese, Chinese and English. Hong Kong is a good place to travel. Hong Kong Disneyland and the Ocean Park are suitable for families with children. It's also a perfect place to go shopping. You can buy things from all over the world. If you take a tour of Hong Kong by yourself, you will enjoy the delicious food and learn more about its culture. 中考英语总复习练习(9B Unit2) 一、词汇检测(13 分) 1. Because of the snow, the pilot had to (降落)the plane in another place. 2. The grass is found in every ocean, from the (表面)to the deep sea. 3. His parents have made a decision to send him to the UK for (进一步的) study. 4. Was Columbus one of the first (欧洲人)to discover America? 5. She told me many (优势)of living in the city, but the living cost is quite high, as we know. 6. While experiencing the excitement of skiing, people can also see different (不出名 的)beautiful flowers and plants there. 7. Please take down the two (发明者)names so that we can get in touch with them as soon as possible. 8. Travelling (增进)one's knowledge of the world. 9. They do experiments in their own (实验室)on the third and fourth floors. 10. We met with a storm when the plane was flying over the (太平洋的) Ocean. 11.一 Are you kidding? This necklace is too expensive! 一 Madam,it is made by . It's different from those made with machines. 12.一 Are there any good reads you can suggest? 一 You are asking the right person. I to know a few good ones. 13.一 Why was the show finished so early? 一 The bad weather made us have to cut our show . 二、单项填空((20 分) ( )1. Bernard Shaw was a great English playwright who died . A. at his age of 94 B. at age of 94 C. in the age of 94 D. at the age of 94 ( )2.一 What do you think of the film Zhan LangⅡ? 一 It's fantastic. The only pity is that I the beginning of it. A. missed B. was missing C. will miss D. miss ( )3. 一 Have you ever Lu Xun? —Sure, he is a great writer. A. heard B. heard from C. heard of D. hear of ( )4.—Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. —Yes, they are the our nation. A. proud of B. pride of C. pleased with D. known for ( )5. Whether his project will be successful to be seen. A. seems B. looks C. keeps D. remains ( )6. As the idea of low-carbon(低碳)life is now accepted, more and more people travel by public transport. A. mainly B. slightly C. widely D. deeply ( )7.—Jenny, the package you're looking forward to just now. —Great! Thank you. A. arriving B. will arrive C. arrive D. arrived ( )8. He to cut the flight short, but he didn't do so. A. was ordered B. ordered C. orders D. was ordering ( )9.It is known to all that Watt the steam engine while Marie Curie the element radium. A. invented; discovered B. invented; invented C. discovered; discovered D. discovered; invented ( )10. The real reason why prices , and still are, too high is hard to say, and no short discussion can explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been ( )11. With the of society, our environment is getting worse. So we should do what we can it. A. develop; protect B. developing; to protect C. development; protect D. development; to protect ( )12. ―Has your friend completed his design? ―Not yet. He on it last night. A. worked B. has worked C. is wrking D. was working ( )13. They are always come and leave. A. first; last B. first to: last to C. the first to; the last to D. the first of; the last of ( )14. Neil has been interested in since he took his first when he was six. A. fly; flying B. flight; fly C. flight; flying D. flying; flight ( )15. A number of tourists Changzhou many times because it's such a beautiful city. A. have been to B. has been to C. has gone to D. have gone to ( )16. ―Could you tell me ? He is wanted by the boss. ―Sorry, I've no idea. But he here just now. A. where Tim was; was B. where is Tim; was C. where Tim is; is D. where Tim is; was ( )17. ―Look! clean the river looks! ―Yes. I'm sure somebody it up. A. What; has cleaned B. How; has cleaned C. What;cleaned D. How; cleaned ( )18. Suddenly, there was something wrong with the plane in the sky. But the bright pilot managed the plane at the airport safely. A. to land B. to landing C. landing D. land ( )19. Would you please let me know how long ? A. has your uncle married B. it is since your uncle got married C. your uncle had been married D. your uncle has got married ( )20. ―Don't you think there's life on Mars? ― A. Yes, I agree. B. Yes, of course not. C. Yes. I don't think so. D. What's wrong? 三、完形填空(10 分) My name is Philippe and my wife's name is Sophie. We're from France. Recently we were faced with a 1 situation while traveling by car in the mountains with our hired driver. Just as we began to doze(打盹), the car made a strange, loud noise and then 2 working. We tried communicating with the driver but with little 3 , because he couldn't speak French. He tried to tell us with body language that he was going to get help and then he left. We were in a poor area, with no houses in sight. We started to hear the cries of wild animals. Sophie was very afraid. We didn't have much food and it was getting 4 and darker. I began to lose 5 . Should we leave the car? Would our driver ever 6 ? Was he a trustworthy man? We were very worried. A couple of hours passed. 