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对话填空:精讲一、选择类对话 (一)(2009 甘肃兰州) 根据对话内容从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整,符合逻辑,句义通顺。 注意:有多余选项。 A: Excuse me, 81 B: Yes, and you are……? A: 82 . This is my membership card. Would you please show me your passport? B: OK. 83 A: Welcome to Beijing, Miss White. I am so glad that you are the first guest I have received. B: Thank you, Miss Chen. 84 A: Let me help you with your suitcase. Our car is waiting for us just at the entrance. 85 B: Thank you very much for your good service. A: It’s a pleasure. 答案 81-85 DBCEG (二)(2009 山东威海) (二)(2009 山东威海) 答案 A. Who are you? B. I’m an English guide from Beijing China Travel Service. C. Here you are. D. Are you Miss White from New York? E. I’m so lucky that I could meet my guide as soon as I got off the plane. F. Can you help me? G. It will take us to the hotel. (三)(2009 山东烟台) 根据对话内容从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整,符合逻辑,句义通顺。注 意:有多余选项 答案 (四)(2009 南京市) 答案 (五)(2009 朝阳市) 答案 (六)(2009 莆田市) 答案 B D A E C (七)(2009 贵州省安顺市) 答案 (八)2009 吉林省通化市 .根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。(5 分) (Zhang Ming is from a poor village in China. He has an eye problem. He is now talking to a doctor of the Flying Eye Hospital.) Doctor: Good morning, young man! What’s your name, please! Zhang: My name’s Zhang Ming. I’m twelve years old now. I come here to see my eyes. By the way,51._________________ Doctor: We doctors in this hospital fly to different poor places. People with eye problems can come to us. Zhang: 52.________________ Doctor: We give medicine to the poor or do operations(手术) on them. Zhang: I started to have problems with my eyes when I was seven. Now, I can’t see things clearly. Can you help me? Doctor: 53.________________. We’ll try our best. Zhang: My parents don’t have enough money for the medicine or the operation. Doctor: Don’t worry. We get donation(捐款) from all over the world.54._________________ Zhang: I really want to be able to see my parents and you clearly. 71-75 F C G B E Doctor: 55._________________ A. That means you don’t have to pay. B. What do you do exactly? C. That means you have to pay much money. D. We’ll bring you new hope and light. E. Yes, of course. F. what is the Flying Eye Hospital? 【答案】51-55 F B E A D (九)(2009 哈尔滨) (A)从 A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的) A:Hi,Kate,you look SO worried.What’S the matter? B:76 I’ve got a headache,a runny nose and a sore throat. You know the A-H1N1 virus(病毒)is SO scary.I fear... A: 77 B:No,I don’t.I took my temperature just now. A:Don’t worry.A fever is the comnlon symptom(症状)of the disease. 78 B:I hope SO. A: 79 You can get some advice. B:That’S a good idea.80 A:Sure.Let’S go. A.Do you have a fever? B.I’m not feeling well. C.But you’d better go to see a doctor. D.How long have you been like this? E.Will you please go with me? F.Maybe you’ve iust had a cold. G.It’S a pleasure. 76.—— 77.—— 7 8.—— 7 9.—— 80.—— 【答案】76—80.B A F C E (十)(2009 辽宁省锦州市) (A)从方框内所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话,并将代表答案的字母填在答题卡的 相应位置。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) Miss Wu:Can I help you? Li Gang:Yes,I'd like to return this book,please. Miss Wu:21 ______. Li Gang:No,I couldn’t read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages,and then I decided to give up. Miss Wu:22 ______. Li Gang:It wasn’t the language.It was the words.They are too small for me. Miss Wu:23______.What call I do for you then? Li Gang:Well,Pd be glad if you could find me another book. Miss Wu:24______. Li Gang:Yes,but one with bigger words. Miss Wu:25_____. Li Gang:Oh,Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words arc much bigger.Thank you very much Miss Wu:You’re welcome. A.What about this one? B.Did you enjoy the book? C.Another English storybook? D.Yes,they arc really small. E.Oh? But I know you are good at English. 【答案】21--25 B E D C A (十一)( 2009 深圳市) ii,选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.(共 5 小题) Nina:Are you going to Jane’s birthday party, Wendy? Wendy : Yes . I______(51)her invitation yesterday .Are you going tomorrow,Nina? Nina:Yes,of course.I wouldn’t_________(52)her birthday party party for anything. Wendy:Could you tell me what I should take as a birlthday present? Nina:I was going to ask the same question. Wendy:We must hurry.The________(53),the better. Nina:I can’t agree more.Well,I’ll tell you what.Let's_______(54) together right now and pick out what she may like. Wendy:Good________(55)! iii.选择下列句子完成下面对话。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 5 小题) Richard:Hi,Simon_________(56) Simon:Not too good. Richard:Well,the term exam is always more difficult.______(57)You’ll certainly do Better next time Simon: But unluckily, I've never done well in the science exam. Richard: Come on, Simon! Let's talk about the football match tonight . It is much more interesting. Simon: __________ (58) Richard:Yes.It’s between the Chinese team and the Japanese Team. Simon:Er … _________ (59) Richard:Why?Everybody knows you are a football fan. Simon:The Chinese team has always plyed badly in the important matches, just as I have done in the important exams. Richard: Well , I think the team is making good progress.________(60) 【答案】i、BFEAD iii、EDGCA (一)(2009 宁波)根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。选项中有两项 为多余的选项。 Boy: Who do you admire(崇拜)? Girl : 1 Boy : Midori? Who' s that? Girl : 2 Boy: Oh, yeah! She's Japanese, isn't she? Girl: Yes, she was born in Osaka in 1971. 3 When she was fourteen, she toured the United States. I saw her play when I was eight. A. I admire Midori. B. Do you have any of her CDs? C. My grandmother is outgoing. D. When she was eight, she was already a talented violinist. E. She' s a famous violinist. F. Have you ever bought her CDs? G. Really? Why? Boy : Wow. 4 Girl: Yes, I do. I play them all the time. How about you? Who do you admire? Boy: I admire my grandmother, Laura. Girl : 5 Boy: Well, she was born in Russia in 1932. She was an unusual girl because she started ice skating when she was four, and she became a skating champion when she was ten. 【答案】1. A 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. G (二)(2009 黔东南州)用下面框中提供的信息补全对话(其中有两个选项是多余的),并将 所选答案填入答题卡内,完成 1—5 题。 A: What can I do for you ? B: I want a T-shirt for my father. A: 1 ? This kind of T-shirt sells well. B: It looks nice. I think my father will like it. A: 2 ? B: Size M. A: 3 ? We have white, black, yellow and blue. B: Yellow. 4 ? A: One hundred and twenty yuan. B: OK. I’ll take it. 5 . A: Thank you. 【答案】1. F 2. G 3. D 4. B 5. E (三)( 2009 绵羊) 根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳选项,并将答案的标号(A、B、C、 D、E 或 F)写在答卷上指定的位置。选项中有一个为多余选项。 M: Oh, hi, What is your name again? Since this is only the 2nd day of school, I can’t remember the students’ names yet. W: _________1_______I have a hard time remembering names myself. M: Uh, Karen, right? W: ________2________My mom’s name is Karen. M: Nancy, Okay. I think I heard you were from England. W: Well, I was born there, but my parents are American. I grew up in France. M: ______3_________ W: But then we moved here when I was nine. M: _______4________ W: Well, he is a college professor, and he is in Scotland at the moment. M: How interesting! What does he teach? W: Oh, I have no idea. ______5_______He teaches chemistry. A. So, what does your father do now? B. It is okay. C. Nah, just joking. D. What’s your mother’s name? A. Could you please help me? B. How much is it? C. That’s too expensive. D. What color do you want? E. Here is the money. F. How do you like this T-shirt? G. What size would you like? E. Oh, a world traveler! F. No, it is Nancy. 【答案】1-5 BFEAC (四)( 2009 福州) 【答案】