7 , the headlights from another car appeared in the dark. A man got out of the car. Finding us cold and hungry, he kindly asked us to get into his car. 8 we left, he put a note on the windshield of the car with his phone number on it. Then he drove us to a nearby village, and we met his family. His cousin spoke French and he offered us tea and local foods. 9 asked us questions and they were excited to have unexpected guests. Later that evening, the phone rang. It was our driver. He had kept his word and fixed the car. I will 10 forget the warmth we received on that day because we depended on a complete stranger for help. ( )1. A. difficult B. suitable C. pleasant D. hopeful ( )2. A. started B. stopped C. continued D. finished ( )3. A. suspect B. advice C. magic D. success ( )4. A. colder B. warmer C. heavier D. lighter ( )5. A. memory B. way C. confidence D. interest ( )6. A. leave B. return C. drive D. wait ( )7. A. Suddenly B. Sadly C. Exactly D. Safely ( )8. A. Whenever B. After C. Before D. Until ( )9. A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone D. Anyone ( )10. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never 四、阅读理解(20 分) There exist cruel( 残酷的 ) wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, so it's not only necessary, but also essential( 必 不可 少的 )to have a good sense of humor just to help us go through difficult times in our lives. Putting a smile on someone′s face when I know he is feeling depressed, as the saying goes, makes me feel good and warms my heart. How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co-worker neighbor, close friend, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with. My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine. This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is a common manner to speak to others that are around us. I know of a few people that don't have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say. Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face. They don't get the joke that makes others laugh. I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space. How can people not get a really funny joke Laughing is essential to keeping your stress levels under control. Without humor, we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological (心理的)problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy. There is too much sadness in this present world. It drives people crazy. We all need to find a way to avoid the sadness and bring a little light into our lives. I believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun ( )1. According to the author, humor is useful in the aspect(方面)that . A. it can lift people's spirits(情绪) B. it can help people get on well with others C. it can help avoid cruelty in the world D. it makes people more confident ( )2. The underlined phrase "busting a gut" in the 3rd paragraph can be replaced by . A. keeping silent B. speaking loud C. laughing hard D. explaining carefully ( )3. The author answers the question in the second paragraph with . A. facts and reasons B. stories and suggestions C. examples and conclusion D. questions and answers ( )4. In the passage, the author mainly wants to . A. talk about his own understanding of humor B. encourage people to be humorous in daily life C. introduce a practical way to get through daily life D. introduce the power of being optimistic(乐观的)about life ( )5. What is the author's attitude towards the present world? A. Angry. B. Proud. C. Satisfied. D. Critical(批评的). The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world. The Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East. Merchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk, of course. They also carried and traded other things like spices (香料), cloth, jewels and gold. Along and around these ancient path(小路), have come many fascinating and mysterious stories. It is said that Roman soldiers who lost a war travelled through central Asia. They decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villages. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the legend of the blond-haired, blue-eyed tribes of China was started. Some historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country Israel. They were prisoners (俘虏) of war almost 2800 years ago. People say that these people travelled along the Silk Road. They kept their Jewish way of life for a long time. During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas. It included people and trading goods from different areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road. And they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures. In modern times, the old Silk Road routes (路线) are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even silk route museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35, 000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples. ( )6. It is clear that ___________. A. the Silk Road was divided into Europe, Africa and Asia B. Roman soldiers would like to travel along the Silk Road C. people could travel to different countries along the Silk Road D. people shared only silk on the Silk Road ( )7. The underlined word “Merchants” in the passage probably means_______. A. foreigners B. businessmen C. soldiers D. prisoners ( )8. According to the passage, _________. A. the Silk Road began with the wars B. the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers in China C. people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago D. people from Israel were not included among people on the Silk Road ( )9. The old Silk Road routes are still used because . A. there are many old stories about them B. the historians and scientists think highly of them C. China will make good use of the Silk Road again D. people can keep on traveling and trading along them ( )10. The best title for the passage can be . A. Stories along the Silk Road B. Silk Route Museum C. Trade for Silk D. The West and the Far East 五、完成句子(14 分) 1.他碰巧被看见经过了受害者的家。 2.由于大风,我们被迫缩短了旅程。 3.那匹马突然失去了控制。 4.这种手工制作的家具已被广泛使用。 5.这个大型地下购物中心被看作是我们城市的骄傲。 6.你能告诉我你在海军部队服役多少年了吗? 7.你知道电话是什么时候发明的吗? 六、阅读表达(第 1 题 1 分,第 2 题 2 分,第 3 题 3 分;共 6 分) I'm Clara. I still remember that cold December day, sitting in science class. I picked up a Time for Kids magazine. A piece of news caught my eye. NASA(美国航空航天局)was holding a writing competition to name its Mars rover(火星探测器).Before I even knew anything else about it, a single word flooded into my mind: Curiosity(好奇心).I couldn't wait for the bell to ring so I could get started on my writing. That afternoon, I raced home, sat down at the computer, and typed until my fingers ached. "Curiosity is an everlasting flame(火焰)that burns in everyone's mind..." Five months later, my mom received a phone call,and a wide smile spread across her face. On August 5,2012,at 10:31 p. m.,the rover named Curiosity touched down safely on the surface of Mars, and 1 was proud to have a front-row(前排的)seat in NASA. Curiosity is such an important part of who I am. I have always been attracted by the stars, the planets, the sky and the universe(宇宙).I remember as a little girl, my grandmother and I would sit together in the backyard for hours. She'd tell me stories and point out the stars. Grandma lived in China, thousands of miles away from my home in Kansas, but the stars kept us together even when we were miles away. They were always there, yet there was so much I didn't know about them. That's what I love so much about space. People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mars. My answer is simple because we're curious. We human beings do not just hole up in one place. We are always wondering and trying to find out what's over the hill and beyond the horizon(视野). 1. Who held the competition to name the Mars rover? 2. Why did Clara have a front-row seat in NASA? 3. Do you think curiosity is important? Why? 七、书面表达(17 分) 根据下面提示,以“A Great Person”为题,写一篇 90 词左右的短文。 1.爱因斯坦(Einstein)于 1879 年出生在德国,当他还是一个孩子时,他在学校并不开心; 2.他似乎没有其他人那样聪明,考试常常不及格;很多同龄人嘲笑他; 3.后来他成为世界上最伟大的科学家之一,并在 1921 年获得诺贝尔物理学奖(the Nobel Prize for Physics); 4. 1955 年 4 月 18 日,爱因斯坦因病逝世。至今为止,许多人都非常敬佩他。 参考答案 一、1. land 2. surface 3. further 4. Europeans 5. advantages 6. unknown 7. inventors' 8. increases 9. labs/laboratories 10. Pacific 11. hand 12. happen 13. short 二、1―5 DACBD 6―10 CDAAA 11―15 DDCD A 16―20 DBABA 三、1―5 ABDAC 6―10 BACCD 四、1―5 ACCBD 6―10 CBCDA 五、1. He happened to be seen to go past the victim's house. 2. We were forced to cut our journey short/ cut short our journey because of the strong wind. 3. That horse went/ was out of control suddenly. 4. This kind of furniture made by hand has been widely used. 5. The big underground mall is considered to be/ as the pride of our city. 6. Can you tell me how long you have served in the Navy? 7. Do you know when the telephone was invented? 六、1. NASA. 2. Because she won the writing competition held by NASA. / Because she named the Mars rover "Curiosity"./ Because "Curiosity" was chosen as the name of the Mars rover. 3. Yes. Because it makes us ask questions and learn new things. 七、 Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. When he was a child, he was unhappy at school. He didn't seem to be as clever as others and often failed in the exam. Many children of his age laughed at him. Later, he became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. On April 18, 1955, Einstein passed away because of his illness/ died of illness. So far, many people have admired him a lot.

